03-28-1991 40
5:00 P.M.
Chairman Ray Wasarhaley called the meeting of the Citizens
Council Advisory Committee to order at 5:05 P.M., Thursday,
March 28, 1991, in the City Hall conference room.
Members present were: Ray Wasarhaley, James Mackie, Stanley
Carlson, Phyllis Woodard, Janet Ptaszek
Also present: Councilwoman Gillespie
Mrs. Woodard made a motion to accept the minutes.
Chairman Wasarhaley asked Mrs. Ptaszek if she would look on page
2 where she was explaining the question brought to her. The word
"hired" department shouldn't this be Fire Department? It was
agreed that the word should be "Fire" Department.
Mr. Carlson added that he would like to clarify his comment about
building in Edgewater, on page 3. He wants to clarify that he
would have built elsewhere in Edgewater, other than Florida
Mr. Mackie seconded the motion, including the changes. Motion
Mrs. Gillespie introduced Charlane Runge, Code Enforcement
Officer. She would like the board to have their discussion with
Charlane, because she cannot attend the entire meeting.
Chairman Wasarhaley said the board just wanted to know if they
could do anything to help her. He explained the board was
discussing U.S. 1, and the unsightly conditions of the buildings
on the main highway, also the buildings on the corner of Park
Ms. Runge explained she can not sight anything under the Building
Department area. There is nothing as far as codes that she can
enforce at this time. The main problem right now are boats that
are parked in front of houses, which should he moved to the rear
or side yards. Cars without current tags, or that are inoperable
sitting up on blocks. Now, the grass is growing and some have
to be sited. She explained she gets calls, and she also finds
violations while she is out, and takes care of them on her own.
Mr. Mackie told the board of some of the violations he has known
of, such as, the grass growing ton high and the cars sitting in
the yards without current tags, etc.
Chairman Wasarhaley asked if there was anything specific that she
sees while she is out that she would like to take care of, but
she can't enforce. He is addressing beautification of the City.
Mrs. Gillespie informed the committee that the City Planner is
going to draft something that would address the exterior of
buildings.This will have to go through channels and so forth.
There was some discussion regarding the upcoming problems with
the grass conditions, especially when people leave for a period
of time on vacations. Mrs. Gillespie's suggestion was that the
lawncaring services leave notices that "this lawn is cared for by
whoever ".
Mr. Carlson told Ms. Runge the discussion that came up when the
committee decided to invite her was regarding the cars parked
along Indian River Boulevard.
Ms. Runge stated usually when there are cars that are for sale
there is a phone number on the car. She comes back to the office
and gives the secretary the phone number. They are called and
usually the cars are moved that day. She gives them 24 -hour
notice to move the vehicle. Some of these cars are on private
property, so she is working with the President of the Florida
Shores Homeowners Association to site the owners of the vehicles
if they don't have permission to park the cars or trucks there.
There was discussion about people working, painting and selling
their on cars in their front yards.
Ms. Runge informed the committee that one more officer is going
to be hired to help with the work load. She is also involved
with safety, which takes up a lot of her time. Also, a lot of
her violations which she needs to site, people are not home while
she is working; this other officer's hours may be scheduled so
that more people will be contacted sooner. She added a lot of
her problems are with the vacant lots, corresponding with the
people who live out of state - -it takes time to get these taken
care of.
Mr. Mackie brought up the question about virgin land, and whether
it can be sited. It was explained that if it has never been cut,
they can not be required to mow, however, cleaning it up because
of trash, etc., this can and is being taken care of.
Mrs. Gillespie asked if this committee has any questions about
the Ordinance that the Mayor has called back for reconsideration
regarding semi trucks and heavy vehicles.
Chairman Wasarhaley said the committee read the information given
to them and there didn't seem to be any mention of semi trucks in
Ms. Runge stated currently she is unahle to site these vehicles;
the Planner is working on the wording for this code, so that she
has something to enforce.
Mrs. Gillespie asked if everyone would remind people about the
watering restrictions. There was discussion among the hoard
about these restrictions.
The committee thanked Ms. Runge for her attendance and input.
Chairman Wasarhaley asked the members to look over the proposed
agenda that is included in their packages, and if agreed they
would follow it tonight. He explained the numbering of each memo
and as action is taken, it will be noted accordingly, so they can
keep up with the items still pending.
Mr. Carlson made a motion to accept this agenda form. Mr. Mackie
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5 -0.
Citizens Council Advisory
March 28, 1991
Mrs. Gillespie asked to address the board. She requested a
motion that the committee not be given the following packet
information: Council minutes, appointments to boards and
agencies should be left out. Mrs. Woodard made a motion to that
affect. Mr. Carlson seconded the motion. It was agreed that a
set of minutes would be available for the entire board to
review, if they wish.
Chairman Wasarhaley commented that there is a lot of interesting
information in the Council agenda package, but a lot of the
material does not need to be supplied to this committee. Most of
the items have already gone to other boards, and this committee
has no business doing it again.
Mrs. Woodard brought to the committee's attention that Mr.
Inman's resignation is on the Council's agenda. She feels he is
an asset to this committee and since his reason was because he
can not attend at the time of our meeting, is there any other day
or time they can meet?
Chairman Wasarhaley pointed out that one of his reasons was that
he does not have time to look over the material before the
Council's meeting. He added that the only reason he sees all of
this information being necessary, is that down the road they will
see things on the agenda that they have done research on.
There was discussion about the time of the meeting, and it was
remembered that the members had a hard time coming up with a time
that would satisfy everyone.
Mrs. Gillespie explained that the reason Thursday was picked for
this meeting was so the agenda package can be available.
Chairman Wasarhaley went over each memo that was sent out after
the last committee meeting.
Mr. Mackie said he contacted Jack Corder about the Christmas
decorations. The members agreed to look over the material
supplied and to discuss this at the next meeting. Mr. Mackie
will get back to Mr. Corder about cost figures.
Mrs. Gillespie brought the subject of mobile phone use up to the
committee for research. She wants to make sure they are
utilizing the phones to the max, are we getting the most for our
Mr. Carlson went over the information that he will ask for from
the Finance Director.
Mr. Carlson reminded the members that they need a job description
for this committee. The Mayor emphasized that they are not
suppose to be a watch -dog committee, they are here to advise the
Council. They are to make the Council aware of things brought to
their attention and assist individual Councilmembers when
needed. The Council as a whole would call upon them to advise
them of certain issues that come before them. Personal opinions
are going to be the case sometimes, however, some of their
comments do not have a place at this meeting. He would like to
get each member's thoughts on what they should be doing. The
citizens do not understand what this committee's function is.
They need a plan.
Citizen Council Advisory
March 28, 1991
460 4i1
Mrs. Woodard expressed her opinion that she felt they were to be
lobbyists for the citizens; inform the Council of what ideas are
brought to them.
Chairman Wasarhaley reiterated to the members his idea about
numbering each memo, so when matters are sent to the Council and
when action is taken they will know.
Mrs. Gillespie told the members they need to get the calender
that Jack Corder puts out the beginning of each month.
Mr. Mackie spoke about his feelings on what this board's function
is. He repeated the package given to the memhers just a few
days before the Council meeting is really unnecessary; they
can't act on it. Perhaps the Council will send items to them to
do research and work on.
Chairman Wasarhaley restated the functions as three part: one,
citizens complaints; second is the Council's projects and or
assistance with items and third is their own projects, areas that
they see themselves that need to be done.
Mr. Carlson reviewed this committee's purposes: Citizens
complaints...getting them answers. Council's projects...getting
information for them. Committee initiated projects; and a fourth
assisting individual Council members when requested, either as
individuals themselves or as a committee.
Chairman Wasarhaley, with Mrs. Gillespie's agreement suggested
that even an individual Council member's requests should come
before the entire committee, and then they would assign it among
themselves considering the expertise. Mrs. Gillespie added that
as chairman Mr. Wasarhaley should be aware of anything anyone is
working on on behalf of this committee.
Mr. Carlson went over what the committee members actually do:
make and receive phone calls, estahlish a forum for citizens
complaints, review and present a reason, together with recom-
mendations. They accept written questions, citizens comments at
their meetings, they listen and assist.
Mrs. Ptaszek commented that part of her research will include
comparisons with how other cities handle things.
Mr. Mackie suggested inviting chairmen of other boards to their
committee meeting to give them input and ask for their services
if there is any area they can help with.
Mr. Carlson added, especially if a certain board feels they do
not have the hest rapport with the Council, they may he a go
between for them. Mrs. Gillespie agreed, adding that this
committee is the "direct pipeline to the Council ".
Mrs. Gillespie announced her next "Breakfast with the Citizens ",
the fourth Wednesday in April, 8:30 A.M. at the Eatery.
This committee's next meeting will be April lath.
Mrs. Woodard made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Mackie seconded the
motion. Motion CARRIED. Meeting adjourned 6:00 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Councilperson Gillespie
Debbie Sigler -4-
Citizens Council Advisory
March 28, 1991