July 14, 1992
Janet Ptaszek Present
James Mackie Excused
Charlene Dennis Present
Shirley Roberts Excused
Delores Cucanich Present
Charles Gebelein Present
Pat Montrowl, George Cowan, Doris Hill and C. E. Clark all
introduced themselves. Alice Murphy attended later.
The recording secretary explained there is currently no Committee
Chairman. The floor was open for nominations. Mrs. Ptaszek
nominated Mrs. Dennis. Mrs. Dennis declined due to health
reasons. Mrs. Cucanich nominated Dr. Gebelein. Mrs. Dennis
seconded the nomination. Dr. Gebelein was elected Chairman, the
vote being 4 -0.
It was agreed to hold the election of the other officers at the
next regular meeting when more members are present.
It was pointed out that Mrs. Ptaszek is the only remaining
committee member who attended the last meeting. She moved to
accept the minutes as submitted. Mrs. Dennis seconded the
motion. Motion CARRIED 4 -0.
Chairman Gebelein suggested the minutes he mailed to the former
committee members for their information.
Code Enforcement Officers' duties
Mrs. Ptaszek reiterated previous committee discussion regarding
this procedure.
Mrs. Cucanich stated neighbors do not like having to call in on
each other.
Mrs. Ptaszek stated she would like to know what amount of
response they are getting now, compared to before, regarding
existing violations.
Mrs. Cucanich related the work load now compared to before is
much lower. She previously served on the Code Enforcement Board
and they use to receive a lot of complaints before the system
changed to a call in system.
Mrs. Ptaszek questioned whether it could be added to other City
employees job descriptions to report violations as seen during
their work day.
Mrs. Doris Hill stated she attended the Council meeting when this
change was initiated. She feels a good job was being done
cleaning up the City when the Code Enforcement Officers were out
there citing violators. It seems a lot of complaints were made
by the violators and now we are on this trial period with
neighbors enforcing the code. She also pointed out that a lot of
citizens do not have knowledge regarding what exactly is a
Mrs. Ptaszek agreed that it is a sensitive situation. People feel
they should be allowed to do what they want to on their own
Mrs. Cucanich suggested if the problem with the officers is the
paperwork involved, perhaps there should be more verbal
notification before beginning the paperwork trail. She went over
the procedure that was previously followed.
Mr. Clark said the persons who complained about the previous
routine were the abusers themselves. The paperwork could be cut
down by assessing a fine sooner. He also mentioned the height
restriction for grass within the City is too high. The County
has a 12" restriction.
Chairman Gebelein summed up the consensus of the conversation is
the Code Enforcement officers should be out enforcing the code
and handling violations as they see them.
Mrs. Cucanich moved that at the end of the six months trial
period, the Council reinstate the Code Enforcement Officers'
duties as they were before. She believes that should be in
August. Dr. Gebelein seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4 -0.
Mrs. Dennis moved to ask Council to change the grass to a 12"
limit. Mrs. Ptaszek seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4 -0.
Board /Committee application responses
Chairman Gebelein asked for any suggestions to improve the
response of applications.
There was various discussion among the members regarding the
advertisements having more content about the boards' duties and
meeting times, etc. Mrs. Ptaszek suggested it be publicized
that applications could be mailed to someone if they called in
and asked for one, explaining that sometimes it is hard to get to
City Hall during the day to pick one up.
Chairman Gebelein summed up the conversation with the suggestion
that perhaps the ads could be a little more user friendly.
Board /Committee members' terms
Chairman Gebelein asked the members' opinions as to whether the
time should be limited that someone serves on a committee.
Mrs. Murphy stated a complaint she has with shrubs on property on
Virginia Street obstructing the view for vehicles. She feels the
Police or Code Officers should take care of this.
Chairman Gebelein explained to Mrs. Murphy this subject was
already discussed and voted on. He suggested she should follow
the current system and call in her complaint.
There was various discussion among the members regarding the fact
that it is hard to get members in the first place. Chairman
Gebelein summed up that there should be terms established and
Council should appoint accordingly, however, there should not be
a limit to how many terms someone serves.
Recycling Program /Refuse Pick Up
Chairman Gebelein asked for discussion on the question regarding
the need of garbage pick up twice a week along with the recycling
There was various discussion among the members and the citizens
present regarding the garbage stacking up for a week in this
climate. Chairman Gebelein pointed out the recycling program
only takes care of certain items. He summed up by stating the
consensus seems to be to keep the garbage pick up twice weekly.
Chairman Gebelein asked if there were any other comments.
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Pat Montrowl, Edgewater Landing, asked if she could make a
statement in answer to some of the comments made at the last
meeting in reference to the citizens in Edgewater Landing and
their votes on the City Charter. She gave the results from each
precinct within the City, showing that their precinct was not the
only one with 55% in favor of the Charter. She corrected the
previous comment made about this not being a "mandate "; the
majority of the votes is a mandate. In regards to the question
of reasons the citizens in Edgewater Landing voted the way they
did; she stated they made themselves informed of the issues by
having both ends of the perspective available to answer their
questions, etc. She explained the bond issue should not be
questioned; bond is posted on the City Manager to insure he is
going to administer effectively and all appropriate employees are
covered under the City's insurance. Mrs. Montrowl ended her
statement by saying anyone working on a committee should try to
work towards constructive and objective efforts, and not be
negative about moving forward. She felt she was obligated to
clear up some of the erroneous information that was passed on.
She complimented the present committee on the way this meeting
has been handled tonight.
Chairman Gebelein added the only problem he had with the election
was the small number of voters.
Mr. Clark questioned the number of trailers allowed to be on
someone's property. He complained again about the people who
circumvent the code.
Chairman Gebelein told Mr. Clark that this has been to Council
and he suggested the individuals obtain their own legal counsel
and get this resolved between them.
Mrs. Cucanich asked whether concession stands are allowed to
operate on public streets within the City? This needs to be
determined, there was no certain answer. She also commented on
people taking aluminum cans from recycling containers, etc. and
questioned whether this is allowed?
Chairman Gebelein reminded the members the next meeting will be
August llth. There being no further business to conduct, he
stated the meeting is adjourned. Meeting adjourned 8:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Debbie Sigler
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