06-16-1987 Nue 'w
TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1987
10:00 A.M.
Chairman Connie Martinez called to order a regular meeting of the
Local Planning Agency at 10:05 A.M., Tuesday, June 16, 1987 in
the conference room of City Hall.
Members present were Terry Wadsworth, Ron Austin, Connie Martinez,
and Dave Garrett. Also present were Jose' Alvarez, City Attorney,
and Beverly Kinney, Board Secretary.
The minutes of June 2, 1987, were presented for approval. Mr. Wads-
worth moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Mr. Austin. Motion
Carried 4 -0.
Status Report for Construction East of Riverside Drive: Mrs. Martinez
stated since Dennis Fischer, Building Official, was not part of the
Board, she would send him a memo attaching a copy of the status report
for his comments.
Mrs. Martinez brought up the fact that the comprehensive plan also
states construction East of Riverside Drive should be discouraged.
Mr. Alvarez asked the Board members to bring their copies of the
comprehensive plan for the Secretary to check to make sure they had
current copies. Mr. Alvarez read sub - chapter two (2) of the comp-
rehensive plan regarding construction East of Riverside Drive.
Mr. Alvarez stated Edgewaters comprehensive plan in regard to the
Indian River was consistent with the County, and the Conservation
Element would be considered to be probably the most important element.
Status Report on Comprehensive Plan: Mr. Alvarez looked over the
listing Mrs. Plaskett had prepared of the area of the comprehensive
plan, the section and who would be working on the section. Mr.
Alvarez stated he would like more detail, such as who the consultants
were and a timetable as to when each element should be finished.
Mr. Alvarez stated the Board needed to look at the procedures mandated
by the statute for the amendment of the plan and what happens when.
Mrs. Martinez suggested holding this item until the next meeting when
Mrs. Plaskett would be available.
Mrs. Martinez asked the Secretary to furnish each of the Board Members
with a copy of 9J -5.
Mr. Alvarez discussed public participation for amending the comp-
rehensive plan and public notices regarding hearings for the adopt-
ion of the comprehensive plan element by element, and then the plan
as a whole. Mr. Alvarez stated there was a form letter from D.C.A.
the Board could use. The City is encouraged to make executive summaries
of the comprehensive plan available to the general public, and should
release information on a regular basis to keep citizens advised of the
current situation.
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Comprehensive Plan continued: Mr. Alvarez felt the Board should
find out the main causes for pollution in the Indian River through
the Mosquito Lagoon Study. There was some discussion regarding
stormwater run -off and the Indian River. Mr. Alvarez stated the
City was growing fast, and would be forced to upgrade the current
stormwater run -off system, and there would be possible grants and
loans available for this in the future.
Mr. Alvarez brought up the traffic circulation element and the fact
that most of the information needed could be obtained through the
County and the Department of Transporation.
Mr. Alvarez stated there would be a two (2) day Technical Assistance
Workshop by the Department of Community Affairs regarding the different
elements of the comprehensive plan. He stressed the importance of each
Board member attending the seminar which is to be held in Orlando on
June 29th and 30th.
Mr. Alvarez stated copies of any information regarding the comp-
rehensive plan should be distributed among the L.P.A. members.
Also, everyone should have a copy of "Preparing A Comprehensive
Plan ", 9J -5, a copy of the statute, the requirements, attend the
technical workshop, regional workshops and be a part of the technical
assistance programs. After some discussion it was decided the model
elements would be in the Planning Department, and were available for
L.P.A. members and staff to use.
The Board members took a ten (10) minute break.
Mr. Alvarez stated the existing comprehensive land use plan consisted
of the original plan as prepared by Briley, Wild and Associates in
1979. Amendments to the text of the plan were made in 1981, making
reference to ordinance 81 -0 -10 and a certain file called "City of
Edgewater Master File Comprehensive Plan." Mr. Alvarez asked the
Secretary to obtain copies for the next L.P.A. meeting. Mrs. Plaskett
did an amendment in 1986 and filed it with D.C.A., which was required
by law. Mr. Alvarez stated he wanted a copy of the original compre-
hensive plan with the amended 1981 plan and all cover letters given
to each Board member. Mr. Alvarez stated the Secretary should put
any correspondence regarding the L.P.A. in each members packets for
scheduled meetings.
There was some discussion about schools and possible data to be used
for other elements ie: transporation, recreation, water and sewer.
Mr. Garrett stated the projections by the school system for Edgewater
Elementary were 1,002 students in September 1987.
There was some discussion about the possibility of a bridge crossing
the river to the beachside, and how it would change the coastal zone
management element for the future.
Status Report on S.P.G. Contract: The Board was informed represent-
atives from S.P.G. would be in tomorrow for a meeting with Mrs.
Plaskett. Mrs. Martinez stated the meeting was to go over the 9J -5
criteria, any needs of the City, and an exchange of information to
complete the housing element in a timely manner. The Board agreed
to have the representative from S.P.G. present at the next L.P.A.
meeting and to taping the meeting for tomorrow and having a summary
typed up for the L.P.A. members.
Status Report on Volusia County Plan Amendment: Mr. Alvarez stated
he wanted to know what the county was doing with their overall comp-
rehensive plan, and felt a call to Mr. Sicorsci's office would prob-
ably get the information needed. Mr. Alvarez wanted to know if they
were using consultants, or doing it in- house, and who makes up the
staff. He stated once we get the information we can start tapping
into it. Mr. Alvarez asked that the information be ready for the
next meeting.
Local Planning Agency
Regular Meeting
June 16, 1987
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Volusia County continued: Mr. Alvarez wanted to know if the amendment
to the Mosquito Lagoon was an amendment to the existing county plan
and if it will be incorporated into the new comprehensive plan. He
stated the Board would have to know what's going on to be consistent.
Mr. Alvarez wanted to know how Oak Hill and New Smyrna were handling
their comprehensive plans, so the City could be consistent with them.
Mr. Alvarez asked if there was any more contact from the county re-
garding water and waste water. Mr. Wadsworth said they were not able
to get on it right now. Mrs. Martinez stated there was one (1) meet-
ing with Mr. Wadsworth, the Mayor, herself and the accountant. It then
went to Council for authorization to sit in on a meeting. Mrs. Martinez
stated a letter had been sent after the Council meeting stating author-
ization had been granted and they were to contact the City, but there
had been no response to date.
Mr. Alvarez stated Oak Hill was being handled by Brett and Associates,
but wanted the Secretary to check into how much they were handling and
who was doing what. Mr. Alvarez also felt it might be a good idea to
go to some of New Smyrna Beach's meetings and compare notes on some
of the elements.
Mr. Alvarez stated since the consultants were coming to the next L.P.A.
meeting the Board should start with the housing element.
There was some discussion regarding public notices and when they were
to run for each element of the comprehensive plan. Mr. Alvarez stated
the first notice had to appear fourteen (14) days prior to a public
hearing and a second notice had to appear at least five (5) days prior
to the public hearing, and the L.P.A. would hold the hearings. Mr.
Alvarez stated after the plan is completed and before it is adopted
there would be a series of hearing dates with forty -five (45) and
thirty (30) day public notifications. He also stated there should be
at least two (2) advertised public hearings on the proposed plan in
its entirety.
Mr. Alvarez stated for the next meeting he wanted a D.C.A. schedule
(calendar) on when they expect to receive the various elements.
He also asked the Secretary to have the City put on the mailing list
for the "Technical Memo's" from D.C.A.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wads-
worth moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Garrett. The meeting was
adjourned at 12:10 P.M.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney,
Board Secretary
Local Planning Agency
Regular Meeting
June 16, 1987