05-04-1992 - Regular
.MAY 4, 1992
Mayor Wessler called the neeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Ccmrunity Center.
Mayor Tanya Wessler
Councilman Kirk Jones
Councilperson Louise Martin
Councilperson NoraJane Gillespie
Councilman Michael Hays
City Attorney Krista Storey
City Manager George M::Mahon
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Arrived Later
Reverend Ken Zi.rmennan, Edgewater Methodist Church, delivered the invocation.
There was a pledge of allegiance to the Flag.
Special ~ of MaI:ch 30, 1992
Councilperson Martin m:wed the minutes be approved. Councilperson Gillespie
seconded the notion. Councilman Hays requested page 2 reflect that Mr. M:::Mahon
had left the roan between paragraphs 5 and 6. ~tion CARRIED 4-0.
Reqular ~ of April 6, 1992
Councilperson Martin m:wed they be approved. Councilperson Gillespie seconded
the notion. ~tion CARRIED 4-0.
Special ~ of April 15, 1992
Councilman Hays m:wed for approval. Councilperson Martin seconded the notion.
~tion CARRIED 4-0.
Larry ft::DeroDtt, representing Volusia County Business Developrent Corporation,
distributed copies of their reorganization due to a recamendation by the Green
Ribbon Cc.mnittee, noting they increased their Board of Directors to 60 people.
Councilman Jones arrived at this ti.ne, 7:07 p.m.
Tan BaQer, 3032 Mango Tree, presented a petition for paving to Mayor Wessler and
said this is a health hazard.
Cliff Clark, 1818 Evergreen Drive, spoke about the repeat code violations of a
neighbor, detailing the long period of ti.ne the violations have been ongoing.
He spoke in favor of the Code Enforcerrent Officers reporting violations instead
of the public having to call them in. Councilperson Martin pointed out it was
a 6 nonth probation for the Code Officers. There was discussion about prior
responses to violations. Mayor Wessler requested Mark Karet, Ccmrunity
Developrent Director, keep Mr. Clark advised on the status of the pending
Doris Hill, Lincoln Road, stated the public should not have to report code
violations and carplaints, it' s up to the Code Enforcerrent Officers. There was
discussion about the carplaints being confidential so there would be no reason
not to report a violation.
Parks and Recreation Interlocal ~~It with Volusia Camty
Councilperson Gillespie m:wed to accept the consent agenda. Councilperson Martin
seconded the notion. Mayor Wessler suggested the County be approached for
assistance with developrent of the 26 acres. Councilperson Gillespie stipulated
that the City would keep control of it. ~tion CARRIED 5-0.
ReD....--.datien to acceot Ernst & yamq to nr:uvide recart.s en calculations far
arl>it.I'age caIPl.i.aIX:e per T1:easurv :reauiIt2IelIts
Councilperson Gillespie reviewed her research on this issue and requested tine
to study it further. City Manager George M::Mahon and Finance Director Fred Munoz
reviewed the requirenents of arbitrage and Mr. Munoz explained they may have to
do the calculations the first year, then see if they need to do it for the
second, third, and fourth years, and then the fifth year it has to be done.
There was discussion about postponing a decision and Mr. Munoz noted August 1 is
the one year anniversary date. Councilperson Martin m:wed to accept the staff's
recamendation of Ernst & Young. Councilman Jones seconded the IIDtion. Motion
CARRIED 4-1. Councilperson Gillespie voted NO.
Apx>.i.nti.ng three TIIF'DilP-rs to Citizen Code EnfOI.l;t:2lt::uL BoaId due to resiqnations
of Craig Mmscn aId Den Benn.i.n.qtcn aId expiration of tenn of Joan stralq
Councilperson Martin naninated Joan Strong for reappointment. Councilperson
Gillespie naninated Richard A. Jackson. Councilman Hays naninated Donald
Schmidt. Mayor Wessler pointed out she had Mr. Schmidt's nane for appointment
to the Master Bike Path Plan Carmittee. After City Attorney Krista Storey's
explanation that the citizen Code Enforcenent Board is not advisory to Council,
there was discussion about whether Mr. Schmidt would have tine to devote to both
boards. Councilman Hays withdrew his nanination until Mr. Schmidt could be
contacted. Councilperson Gillespie IIDVed to accept Joan Strong and Richard
Jackson. Councilman Hays seconded the IIDtion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
First Reading:
Secarrl Reading: (Public Hearinq)
Presentation of envi..nnnental assessnent report. en Planned IIdustrial Devel~it.
area. by Camtv staff aId presentation of ~ of Gran Central Cal:para.tien
PI'Q)erty bY' PaoeI:ov aId Associates
Joe Martin, Industrial Develq::mant Board Chairman, introduced a Volusia County
environmental specialist who gave an overview of their assessnent. She
recamended the GaJre and Fresh Water Fish Carmission becare involved as soon as
possible and that the City get carbined services of a professional engineer and
an environmental consultant. There was discussion about the arcount of the
property that would be usable.
Mr. Martin then introduced Mr. Richard Allen of pareroy and Associates who
explained they evaluated about 243 acres. Mr. Allen noted this property will be
difficult to develop because of jurisdictional problems. He stated the market
today would be about $1,785,000, or $7,337 an acre for the property.
Mr. Martin stated the Industrial Develq::mant Board will prepare plans based on
this infonnation and will nake recamendations to Council, including how to
finance it. Council nembers offered assistance fran staff and expressed
appreciation for the efforts of the Industrial Develq::mant Board. There was
discussion about whether developing of this land is feasible.
Cha:nqe <kder No. 2 to Phase I of Florida ShoI:es Capital ~~ent PI\.JqLam to
authorize use of prrole reuse pipe at a contract price of $8,277 (FJ:an 4/20/92
reQular JIEeti..nq - Dyer, Riaile, Mills & P.recant will :Leport)
Dan Allen and Ron FerlaId, Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc., explained the
purple pipe was ordered under a field directive so as not to delay the job and
it has a higher cost because demand is high and supplies are low but prices
should be going down by phases 3 and 4. Mr. Ferland stated the Anerican Water
Works and Anerican Public Works Associations went with purple pipe and fran the
tine specifications were written until the tine of bidding the color was changed.
He noted the high degree of reliability and safety by showing it's reclallred
water. There was discussion regarding the tine taken to care to Council and the
prior change order of $50,000 for adding IIDre water lines because of the good
price obtained per linear foot. Councilperson Martin IIDVed to accept the change.
Councilman Jones seconded the IIDtion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
2 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
May 4, 1992
hHi.nq fluoride tI:ea:mEnt at the new.Alan R. 'lbcIIa.s Water Trea:mEut plant (Fran
4/20/92 :reqular DEeti.nq)
Mayor Wessler noted a suggestion was made to her to set up a carmittee to study
this. Councilman Hays requested council decide this, whether as a carmittee or
as an item on the ballot, because it's a public health issue and not a political
issue, but he can't find strong evidence one way or the other. Councilperson
Martin expressed concern with putting sarething alien into the water. Councilman
Jones suggested they put it on the NoveniJer ballot to let the people decide.
Councilperson Gillespie pointed out it will fit on the ballot with cost only for
printing and she reviewed her extensive research into this subject.
Daneen Read, 2526 Royal Palm, represented New ~ Beach Middle School Pl'A and
spoke in favor of fluoride. She stated the American Medical Association,
National Pl'A, American Heart Association, .Anerican Cancer Society, and American
Dental Association endorse it.
Roland Bazin, 1014 South Riverside Drive, read a resolution fran the American
Association of Physicians and Surgeons condermring addition of anYthing to water
supplies and stated people should have the right to take fluoride on a voluntary
basis. He requested it be placed on the referendmn.
Ray Miller, 3110 Sabal Palm, suggested people go to a dentist for fluoride
Dr. Charles Gebelein, 1730 Umbrella Tree, spoke as a chemist regarding the
toxicity of fluoride. He suggested fluoride toothpaste and good dental hygiene
is the solution but treating drinking water is a waste of noney.
Mar:v Arm Malecki, Boston Road, spoke as a registered nurse and health educator
at Daytona Beach Ccmmnity College, noting application of fluoride should be to
the teeth and not the entire body and fluoride can be swished and is part of the
dental cleaning.
Councilperson Gillespie noved they postpone for one year unless they want to kill
it all together and then a:rrended the notion to canpletely do away with the idea
at this tiIre. Councilperson Martin seconded the notion. Councilman Jones
camented on only the 0-10 ages benefitting fran fluoridation. Councilman Hays
noted benefits are limited for the cost involved and we could assist the schools
with a percentage of the noney for fluoride treatm:mt, perhaps with the Pl'A.
Councilperson Gillespie agreed we could assist for those that don't have the
service. M:>tion CARRIED 5-0. Mayor Wessler stated she'll ask Dr. Rogers to
attend the May 18th neeting to explain what ages would benefit.
Mayor Wessler called a recess at 8:52 p.m. and called the neeting back to order
at 8:58 p.m.
Extension of contract with Ernst & Yoonq to perform City's auditin.q services far
additiaJal two vears (Fran 4/20/92 :reqular IJEetinq)
Fred Mmoz, Finance Director, explained the negotiations produced a reduction of
the fee by $1,500 for each of the two years, a total of $3,000. There was
discussion about going out for Requests for Proposals and using the Consultants
Cc.rrpetitive Negotiations Act process to see if the City could get a better price.
Mr. Munoz stressed the .inportance of continuity with this auditing firm due to
the City's being involved in the capitalilYprOVE!l'lEn.ts program now. City Manager
George M::Mahon stated he has no professional reason to recamend the City make
a change fran the current auditors and it's an extensive scope of services.
Councilman Jones noved they extend the services of Ernst & Young. M:>tion DIED
for lack of second.
Councilperson Gillespie noved they go out for RFP. Councilman Hays seconded the
notion. After discussion al:xJut costs of prior auditors and others in the area
and calculations, Councilperson Gillespie amended her notion to counter offer to
Ernst & Young the smn of $ $40,000, not including the arbitrage, for the audit
of the City of Edgewater for the first year and $42,000 for the following year
for the two-year contract, and if they do not accept the counter offer, we will
go out for RFP. Councilperson Martin seconded the notion. M:>tion CARRIED 5-0.
3 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
May 4, 1992
Appoi..ntinq ~rs to Ccmoittee for Master Plan for bike paths t:.hrrA1cdKnt the
City (Fran 4/20/92 reqular JIEetinq)
Mayor Wessler explained she called Mr. Schmidt during the recess and he'd like
to serve on both l:x::>ards and the City Attorney has said it's okay. She stated
that's her selection, councilman Jones will represent zone 1, and Councilperson
Martin will represent zone 2. Councilman Hays expressed support of the current
nembers of the bike carmittee (Councilperson Gillespie, Pat Kuhn, and Edie
Williams). Councilperson Gillespie noted they'll have staff input fran Mark
Karet, Jack Corder, and Gates Castle. She then noved that they be accepted as
presented. Councilperson Martin seconded the ItDtion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Aax>i.nti..nq three ~rs to Citizen Code Enfot.CEDeIt Boanl due to :resiqnaticns
of Craiq Kmsoo. and Dan Benni..ncrta1 and exniIatian of tenD of Joan st.nnq
Councilman Hays so noved to appoint Donald Schmidt. Councilman Jones seconded
the ItDtion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
City Attornev - City Attorney Krista Storey had no report at this ti.ne.
City Manaqer
Road oavincr special report. - City Manager George M::Mahon reccmrended setting
aside ItDney each year to go into a reserve to begin offsetting sate of the major
costs. He explained the City has about 71.4 miles of unpaved streets and it will
be about $47.18 per linear foot, costing about $18 million, and adding bond
issuance costs of $2,921,000 would be a total of $21,000,000. He noted the
typical assessrrent would be $1,258 per 80 feet of frontage using the on one-third
assessrrent that was used in the past, which includes stornwater. There was
discussion about this large aIIDUIlt added to the current sewer assessrrents. Mayor
Wessler suggested another carmittee be set up to include sateOne familiar with
financing and they'd hold meetings similar to the CIP meetings to get accurate
feedback to the residents.
Dan Kastner, 3036 Mango Tree, stated people know how nuch it will cost for paving
and everyone wants it.
'lbaJas BaQer, 3032 Mango Tree, expressed concern about the dust the children have
to breathe and suggested ItDney for shell be spent on asphalt.
Mayor Wessler requested Council mambers bring a narre on May 18th for a fact
finding black top carmittee and Mr. M::Mahon can put information in the
newsletter. It was agreed costs to reshell the roads would be obtained.
~ ~en, Edgewater Landing, explained how he had to pay for ponds, streets
and intersections and he'd object to paying a portion for sateOne else.
Pete Hellsten, 1717 Riverside Drive, questioned the $3 ItDnthly fee for a storm-
water master system and Mr. Ron Ferland, of Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc.,
explained the stornwater utility in the master plan doesn't include iIrproverrents
associated with paving, such as rights of way. Mr. Hellsten spoke about the
amJUIlt spent to maintain shell roads being included in the City's portion.
Will Andersen, 1730 Pine Tree Drive, asked about using oil for the dusty roads
and Mayor Wessler advised it's environmentally unsafe. He spoke about the paving
machine tearing up the roads 3 weeks ago and requested information on the one-
third process for assessrrent, which Mayor Wessler provided. Mr. Anderson
suggested they get funds fran the State, County, or Federal governments.
Mayor Wessler suggested a survey be done to see who wants paving. There was
discussion about possible funding and 50% assessrrents and Mr. M::Mahon explained
if they have general obligation bonds, it will have to go for a referendum.
Councilperson Gillespie noted the current bonds have a tenn date of lXtober 1.
4 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
May 4, 1992
rou:IL/OEFICERS ~S (Continued)
City ~il
Councilperson Gillespie asked about the swimning pool ordinance and City Attorney
Krista Storey advised it will be at the next neeting.
Councilperson Gillespie asked about the fascia ordinance and if they could have
it by the second neeting in June. City Attorney Krista Storey explained the land
develOflIEI1t regulations through the Depa.rtIrent of Camunity Affairs requirerrents
and noted if Council wants her and Mr. Karet to pull individual ordinances fran
the LOR's, they can do that. Mayor Wessler asked that these requests be the
consensus of the entire Council.
Councilperson Gillespie requested they rotate the schedule on the Council reports
to be the sane as the voting order and she noved they follow the voting order for
the Council Reports. Councilman Hays seconded the IIDtion. Motion CARRIED 3-2.
Mayor Wessler and Councilman Jones voted NO.
Councilman Hays read the resolution to support the State Anen.dnent on Voter
Control of City Taxes and asked that it be on the next agenda for consideration
and action. He requested a copy be sent to Craig Conn at Florida League of
Cities if it's adopted.
Mayor Wessler stated the Future Farners of Anerica had a rumnage sale last year
and they want to hold one on Park Avenue this Saturday and are asking special
pennission. Councilperson Gillespie requested Police approval because of
construction on Park Avenue. Police Chief Iawrence Schumaker indicated he had
not seen the request but ~d review it. Councilman Hays m::wed it be approved
subject to Police approval. Councilman Jones seconded the IIDtion. Motion
Mayor Wessler asked for Council ccmrents on the school inpact fees be provided
at the May 18 neeting.
There were no questions fran the press.
There were no ccmrents fran the audience.
Councilman Jones m::wed to adjourn. Councilperson Martin seconded the IIDtion.
Meeting was adjourned at 10: 12 p.m.
Minutes suJ:mitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
5 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
May 4, 1992