09-07-1994 - Special
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Hayman called the Special Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in
the community Center.
Mayor Jack Hayman
Councilman Kirk Jones
Councilwoman Louise Martin
Councilman Michael Hays
Councilman David Mitchum
City Attorney Krista Storey
City Manager George McMahon
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker
City Manager McMahon asked Council to set a date for the final
public hearing for the budget. He recommended September 26, 1994
at 7:00 p.m.
It was the consensus of the council to hold the final budget
hearing on September 26, 1994.
city Manager McMahon stated he had a request from utilities
Director Terry Wadsworth to make an emergency replacement of our
transmission for our sludge truck which is $5400.
Councilman Hays made a motion to authorize the emergency
expenditure of funds to repair the sludge truck, second by
Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED 5-0.
City Manager McMahon stated he would like to discuss the status
of the County inter local service agreement for an area of
interest from Boston Whaler to Ariel Road. He stated this could
wait until the end of the agenda.
Road pavinq program - councilwoman Louise Martin's request for
City Manager McMahon explained the reason for Councilwoman
Martin's request.
Councilwoman Martin stated she has received letters and phone
calls from residents that feel the cost of paving is too much.
She went on to talk about Hibiscus which can not be assessed 1/3
because the Florida East Coast Railroad doesn't want to pay that
1/3 because they have their own access road. She stated all of
this has been added into everyone's payment.
City Manager McMahon explained the Council has tried to equalize
the assessment amount by splitting part of it up for drainage,
part of it up for the assessment and part of it up with the
revenues in the City for the cost savings we can make once the
roads are complete.
Finance Director Fred Munoz explained the charts which list the
figures involved with the road paving project.
City Manager McMahon explained the misunderstanding as to what is
being assessed in Florida Shores. He stated this project would
not be done if the entire City was not sharing in the cost. He
stated the misunderstanding that only Florida Shores people are
paying for this project is not correct.
There was further discussion regarding the costs and services
involved with the road paving project.
There was a discussion on the roads to be paved that are included
in the assessment area.
community Development Director Mark Karet explained the process
which needs to be followed before the paving will begin. He
explained the equalization hearing was held on September 12,
1994, the City will advertise for bid the week of October 3, 1994
for a four week period, the bids will be opened the week of
November 4, 1994, the contract will tentatively be awarded on
November 21, 1994, and the notice to proceed will be issued
tentatively on December 5, 1994. He explained the paving project
will take approximately 18 months to complete.
Mayor Hayman asked if there are any objections of council for
citizen comments. Councilman Hays asked if Councilwoman Martin
was finished which she was. There was no objection from Council
for citizen comments.
Councilman Mitchum stated there is going to be other public
hearings to address this matter on September 12, 1994.
Reverend Roger Miracle, Friendship Baptist Church, Hibiscus Drive
asked not to be removed from the Florida Shores Subdivision. He
stated Hibiscus Drive is the perfect street for heavy traffic, if
the project is going to be done the City might as well do it all,
and he did not come to be part of a fractured city. He feels the
City would be harming businesses. He stated he would love to
have free paving but it is going to cost the church $12,000 to
pave. He explained their street is scraped three times a week
but it needs to be scraped once a day.
Doris Hill, 112 Lincoln Road, commented on assessable lots. She
asked if the City is just including buildable lots. Finance
Director Fred Munoz stated all vacant lots are being assessed.
Mrs. Hill went on to say that Hibiscus must be paved. She stated
most of it will be paved and the only part that will not be paved
is the part that abuts the railroad. She feels the City should
be picking up the railroad portion.
Mrs. Hill spoke about 12th Street. She stated 50% of the people
who live on 12th Street own property that can be called part of
this assessment. Mr. Munoz elaborated on the people being
assessed on 12th Street.
Mrs. Hill feels 26th and 34th do not have to be paved at this
time. She feels 26th, 34th, the part of 12th that can't be
assessed and the part of Hibiscus that can't be assessed should
be taken out of the assessment.
vic Liedwell, 2510 Evergreen Drive, asked if the people who live
on a street that is not taxable on the other side are going to be
charged 2/3 or 1/3. Mr. Munoz explained the way the assessment
is being charged. He stated 1/3 of the total cost would have to
be paid.
George Ewing, 2923 Royal Palm Drive, stated he wants paved roads.
He asked why should just the people in the assessment district
have to pay for it.
city Manager McMahon explained everyone in the City is sharing in
the assessment cost.
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Council Special Meeting
September 7, 1994
Mr. Ewing stated the people in the assessment district are
picking up 2/3 and they are picking up part of Hibiscus. city
Manager McMahon stated normally this is what you do with an
assessment project.
Mr. Ewing commented on the increasing of the stormwater fee from
$3 to $6. He asked if the extra $3 is going to pay for the
drainage in the assessed area. He was informed yes it is. He
stated the other $3 is going to remain as an overall fee for the
rest of the city. He asked how that is going to work.
councilman Mitchum explained what his proposal was. He feels
drainage is a City-wide problem. He stated he also proposed to
increase the stormwater fee to help pay for the stormwater
project in Florida Shores but it will not stop that fund from
taking care of city-wide problems in the future.
City Manager McMahon explained what the $3 increase will be used
for and what the current $3 stormwater fee is being used for.
Mr. Ewing commented on the city not currently assessing vacant
property for stormwater. He feels the city should give a lot of
consideration to including the vacant properties.
Mayor Hayman explained the problems the City came across when the
stormw~ter fee was discussed.
Cliff Clark, 1818 Evergreen Drive, stated he is all for paving.
He commented on a big portion of the cost is going to be for
draina4e. He commented on when this was brought up by Councilman
Mitchum the figures were 60% for paving and 40% for drainage and
now itiis 77% for paving and 23% for drainage. City Manager
McMahon elaborated on Mr. Clark's concerns.
Councilman Mitchum explained 70%/30% was also mentioned and that
he was disappointed when it came out to 77%/23% but the fact of
the matter is that is what it is. He stated they were all
disappointed with that.
Mr. Clark spoke on how the increase has taken place. He asked
the cost savings if the assessment is paid up front. Mr. Munoz
listed the cost savings if this is paid before October 12th.
Robert Pogg, 2925 Yule Tree Drive, feels Hibiscus should be
paved. He asked where the $40 per linear foot figure came from.
city Manager McMahon stated it came from the engineering study.
Mr. pogg asked how the City knows what it is actually going to
cost if the bidding has not been done yet. City Manager McMahon
further elaborated on Mr. pogg's concerns.
There was further discussion regarding the figures for the
proposed paving project.
Sabrina Pogg, 2925 Yule Tree Drive, stated they moved here a year
and a half ago from Daytona Beach because of the taxes so they
decided to move to Edgewater. Since they have moved here, they
have put in the sewers and now paved streets. She asked when the
taxes are going to end. She stated people can't afford this.
Richard Jones, 1530 Sabal Palm Drive, commented on people being
concerned about the costs being incurred on their property. He
commented on the people of Edgewater not being able to afford all
of these changes. He explained he was under the assumption the
stormwater fees would be taking care of all of the stormwater
runoff problems and the construction associated with that and the
residents were only going to have to pay for the actual paving of
the roads. He stated the people don't understand where the high
fees are coming from. City Manager McMahon and Mayor Hayman
elaborated on his concerns.
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Council Special Meeting
September 7, 1994
Councilwoman Martin stated she has asked that this be on the
agenda tonight because she is concerned that the people have to
know what is going on.
Michael Visconti, 316 pine Breeze Drive, asked why did the City
let it out of the bag that we have a $15,000,000 project instead
of going to some firm and have the firm give you the amount that
it costs to pave the streets in Florida Shores. Mayor Hayman
stated I under the laws of this state, any citizen or anybody to
include private enterprise can come in and see that information.
City Manager McMahon further elaborated on Mr. Visconti's
Mr. Visconti asked if Meadow Lake would be assessed. He was
informtd Meadow Lake would not be assessed.
Martin:Ludwig, 2223 Travelers Palm Drive, stated last year a 12%
increase was shoved down their throat to build a $750,000 reserve
fund. He asked what the status is of this reserve fund. City
Manager McMahon elaborated on this matter.
Councilman Hays commented on the reserve fund balance. He
explained this money needs to be there in order for the City to
obtain bonds. He stated this money needs to be there in case of
an emergency situation.
Mr. Ludwig asked if the City is making progress and he was
assured we are.
Mr. Ludwig commented on an increase in his taxes. City Manager
McMahon elaborated on his concerns. He stated 80% of the tax
bill goes to the County and 20% goes to the City.
Gary R6berts, 2411 pine Tree Drive, commented on the streets in
question for paving, Hibiscus, 35th, 26th, 12th, etc. He feels
Hibiscus should not be taken off the schedule. He feels the
. I
buslne~s people deserve a paved street. He feels the people on
35th and 12th deserve a paved street as well. He feels 26th and
32nd are questionable and can possibly be taken out because there
are no residents or businesses on those streets.
There was a ten minute recess at this time.
Billy Klein, 2910 Needle Palm Drive, commented on the 9500
buildable lots in Florida Shores and asked if the sewer
assessment was done on 6000 buildable lots. Mr. Munoz clarified
the sewer assessment was done on 6000 parcels which included two
or more lots. Mr. Klein feels 9500 buildable lots is extremely
high. Councilman Mitchum clarified it is equivalent lots not
buildable lots.
Mr. Klein feels the residents of Florida Shores are going to find
out their assessment is going to be a lot higher than what is
being estimated. Mr. Munoz clarified his concerns.
Mr. Klein also asked if the County is going to assess the people
for the $25,000 spent to place these people on the tax rolls.
Mr. Munoz stated the City is assessing $824 per lot which will be
placed!on the tax bill in the amount of $89.36 per lot per year.
Mr. KIJin asked why the City can't send out the billing. Mr.
Munoz stated it must be an in place system for collection in
order to sell bonds.
Mr. Klein spoke about the last time the streets were paved.
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Council Special Meeting
September 7, 1994
Councilman Hays stated we have been going over this at public
meetings for many months. He stated if we get this rolling, we
can get it going on this year taxes and hold the tax down because
if the city delayed this another year, likely interest rates
would go up and the cost of paving itself continue to rise.
Mr. Klein stated tomorrow is an election and there is another one
in November and he feels that is the time for the people to get
some satisfaction.
Councilwoman Martin stated the paving was taken out of the CIP
program because the people said they didn't want it and they
didn't want to pay that much at that time and it was taken out.
She stated we can't stop the increase in cost. She stated the
longer you delay it the more it is going to cost in the end.
Jim Slep, 3003 Kumquat Drive, commented on the prepayment option.
He asked if there will be an adjustment made when the bids come
in in November if the assessment is prepaid. He was informed
there would be an adjustment.
Gerri Small, 1829 Victory Palm Drive, stated the City has never
done a surveyor asked anybody if they wish to prepay.
Councilman Mitchum elaborated on Ms. Small's concerns. Ms. Small
commented on statistics in the newspaper which said the City
would borrow no more than $16,500,000 which is higher than the
figures being quoted. City Manager McMahon explained that is a
bond validation figure.
Dominick Fazzone, 302 Paradise Lane, commented on a paving
committee that was established about two years ago to create a
paving program. He stated at that time they couldn't come up
with a plan where the people of Edgewater would be happy with it.
He stated the only plan they came up with was 50/50.
Mr. Fazzone commented on Councilman Mitchum's proposal of 1/3,
1/3 and 1/3. He expressed concern about the City uniting and
asked Council to consider uniting Edgewater.
Cliff Clark, 1818 Evergreen Drive, commented on the cost per lot
and the discount if the assessment is paid early. Mr. Munoz
elabor~ted on his concerns.
Enqineerinq and surveyinq proposal from Quentin L. Hampton
Associates, Inc. relating to professional desiqn services for Air
Park Road from 22nd street and Silver Palm Drive to the north
riqht of way line of SR 442 at Air Park Road
City Manager McMahon made a brief presentation at this time.
utilities Director Terry Wadsworth gave a detailed description of
the proposal from Quentin L. Hampton Associates, Inc.
Mr. Wadsworth answered questions presented by Council.
Councilman Hays made a motion to accept the proposal from Quentin
L. Hampton Associates, Inc., second by Councilman Mitchum. The
motion CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Jones asked if a decision on the road paving program
is going to be made at a later meeting. He was informed there is
a public hearing on September 12, 1994.
Hold public hearinq on proposed millaqe rate of 6.13178 and Res.
94-R-17 Adoptinq tentative FY-1994/95 city budget
Mayor Hayman read Res. 94-R-17.
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Council Special Meeting
September 7, 1994
Mayor Hayman opened the public hearing.
City Manager McMahon gave a staff report and summarized the
proposed millage rate and proposed budget.
Martin Ludwig, 2223 Travelers Palm Drive, stated last Friday he
took his proposed tax sheet into the New Smyrna office, stated
his reJection, they took down the information, and he signed it.
He was!informed he would be contacted to have his property
reassessed and he hasn't heard anything yet. He stated he called
and they couldn't find anything regarding his complaint.
Mr. Ludwig continued to explain his situation. He stated the
changes have now been made and his assessed valuation has been
put back where it belongs. He commented on problems his
neighbors have had with assessed valuations on their tax bills.
Mayor Hayman stated this Council has no role in the property
appraisal and assessment process that he is talking about.
Mr. Ludwig asked what formula is being used to assess the
property of the property owners.
Mayor Jayman stated he would help Mr. Ludwig with a call to the
countY!TaX Assessor's office to talk to the correct people to get
this matter straightened out.
Doris Hill, 112 Lincoln Road, spoke on the paving of the property
on the!east-west streets and these streets being added into the
assess~ent district and there are no property owners to assess
for the paving of these streets except those property owners
already included in the special taxing district. She feels this
is unfair and the City must pick up the added cost of these
parcels that are not assessed.
Mrs. Hill stated a promise was made that no added taxes except
the $3 additional stormwater fee would be necessary to get the
north-south paving accomplished. She stated the City can not not
pave the north-south streets.
Mrs. Hill asked what is more important putting three more people
on bad roads in City vehicles generating expensive repair bills
or spending those dollars on the roads and then adding the extra
Mrs. Hill commented on the City survey that was done. She
referr~d to certain questions on the City survey.
Mrs. Hill commented on hiring two more police officers and a
building inspector. She stated the citizens of Edgewater can not
Mrs. Hill stated if the City is going to raise the taxes, make
sure the money goes for capital improvements. That benefits all
of us. Or put the dollars into the reserve fund for future
emergency use. She feels we don't need these extra employees.
She stated they aren't going to die without them but they are
going to die if they don't get those roads.
Pat Palmier, 617 Mooring Lane, commented on the amount of the
emergency reserve fund.
There was a brief discussion regarding the emergency reserve
fund. Mr. Munoz stated at the end of FY 1993 the total reserve
fund was $522,035.
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Council special Meeting
September 7, 1994
Mr. palmier stated last year when the taxes were increased 26% he
understood that but he didn't like it but it needed to be done in
order for the City to catch up. He asked why the City is
proposing a 5% tax increase this year and why this couldn't be
postponed for another year.
Mr. Palmier asked Mayor Hayman if he voted against the 5% tax
increase because there were problems with it or if he didn't feel
this increase was justified. Mayor Hayman elaborated on his
Mr. Palmier then asked if we had an increase or decrease in
incidents in Edgewater during the past year. Police Chief
Schumaker stated it has increased by approximately 17% to 18%.
Mr. Palmier questioned the need for additional police officers.
City Manager McMahon elaborated on his concerns.
Mr. Palmier stated he lives in an area where he would like to see
police!presence a little more.
I .
Mr. Palmler asked if accommodations are going to be made for low
income families. city Manager McMahon stated he wished they
could and explained why this could not be done. Mayor Hayman
further elaborated.
Councilman Hays commented on the property annexed into the City
and the need for more patrol because of this. He went to speak
about increased police patrol and getting to know the officers
who patrol the streets.
Scott Simmons, 2114 Needle Palm Drive, commented on his property
being vandalized. He can justify to a point the police
department needing an increase in officers. He commented on the
Building Department hiring a building inspector to increase the
permit process. He stated because of all of the increases his
house is going up for sale because he can no longer afford to
live in Edgewater and it has become too much of a burden.
City Manager McMahon commented on the water and sewer rate
George:Ewing, 2923 Royal Palm Drive, commented on the amount of
the general reserve fund. He spoke about tax rates in previous
years. He then spoke about assessment increases.
Mr. Ewing spoke about the general reserve fund increases over
previous years. He feels the tax increases at this time are
There was a brief discussion regarding the budget.
There was a ten minute recess at this time.
John Garr, 2304 35th Street, commented on the bike path on
Roberts Road being redone. Councilman Hays stated there was a
budget discussion on changing the Roberts Road Bike path
progressively from asphalt to concrete. Mr. Garr does not
understand why the bike path was not made with concrete to start
with. Councilman Hays stated the money was not there and it was
done with unappropriated funds. He further elaborated on this
will Anderson, pine Tree Drive, commented on the salary cost for
some of the people who work for our City. He feels the salaries
are too high. He went on to list the past and present salaries
of the Finance Director, City Clerk, Chief of Police, and the
utilities Director.
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Council Special Meeting
September 7, 1994
Dan Hatfield, 231 Old County Road, stated he appreciated the time
Council has spent in the budget workshops. He spoke about the
lengthy process that was followed involving the budget. He
thanked Council for the tough decisions they have made.
Dominick Fazzone, 302 Paradise Lane, commented on the proposed
property taxes for the city of Edgewater. He commented on two
additional police officers being added to the Police Department.
He feels it is worth the extra $.13 a week to get the quality of
life the City of Edgewater is giving to the citizens.
Mr. Fazzone feels the city should hire a building inspector to
help with the issuance of permits in a more timely fashion.
Gerri Small, 1829 Victory Palm Drive, spoke on the cost of
increasing taxes and the sewer and road assessments. She stated
she can not afford to live in Edgewater. She can't sell her
house due to the high costs against her home due to the
assessments. She stated Council is doing a great job but there
are a lot of people that can't afford it and she asked when the
spending is going to stop.
Councilwoman Martin stated the ClP was not something the City
decided to do, it was a state mandate. She stated they tried to
get it done before the state stepped in because they don't care
how much they charge you. She stated it was something that
needed to be done. City Manager McMahon further elaborated on
the state mandates for the ClP project.
Rick Clark, 126 E. Connecticut Ave, stated he respects the police
force but we can't afford two police officers. He went on to
explain why the City doesn't need another building inspector.
Chief Schumaker explained the need for two more police officers.
City Manager McMahon further elaborated on the subject of
Councilman Jones spoke about how Edgewater is growing. He stated
the bigger the City gets the more demands it has. He commented
on the ClP program discussed four years ago and the paving being
taken out of it. He feels the City needs to come up with
innovative ideas to get our staff to be more productive without
hiringlmore people. He cautioned the Council for projects they
may take on in the future.
Chief Schumaker presented statistics on where the City stands for
Police Officers per thousand as opposed to the County, the State
of Florida and the United States. He stated we are 30% below the
lowest figure.
Councilman Mitchum spoke on the budget and the need to increase
our police patrols. He commented on how the city is growing in
size. He feels City staff does a great job with what we have got
to work with.
Mayor Hayman stated he doesn't want to see a tax increase. He
presented his concerns on the sewer and paving assessment. He
spoke about an article in the News Journal regarding a report
published by the Combined Forces of organized Labor and the
united 'States.
Mayor Hayman went on to talk about how the City can get revenue.
He commented on the additional police officers. He stated he is
not comfortable with this increase.
Mayor Jayman spoke about making up for an approximately $80,000
shortfall if we go through with the paving program. He commented
on what the citizens want regarding the levels of services within
the City. He is not convinced the City needs a 5% tax increase.
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Council Special Meeting
September 7, 1994
Councilman Hays explained why he does not want his taxes to go up
and why he does not want the quality of life to be decreased.
Councilman Hays spoke on the projections that were made on the
water revenues which was based on historical data.
Councilman Hays expressed his support for the Police Department.
Mayor Hayman closed the public hearing.
Councilman Hays made a motion to approve Res. 94-R-17 setting the
proposed maximum millage rate at 6.13178 mills, second by
Councilman Mitchum. The motion CARRIED 3-2. Mayor Hayman and
Councilwoman Martin voted NO.
The next meeting to be held regarding the proposed maximum
millage rate will be held on September 16th.
Hold Dublic hearina on Ord. 94-0-21 Increasina stormwater
manaaement utility fee
Mayor Hayman stated staff recommends the adoption of this
ordinance as drafted.
Mayor Hayman read Ord. 94-0-21.
Mayor Hayman opened the public hearing.
Edward Keenan, 1905 pine Tree Drive, spoke regarding the
stormwater. He asked if the stormwater will be done after all
the projects are completed or will it be stopped by a sunset law
provision. City Manager McMahon explained the bonds need to be
paid off and they are scheduled for fifteen years. Mayor Hayman
stated there is no sunset law provision in the ordinance as it
has been presented. Mr. Keenan feels it should be.
Mayor Hayman asked for legalese regarding the suggestion for a
sunset 'clause. city Attorney Storey explained this can be
included and she doesn't feel that substantially affects the
notice that was provided on the ordinance.
Councilman Hays stated if Council wants to address the $3
increase with the sunset provision on that he doesn't have a
problem with it. city Attorney Storey further elaborated on
There was a discussion regarding the $3 earmark for the project
being deleted in fifteen years. Finance Director cautioned that
two years from now if the city decided to refinance the bonds
because interest rates drop, at that time we could revisit and
extend the number of years with the new bonds.
City Manager McMahon further spoke about the bonds. City
Attorney Storey explained the current ordinance not earmarking
the $3.
Councilman Jones made a motion to insert the sunset provision as
well as the dedication to bonds and accept Ordinance 94-0-21,
second by Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED 5-0.
Ord. 94-0-20 Increasina refuse rates
City Manager McMahon made a brief staff presentation.
Mayor Hayman read Ord. 94-0-20.
There was a discussion regarding the $.50 equipment reserve fund.
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Council Special Meeting
September 7, 1994
councilman Hays asked how the 3 cans per month is going to be
monitored, who will keep track of this and how there is equity in
that. ICity Manager McMahon stated we will pick up what is out
there And we will advise people at the time that we are limited
to thr~e cans for extra trash. He stated if a cost needs to be
reduced in that budget or the people do not want to pay the rates
now being charged, we can accommodate by reducing the level of
There was further discussion regarding the charge for garbage
cans over three. There was a discussion regarding a bag system
where people get their bags from the city and are charged for
each bag.
Councilwoman Martin made a motion to approve Ord. 94-0-20, second
by Councilman Jones. The motion CARRIED 5-0.
Ord. 94-0-22 Increasinq water rates
City Manager McMahon briefly addressed this subject.
Mayor HaYman read Ord. 94-0-22.
Mayor Hayman asked if there was anything to show the public.
city M~nager McMahon stated there is a public hearing on this
scheduled for the next meeting. He stated if someone is
intere~ted in reviewing the study, they can contact the utilities
Direct6r or the City Clerk.
Mayor Hayman spoke about a conservation packet the City purchased
and distributed a while back, which is a device you place in your
faucet heads and also gives you a recommendation on how to reduce
the 5 gallon consumptive use.
Mr. Clark asked to speak during the first reading.
~Ck Clark, 123 E. Connecticut Ave., stated he has no problems
with stormwater, paving or garbage but he does have a problem
with increasing the water rates. He asked Council to try and
find a place in the budget to help pay for this.
Martin!Ludwig, 2223 Travelers Palm Drive, complained about the
quality of water within the City. He commented on the policy the
City has for paying the minimum water bills. He commented on a
six-mortth policy for people that are not here year round.
Councilman Hays made a motion to accept 94-0-22, second by
Councilman Jones. The motion CARRIED 5-0.
Wilma Bowzer, 116 Merrimac street, asked how the water meters are
read. !She stated she would like to see the complete reading on
the water bill so people know exactly what they use. She asked
where the breaking point is on the bill.
utilities Director Terry Wadsworth stated he believes there are
prior and current readings on the bill which are usually in three
numbers because the city only bills in thousands. He explained
printouts are available at City Hall with their readings from
month to month.
There being no further business to discuss, Councilman Mitchum
made amotion to adjourn, second by Councilman Hays. The meeting
. I
adJourned at 12:11 a.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lisa Kruckmeyer
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Council Special Meeting
September 7, 1994