10-20-1987 CITY OF EDGEWATER LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1987 10:00 A.M. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL Chairman Martinez called to order a regular meeting of the Local Planning Agency, Tuesday, October 20, 1987, at 10:00 A.M., in the Conference Room of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Terry Wadsworth and Connie Martinez. Also present were Harold Nantz of Dyer Riddle Mills and Precourt, David Garrett of Parks and Recreation, and Beverly Kinney, Secretary. Mr. Alvarez, City Attorney, and Mike Tenney of Public Works were excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of September 15, 1987, were presented for approval. Mr. Wadsworth moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Mrs. Martinez. Minutes approved. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: None. COMMUNICATIONS: It was noted, correspondence was received from Daytona Beach and Daytona Beach Shores regarding comprehensive plan amendments. Mrs. Martinez noted the City's request for an extension from D.C.A. had been approved. The application for grant money from D.C.A. for the comprehensive plan, prepared by Harold Nantz and Beverly Kinney, had been completed on schedule and forwarded to D.C.A. Mrs. Martinez stated there was a request for housing information from the Florida House of Representatives. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to send a copy of the housing element. There was a request from the Coastal Management Steering Committee for any information available regarding various elements of the comprehensive plan. The deadlines for responding were confusing to the Board and the Secretary was asked to look into it. The Board discussed the element status checklist. Mr. Nantz suggested including the future land use and coastal zone elements to the list and a target date for completion of the entire comprehensive plan. Mrs. Martinez suggested adding columns to cover submittal to other Cities and the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council (ECFRPC) if needed. Mr. Nantz felt they may be able to assist in some areas of the comprehensive plan. After some discussion, Mrs. Martinez asked Mr. Nantz to check into possible grant money available for assistance from the E.C.F.R.P.C. ELEMENT STATUS: Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, Natural groundwater Aquifer Recharge elements: Harold Nantz of Dyer, Riddle, Mills and Precourt (D.R.M. &P.) reported the solid waste element was complete and a draft was done for the drainage. Mr. Wadsworth added the solid waste element was almost complete. Mr. Nantz was hoping to complete the other two (2) elements by mid November. He added the covers needed to be printed and the goals and objectives needed to be done. Mr. Nantz and Mr. Wadsworth discussed getting together to work on the elements. Mrs. Martinez and the rest of the Board discussed the need for a meeting on November 3, 1987. It was decided it was not needed and could be used as a work day for Mr. Nantz and Mr. Wadsworth. The Board agreed a special meeting could be held if needed. -1- %we '44110 ELEMENT STATUS continued: Recreation and Open Space: David Garrett pointed out he has a Parks and Recreation Board and wanted to know how much involvement they should have. Mr. Nantz felt they should be involved in at least reviewing the element. Mr. Garrett felt they could help in forming the goals and objectives of the element. Mr. Garrett suggested a recreation survey. Mrs. Martinez asked about a mass mailout or spot polling. Mr. Garrett thought if the proposed Newsletter for the residents was adopted he could use it for the survey. Existing Land Use Element: Mr. Nantz reported Beverly Kinney was in the process of completing the final existing land use element, and was awaiting some equipment to calculate acreage. Mr. Garrett was excused from the meeting at 10:35 A.M. The Board discussed the purchase of some type of board that could be written on and erased to keep the element status checklist. There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wadsworth moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:40 A.M. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Beverly Kinney, Board Secretary Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 20, 1987 -2-