01-07-1999 •
Januar 7, 1999
6:00 P.M.
Chairman John Moore called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at
6:05 p.m., Thursda Januar 7, 1999, in the Communit Center.
Members present were Chairman John Moore, John Browning, Adelaide Carter, Theresa David,
Nancy Ridner, and Lawrence Holler. Thomas Alcorn arrived at 6:12 p.m. Also present were
Councilman Gar Roberts and Board Coordinator Liz McBride. Nora Al was excused and Daniel
Lewis was recorded absent.
The minutes for October 1, 1998, were presented to the Board for approval. Ms. Carter moved to
approve the minutes as presented, second b Ms. Ridner. Motion CARRIED 6 -0.
1. Review Survey for Edgewater Services
Chairman Moore said he was disappointed to see only 136 responded out of 336 surveys mailed. He
said on the positive side, 79 of 136 respondents were interested in attending a workshop but
unfortunately, 69 percent of the 136 were not interested in annexing. The Chairman reviewed the
statistics b street, and felt the Cit could sell its services.
Mr. Holler asked, other than utilit services, what the Cit had to offer other than higher taxes?
Chairman Moore said that was a tough question, and that was wh the surve was done before looking
into an incentive package.
Mr. Holler felt the EDB should have looked at undeveloped parcels, and tr to get them annexed for
future industrial and commercial use. Chairman Moore said the purpose of the survey was to
indicate who wanted to purchase Cit services and who wanted to talk about annexation. Mr. Holler
reiterated the EDB should be targeting industrial and commercial growth, and wanted to look at the
I -95 area.
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Economic Development Board
January 7, 1999 - Minutes
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. Continued Business:
Mr. Holler asked what Ka response was. Chairman Moore said he didn't know if Ka had
spoken to the Cit Mr. Holler informed the Board, a German compan just bought Ka and the
would be expanding. Mr. Alcorn said he would be meeting with new president And Nagel. Mr
Alcorn informed the Board he had completed the sale of propert north of Ka for use b a boating
compan Industries locating in areas other than Edgewater was discussed.
Mr. Alcorn felt, b the surve results, there was enough interest for the Board and Cit Council to
have a workshop. It needed to be determined what services the respondents had now, what the would
have with us and what the cost difference would be.
Councilman Gar Roberts felt the surve targeted the wrong people because the were mostl
residential. He said the larger commercial and industrial parcels along US 1 would probabl be more
interested in Cit services, and having the services would encourage developers to bu the propert
But, he said, just because water and sewer lines run down the highwa doesn't guarantee an
outside the Cit limits that the can obtain the services. He said if the annexed into the Cit the
would be guaranteed to tie into the infrastructure. B annexing, the Cit would be collecting ad
valorem tax dollars. Mr. Alcorn asked if the Board needed to do another surve Chairman Moore
said ma the Board should ask the Council to target this area, and invite ever concerned to
a workshop. Chairman Moore then reviewed citizen comments from the surve
Chairman Moore felt the intent of the surve had been served, and the next step would be to inform
Council of the Board's findings. Mr. Holler said the Board needed a "game plan" first before asking
Council for direction. Mr. Holler restated, the Cit should be targeting SR 442 at I -95 for
development. Councilman Roberts said the Council is all for bringing in larger companies, but said
those companies would weigh if the population base could support their operations.
Chairman Moore asked the Board if the wanted to send the surve back out to properties along
US 1 or have staff contact them. Mr. Alcorn thought it was time to take action and move forward.
Mr. Alcorn motioned that the EDB ask staff to analyze the most efficient way for the City to annex from
its current southern boundar down US 1, up to and including Kayat on the west and Boston Whaler
on the east, and any contiguous properties they thought would be appropriate, second b Ms. Carter.
Motion CARRIED 7 -0.
Mr. Alcorn further moved that staff consider the benefits to landowners of joinin the Cit and do a cost
anal of what the currentl pa in propert taxes and utilities, and what the cost would be if the were
annexed into the Cit second b Ms. David. Motion CARRIED 7 -0.
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January 7, 1999 - Minutes
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Continued Business:
Ms. Carter asked if staff could find out if grant mone would be available for sewer or water.
Chairman Moore requested that Lynne Plaskett, Planning Director, check for possible grant mone
Councilman Roberts said sometimes the onl wa to get mone to extend infrastructure, especiall
sewer lines, would be if it was a state mandate because of environmental issues.
Councilman Roberts suggested finding out the zoning of the parcels along US 1, because the might
not be commercial or industrial. He said this ma have an influence on who would be willing to
annex into the Cit
For the next meeting, Mr. Holler wanted to know the zoning of all parcels within a 1 mile radius
of SR 442 and I -95. Mr. Alcorn said he would bring a current land use map and the names of the
propert owners to the next meeting.
2. New Businesses fi New Business Owners
a. Assign Board Member Visits
Chairman Moore said he would visit "Nitrosport Marketing Services" and Mr. Holler volunteered
to visit "Signs B George ". Chairman Moore said he had received positive remarks from businesses
about Cit staff, and there seemed to be none of the old problems.
3. EDB Web Page - Update
Chairman Moore said this was an old item and that he hadn't visited the web site y et. Mr. Holler
asked for the domain name.
4. Development of the Land Development Code - Update
Chairman Moore asked if ever received a copy of the proposed land development codes. Mr.
Alcorn said he made comments and recommendations, and also attended the Planning & Zoning
5. F.I.N.D. - Update
Chairman Moore suggested tabling this item until Planning Director Lynne Plaskett could be in
Economic Development Board
January 7, 1999 - Minutes
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1. Elect Chairman and Vice Chairman
Chairman Moore said it had been a great honor to chair the Board and that it had been a great
learning experience. He thanked the members for their support and Board Coordinator for her
John Moore nominated Tom Alcorn to serve as Chairman, second b john Browning. Motion CARRIED
Tom Alcorn nominated john Moore to serve as Vice Chairman, second b Theresa David. Motion
2. Discussion on an Incentive Program
Mr. Holler said the Board should table this item until all the information was available as to what
could be offered as incentives. As far a ad valorem taxes (what would have to be done to receive the
abatement), Mr. Alcorn wanted to lznow what the Edgewater standards were. This item would be
discussed at the next meeting.
3. Southeast Volusia Radio Station
Mr. Alcorn reported the radio station should be up and operating in 30 da He said the station is
funded through the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce, and its purpose is for reporting visitor
and emergenc information.
Chairman Moore referred to information he had received concerning the US 1 Transportation
Stud He said he would attend the meetings in Port Orange on Januar 19, and in New Sm
Beach on Januar 26, to hear the citizen's responses to the stud
Ms. Carter referred to a September newspaper article about a firefighter who developed fire retardant
material. She felt this was a passive business that would work in Edgewater. Mr. Alcorn suggested
Ms. Carter, as a representative of the EDB, send him a letter expressing interest in having him bring
Ls business to the Cit
Mr. Holler asked to have binders provided for Board meeting materials, and have the papers hole
punched. Ms. David requested dividers, with monthl and plain tabs.
Econom Development Board.
January 7, 1999 - Minutes
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Chairman and. Board. Members Reports:
Mr. Holler asked the two visitors in attendance if the had an questions for the Board. The female
resident of a Godfre Road dwelling stated she was at the meeting because she did not want to annex
into the Cit She said the had ever that was needed, and didn't want higher taxes. Mr.
Holler said within the next few months, the Cit would have a good idea of what the costs would be
to annex.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Minutes respectfull submitted b
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board