07-21-1987 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1987 10:00 A.M. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL Chairman Martinez called to order a regular meeting of the Local Planning Agency at 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, July 21, 1987, in the conference room of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mrs. Martinez, Mr. Wadsworth and Mr. Austin. Also present were Mr. Garrett, Mrs. Plaskett and Ms. Kinney, Sec- retary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of July 7, 1987, were presented for approval. Mr. Wadsworth moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Mr. Austin. Minutes Approved. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: D.C.A. Technical Assistance Workshop: Recaps of the workshop were done by Mrs. Martinez and Mr. Wadsworth, and placed in the agenda packets for this meeting. Mrs. Plaskett asked for a clarification of who would determine if Edgewater's comprehensive plan was consistent with the surrounding Cities, D.C.A. or us? Mrs. Martinez stated D.C.A. would handle it. Mr. Wadsworth wanted to know if Mr. Austin had a copy of the D.O.T. Drainage Manual. Mr. Austin did not and Mr. Wadsworth suggested he needed it, because that was what D.O.T. is doing for the level of service on the drainage. Mr. Wadsworth stated the difficult area to be identified for the comprehensive plan would be the levels of service for drainage. Mr. Wadsworth stated D.C.A. was encouraging joint planning agreements. A discussion followed about the areas between Edgewater and the County, in reference to some sort of agreement and talks regarding consistency between the Cities and County service areas. They also discussed the possibility of an optional element for reserve areas, which would have to be brought up between Mrs. Plaskett and the City Attorney. Mrs. Plaskett stated there would have to be a correlation with the future land use element and that could get sticky. Mr. Wadsworth stated that could compound his five (5) and ten (10) year projections, since he has to know where the City will be servicing. One of the items Mrs. Plaskett found interesting at the D.C.A. Technical Assistance Workshop related to future land use outside the City's corporate limits. The County and the municipality must have a signed agreement, with the County giving permission, for Edgewater to designate land use for future annexations, which will be addressed in the comprehensive plan. Mr. Austin brought up the future beltway, proposed by the state, and wanted to know how to address it in the comprehensive plan. It was his understanding, from the workshop, that if he could not address it at this time, he could amend it at a later date. There was quite a discussion on the County getting into the utilities business, and how the attitudes of annexation have changed. There was also some discussion on the utility company serving Boston - Whaler. Mrs. Plaskett informed the Board that the deadline for this element was coming up shortly and had scheduled a session with Mr. Austin and Mr. Wadsworth to see what information was available and what would be needed in order to put a package together for D.C.A. It was the census of the Board to try to have the consultants at the next meeting, including the City Attorney, to assist with the process necessary to meet D.C.A.'s requirements and to fulfill our obligation under the grant contract. Mrs. Martinez asked about the maps Ferrara Engineering was working on, and was told that they had not been completed. Mrs. Plaskett and Mr. Wadsworth had to review them, but Mrs. Plaskett felt the maps from Dyer, Riddle, Mills and Precourt were excellent and wanted to use them instead of waiting for the maps Mr. Ferrara was to supply. There was a discussion on the possiblity of Dyer, Riddle, Mills and Precourt being able to help with the service areas, because of their expertise, if they were retained by the City. Mr. Wadsworth asked if solid waste needed to be addressed, Mrs. Plaskett stated it would. There was some conversation about the eventual closing of the Tomoka Landfill. The Board discussed when Mr. Wadsworth, Mr. Austin and Mrs. Plaskett would get together to discuss the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Ground Aquifer Recharge element. (S.S.,S.W.,D.,P.W.,N.G.A.R. element) The Secretary informed them it would be on Friday, July 24, and would probably follow the Dep- artment Head review for site plans. Mrs. Plaskett felt the only thing to be addressed as far as the drainage would be how the City filters water before it ends up in the river, but could discuss it further on Friday. HOUSING ELEMENT: Mrs. Plaskett explained it was just a draft full of 1980 census information. She added the Planning Department was working on the housing condition survey, and would probably be done in a few days. Mrs. Plaskett explained S.P.G. had been given a rundown of dem- olition and building permits for residential, commercial and ind- ustrial sites since 1980, but might have to do a month by month report. Mr. Austin stated the Daytona Beach Homebuilders Assoc- iation (Builders Exchange) might have the information she needed, and Mrs. Plaskett should contact Betty for a monthly breakdown. Mrs. Martinez added they might have a lot of statistics the City could use. Mrs. Plaskett talked with Mr. Grigas of S.P.G. He stated he would do the population projections for Edgewater, and they should be ready in about a month. There was some discusssion about rental rates and the increase from 1980 to the present. Mrs. Plaskett asked how many subsidized housing units there were. As far as anyone knew, there was only one project, Edgewater Park Apartments. Mrs. Plaskett stated low income housing would have to be addressed and provisions made for it. TECHNICAL MEMO FROM D.C.A.: Everyone received a copy of the D.C.A. newsletter, along with a copy of a Technical Assistance Request Form and Question Sheet. The Board was informed the Secretary had the original if copies were needed. MISCELLANEOUS: Mrs. Plaskett asked if anything had been received regarding Emer- gency Management Amendments. Mrs. Martinez did not recall getting anything. Mrs. Martinez stated there would be a public hearing on flood manage- ment by F.E.M.A. It will be held, Monday, August 10, 1987 at 3:30 P.M. She suggested all Department Heads affected attend. Mrs. Plaskett asked Mrs. Martinez to find out if the City was re- quired to hold public hearings prior to submitting elements to D.C.A. Mrs. Martinez suggested Mrs. Plaskett get in touch with the City Attorney's office to find out. There was more discussion about Mr. Wadsworth, Mr. Austin and. Mrs. Plaskett getting together to discuss the S.S., S.W., D., P.W., N.G.A.R. element. Mrs. Martinez felt it needed to be handled Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting July 21, 1987 -2- l s `r/ as a workshop and taped, because two (2) members of the L.P.A. would be involved. Mrs. Martinez added she would contact the City Attorney to find the best way to handle this, and would get back to the Secretary. There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wadsworth moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Austin. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:45 A.M. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Beverly Kinney, Board Secretary Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 21, 1987 -3-