03-12-2003 Va - NW' 1010 - CITY - OF - EDGEWATER Planning and:Zoning Wednesday, March 2903. 630. pm. Edgewater Community Center Riverside Drive AGENDA 1. CALL TO- ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF February I2, _2003 4. OLD BUSINESS None at this -ti-me. 5.. NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING A.. VA-0301 — Mark Robbins of the Paradise Group, authorized, agent for King. Neptune_ Fish &__ Poultry Market, owners, requesting a variance to. Section_ 21.- 52.0•2 (c} (Access/Driveways} to- allow a driveway to- be located 160-feet from an intersection on- an- arterial roadway (US Highway 1} in lieu- of the required 660-feet to construct a retail store on the southwest corner of US Highway .and Roberts Road B. AN-0201- Mary D. Hansen requesting the annexation of approximately -60 - acres - of - property,. located at 4115 S. US Highway 1„ of Boston Whaler,, south of Hacienda Del_ Rio.. C. RZ — City - Edgewater, - requesting the - rezoning - of specific parcels located along Palm Breeze Drive, north of Sea Pines Memorial Gardens, and in the Ranken Subdivision. D. -CPA-0301 — -Glenn Storch, authorized agent for Hacienda Development -C-orp., owners, -requesting a Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment from Volusia County Urban Medimn Density and - Commercial - to City Commercial for ta.27± acres, of property iocated_ east of US_ Highway 1 and west of the liaciendaDel-Rio-Development. E. CPA-0212 — Willie Wood, owner, requesting a Comprehensive- Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment from Volusia County Commercial to City _Commercial for .37± acres _of property Iocatedat 36,65,S. Ridgewood Avenue. vow IWO F. CPA-0202 — John R. Merrick, et owners requestinga - Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment from Volusia. County Commercial to 'City Commercial for 7.0±_ acres_ of property located_ along the west side of US Highway 1, south of Omni Circle. 0. CPA-0201 — City of Edgewater requesting a Comprehensive Future Land Use Map _Amendment from Volusia County Rural to city Low Density Residential -for 42.55± -acres -of -property -located within the Washington Park -Subdivision {-south -of 35 Street) 6.. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Planning Director' s Report 2. Chairman's Report 3. Agency Member's Report 7. ADJOURNMENT Pursuant to Chapter 286, FS., ifan individual -decides to -appear-any-decision made with respect to any matter considered at a meeting-or -hearing, that individual will -need a record -of the proceedings -and will need to insure that - a verbatim -record - of the proceeding is made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, -persons -needing assistance to participate in any of -these proceedings should -contact the -City -Clerk's office at 386-424- 2407, no later that 4 s prior - to the meeting.