09-15-1987 fir/ CITY OF EDGEWATER LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 10:00 A.M. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL Chairman Martinez called to order a regular meeting of the Local Planning Agency, Tuesday, September 15, 1987, at 10:00 A.M., in the conference room of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mrs. Martinez, Mr. Wadsworth and Mr. Tenney. Also present were Harold Nantz of Dyer, Riddle, Mills and Precourt (D.R.M.& P.), and Beverly Kinney, Board Secretary. Mrs. Martinez asked for a motion to recess the meeting until the City Attorney arrived for the meeting. Mr. Wadsworth so moved, seconded by Mr. Tenney. Meeting recessed at approximately 10:05 A.M. The meeting was called back to order upon arrival of the City Attorney at approximately 11:10 A.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mrs. Martinez asked the City Attorney if Mr. Tenney would be permitted to second motions since he was not an official member of the Board. Mrs. Alvarez stated Mrs. Martinez would be permitted to second motions until there was an official third member. The minutes of August 18, 1987 were presented to the Board. Mr. Wadsworth moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Mrs. Martinez. Minutes Approved. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: The Board discussed a memo from D.C.A. regarding requirements in completing the existing land use plan. Mr. Nantz (D.R.M. &P.) stated the soil survey was available and the minerals information could be gathered. The Board discussed density and intensity for the existing land use element. Mr. Alvarez explained to the Board how to address density for the land use element. The Board discussed the Growth Management Act. Mr. Alvarez explained the pretransmittal public hearing held by Council prior to sending the comprehensive plan to D.C.A. and submittal to the Growth Management Commission for a certificate of consistency . NEW BUSINESS: Letter from Port Orange: The Board discussed Port Oranges planned comprehensive plan amendment. There was also a discussion about annexation, zoning, land uses and development code regulations. The Board also reviewed possible impacts created by development of surrounding Cities. There was a question of land development when property has been annexed into the City, but has not been zoned. Mr. Alvarez stated the property can be developed, but must abide by County zoning regulations, but City ordinances regulate parking, landscaping, setbacks, etc. Mr. Alvarez suggested sending a reply to Port Orange stating the proposed amendment had been reviewed and the City saw no adverse impact or inconsistency to the City of Edgewater. Calendar of Elements: Mr. Alvarez suggested the following items for the Calendar: List of Elements, Target Date, Status on Completion, Application to G.M.C., Trans- mittal Hearing Date and Due Date to D.C.A. Mr. Alvarez also suggested having the comprehensive plan ready at least six (6) months prior to the due date. OLD BUSINESS: Housing Element: The final housing element was delivered and the Chairman asked if there were any comments. It was noted table fourteen (14) was incorrect, and Mr. Grigas of Strategic Planning Group was to be notified of the error. Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element: Mr. Nantz (D.R.M. &P.) stated the solid waste element was almost complete and was pending comments prior to doing the final draft. -1- NI1/ The drainage and wastewater elements were about fifty percent (50 %) complete. There was some discussion regarding future service areas in regards to the element. Mr. Alvarez stated the service area needed to be included in the element but could only cover an area of five (5) miles beyond the City's present corporate limits, according to state statutes. NEW BUSINESS: (continued) Review of Membership: Mr. Alvarez felt there was no real problem with having only two (2) official members on the Board, and felt no other members needed to be added at this time. There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wadsworth moved to adourn, seconded by Mrs. Martinez. The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:02 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Beverly Kinney Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 15, 1987 -2-