06-20-1994 - Regular
JUNE 20, 1994
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Hayman called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in
the Community Center.
Mayor Jack Hayman
Councilman Kirk Jones
Councilwoman Louise Martin
Councilman Michael Hays
Councilman David Mitchum
City Attorney Krista storey
City Manager George McMahon
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Staff Assistant Lisa Kruckmeyer
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Police Lieutenant Bucky McEver
The invocation was delivered by Rev. Barbara Laucks, united
Congregational Church. There was a pledge of allegiance to the
Reqular Meetinq of June 6, 1994
Councilman Jones made a motion to approve the June 6, 1994
minutes, second by Councilman Mitchum. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Doris Hill, 112 Lincoln Road, clarified her remarks from the
previous meeting regarding annexation. She wanted to clarify she
is not against annexation. She just wanted to bring to the
Council's attention that they had turned the Massey Property
down. She feels these outside large annexations are different
than small annexations within the City. She understands our
sewer capabilities will only take care of the build out of
Florida shores and the part of the City that is within our City
Richard Jones, 1530 Sabal Palm Drive, commented about the paving
program. He asked for an update on the status of the contract
and where this is going.
city Manager McMahon stated when the engineer's complete and
initial update of the plans is completed, we will receive an
estimated cost. He stated the target date is around the end of
July and at the same time, we have required them as part of the
contractual obligations to prepare the specifications for bid.
The City is hoping to start construction by mid-October.
Mayor Hayman asked if the stormwater part comes before the
paving. City Manager McMahon stated the total project is to
include stormwater & paving.
City Engineer Kyle Fegley stated the paving and retention areas
go hand in hand. He stated asphalt will be one of the last
things we will see. He stated there is a lot of preparatory work
involved with placing asphalt.
Dominick Fazzone, 302 Paradise Lane, stated about two years ago
the City of Edgewater and a developer went into a development
agreement to construct a golf course south of Roberts Road. He
wanted to know the status of the development agreement.
City Manager McMahon stated essentially there is no plan at this
citv Attorney
City Attorney storey had nothing at this time.
city Manaqer
City Manager McMahon stated the survey that was sent out has been
highly successful. He stated we have received 1,186 responses.
If we were to stop now, we would be guaranteed a 2 to 2 1/2
percent accuracy.
City Manager McMahon stated he received a letter from New Smyrna
Beach in response to the request to participate in the fireworks
display. He informed Council they declined to participate.
Councilwoman Martin asked if it would be worthwhile asking during
budget time. City Manager McMahon stated he will ask them to
consider this for next year.
Councilman Mitchum
Councilman Mitchum had nothing at this time.
Mayor Hayman
Mayor's discussion re: derelict buildinqs
Mayor Hayman stated some time ago we were in receipt of
complaints by citizens of our community about derelict buildings
and as a result of that through staff we have been trying to
ascertain the best way to approach this pressing problem.
Mayor Hayman feels the best way to ascertain this problem is by
either our staff working on the LOR's which will address derelict
buildings, by isolating abatement codes that we have available to
us that we have not adopted, or by combining other building
related ordinances with an ordinance that would address this
issue as well as other building related issues.
Councilman Mitchum sees no reason to rush into this unless there
is something specific.
Mayor Hayman would like to make the public aware of this problem.
He stated if there is a derelict building that contains asbestos
it would be a costly process to demolish or remove the product of
the building.
Councilman Jones would like to see this looked into but he feels
the city needs to look at the legal ramifications. He feels if
we rush into this it could cost more money down the road.
City Attorney Storey explained we would need to adopt a procedure
to follow. She explained first the building official would need
to make a determination as to the status of the building, second
the City would need to make notification to the owners and lastly
the process would begin.
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Council Regular Meeting
June 20, 1994
There was further discussion regarding this process.
community Development Director Mark Karet explained the process
is similar to Code Enforcement. He stated because these
buildings are derelict it is unlikely we are going to get the
owners to fix them at their own expense. He stated it is very
likely the Council will have to appropriate funds to do this. He
stated they would have to make amendments to the building code
and include funds for demolition structures in the 94/95 budget.
Councilman Jones stated at budget time he would like to have a
ballpark figure when this comes up. He stated they should look
at this again in two months and talk money.
Councilwoman Martin stated they are dealing with the owner's
personal property rights. She feels we need to take the correct
legal steps.
Councilman Mitchum asked if the Mayor's concerns are that there
is no process and we need to put one in place.
Mayor Hayman stated staff and our legal counsel are working
towards that process. He stated citizens have expressed that we
need to clean up the City before we can start bringing new
businesses in.
Councilman Jones
Councilman Jones thanked staff for clearing the foot bridge at
the north end of the city.
Councilwoman Martin
Councilwoman Martin had nothing at this time.
Councilman Hays
Councilman Hays was excused.
There were no items to be discussed on the consent agenda.
County-wide inteqrated 800 mhz radio system
City Manager McMahon made a presentation on the cost and the
reason why this would benefit the City.
Bob Weiss, Director of Communications for Volusia County,
introduced Ben Perry, Radio Systems Manager. He gave a
background presentation on the 800 mhz radio system.
City Manager McMahon asked the Council to authorize the City to
convert city wide to the mega hertz system. He feels this is to
the city's advantage.
Mr. Weiss stated Oak Hill, Ponce Inlet, Daytona Beach, Holly
Hill, Port Orange and New Smyrna Beach have all elected to go on
the system. He stated they are considering building one of the
towers in Edgewater on Arthur Avenue.
Mayor Hayman asked Mr. Weiss how he arrived at the $143,000 which
he explained.
Mr. Weiss continued to answer questions for Council.
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June 20, 1994
Mr. Perry informed Council this cost is good until November 1998.
Councilman Jones feels we should take advantage of this.
Councilman Jones made a motion to accept the proposal and adopt
the plan to proceed with the 800 mhz system city wide
application, second by Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED
Anqela & Ernest sills' request that $150 connection fee be waived
for sewer hook UP
Angela Sills, 3320 Mango Tree Drive, introduced herself.
Mayor Hayman commented on the letter received from Mrs. sills.
City Manager McMahon encouraged Council to consider this.
Mr. Karet stated there are other individuals who have paid late
Mayor Hayman has a problem if there was someone in the City that
had a similar situation and they did pay a late fee.
Mayor Hayman moved to table this until we receive further
information on whether or not people in this situation did pay a
late fee.
City Manager McMahon stated a letter was mailed to every affected
person owner in this City.
Councilman Mitchum and Councilman Jones also agreed they are
short of information at this point.
Ms. sills stated she was told she could not get the permit until
this was resolved.
Mayor Hayman moved to table this until further information is
received, second by Councilwoman Martin.
Councilman Mitchum questioned if Mayor Hayman could make a motion
from the chair.
Councilman Mitchum made a motion to table this until further
information is received, second by Councilwoman Martin.
Councilman Mitchum asked if there will be a problem with Ms.
sills obtaining her permit. City Manager McMahon explained the
City Attorney Storey supported Council action.
City Manager McMahon recommended if it is Council's wishes to
direct the permit be issued until a decision has been made.
Councilman Mitchum explained to Ms. sills that if a motion is
made to issue a permit, it is with the understanding that if
Council decides against her, she would have to pay the $150 in
addition to the hook up fee.
The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilman Mitchum made a motion to grant the permit until
further discussion on this matter, second by Councilwoman Martin.
The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilman Jones wanted to know how close she was in the boundary
line between Phase III and Phase IV for the next meeting.
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Council Regular Meeting
July 12, 1994
Recommendation re:
continuinq consultant enqineerinq services
city Engineer Kyle Fegley briefed Council on the reasons for this
request. He stated the city is looking for two categories of
consulting engineers: a large firm with a wide diversity of
services which would be provided in-house and a local smaller
firm that will have a lower overhead which is closer to the
proximity of Edgewater.
Mr. Fegley stated they are very satisfied with Quentin, Hampton &
Associates and would like to see them continue to consult as the
local small firm.
Mr. Fegley listed three large firms: Hartmann & Associates,
Boyle Engineering, and Barnes, Ferland and Associates. He
explained they would like to have two large firms on board for
competitiveness and availability from project to project.
Mr. Fegley asked Council to schedule a time frame for a workshop
for presentations from each firm to select two of the three
city Manager McMahon stated we are very pleased with the work
from Quentin, Hampton, & Associates. He informed Council they
will encounter the following tasks as the city expands: update
the 201 Master Facilities Plan which will have to be integrated
with the Comp Plan and physical engineering work that has to be
planned for in terms of specification and construction.
Mayor Hayman expressed his feelings about adding two more firms.
The reason he supported having an engineer on staff was because
he was told the engineer on staff would help us do a lot of these
things that are being talked about. He asked why the small firm
can not handle what has just been described.
City Manager McMahon stated Mr. Fegley is not able to do all the
permitting work, all of the design work and computer work for the
specifications to do a job such as the 201 Facilities Plan. He
went on to explain the reasons for needing another firm.
councilman Mitchum agreed with City Manager McMahon. He stated
if they are never used, there is never a cost. He recommended we
get presentations from the three firms.
councilman Jones agreed. He feels it is nice to have them even
if we don't need them. He also recommended getting presentations
from the three firms.
city Manager McMahon feels having another firm will cut down on
the length of time for the permitting process.
Mayor Hayman again expressed he has a problem with hiring too
many engineering firms. He would like Quentin, Hampton &
Associates to also make a presentation before the Council.
City Engineer Fegley clarified with Council that they wanted
presentations from four firms with the opportunity to select two.
Councilman Mitchum made a motion to approve the request to go out
for request for proposals for additional consulting engineering
services, second by Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
There was a five minute recess at this time.
Authorization for Requests for Proposals for feasibility study
for municipal golf course
City Manager McMahon made a brief presentation at this time. He
stated the cost for this study is estimated to be $20,000.
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Council Regular Meeting
June 20, 1994
community Development Director Mark Karet explained the golf
course would be contributing revenue and jobs. The cost would be
$1 to $9 million. The City would be expected to pay $3 to $5
million. He stated it is staff's request for Council to give
authority to issue RFP's for a feasibility study to be done. Mr.
Karet explained some possible sites for a golf course.
City Manager informed Council if they elect to pursue this, we
would not need a new appropriation in the budget. He stated
$20,000 authorized can be done on the line items not spent this
year. He asked Council to seriously consider this.
Councilman Mitchum expressed concern about this being
economically beneficial to the City.
Councilwoman Martin feels this is one project that is aimed at
the adults of our City. She feels we do a lot for our children
and this would benefit our adults.
Councilman Jones feels this is would be a good thing for
Edgewater. He stated does not want to see a drain on the
City Manager McMahon stated the golf course in Port Orange has
been very successful.
Mayor Hayman asked if there are any other areas that meet the
criteria for a golf course in Edgewater other than the PID area,
west of 1-95, or near our new Water Plant. Mr. Karet informed
him there are not.
Mayor Hayman stated we will go out for RFP's to ask for a company
to provide their proposals to do an examination of these three
sites to determine the best cost effectiveness. Mr. Karet
informed Mayor Hayman they hope to include all three sites.
Mayor Hayman wanted it made clear that it is not staff's decision
to make the determination on which site we will go for and do an
analysis oni that should be the Council's decision.
Councilman Jones made a motion to advertise for RFP's to do the
municipal golf course study, second by Councilwoman Martin.
Mayor Hayman informed Mr. Karet he wanted it perfectly clear and
understood, when they make a comparative analysis on the
marketing that they look at the golf courses in the Central
Florida region to include Volusia, South Flagler, North Brevard,
and East Seminole counties in terms of the cost for playing golf
and how much money these courses are making.
The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Cancellinq or reschedulinq reqular meetinq of Monday. July 4.
1994. due to Independence Day holiday
Councilwoman Martin made a motion to cancel the July 4th meeting,
second by Councilman Jones. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
A?pointinq member to citizen Code Enforcement Board due to
expiration of term of Maureen Borner who requests reappointment
Councilwoman Martin made a motion to reappoint Maureen Borner,
second by Councilman Mitchum. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
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Council Regular Meeting
June 20, 1994
Appointing members to Economic Development Board
1) Due to expiration of term of Dr. Charles Gebelein who
reauests reappointment
Councilman Mitchum made a motion to reappoint Dr. Charles
Gebelein, second by Councilman Jones. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
2) Due to expiration of term of Phillip Fona who reauests
Councilman Mitchum made a motion to reappoint Phillip Fong,
second by Councilman Jones. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
3) Due to resianation of Charles Byrd
Councilman Jones asked Mr. Richard Kowalewski's application be
placed in the Economic Development Board file due to his interest
in serving on this board being on his application.
Councilman Jones made a motion to appoint Richard Kowalewski,
second by Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
4) Due to resianation of Aanes Rymsza
Councilman Jones made a motion to appoint Randolph Churchill,
second by Councilman Mitchum. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Appointina members to Parks and Recreation Board
1) Due to expiration of term of Martha Carden who reauests
Councilman Jones made a motion to reappoint Martha Carden, second
by Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
2) Due to expiration of term of Thomas Tipton who reauests
Councilwoman Martin made a motion to reappoint Thomas Tipton,
second by Councilwoman Jones. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
3) Due to resianation of Larry Lamb
Councilwoman Martin made a motion to appoint Larry Ruggles,
second by Councilman Mitchum. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
4) Due to resianation of Charlene Dennis
Councilwoman Martin made a motion to appoint Shirley Pittman,
second by Councilman Jones. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
There was nothing to be discussed for first reading.
There was nothing to be discussed for second reading.
Approval of Interlocal Service Area Aareement with Volusia County
re: utilities
City Manager McMahon made a presentation at this time.
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June 20, 1994
Mayor Hayman complimented staff on the excellent work they have
done. Mayor Hayman stated it was his understanding the city
wanted to go to Ariel Road. He stated the line described is 1.2
miles short of Ariel Road.
City Manager McMahon further elaborated on Mayor Hayman's
concerns. He suggested staff not attempt to set criteria tonight
but to let the language speak for itself.
Mayor Hayman contacted the Oak Hill city Clerk regarding the
action of the advisory board set up to discuss the utilities
service. He stated the Oak Hill Commission was having a meeting
tonight and scheduled at the meeting was a presentation from that
advisory board. They were going to present a letter to send to
potential utility suppliers for that community along with a
Mr. Karet explained the options of the City as to whether to go
to Boston Whaler or Ariel Road.
There was further discussion regarding the agreement and running
lines either to Boston Whaler or Ariel Road.
Mayor Hayman read the letter and nine questions the City of Oak
Hill would like the Council to respond to.
Mayor Hayman expressed his concern about the City turning its
back on Oak Hill and City Attorney clarified the agreement refers
to the City and the unincorporated county.
Councilman Jones doesn't feel we should lay pipe in the ground
until Oak Hill is ready. He is concerned about laying pipe and
then no interest being shown.
Mayor Hayman stated he is supportive of the present agreement in
its present form provided the county clearly understands that we
solely reserve the right to exercise and if we see its feasible
and cost effective to extend water to Ariel Road to those people,
we won't have any static from them.
Councilman Mitchum made a motion to approve the agreement as
stated per our discussion, second by Councilman Jones. The
motion CARRIED 4-0.
Appointinq member to Volusia Growth Manaqement Commission due to
expiration of term of Anqelo Spenqler who does not request
reappointment (Tabled 6/6/94)
Mayor Hayman stated this item was tabled because Councilman Hays
was concerned with the lack of applicants.
Councilman Mitchum requested more applications.
Mayor Hayman requested the City Clerk advertise for more
This item was not taken off the table due to a lack of
City Attorney
City Attorney storey requested authorization from Council to make
payment to the EPA in the amount of $7,500.
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June 20, 1994
City Attorney storey informed Council how Mr. Wadsworth and City
Manager McMahon got the fine lowered from $17,000 to $7,500.
Councilman Mitchum made a motion to pay $7,500 to the EPA, second
by Councilman Jones. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
city Manaqer
City Manager McMahon informed Council of a break in a wastewater
line at Lake Avenue. The cost being $5,000 to repair. It was
Council consensus to authorize payment of this.
City Manager McMahon informed Council of Air Park Road being part
of the annexation agreement and the city being required to
provide a water line and this being totally impact fee eligible.
City Manager McMahon also informed Council they need to authorize
our current consulting engineers (Quentin, Hampton & Associates)
to design and construct that line.
There was a discussion as to whether or not the City needed them
to come back with a presentation under the continuing consultant
engineering services. It was the consensus of the Council for
them to return with the other three.
Councilman Mitchum made a motion authorize Quentin, Hampton to
design and construct the water line to be provided to Air Park
Road, second by Councilman Jones. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilman Mitchum
Councilman Mitchum had nothing at this time.
Mayor Hayman
Mayor Hayman stated at the next meeting of the Metropolitan
Planning Organization the dilemma of SR 442 will hopefully be
resolved. He spoke about SR 442 being entitled to priority one
for the next fiscal year budget because of policy precedent
established last year in support of Mayor Musson's request for SR
44 East.
Mayor Hayman went on to explain the phasing of SR 442.
There was discussion regarding SR 442 being top priority.
It was the consensus of the Council to stay as we are and for the
Mayor to continue fighting this issue.
Councilman Jones
Councilman Jones had nothing at this time.
Councilwoman Martin
Councilwoman Martin had nothing at this time.
Councilman Hays
Councilman Hays was excused from this meeting.
Questions from Press
There were no questions from the press.
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June 20, 1994
There were no citizen comments at this time.
There being no further business to discuss, Councilwoman Martin
made a motion to adjourn, second by Councilman Jones. The
meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lisa Kruckmeyer
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Council Regular Meeting
June 20, 1994