3:00 P.M.
Councilmember Gigi Bennington called to order the meeting of the
Charter Review Committee at 3:00 p.m., Thursday, February 15,
1990, on the Community Center stage.
Members present were Councilmember Gigi Bennington, Jack Hayman,
and Dominick Fazzone. City Attorney Jose Alvarez was excused.
Mary Martin arrived at 3:06 p.m. City Manager Elly Johnson
arrived at 3:40 p.m. City Clerk Susan Wadsworth arrived at 3:55
p.m. Also present were Frank Roe and Lisa Kruckmeyer, Secretary.
Mr. Fazzone moved the minutes of January 25, 1990 be approved.
Jack Hayman seconded.
There was some discussion on night meetings. Councilmember
Bennington stated that she had requests from citizens about night
meetings. Mr. Fazzone commented that public meetings should be
scheduled on a timely basis between now and the time of election.
Councilmember Bennington commented that night meetings should be
scheduled for the people that work during the day. She stated
that meetings should be scheduled for the public input so their
questions can be answered as to what is in the proposed Charter.
Mary Martin stated that it is a good idea for night meetings
because then you get a different outlook from the night meetings
compared to the day meetings. Mr. Fazzone commented that a night
meeting should be scheduled every other month. Councilmember
Bennington stated that Council has asked the Committee to revisit
the questions that arose as to the terms. She also said that the
proposed Charter has to go to Council by the middle of August at
the latest. Mr. Fazzone stated that what has to be done is to
get the Charter together and send it to the Council and once they
decide this is acceptable then the Charter Review Committee
should go out and educate the people.
Councilmember Bennington stated that she would like to have one
meeting at night before everything is tidied up and sent to the
Council. Then she would like to have a meeting to make the
recommendations and send it to the Council saying this is our
operating budget that we need for the education process. Mary
Martin commented that what has to be done is to schedule a night
meeting for the people as soon as possible saying this is what
the Council wanted us to address; what do you want from us?
Councilmember Bennington stated that a lot of people don't like
to speak. She said she would like to have more of a round table
discussion. Mary Martin commented that they received a lot of
input at the last meeting at the Library because everyone was
more relaxed. Mr. Hayman stated that citizen's comments will no
longer be a point of intention. He also commented that what has
to be done is people have to be made mad enough in order to get
any public input. Mr. Fazzone commented that they should go out
and tell the people which items are going to be talked about
because then they will know they are coming for a specific point.
Jack Hayman asked if the proposed Charter should be published
prior to the evening meeting. Mr. Fazzone told Mr. Hayman that
he didn't think it would be necessary because what the Committee
is trying to do is come up with a complete Charter with these
items that have to be solved. Mr. Hayman stated that he doesn't
think the citizens know what the Committee has right now. Mary
Martin suggested that ample time prior to the meeting copies are
made available at City Hall, the Library and somewhere else where
people can come by in the evening to pick it up.
Councilmember Bennington suggested using radio time to let the
people know the items that the Council has kicked back to the
Charter Review Committee to do further study on.
Frank Roe, 2732 Juniper Drive, suggested listing the specific
items that are being changed in the Charter in the newspaper. He
felt that people would understand it more. Mary Martin
explained that at the present time with the new Charter, the
position of Acting Mayor is being done away with.
A Public Forum was scheduled for March 26, 1990, at the Library,
at 7:00 p.m. Also scheduled was for Jack Hayman to speak on WSBB
on March 21, 1990 from 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Meetings were
also scheduled for April 4, 1990, at 3:00 p.m. in the City Hall
Conference Room and April 23, 1990, at 3:00 p.m. in the City Hall
Conference Room.
City Manager Elly Johnson commented that he's been through 20
Charter amendments and he has never seen a Charter done, as
proposed by one of our citizens that you don't have any
alternative votes. Mr. Johnson feels that it is important as a
registered voter to have the right to make a choice instead of
someone saying one thing and then you have to vote yes or no.
Councilmember Bennington stated that she doesn't feel that time
of election at this point is going to be an issue. If these
punch cards work the way they are supposed to, the long lines
will eliminate that.
City Manager Elly Johnson asked if there was any particular
reason why the meeting was going to be in the Library.
Councilmember Bennington stated that what the Committee is trying
to do is to get some different input from the people that work
during the day and that wouldn't normally speak at a meeting.
Mary Martin mentioned that when you have a committee on the stage
and the people down below it is intimidating.
Mr. Fazzone asked when the information that is gathered will be
sent to the Council. Mr. Hayman stated May, that is the latest
we can do it. Mr. Johnson suggested making a calendar with all
of the dates on it and sending all of the members a copy.
Mr. Johnson asked the last day the Charter can be sent to the
Council to be put on the ballots and Mrs. Wadsworth told him if
you go with November election you have to have the question
prepared ninety days before the election.
With no further business to discuss, Councilmember Bennington
moved to adjourn the meeting and Mary Martin seconded the motion.
The Committee adjourned at approximately 4:05 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lisa Kruckmeyer