09-26-1994 - Special ,.." ..., , , CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER SPECIAL MEETING/PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 26, 1994 7:00 P.M. COMMUNITY CENTER MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Hayman called the Special Meeting and Public Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. ROLL CALL: Mayor Jack Hayman Councilman Kirk Jones Councilwoman Louise Martin Councilman Michael Hays Councilman David Mitchum city Attorney Krista Storey city Manager George McMahon City Clerk Susan Wadsworth Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Mayor Hayman briefed the audience on the matters that would be discussed. Mayor Hayman outlined the rules and procedures of the meeting for the audience as per Res. 94-R-01 and the City Charter. Hold pUblic hearinq on millaqe rate of 6.13178 and 1994/95 budqet city Manager McMahon gave a presentation on the proposed budget. city Manager McMahon explained the self-insurance fund and the average claims and cost savings to the City. City Manager McMahon went on to explain the refuse fund and the two increases: charging for a third garbage can and an increase in the recycling fees. City Manager McMahon listed the major costs of the rise in the budget in terms of tax increase: 1) 800 mega Hertz system, 2) two additional police officers, 3) additional Building Inspector and 4) results of consumer price index. City Manager McMahon compared Edgewater to Daytona Beach and Oak Hill in terms of their budgets. city Manager McMahon stated there are approximately 165 employees employed by the city. Other cities our size are running in excess of 100 to 200 more employees. Mayor Hayman spoke on a potential decrease in the budget so the proposed ad valorem tax rate can be reduced. He stated we would positively not look into any decrease in the levels of service. He spoke about not hiring two additional police officers or a building inspector. He went on to talk about fire hydrant maintenance. He stated Councilman Jones questioned why this couldn't be done more cost effectively and efficiently. Mayor Hayman feels we will be able to arrive at a successful budget for the next fiscal year. Mayor Hayman discussed the proposed millage rate. Councilman Mitchum asked Mayor Hayman what he had on his mind. ~ ~ Mayor Hayman stated the three areas he looked at were what if we deferred hiring three people. He asked what would happen if instead of charging the Fire Dept. $50 per hydrant per year we reduce that to $25 and ask the Fire Dept. to be more actively involved in the maintenance of the hydrants. He stated the savings would be in excess of $100,000. Mayor Hayman stated $109,000 was the amount that justified the 5% increase in the ad valorem tax base. City Manager McMahon stated the amount is $108,946.00. Mayor Hayman suggested looking at this at the mid-year budget review meeting and see if we can work it out then. Councilwoman Martin asked Mayor Hayman with the adjustments he talked about, did he figure what the millage rate would be. City Manager McMahon elaborated on Councilwoman Martin's concerns. City Manager McMahon reviewed the figures if the additional police officers are added to the budget. City Manager McMahon commented on the Building Division. He spoke about a situation with a gentleman who had a problem obtaining a permit. He stated the permit has been issued but he has not received his permit but at no delay of the City. City Manager McMahon briefly explained a plan to get permits processed quicker and said he would come back to Council with more detail at a later date. He stated he believes the City can cut down substantially on the time wasted to have plans reviewed. City Manager McMahon then commented on removing the fire rental and lease fee that is in the general fund budget. Councilman Mitchum asked Chief Schumaker about wanting to put one officer on now and then address another officer at the mid-year budget. Chief Schumaker elaborated on Councilman Mitchum's concerns. He explained the need for another police officer. City Manager McMahon further elaborated on this matter. Councilman Mitchum spoke about his strong support for the Police Department. Councilman Hays explained why he supports this proposal. There was further discussion regarding hiring an officer now and hiring an officer at mid-year. Mayor Hayman listed the savings if the city does not hire one building inspector, one police officer and the savings on the fire hydrant maintenance. Councilman Hays asked Finance Director Munoz about the stormwater and the impact on the budget of the stormwater dollars and the proposed paving projects. He asked if that is all cut out or is part of that stormwater in the budget. Finance Director Munoz explained the increased money from the stormwater will be part of the capital improvement project. Finance Director Munoz stated we are going to cut $101,390 by rolling back to the roll back rate so our revenues on ad valorem will be reduced by that much. He listed the savings if the city does not hire one building inspector, one police officer and the savings on the fire hydrant maintenance. Councilman Mitchum does not want to eliminate a police officer. City Manager McMahon explained one will be budgeted now and one will be looked at at mid-year. Page -2- Council Special Meeting September 26, 1994 '-' ....., Councilman Mitchum wants the assurance that a police officer will be funded at mid-year. City Manager McMahon assured Councilman Mitchum the city will be able to fund that position. Police Chief Schumaker listed the process for hiring a police officer. He stated it will take six weeks at the very least to get a person in uniform and then another 600 hours to get them so they are functional as a police officer. There was further discussion regarding hiring a police officer at mid-year. Councilman Hays will go along with this but we are just taking a chance. He stated if this is what we need to do to hold down a budget, then that is what we have to do. He stated we have too good a record and he doesn't want to see that ruined. Councilman Hays expressed his concerns about not hiring a building inspector. He hopes everyone is prepared to do extra work. He stated we may have to revisit this in six months as well as the additional police officer. Councilman Jones does not want to see taxes go up. He feels our police officers are overworked. He feels they need to look at what is in front of them and slow down. Finance Director Munoz then recapped the figures and savings. He stated the budget will be balanced without a 5% increase. Councilman Jones expressed concern with the salary of a building inspector and the salary of a police officer. Finance Director Munoz explained the worker's compensation rates are different. city Manager McMahon informed Council he would be presenting to them at the next meeting the recent updated figures and cost savings as a result of our safety officer program. city Manager McMahon and Finance Director Munoz commented on worker's compensation rates. Councilwoman Martin commented on because of the CIP program during 92/93 taxes weren't raised. In the mean time the City had to turn to the reserve funds. In 93/94 taxes had to be raised by 26% to bring back the reserve fund to protect the city. She stated money must be set aside. Mayor Hayman stated he has no problem with hiring one police officer but he does have a problem with hiring a second police officer without some more information regarding what the crime picture is within our community. He would like a crime report before the second police officer is hired. Councilman Mitchum stated he believes in preventative maintenance and we have not had an increase in the police force in four years. He does not want to wait until something happens before something is done. Mayor Hayman further elaborated having no problem with hiring a police officer but he would like crime statistics before the City hires a second police officer. There was a five-minute recess at this time. Mayor Hayman read Res. 94-R-18. Page -3- Council Special Meeting September 26, 1994 ~ ~ It was the consensus of the Council to maintain the roll back rate of 5.83979. Mayor Hayman opened the public hearing to consider the roll back rate. George Ewing, 2923 Royal Palm Drive, feels the Council can still do better than that. He presented figures to Council from the budget from 1990. He stated the reserves are not shown in the publications for 1992, 1993 or 1994 and he feels it appears figures are being hidden. He asked where this money went to. He then spoke about the millage rates for 1992, 1993, and 1994 and the ad valorem taxes. Councilman Hays called for a point of order and informed Mr. Ewing they are in public hearing addressing specifically a millage rate of 5.83979 for the 94/95 budget year. Mr. Ewing stated that is the problem with this City. You can't talk to the Council because they don't listen to the citizens. Mr. Ewing stated the candidates this year are for tax reduction. Last year there was a 28% increase and nobody was running for office. He stated everyone as well as a couple of the councilmembers are criticizing the UTE. Elaine Fugate, 2940 Victory Palm Drive, spoke on the need for additional police officers. She feels the Council needs to look at recreation for the children. She does support the roll back rate. Cliff Clark, 1818 Evergreen Drive, stated he has always had good response time from the Police Department. He spoke about the bar owners in this city complaining about too many DUI arrests. He told Chief Schumaker to stick to it. He feels there should be a range for the roll back rate and the Chief should be able to hire the additional police officers he needs. Scott Clark, 2021 Umbrella Tree Drive, does not feel we need another building inspector. He feels with the implementation of the new hurricane resistant instruction methods the builders didn't quite get the full understanding of what the requirements were and the building department had to learn the criteria. He would like to see the millage rate roll back. City Manager McMahon spoke on the figures presented earlier by Mr. Ewing. He stated the facts of the figures of this City have been distorted for months and the truth is in the audit report which is accepted by the State. Mayor Hayman closed the public hearing. City Attorney Storey reminded Mayor Hayman that the statutory obligation is that the entire resolution be read before action is taken. Action on Res. 94-R-18 Adoptinq millaqe rate Mayor Hayman read Res. 94-R-18. Councilman Hays made a motion to approve Res. 94-R-18, second by Councilman Mitchum. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Page -4- Council special Meeting September 26, 1994 ..... ..." Action on Res. 94-R-19 Adoptinq final FY 1994/95 city budqet City Attorney storey stated Mr. Munoz has worked through the changes that would appear in the resolution and given the opportunity he can stand up and indicate where the changes are. Finance Director Munoz presented the changes in the figures to Council. Mayor Hayman stated while reviewing the initial draft he had some questions regarding some of the verbiage and it was sent back to legal counsel. He informed Council they should have two copies before them and the one passed out tonight is the correct one. Finance Director Munoz stated on an annual basis the library is provided with the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. He then presented the changes in the figures of the FY 94/95 budget. Mayor Hayman pointed out the verbiage that needed to be corrected. City Manager McMahon elaborated on the change made. Mayor Hayman read Res. 94-R-19. Councilman Jones made a motion to approve Res. 94-R-19, second by Councilwoman Martin. Councilman Mitchum clarified that two police officers would be hired, one now and one during the mid-year budget. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Hays asked to let Jack Ascherl make his presentation at this time. It was the consensus of the Council to move Mr. Ascherl up on the agenda. Presentation on group health insurance by city's agent of record, Jack Ascherl - Council decision to follow. city Manager McMahon gave Council a presentation regarding the city going with the Florida League of cities insurance because of the low rate but now they are proposing a 42% increase. Jack Ascherl gave a presentation on the PPO & HMO insurance policies being proposed to the city. Councilman Hays asked about pre-existing conditions on the Vision Plan costing 3/3/12. Mr. Ascherl explained the pre-existing conditions applies to the medical portion of the plan. Councilman Hays feels Mass Mutual seems like a good plan. City Manager McMahon strongly recommended Council consider Mr. Ascherl's proposal. City Manager McMahon asked Council to authorize him to write and advise the Florida League of cities that we are not going to renew our contract and he asked Council to authorize the plan being presented to them. city Attorney storey stated the Florida League of cities requires a 30-day notice. Possibly they will let us out early but we haven't had that kind of previous experience and she asked Council to keep that in mind. Mr. Ascherl stated all contracts have a 30-day notice clause but nobody adheres to it. Councilman Jones stated he has Mass Mutual with the City of New Smyrna Beach and it is an outstanding plan. Page -5- Council Special Meeting September 26, 1994 .., ...., Mr. Ascherl stated the second page is relating to the dental and life insurance policies. He briefly informed Council there was no significant change in cost and the city is staying with Guardian for dental insurance. Mayor Hayman stated we need to 1) notify the Florida League of cities of our intention to change providers, 2) accept this plan and 3) retaining the present dental and insurance plan. City Manager McMahon asked Council to authorize him to let the Florida League of cities know that we are changing the plan October 1st. and he asked this be included in the motion. There was a discussion regarding there not being much time left to get everyone signed up by October 1st. Mr. Ascherl assured Council this would not be a problem. Councilwoman Martin made a motion to direct the city Manager to so inform the Florida League of cities of our intention to change providers to Massachusetts Mutual Health Insurance Plan effective October 1, 1994, authorize the city Manager to proceed with the contract with Guardian for life and dental coverage and to proceed with the contract for Massachusetts Mutual, second by Councilman Hays. City Attorney storey informed Mayor Hayman the contract would come to him for his signature. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Hold public hearing and consider adoption of Ord. 94-0-20 Increasinq refuse rates Mayor Hayman read Ord. 94-0-20. Mayor Hayman opened the public hearing. Galen McClain, 3119 Queen Palm Drive, commented on the increase for recycling. Councilman Hays elaborated on Mr. McClain's concerns. There was a discussion regarding residential and commercial recycling. Mario DiOrio, 1823 Evergreen Drive, stated it was his understanding that the purchase of the three new garbage trucks would increase productivity and reduce the price of picking up this refuse. City Manager McMahon stated we have eliminated one crew and one vehicle. He went on to explain the reason for the increase. There was a discussion regarding where the extra money goes due to the elimination of one crew. Councilman Hays commented on the tipping fees being increased at the landfill due to the decreased amount of space at the landfill. Mayor Hayman closed the public hearing. Councilman Mitchum made a motion to approve Ord. 94-0-20, second by Councilman Jones. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Page -6- Council special Meeting September 26, 1994 ....,., ...,., Hold public hearinq and consider adoption of Ord. 94-0-22 Increasinq water rates Mayor Hayman read Ord. 94-0-22. utilities Director Wadsworth made a presentation regarding the increasing water rates. He stated the wastewater fees will stay the same. Mayor Hayman opened the public hearing. Galen McClain, 3119 Queen Palm Drive, commented on conservation possibilities. City Manager McMahon elaborated on his concerns. Carl Caddell, 2716 Orange Tree Drive, also commented on conservation. He asked what the capacity is at the water plant now before we would have to build an addition to the water plant. Mr. Wadsworth elaborated on the capacity at the water plant. He stated we have about 10,000 equivalent residential connections of capacity to go ahead and sell. Councilman Mitchum asked if the next phase of the Water Plant is designed so the next step is another 5,pOO,000 gallons a day increment. Mr. Wadsworth informed him it can be done in 2,500,000 gallons a day. Mr. Caddell asked what the time frame is estimated to be before this would need to be done. Councilman Hays stated we didn't project an expansion until the year 2010 when the plant was built. Councilman Hays stated we are lucky to have the resources we have and by us marketing the water south to Oak Hill that will help hold down the cost. Mayor Hayman commented on the surface water from the river to almost 1-95 already has salt water intrusion. Our wellfield on Park Avenue has begun to experience that. By the year 2010 the aquifer past 1-95 will have salt water intrusion in it. Mayor Hayman closed the public hearing. Councilman Hays made a motion to approve Ord. 94-0-22, second by Councilman Mitchum. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Reconsideration of Clark Development Group/Right Associates Proposal Mayor Hayman gave a background on this proposal. Phillip Fong, Chairman, Economic Development Board, presented the figures for this proposal. There was a discussion regarding Initiative 1 and 2. Councilman Hays asked if he is unable to do Initiative 1 unless Initiative 2. He stated they can. Councilman Hays asked if there is any reason why they can't proceed with Initiative 1 and discuss Initiative 2 at the conclusion of Initiative 1. Mr. Fong informed him yes, for the reason of funding. He further elaborated on what needs to be done. City Manager McMahon informed Council they approved a $7500 proposal but they did not authorize $13,000 and there is a difference that is going to have to come from somewhere. He stated there is approximately $8,000 left in the budget this year. Page -7- Council Special Meeting September 26, 1994 ~ v Finance Director Munoz explained by entering into an agreement at the end of the fiscal year it does not mean it will be funded from this year. He stated we will not have a liability to pay that money until next year when the work is done. Mayor Hayman commented on a meeting between city Manager McMahon, Mr. Fong, Mr. Clark, the members of the Economic Development Board and himself. city Manager McMahon suggested Council ask Mr. Fong to have Mr. Clark make a presentation for them. Councilwoman Martin stated our main purpose was to develop industrial opportunities. She asked if that would come under Initiative 2. Mr. Fong elaborated on Councilwoman Martin's concerns. Councilman Mitchum feels Mr. Fong is on the right track but he would like to have Mr. Clark do a presentation for Council. Mayor Hayman feels Initiative 2 should be a partnership with the business private sector as well. Councilman Jones asked if Council wanted Mr. Clark to come to the next meeting and give a presentation and answer questions of Council so they can move ahead. Mayor Hayman stated when they had their meeting they agreed Initiative 1 would be done and Mr. Clark would come back and report the results before Council went any further. Councilman Jones made a motion to ask Mr. Clark to come to the next regular meeting to clarify the proposals and the cost, second by Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilman Hays voted NO. Mayor Hayman commented on a document regarding the sewage assessment rate reduction. Finance Director Munoz stated he is to bring this as an agenda item to the next meeting. He stated we will be reducing the interest rate from 6.007% to 5.35% effective December 1, 1994. Finance Director Munoz asked for the consensus of the Council to extend the prepayment discount through November 11, 1994. It was the consensus of the Council to do this. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Councilman Jones made a motion to adjourn, second by Councilman Hays. The meeting adjourned at 10:04 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lisa Kruckmeyer Page -8- Council Special Meeting September 26, 1994