08-16-1989 r CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1989 3:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL Chairwoman Gigi Bennington called to order a regular meeting of the Charter Review Committee at 3:04 p.m., Wednesday, August 16, 1989, in the conference room of City Hall. Members present were City Manager Elly Johnson, Gigi Bennington, Dominick Fazzone, and Mary Martin. Jack Hayman and City Attorney Jose'Alvarez were excused. Also present was Beverly Kinney, Secretary. The summary of July 5, 1989, was held for a quorum. The summary of August 2, 1989, were presented for approval. Mr. Fazzone moved to approve, but stated he was present even though his name did not appear in the roll call of the minutes . Mrs. Martin seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved. The members discussed the tentative schedule for a public hearing on September 27th, but Mrs. Bennington has a conflict on the proposed date. After some discussion the committee agreed to try for Monday, September 25, 1989, if a room is available. Review Draft Charter: Section 3.03 - Election and Terms Option a2: The general election of the city council shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March each odd numbered year, in the manner prescribed in Article V of this Charter. Section 3.04 - Compensation was briefly discussed, and it was agreed that the amount would be adjusted annually. Section 3.05 - Mayor (proposed new wording) The mayor shall be an elector of the city elected to office as provided for in Section 3.03 by the electors of the City. In case of death, resignation, or removal of the mayor, the vice mayor shall serve as mayor for the balance of the unexpired term of the mayor. Section 5.03 - Nominations The members discussed using a filing fee and holding it in escrow rather than using petitions to qualify to run for office. Mrs. Bennington believed the City Page 1 • of Holly Hill was cur rently using a filing fee and she would check into it further and report back to the committee. Mr. Johnson believed there should be a cut off date for turning in petitions. There was some discussion about residency requirements. The members agreed to discuss this issue at a later date. The members discussed two year, three year, and four year terms of office, but it was noted the March election time would remain in effect. The members agreed to work up a list of pro's and con's for the two, three, and four year staggered terms, and other possible stumbling blocks. The members discussed possibly getting advise from a consultant to plan the best way to present the proposed charter to the public. After some discussion the members agreed public hearings would need to be held in November, the latest possible date to have the proposed charter O.K.'d by the council would be the middle of December, and it would have to go to the Elections office no later than mid January. There was also discussion about the fact that the proposed charter would keep the current mayor and council in effect would stay in office until March (which is an extra four months). The members agreed to cancel the August 30, 1989 meeting and reschedule the meeting for September 6, 1989. There being no further business to come before the committee, Mr. Fazzone moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Martin. The committee adjourned at approximately 4:20 p.m. Summary Respectfully Submitted By: Beverly Kinney Charter Review Committee Regular Meeting Wednesday, August 16, 1989 Page 2