10:00 A.M.
Chairman Martinez called to order a regular meeting of the
Local Planning Agency on Tuesday, August 4, 1987, at 10:00
A.M., in the conference room of City Hall.
Members present were Mrs. Martinez, Mr. Austin and Mr. Wadsworth.
Also present were Mrs. Plaskett, Harold Nantz of Dyer, Riddle,
Mills and Precourt, Peter Grigas of Strategic Planning Group and
Beverly Kinney, Board Secretary. Mr. David Garrett was excused.
The minutes of July 21, 1987 were presented for approval. Mr.
Wadsworth moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Mr. Austin.
Housing Element: Mr. Peter Grigas of S.P.G. was present to discuss
the draft of the housing element. Mr. Grigas had done the population
projections and stated all involved would have to agree on the figures.
Each element was dependent and based upon population figures. Mr.
Grigas went over some of the figures, and stated there would be a
year round population of almost 15,000 by 1990, a little over 20,000
by 1995 and the growth rate would begin to level off after the year
2000. Mr. Grigas added the growth rate since 1984 had been 64 percent.
Mrs. Plaskett went over the population projections from Volusia County.
Mr. Grigas did not feel the figures from the County were accurate.
Mrs. Plaskett agreed and stated the Population Projection Committee
were going to ask the County bring their figures in line with the
City and the State would receive more accurate population figures.
Mr. Grigas explained S.P.G. used the extrapolation method to get
their population projections and verified their numbers using the
fixed ratio and variable method for comparison.
Mr. Grigas stated residential land absorption and availability ties
in with population projections. Wetlands and environmentally sens-
itive land lowers the availability of land.
Mr. Grigas stated housing affordability would have to be addressed,
and suggested mobile homes as opposed to subsidized housing. The
Board discussed rezoning land for low income housing and current
procedures for mobile home parks and subdivisions. They also
discussed possible annexations providing land for low income housing.
Mr. Grigas pointed out the State is requiring a provision for low
income housing in the comprehensive plan.
The Board also discussed updating zoning ordinances. Mr. Grigas
stated an ordinance is only as good as the enforcement behind it.
Mr. Grigas stated under special housing types there were 560 mobile
homes. The information was gathered from the State and varified by
contacting each mobile home park in the City. There was a discrepancy
in the number of mobile homes in the City. S.P.G. came up with a
total of 556 and the City listed 549 units.
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There was some discussion regarding goals, policies and objectives
for the housing element. Mr. Grigas stated he would work up a list
for discussion at the next meeting and Council. Mrs. Martinez felt
the Council could go over the goals, policies and objectives, after
staff review, in a workshop.
Mr. Grigas stated he was hoping to have the final draft of the
housing element prepared by the next regular L.P.A. meeting, and
he would like L.P.A. members and staff to comment on the draft.
There was some discussion regarding public hearings for each element
and the comprehensive plan as a whole.
Mr. Austin moved to take a break, seconded by Mr. Wadsworth at
11:06 A.M. Meeting resumed at 11:20 A.M.
Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable and Natural Ground
Water Aquifer Recharge Element: Harold Nantz of Dyer, Riddle, Mills
and Precourt was present to discuss this part of the comprehensive
plan. Mrs. Plaskett stated Mr. Wadsworth felt most of the infor-
mation needed was available, but needed to be put in proper form.
The parts of the element that were vague were the Natural Ground=
Water Aquifer Recharge and Drainage. According to Mr. Nantz, there
should be no problem getting the element in to D.C.A. by the dead-
line of September 30, 1987, and it can be amended at a later date.
Mr. Nantz stated he had been concentrating on the Solid Waste and
Drainage part of the element. First to be identified is how the
City services solid waste, where it goes and how it fits into the
County and Regional plans. Existing land use data from 1981 indL-
cates most of the refuse goes to the County station. The element
will also have address hazardous waste, including those that come
from household goods.
There was some discussion as to how much of the work Dyer, Riddle,
Mills and Precourt would be doing on the element. Mrs. Martinez
suggested the City doing the research and gathering of information
for Mr. Nantz to compile into the element. Mr. Nantz agreed it
could be done that way.
There was some discussion regarding the incinerator. Mr. Wadsworth
explained it was used mainly for tree cuttings, wood, etc. Mr. Nantz
felt it needed to be looked at because the City needed to evaluate
the possibility of a facility for the City and land needed for such
a facility.
Mr. Nantz stated the goals, policies and objectives would also need
to be addressed.
Mr. Nantz felt solid waste should be fairly easy to address, because
the County handles so much of it, but drainage will be more involved,
because there have to be some indepth studies done. Mrs. Martinez
stated Mr. Frank Marshall, an Engineer, had done a study on drainage.
Mr. Wadsworth felt it could be very helpful.
Mrs. Plaskett stated one of her main concerns was the amount of run-
off going directly into the river in conjunction with the Coastal
Management element. Mrs. Plaskett added she was a member of the
Coastal Management Steering Committee, and they hired a consultant in
conjunction with the County. Each City will be able to use any infor-
mation they need for their Coastal Management Element. Mr. Nantz
stated he would be interested in studies done on existing features,
sizing, drainage canals, drainage ways, drainage basins, how many acres
of drainage, it drains and how much drains in right -of -ways.
Mr. Austin felt they could put together a pretty good working
drainage map with the maps prepared for the C.I.P.
The Board agreed stormwater runoff and pollution runoff were two (2)
major items that would have to be looked at.
Local Planning Agency
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 4, 1987
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There was some discussion regarding septic tanks in Florida
Shores, grant funding for a gravity collection system, a treatment
plant and soil surveys and analysis.
Mr. Nantz stated he would try to be back Wednesday, August 5, 1987,
to start work with Mr. Austin. Mr. Wadsworth suggested Mr. Nantz
also get together with the City Engineer.
Mr. Nantz stated he would compare the population projections done
by S.P.G. against those done by his company. The Board agreed to
use the population projections from S.P.G.
There was a small discussion regarding F.E.M.A.
There was also discussion regarding the meeting between Mr. Nantz
and Mr. Austin. Mr. Nantz suggested Mr. Austin call Tomoka Landfill
to find out what their future plans were and what their past, present
and future capacity was. He also suggested gathering generation
rates and past histories on the collection system for drainage and
solid waste. Mrs. Martinez stated she would call the City Engineer
to make sure he would be available for the meeting scheduled for
August 5, 1987.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wads-
worth moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Austin. Meeting Adjourned
at approximately 12:07 P.M.
Local Planning Agency
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 4, 1987
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney