04-06-1992 - Regular
.... ,..,
APRIL 6, 1992
7:00 p.m.
Mayor Wessler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the
Community Center.
Mayor Tanya Wessler
Councilman Kirk Jones
Councilperson Louise Martin
Councilperson NoraJane Gillespie
Councilman Michael Hays
City Attorney Krista storey
City Manager George McMahon
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Reverend Lawrence Tee, Union Community Church, delivered the
invocation. There was a pledge of allegiance to the Flag.
soecial Meetinq of Februarv 24. 1992- Councilman Hays moved to
accept. Councilperson Gillespie seconded the motion. Motion
Public Meetinq of March 9. 1992- Councilman Hays moved to accept.
Councilperson Gillespie seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Reqular Meetinq of March 16. 1992- Councilman Hays moved to
accept. Councilperson Gillespie seconded the motion. CARRIED 5-0
Steve Dennis , Chamber of Commerce, 115 Canal Street, New Smyrna
Beach, read a letter of appreciation for the participation in
the Expo. He thanked the Council and Departments for their help
in making the Expo such a sucess.
Fred Heise and David Westerheidv. 1401 S. Ridgewood Ave.,
announced the Kiwanis House will be opening in Edgewater and used
for non-profit agencies that treat children in the Edgewater, New
Smyrna and Oak Hill area.
Georqe Ewinq. Royal Palm, questioned the City Attorney and City
Clerk in reference to the meeting that is scheduled for Tuesday
with Mrs. Odahm. City Attorney replied it was to discuss the
upcoming election.
Edward Driscoll. 26 Blue Heron Dr., questioned a S-10 city truck
that he observed going down Wayne Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, at
7:30 pm., he also questioned the truck not being marked. Staff
will look into this and get back to Mr. Driscoll.
Consent Aqenda
Aoorove aqreement and authorize Mayor to execute Aqreement for
Testina Services for Water Transmission proiect with Professional
service Industries. Inc. for $3.350 - councilperson Gillespie
moved to accept the consent agenda. Councilman Jones seconded
the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Presentation of audit report for fiscal vear ended September 30.
1991 - Mr. John Vodnicker from Ernst & Young gave a presentation
of the audit.
Appointments of two members to Industrial Development Board due
to expiration of terms of William Gleason and David Koch- Mayor
Wessler nominated Scott Porta, Councilman Jones nominated Robert
Bruce. Councilman Jones made a motion to appoint Scott Porta and
Robert Bruce. Councilperson Martin seconded the motion. Motion
Public Works Director's reauest to purchase Craftsman 718 pc.
mechanics tool set for $2.300 plus shippina- Upon Councilperson
Gillispie's request, Mr. Overstreet explained the need for the
tool set. Councilperson Martin made a motion to approve the
purchase. councilperson Gillispie seconded the motion. Motion
Support of move to abolish Volusia Growth Manaaement Commission-
Councilman Hays made a motion to approve the abolishing of the
Growth Management Commission. Councilperson Gillespie seconded
the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
First Readina:
Ord. 92-0-5 Amendina city Charter Mayor Wessler read the
Ordinance. Councilman Hays moved to adopt Ordinance 92-0-5.
Councilperson Martin seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-1,
Councilperson Gillespie voting No.
Ord. 92-0-6 SeDarate Charter ballot auestions- Mayor Wessler read
the Ordinance. Councilperson Martin moved to adopt Ordinance 92-
0-6. Councilman Jones seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-1,
councilperson Gillespie voting No.
Res. 92-R-05 Awardina testina services contract for Florida
Shores Infrastructure Improvements (all 4 Dhases) to Universal
Enqineerina Sciences of South Daytona for $85.928-Mayor Wessler
read Resolution 92-R-05. Councilperson Gillespie moved to accept
Resolution 92-R-05. Councilman Jones seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Res. 92-R-06 Awardina testina services contract for Wastewater
Treatment Plant pro;ect to Universal Enaineerina sciences of
South Daytona for $13.319 - Mayor Wessler read Resolution 92-R-
06. Councilperson Martin moved to approve Resolution 92-R-06.
Councilperson Gillespie seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Second Readina: (Public Hearina)
Ord. 92-0-4 Amendina Zonina Ordinance in reaard to communitv
residential homes. Mayor Wessler opened the Public Hearing asked
for comments on this Ordinance and there were none. She read
Ordinance 92-0-4. Councilperson Gillespie moved to approve
Ordinance 92-0-04. Councilman Hays seconded the motion. Motion
city Attorney Informed the Council of the upcoming Public Hearing
for a proposed landfill location being on SR 442 extending into
Dawson Ranch Road. She explained that when staff reviewed
this,it was determined that the property is very close proximity
to the City well fields. Staff is gathering information
Regular Council Meeting
April 6, 1992
regarding this project. She explained that information from the
County on this project has been lacking.
she went on to explain that the first public hearing at the
County level is April 14th and, at staff level, we need Council
authorization to appear at the public hearing and comment. Mark
Karet explained this would be going to the P.L.D.R.C which is
equivalent to our L.D.R.A. This is scheduled before the next
Council meeting. He informed the Council that the City is not the
only one not informed on this. The County staff is asking that a
continuance be made at the April 14th meeting to the May 22nd
meeting so more information can be gathered.
Mayor Wessler asked Mr. Karet if his wishes were to have a letter
sent to the County asking to postpone also.
Councilman Hays stated he would like to instruct staff to attend
and stay on top of this from now on. Council was in agreement to
a letter being sent out.
Mayor Wessler also asked that the Council be made aware of when
this meeting will be scheduled.
city Attorney Storey brought to the Council's attention the
matter of Eastern Shores Mobile Home village. She referred to
her memo to Council in reference to this. She mentioned the
letter that was received from Robert Merrell, who is their
representative. She went on to explain the history behind this
request. The request was to close the entrance which is currently
located on U.S.l. The request was granted in March 1989 and then
in July 1989 the Council reconsidered that earlier action. In
December 1989 the Council rescinded the March approval of site
plan. Mr. Merrell has ascerted that the December 1989 rescinding
of the site plan was an illegal imposition of a revised site plan
unilaterally proposed by the city Council. She recommended the
Council recognize the valididy of the March 1989 site plan.
Councilperson Gillespie moved to accept the City Attorney's
recommendation. Councilman Hays seconded the motion. Councilman
Hays reiterated the fact that this is a private road and is not
maintained by the City.
At this time a five minute recess was taken.
Mayor Wessler reminded Council there is a motion on the floor to
accept the City Attorney's recommendation.
The situation was discussed further among the Councilmembers and
the City Attorney.
Councilman Jones suggested postponing this since it was not an
agenda item and the Council may receive input from the residents
in that area.
Robert Merrell was given the floor. He went over the
understanding of the park residents and some more history of the
situation. He asked that the Council recognize the City
Attorney's opinion regarding the prior action.
city Attorney Storey agreed with Councilman Jones, however, she
explained the concerns of the park residents are well known to
Mr. McMahon, Mr. Karet and herself. At this point and time this
is a procedural legal question, which is why she brought it up
under her report.
Regular Council Meeting
April 6, 1992
Mr. McMahon stated he has spoken to the people concerned and if
Council so wishes, he and the city Attorney will agree to meet
with those people and explain the legal position.
Upon roll call vote,the motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilman Jones
voting NO.
city Manaaer
Mr. McMahon asked for Council's consideration of acquiring the
property at 414 West Ocean Avenue, which is adjacent to the
City'S Wastewater Plant. This property would be an advantage to
the City for future expansion of the plant and he recommends the
City purchase this property for the amount $30,000.00.
Councilperson Gillespie spoke in favor of this.
Mr. Terry Wadsworth, Director of utilities, was asked to give his
thoughts on the subject. He answered several questions from the
Council members.
Councilman Hays spoke in favor of planning for future growth.
Councilperson Gillespie moved to go ahead with this purchase.
Councilman Hays seconded the motion.
Councilman Jones questioned this also not being an agenda item
and suggested this be tabled and put on an agenda for public
Mr. McMahon stated it was his intention to call this to the
Council's attention. He is very much in agreement with this
being placed on an agenda and have more discussion about it.
councilperson Gillespie withdrew her motion. Councilman Hays
withdrew his second.
Mr. McMahon suggested April 15, 1992 at 2:30 p.m. for the
preliminary budget review.
City council
councilman Jones reported the baseball season has opened, there
are over 400 children involved and there is a major parking
problem at Whistle stop Park.
Councilperson Gillespie called the Council's attention to the
memo from Mr.Corder regarding the bicycle section of the
Comprehensive Plan. It was agreed to have this placed on the next
Council agenda and have Mr. Corder present. She also reminded
everyone who is volunteering to help hide Easter eggs to be at
Whistle stop Park at 8:00 a.m. Saturday. She also reported that
Mr. Corder is attending the Special Bicycles Programs Friday in
Daytona Beach. She thanked Mr. Wadsworth's staff for putting up
with her riding with them this week during shut off. She invited
the Council to try this, it is an education.
Councilman Hays told the Council that he has received
correspondence regarding the fluoridation of water and he asked
Mr. Wadsworth if he could address the matter.
Mr. Wadsworth stated he has discussed this with the City Manager
and they have planned to put this on the agenda April 20th.
Regular Council Meeting
April 6, 1992
Questions from Press
citizen Comments
Ken Millard. 238 Riverside Drive. informed the Council and staff
that about nineteen years ago the state enacted the Municipal
Home Rule Powers Act, which repealed the majority of most
Charters. Edgewater finally reacted to this and came up with a
good Home Rule Charter, which was turned down. He went over the
requirements spelled out by the Elections Clerk and the City
Attorney at that time, and the public notice that was given.
City Attorney storey explained that some of the public notice
requirements have been amended since that time. The public
advertisement will say there are copies available at City Hall.
Mr. Millard urged the Council to send the Charter out to each
resident or run an ad in the newspaper printing the entire thing.
There was conversation among the Council members about the
publications and the expense involved.
Doris Hill. Lincoln Road, addressed a question to Mr. Millard and
Mayor Wessler asked her to discuss this with him at another time.
She did not have a question to direct to the Council.
Georqe Ewinq, Royal Palm, supported councilperson Gillespie on
voting against both of these ordinances. He expressed his
dissatisfaction with the staff recommendations and approvals of
these ordinances. He went over points in the proposed Charter
which he disagrees with.
There was discussion with Mr. Ewing and the Council members
regarding these points. It was explained that the staff is paid
to investigate and recommend to the Council, whether the Council
agrees with those recommendations or not.
Councilman Hays reminded Council that they all agreed when they
took office to listen to all the citizens, however, he feels it
is unprofessional of Council members to argue with these people
when they disagree with us. He supported the staff performance
and their recommendations.
Councilman Hays moved to adjourn. Councilperson Gillespie
seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned 8:30 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Debbie Sigler
Regular Council Meeting
April 6, 1992