08-02-1989 410 10 CITY OF EDGEWATER CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1989 3:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL Chairwoman Gigi Bennington called to order the regular meeting of the Charter Review Committee at 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 2, 1989 in the Conference room at City Hall. Members present were Gigi Bennington, Jack Hayman, Mary Martin, Jose' Alvarez, Elly Johnson. Also present was Susan Wadsworth, Secretary. Mary Martin reported that A.A.R.P has been the only organization showing any interest in having the Charter Review Committee meet with them. She added that the organization was small and would like to meet jointly with another organization. Due to the summer vacation and poor response from the first letter sent out so the Committee decided that another letter be sent out to all the organization at the end of August. The Committee discussed the tentative schedule prepared by Chairwoman Bennington. The Committee decided to work through the schedule until the end of September and then set dates from there. City Manager brought to the attention of the Committee that page 3 section 3.07 (b) Appointments and Removals. He stated that it could be a problem between that section and the Ordinance that the Council has coming up for adoption. It was decided that Chairwoman Bennington would bring this to the attention of the Council at the meeting when the Ordinance is read. Mr. Hayman brought up the section of Investigations Section 2.09 of the Model City Charter. There was a discussion on this section and it was finally decided that if an investigation ever had to be made it would be done through the State Attorney's office. The legal language was discussed at length and the City Attorney will check the Charter when complete for legality. The Committee asked Mr. Klein from the audience if he had any thing he would like to ask the committee. He was concerned with the 3 or 4 year terms. He told the committee that the Charter would be defeated if they went with the long terms. Mr. Klein also questioned the staggered terms. He felt that the voters would vote for the staggered terms this was discussed a length. Charter Review Committee August 2, 1989 Page 2 Discussion on Section 3.09 (a) Procedure, it was decided that vice mayor, or by be deleted, and after majority of members or City Manager be added. Discussion on Section 3.10 Ordinance in General, the state will be replaced by general. The next meeting will be on August 16, 1989 at 3:00 p.m. in the Conference room at City Hall. Mr. Hayman stated that now is the time to go on a radio talk show. The Committee discussed this and it was decided that Chairwoman Bennington would be the spokesperson and that she contact the radio station. Mr. Fazzone made a motion that under section 3.09 (a) Procedure, that vice mayor or be deleted and after majority of members or City Manger be added, also under section 3.10 that state be replaced by general seconded by Mary Martin motion, CARRIED. Mary Martin motioned to adjourn, seconded by Dominick Fazzone. Adjourn Submitted by: Susan J. Wadsworth