02-24-1997 - Special ~ "WI' CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1997 7:00 P.M. COMMUNITY CENTER MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Hayman called the Special Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. ROLL CALL: Mayor Jack Hayman Councilman Danny Hatfield Councilwoman Louise Martin Councilman Michael Hays Councilman David Mitchum City Attorney Krista Storey City Manager George McMahon City Clerk Susan Wadsworth Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Mayor Hayman informed the Council of medical problems Dominick Fazzone is having and asked everyone to stand for a moment of silent prayer on his behalf. MEETING PURPOSE: Mayor Hayman explained the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the availability of budgeted money which can be applied to the resurfacing of 30th Street/Roberts Road, and paving and drainage improvements on other roadways, such as 14th, 16th, 22nd, and 34th Streets. Mayor Hayman informed Council a few residents have asked for an opportunity to address the Council in public comment before they get to the business at hand. He asked if there were any objections. There was no objection from Council. Councilman Hays stated he wanted Council to revisit the ordinance addressing paving and parking lots in the near future. He explained why he feels the ordinance is outdated and far too restrictive. He doesn't want their position on this to discourage business and growth in the community. Mayor Hayman explained under the present ordinances, in order for a business person to obtain an occupational license or certificate of occupancy, they must show that they have adequate parking and stormwater management on the premises as well. Mayor Hayman asked that this be placed on the agenda for March 3rd. City Manager McMahon recommended on the 3rd that they discuss the concept of what Council wishes to do first and intended policy change that you might be looking at. Then the correct wording can be brought into the ordinance. Councilman Hays asked that a copy of the ordinance be placed in their mailboxes. Mayor Hayman asked for public comment regarding the issue at hand. Robert McCoy, 2203 Queen Palm Drive, explained he is an adjacent property owner to 22nd Street. He agreed Roberts Road needs to be repaired. Since the tornado 22nd Street has had a lot of use. He spoke about the retention ponds on the cross streets and the cross streets being closed. He feels the road is getting considerably more use for people to turn around. He commented on t~e problem with stormwater along the section between pine Tree Drive and Royal Palm Drive. ~ ~ He asked Council to consider completing the last street between 34th street and SR 442 for paving. Cliff Clark, 1818 Evergreen Drive, doesn't see where there are any savings. He presented comments regarding why he feels the paving was an overpriced assessment to start with. He spoke about the property being returned to its original condition. Mr. Clark presented pictures of before the paving project was done. He went on to speak about the problems he is having now since the paving was done. Peter Wolftoth, 2724 willow Oak Drive, stated his pet peeve is Roberts Road. He feels resurfacing Roberts Road is wrong. He feels Roberts Road should be redone. He feels that road is dangerous and uneven and should be widened to accommodate the bus traffic that is on that road on a daily basis. Judith Lichter, 826 Navigators Way, commented on there being $2 million left over from the project that was assessed from everyone's taxes in town plus both sides of the roads that were paid putting in their third. She feels it is injust, if there are homes on both sides of those streets, that they get that job done with the other taxpayer's money and do not contribute their share. She feels everyone should pay their share and then there would be money left over so next year's taxes would not be increased like this year. Ed Maiser, 1529 Queen Palm Drive, spoke in favor of Council considering paving 16th Street as one of the top priorities of utilizing the funding that appears to be available. He spoke about the traffic on 16th Street. He feels 16th Street needs to be paved. He suggested Council consider a traffic expert who would analyze the kinds of traffic and the volume of traffic to set a priority to which street gets paved first. He asked Council to consider paving 16th Street from the Mango Tree Drive intersection to Willow Oak Drive. Salvatore Bello, 2130 Kumquat Drive, stated he would like to see 22nd Street paved. He spoke about the traffic on 22nd Street. He feels the Police should pay more attention to cars speeding in Florida Shores. Mayor HaYman presented opening remarks. He explained why he did not want to wait until March 3rd to discuss the paving of Roberts Road/30th Street, 14th, 16th, 22nd and 34th Streets. He spoke about receiving paving reports regarding the status of the project. Mayor HaYman elaborated on cost savings from the paving project. He commented on there being two projects, stormwater and paving, with two contracts working together for a complete road improvement and stormwater management system. city Manager McMahon identified the roles of the people involved with what is being done. City Engineer Fegley is responsible for saving the city close to $2 million. This man is responsible for doing a good job in saving the City a lot of money. City Manager McMahon explained staff's recommendation is to bring to Council the results of the program, where we are now, what is being proposed and the policy to do that in the interest of the community. City Manager McMahon presented a brief review of past history regarding the paving project. He explained the drainage was incorporated into the project planning as a result of the Engineer's work prior to 1993-1994. City Manager McMahon went on to speak about change orders pertaining to the paving project. Page -2- Council Special Meeting February 24, 1997 ~ ...."., City Manager McMahon elaborated on Roberts Road & 30th street. He would like to see a ribbon concrete binding on both sides of the street. He spoke about problems with widening this road. The ultimate road is going to be a very good one that will last fifteen to twenty years. City Manager McMahon commented on a cheaper method of paving for other roads in the community. city Manager McMahon presented the costs to pave Roberts Road/30th street with a road that will last fifteen to twenty years. City Manager McMahon spoke about change orders for 14th street from Mango Tree Drive to willow Oak Drive, 16th street from Orange Tree Drive to willow Oak Drive, which he feels could be done with micro paving, and 22nd street from Hibiscus Drive to Willow Oak Drive. He asked City Engineer Fegley if there are substantial drainage costs associated with or in addition to Change Order #3. Mr. Fegley informed City Manager McMahon that drainage is included. City Manager McMahon went on to speak about a change order for 34th street from Umbrella Tree Drive to Victory Palm Drive and from willow Oak Drive to Silver Palm Drive. City Manager McMahon informed Council he would later speak about micro paving. City Manager McMahon spoke about the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 split to pay the cost of the paving project. The community supported this and are getting more than their fair share out of this. The amount of work that was proposed to be done is not coming from assessment money. The cost of this is being born primarily by the General Fund Revenues that already exist in the budget. He elaborated on the difficulty of this project. There was a five-minute recess at this time. City Engineer Fegley elaborated on the proposed change order items for the Florida Shores Roadway Improvement Project. He further commented on 30th Street/Roberts Road. City Engineer Fegley spoke about the testing criteria and the contracts with the inspectors and the testing crew, which consists of two different firms. Mayor Hayman referred to the handout they received. He spoke about there being a 15% increase in the unit cost for the work that we are looking at now as opposed to the same type of work that we are already contracted for. City Engineer Fegley elaborated on the reasons for the increase. Mayor Hayman stated he has a problem with increasing the prices just because there is a change order. City Engineer Fegley explained the contractors have the right to do that and are incorporating their rights. city Manager McMahon explained the alternative is to bid it and suffer the consequences of what the new bid price would be. councilman Hays would like the change orders to be prioritized. He feels Roberts Road is a priority. City Engineer Fegley elaborated on Councilman Hays' concerns regarding priority. Councilman Mitchum feels City Engineer Fegley and City Manager McMahon have done their homework. He doesn't see why they can't do all of this as a package deal. He would hate to miss out on an opportunity. He feels it would be prudent to go ahead with this. Page -3- Council Special Meeting February 24, 1997 -- ,...., Mayor Hayman agreed. He would like to see further discussion and justification from the contractors and subcontractors regarding price. He wants to do things right but feels some of the costs are too high. Councilwoman Martin commented on delaying previous projects too long and the costs of the projects going up due to the delay. City Manager McMahon commented on the value of crude oil per barrel cost fluctuating over the past several months. City Engineer Fegley further commented on the increase in unit price. Councilman Hatfield asked if it is common practice to question the contractors and ask them the reasons for the increase in cost. City Engineer Fegley explained basically he has been told that is what it takes to do the roads. Most of the markup is between 5 and 6 percent. Mayor Hayman excused Chief Schumaker from the meeting. Mayor Hayman asked to focus on prioritizing the work. Councilman Hays feels Change Orders 5 and 6 could be combined together and call that priority number one. Change Order #3 could be prioritized as number two. The rest he doesn't have a strong feeling about one way or the other. Councilman Hatfield feels a lot of the priority hinges on where the contractor is and when they can move equipment from point a to point b. City Engineer Fegley explained the contractor is going to want to try and group some of the priorities together. Roberts Road and 30th Street essentially will be done at the same time. Mayor Hayman stated they have already begun work on 30th Street. Technically they don't have authorization to do that. There was some discussion by Council regarding their priorities. Change Orders 5 and 6 would be priority one. Change Orders 3 and 4 would be priority two. Change Orders 1 and 2 would be priority three. City Manager McMahon commented on the amount available for the City's share of the funding of these projects which would cover a majority of this. Councilman Hays feels they should go ahead with their first priority and then go back to the contractor to see if they could give us a better deal. There was a brief discussion regarding the cost estimate for 30th Street with and without leveling costs. Mayor Hayman stated Council would like city Engineer Fegley and City Manager McMahon to proceed with Change Order 5 and 6. with respect to Roberts Road, funding for that particular segment is restricted to just those available funds that can be used. council would also like to have the stabilization of the sides. They would like the contractors to come back with justification for their costs. Mayor Hayman would like to have something at the March 3rd meeting. City Manager McMahon agreed to make that a top priority and hopefully have some results by the March 3rd meeting. City Manager McMahon commented on inspection costs. Councilman Hays made a motion to approve Change Orders 5 and 6, to include the binding for a total of $280,407.32 of non-assessed dollars based on the maximum cost, second by Councilman Hatfield. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Page -4- Council Special Meeting February 24, 1997 ..... .., Councilman Mitchum made a motion to extend the contracts of Quentin Hampton and Associates and PSI, second by Councilwoman Martin. City Attorney Storey stated she would like to bring back the amendments to Council. She explained to City Engineer Fegley they are not critical for tonight. They have to put something in writing and bring back to Council an amendment to the contracts. Mayor HaYman stated the motion would be acceptance and principle of what Mr. Fegley wants to do with the provision it is brought back for final approval. The motion CARRIED 5-0. City Manager McMahon made a presentation regarding micro surfacing. He asked for Council consensus to experiment with micro paving on Industrial Road at a cost of $7,957.00 and 16th Street at a cost of $8,948.00. City Manager McMahon would also like to propose a method using cold mix paving which he explained for Council. He would like to experiment with Old County Road at a cost of $26,251.00 including 1,424 square yards of Cheeta Drive. City Attorney Storey asked if this is a sole source bidder. City Manager McMahon explained it is a County bid price. Councilwoman Martin questioned the life expectancy of micro surfacing. City Manager McMahon explained it is probably about seven to ten years. Councilman Hatfield questioned the $26,251.00 being the total cost or the cost to the City. City Manager McMahon explained that is the City'S cost with the roller and paver involved and that also included Cheeta Drive. The cost of Old County Road is $23,351.00. City Engineer Fegley explained including the cold mix and the micro surfacing, the cost is $44,561.00 for Cheeta Drive and Old County Road. Councilman Hatfield commented on the traffic on Old County Road and the water that accumulates when it rains. He spoke about the issue of assessing this road and he fully expects to pay an assessment for this. He is happy this is finally going to be paved. There was a discussion regarding drainage problems as a result of using micro surfacing. Mayor HaYman expressed concern with using something else other than DOT specifications. Mr. Fegley informed Council he would look into the base material further but he has reviewed the micro surfacing as an option. He further explained micro surfacing is used to seal the surface. City Manager McMahon spoke about the technology of micro paving. He would like to get into it in a small way in an area where there is enough traffic to give it a reasonable test. Mayor HaYman commented about the micro paving done in wildwood. He will not support this because of DOT standards. If we are really concerned about upgrading the roads elsewhere in the community, we will use the same policy and the same process we used in Florida Shores. Councilman Hays suggested Councilman Hatfield talk to his neighbors. Councilman Hatfield stated he would be willing to talk to his neighbors and see how they feel. He doesn't know how they will feel being this would be a test situation and how much they would want to pay. Councilman Mitchum stated if they proceed with this and they proceed with a $45,000 fix on this road and that area is assessed based on that $45,000 versus $250,000, what you need to understand is once you assess it, it is done. You can't assess it again. Page -5- Council Special Meeting February 24, 1997 .... ..."" Councilman Mitchum has no problem with getting an estimate to do that road. City Manager McMahon suggested doing cost estimates for doing a typical paving job and give the Council an option. City Engineer Fegley explained they are looking at micro surfacing on 16th street, Mango Tree Drive, and Industrial Road. These are non assessment areas because this is maintenance restoration. Councilman Mitchum is interested in seeing the micro surfacing before he approves anything. city Manager McMahon agreed to get figures to present to Council. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, Councilman Mitchum made a motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lisa Kruckmeyer Page -6- Council Special Meeting February 24, 1997