01-31-1991 Nor CITY OF EDGEWATER CITIZEN COUNCIL ADVISORY THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, /991 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM GALL TO ORDER Mayor Weser called the meeting of the Citizen Council Advisory Committee to order at 705 p.m. on Thursday, January 31, 1991, in The City Hall Conference Room. ROLL CALL Members present were: Mr. Ray Wasarhaley, Mr. James Mackie, Mr. Stanley Carlson, Mr. Edward Janus, Ms. Phyllis Woodard, and Ms. Janet Ptaszek. Mr. James Inman was excused. Also present were: Mark Miller, Mayor Tanya Wessler, Perry Barrett, and Lisa Kruckmeyer, Recording Secretary. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Tanya Wessler explained the purpose of this committee is to review th Cmn 11 and a and possibly d1 t- itisms if necessary. Mr. P'''ackle asks.d if they could bring other things to the Council's attention, that may be brought to them? Mayor Wessler stated they do not want to step on the toes of other boards. She explained diffs-rent things that can be brought to CounciT's attsntion. Ms. Woodard asked if they can give their opinions on the C1P ar any of the other things going on in the City. Mayor Wessler stated the Committee should come to a general concensus. Ms. Woodard stated, for example, people are bringing to her attention about the trees in the City, FPL is cutting them to much Tutting them one sided, and cutting them L-shaped. Mayor Ws-ss1Far stats if ths rnmmitte sess soms out there that shouldn't be allowed they should mention it. Mr. Carlson stated one of the major functions that this group nould contribute would bs information. Mr. Wasarhaley stated one of the problems with government is too many people are doing the same thing. He does not want to work on something that someone else should be doing or that is already being done. Mr. Janus stated the more information you hays., the better decision vou can make. He stated in the last Council meeting minutes it reads there would be time allotted for the Committee. He added he doesn't feel they should be asked to go to Council meetings. He stated this Committee is advisory capacity only, not a decision making group. Mayor Wess/er stated it has been said that the Council Advisory Committee is under the Sunshine, but she doesn't know if that is necs'ssarily true. Ms. Woodard si ths- Commi*tes doesn't have autonomy so they wouldn't be under ths. .E,nshins. Mayor Wessler stated they are not a decision making board so she didn't think they would be under the Sunshine. She sJogested the Committee should elent their Chairman, ths Wcs—rhairman, and their oro-tempore and decide whether they any a whole packet or Just the cover page agenna. Mayor Wessler excused herself at 7:25 p.m. Election of Offidnrs - Chairman - Mr. Car nn made a motion to nominate Ray WasArialey, seconded by Edward Natnus. There being no further nominations, it was moved and seconded to close nominations.. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Election of Officers - Vice-Chairman - Mr. Janus nominated Mr. Carlson who stated he would rather have someone who is more familiar with the City. Ms. Woodard nominated Mr. Mackie who declined. Mr. Macki stated he thnuoht Mr. Car/san should take it. Mr. Janus made a motion to nominate Stanley Carlson, seconded by Ms. Woodard. There being no further nominations, it was moved and secondtad to close nominations. Motion CARRIED 5- Mr. Carlson abstained. Election of Officers - Pro-tempore - Mr. Carlson made a motion to nominate Ms. Woodard, seconded by Mr. Janus. There being no further nominations, it was moved and seconded to close nominations. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Chairman Was,arhaley suggested the Committee. go around and introduce themselves and tell a little about themselves, which they did. Chairman Wasarhaley got the Committee back into their discussion to decide what they would be doing at their meetings. Mr. Janus had the following comments: The packets were great, it is an opportunity to know at is happening in Edgewater. The oommittee should look at U.S. *1, the business area, which is deteriorating. The committee should get together and find out if there are going to be any funds released by the Federal Sovernment. The committee should look into Code Enforcement. The committee should find out the requirements for opening a business and see if there is any way they can help. Each member should request an ordinance book of their own. Mr. Mackie stated the Committee should work on having Riverside Drive striped. Ms. Woodard asked if the County maintained it. Mr. Mackie stated he heard pros and cons about it. He also stated Riverside Drive is a dangerous road. Chairman Wasarhaley asked if that was something the Committee could find out; whose road it is, whose responsibility it is and who needs to be contacted. He stated after they find out all this information, the Council can tell the Road Department to contact whoever is. in charge of Riverside Drive and get this taken care of. Mr. Carlson stated the Committee needs to set up their agenda for their metinha. He also stated he thinks all of the support material is a good idea. Mr. Carlson made a motion to make the first order of business to review the Council's agenda packet and go item by item and determine what is appropriate to the Committee's attention and what is not appropriate to their attention. Ms. Ptaszek seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Ms. Woodard stated she would like to see the Board make a recommendation to Council for the Southeast Velusia Hospital District. Mr. Janus made a motion to hold their meetings on Friday nights at 7:00 p.m. Their was discussion on when the Board would schedule their meetings. Mr. Janus withdrew his motion and made a motion to hold their meetings at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday prior to Council meetings. Ms. Woodard seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0. 2 Coolnril Advisory January 31 , 1991 NI00 *give Mr. Carlson stated that he has gone over the minutes for the last two years for the Council meetings and he sees the same names. He czaid the Cnuncil Meetings are open to the public but only a few take advantage of it. Mr. Car /son made a motion to take three members and that they in effect make a job description for themselves and submit it to Council for their approval. Ms. Woodard asked if it would be better to come to the net meeting with what they feel this committee should be. Mr. Janus made a motion to have the second item en the agenda as individual input on what they have heard or want to tiring up. Ms. Woodard seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Mr. Mackie stated Item 6G on the agenda. is very important. He stated the Committee should study Et and bring in some questions on it. Ch Wasarhaley stated if they are going to do it, to do it when they put the sewers in because it will make it easier later and in order to qualify or fulfill the mandate to have no discharge into the river by 1995, they have to discharge it somewhere but this is not feasible unless they have the new water plant and sewer plant. Mr. Mackie stated the Council has to have something in March because they will lose their grant money. Chairman Wasarhaley stated they should finish setting up their agenda. Mr. Markle stated a letter Tz.hould be sent to Council stating they had their first meeting January 31, 1991, officers were appointed and give them the general information of what happened. Mr. Janus stated the Mayer and Council should be informed of their advice through a memo. Mr. Wasarhaley stated that under citizen comments, if someone has something they would like the Committee to look into he feels they can tell the Committee about it in one or two minutes. He stated he doesn't want to make it a mini Council meeting Mr. Janus stated there are so any things that the Committee needs to do, they cannot sit there and be a complaint department. Chairman Wasarhaley stated any comments the Committee listens to should be brought up at the following meeting unless it is a critical issue. Mr. Mackie stated there is a dangerous situation on Riverside Drive with bicycles at night. He stated it should be put in an ordinance requiring reflectors or lights. Chairman Wasarhaley stated he believed Council has voted on a bike path on Riverside Drive. He stated the Committee should take the initiative to speak to the Police and see where they stand and what can be done and also talk to Public Works and see if there is anyway the road can be marked. Mr. Mackie stated Public Works doesn't have anything to do with it. He also stated you would have to go to the Police or go to your City Councilman. Ms. Woodard stated she thought they ju=vt had a rodeo at the schools about safety procedures. Mr. Janus made a motion that the Committee members will discuss present and future plans and concerns. Ms. Woodard seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3 Citizens Council Advisory Janaury 31, 1991 4 160? w Mr. Carlson made a motion to authorize the chairman to adjust the agenda to make it a workable agenda. Mr. Carle.on then withdrew his motion. Mr. Carlson made a motion that this Committee endorse ltem A on the agenda under New Business and advise the Council to pursue that Mr. Janus< e,econded the motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0. The Committee then discussed ltem A which is the introduction of sovereignty for interest-free loans to support the capital improvement program. Mr. Janus asked the Committee to look at Item E under New Business which readRecommendations to fill position on Southeast Volusia Hospital District Board due to expiration of term of Dave Severance." Mr. Janus asked if anybody had more knowledge of that and could explain the functions to the Committee. M. Woodard stated what they do is they are the board members for the Southeast Volusia Count District for the hospital down here and they vote on things that would pertain to the taxpayers and they make decisions on what goes on in the hospital. She added she would like to see the Committee recommend Dave Severance again. Mr. Mackie stated he thinks both names should do into Council. He felt Ms- Woodard was getting personal. Ms. Woodard stated she could only say what she knows about one person. She doesn't know the other people- Chairman Wasarhaley stated he doesn't believe that this is an area where the Committee needs to make a recommendation- Mr. Janus asked what the Committee thought about the City Charter and asked if they should get involved in that. Mr- Mackie stated that he thought the City Charter hadn't been approved yet- He stated he thought this Council dissolved that Committee and they are supposed to appoint another one. Mr. Carlson suggested the Committee go to ltem 6F on the agenda. He stated that he thinks the big question is, do they build a Library in New Smyrna at the location of the existing Library or do they build a Library in conjunction with the college. The Committee went on to discuss the determination of the City's desire to be included in special taxing district for new Southeast Volusia Regional Library proposed to be built in New Smyrna Beach. Mr- Carlson stated if you go into the New Smyrna Beach Library there is an architectural design of the new Library there. Chairman Wasarhaley stated it would be a much more ndepth Library as far as reference text and if it is built to be a college Library it would h=lve much more facilities. Mr. Carlson made a motion to go with the City Manager's recommendation on ltem #2. Mr. Janus seconded. Motion CARRIED Mr. Carlson stated that every time he turns around or hears anything that involves any engineering project in Edgewater, he comes up with Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt firm. He stated he pets the impression that they are the only engine-ering firm that are really giving us input. Mr. Car]-son stated that that is concerning him is he doesn't see any checks and balance. 4 Citizens Council Advisory lanuary 31, 1991 M. Mackie askx,.d Carlsnn if he thought ' , City should look • Now 11110 into another engineering firm. Chairman Waearhaley stated that is what the discussion toward the Council E. Mr. rarlson statd he has checked with other rities and they have an e.ngineering dept. that coordinates the activities of the evnginee firms that are hired as consultants. Mr. Carlson statd his r question is who is rea/ly doing the coordination other than the engineering firm, Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt. rhairman Wasarhaley asked who is doing the widening of Park Avenue. M1=.. Ptas7e.k stat=d the County is doing the widening of Park Avenue. Mr. Carlson asked if the City has an Engineering Department. Chairman Wasarhaley stated the City has an Engineer. The Crimmitte went on to discuss the widening of Park Avenue. Chairman Wasarhaley asked the Committee if they had any feelings about Section 6 or on the agenda. He stated the agreement was drawn up in 1987 but this was something that was an agreement already made. Mr. Carlson stated that a lot of decisions need to be made before the reclaimed water decision can be made. Mr. Janus stated if something is going to be done to do it the rorrect way now instead of having to do it again later. Mr. Carlson stated with the proper planning you can do it right but you don't have to do it all at the same time. The Committee went on to discuss the water and sewer projects in the City. Mr. Carlson asked if the reclaimed water system is City wide. Mr. Macie stated it is supposed to be if it ever gets done. He stated it is so broad it is hard to tell how far it will go. Ms. Ptaszek brought to the attention of the rnmmtte that the Council is having their net meeting on February 13, 1991 because of the President's Holiday on February 18, 1991, so the rnmmittee would have to reschedule their meetinn. Mr. Carlson read the legal language on the agenda under ronsent Agenda. He stated that the items under Consent Agenda are not routine in 'nature. Ms. Ptaszek stated everyone needs to watch where they are spending money. The Committee went on to discuss the Consent Agenda. Ms. Ptasze. made a motion to have their next meeting on Monday, February 11, 1991, at 700 p.m. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Ms. Ptaszek made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Woodard- - The meeting adjourned at 9:40. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Lisa Kruckmeyer 5 Citizens Council Advisory January 31 , 1991