08-16-1993 - Regular
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AUGUST 16, 1993
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Hayman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the
community Center.
Mayor Jack Hayman
Councilman Kirk Jones
Councilwoman Louise Martin
Councilman Michael Hays
Councilman David Mitchum
city Manager George McMahon
City Attorney Krista storey
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker
The minister did not appear so there was a silent invocation.
There was a pledge of allegiance to the Flag.
Mayor Hayman introduced otto Madeczyk from Germany.
Regular Meetinq of Julv 19, 1993
Councilwoman Martin made a motion to approve the July 19, 1993
minutes, seconded by Councilman Mitchum. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Special Meetinq of July 27, 1993
Councilwoman Martin made a motion to approve the July 27, 1993
minutes, seconded by Councilman Hays. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Reqular Meetinq of Auqust 2, 1993
Councilman Mitchum made a motion to approve the August 2, 1993
minutes, seconded by Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED 4-
Luther Davidson gave a presentation on the Maglev project
(magnetic levitation system.)
Mr. Davidson stated they have received letter of support from
everyone involved in the project to get this system to Volusia
County. He explained the set back is the result of another
magnetic levitation system which has apparently been trying to
get off the ground in Orlando.
Mr. Davidson feels this project will get back on track. He
apologized for not informing Edgewater of this project. He spoke
about the reasons behind looking at the old railroad right-of-
Mr. Davidson stated they have been dealing with Ted Turner who
has $7 million in the bank to help fund this project. He stated
the County of Volusia is on board on this project.
Mr. Davidson stated the project team comes from California, New
York, Texas, Tennessee. He explained this project will be sold
as a package deal.
Mr. Davidson spoke about the people on the project team.
Mr. Davidson passed around samples of materials that will be used
for this project. He stated all of the materials will be made in
the USA. He explained 1,000 new jobs will become available with
the test track and up to 5,000 new jobs will become available
Mr. Davidson explained for Councilman Hays this is a passive type
Councilman Hays thanked Mr. Davidson for coming.
Mr. Davidson explained the three phases in this project.
Britt Bochiardy stated there has been some concern on time
frames. He stated they are talking about off the shelf
Britt Bochiardy spoke about the Florida East Coast Railway.
He explained they do want to be involved with this project.
Mr. Davidson left letters from the County Manager and the
Chairman of the County Council in support of this project.
Mayor Hayman thanked the gentlemen for coming.
John Wilkinson, East Ocean Avenue, stated this is a surprise
presentation and this needs to be advertised. He stated the
funding has been turned down because it is not a new project.
Mr. Davidson explained there is money within the Florida Research
and Development trust fund and also within the Federal Government
for the Maglev initiative.
Joe Martin, Chairman of Industrial Development Board, spoke about
the sign ordinance. He explained Council asked the Industrial
Development Board to review the draft sign ordinance. He stated
the review process was started at their meeting in July. He
stated it was also talked about at the meeting in August and they
called a special meeting to conclude this.
Mr. Martin explained the memo from the Industrial Development
Board. He stated the board voted to request a delay on action
until simple applications can be studied.
Kathleen Bouchen, Babyland, feels strongly about Southard's
Recycling continuing as Edgewater's recycler. She feels they
have done a superb job. She asked if Council has checked with
other cities as far as the satisfaction of other recycler's
Ms. Bouchen explained they generate the revenue in our city.
Ms. Bouchen feels Southard Recycling did a super job with
Hurricane Andrew and the Thanksgiving and Christmas food drives.
She feels we should renew Southard's Recycling contract.
Wayne Southard, Southard's Recycling, stated Duke couldn't make
it tonight because he broke his back. He stated for 35 months
they have been the City's recycling contractor. He thanked
Council for their support.
Council was informed he is in the trauma unit at Halifax Medical
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Council Regular Meeting
August 16, 1993
Mayor Hayman read the consent agenda.
A. Approval of revised payment schedule on recent refinancinq of
Mayor Hayman explained the background on this matter.
Councilwoman Martin made a motion to approve the consent agenda,
seconded by Councilman Hays. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
A. Pat Johnston to present petition for traffic liqht at Ocean
Avenue and u.s. 1 intersection
Pat Johnston 119 W. Connecticut Ave. asked to have Ken Bucher
speak tonight.
Mr. Bucher explained the need for a traffic light. He explained
there have been 16 accidents in the past 3 1/2 years at that
intersection. He spoke about a request made by the City Engineer
for another traffic study to analyze the speeds of u.s. 1.
Mr. Bucher requested Council address to the cit Engineer
consideration of the placement of new u-turn sign at the
intersection of Ocean Avenue and u.s. 1.
Mr. Bucher spoke about the placement of a traffic light device
at the intersection of u.s. 1.
Mr. Bucher stated Mrs. Johnston got over 300 signatures of
residences that are affected by the pending traffic hazard.
Mr. Bucher requested the Council take whatever studies are
necessary and considered those three factors.
Councilwoman Martin stated they can not make any changes without
DOT approval.
Councilman Hays asked if there are any scheduled traffic studies.
Police Chief Schumaker stated on August 2 the City Engineer wrote
a letter to DOT requesting a survey be done of traffic on u.s. 1
in the city. He stated they received a letter from DOT saying
they would notify them of the findings within 60 days.
Councilman Hays asked Chief Schumaker if he had any feelings on
this request. Chief Schumaker stated he would certainly support
it but it's frustrating because the road belongs to the state.
Mayor Hayman stated their priorities should be getting approval
of the No u-turn sign and then insure traffic survey is done
expeditiously and to take this into consideration with the other
Mayor Hayman stated at the next meeting of the MPO he will ask
the Engineer if he can help us get something done.
Mr. Bucher thanked Council.
B. Award of recyclinq bid to Tomoka Recycling, Inc.
City Attorney storey gave a brief summary on the bids received
from Tomoka Recycling, Inc. and Industrial Waste Services and how
and why Tomoka Recycling, Inc. was chosen.
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Council Regular Meeting
August 16, 1993
city Attorney storey explained the two identical low bidders were
asked to provide additional information. This request generated
some issues. She explained if we are forced to put aside those
issues, staff has no way to distinguish between the two low
city Attorney Storey stated staff recommendation would be to
reject all bids and authorize staff to revise current bid
specification to address those particular issues and readvertise
for bids.
councilwoman Martin made a motion to reject all bids and
readvertise, seconded by Councilman Hays. The motion CARRIED 4-
C. Recommendation to accept Ernst & Younq to provide reports on
calculations for arbitraqe compliance per Treasury requirements
Finance Director Fred Munoz gave a presentation at this time.
Councilman Hays stated he doesn't see a need to do this because
it was done last year. Mr. Munoz elaborated on this.
Councilwoman Martin made a motion to approve this request,
seconded by Councilman Mitchum. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
D. Purchase of one Mannesmann Technoloqy Line Printer, cablinq,
and one year service aqreement for $5,969
Mayor Hayman stated there was more information on this in their
Mayor Hayman questioned why they were chosen not being the lowest
bidder. Mr. Munoz stated it is not the heavy duty printer the
city needs.
Mr. Munoz spoke about some of the capabilities of the printer.
Councilman Hays stated not to contract that service agreement at
that price per year.
Councilman Mitchum made a motion not to approve without a $600 a
year maintenance agreement for five years, seconded by Councilman
Martin. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mayor Hayman stated they would take a ten minute recess.
Mayor Hayman called the meeting back to order.
E. Richard & Cheryl stonecipher's request to have outside band
at Earthquake Maqoons Bar on Auqust 29 and October 31, 1993. for
charity events
Cheryl & Richard stonecipher informed Council they would be doing
this for the Family Help Crisis Center in Edgewater. Mrs.
stonecipher stated their last function didn't turn out well and
they are hoping they will have a better turn out again.
Mayor Hayman questioned them doing this before.
Councilwoman Martin expressed her concerns about the parking and
the band being outside. Mrs. Stonecipher explained the band
would be in the back where there is no parking.
Councilman Hays expressed his concerns about drinking outside.
Mrs. stonecipher stated this would be in a restricted area.
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Council Regular Meeting
August 16, 1993
Councilman Mitchum questioned if they would be able to get
permission to shut the alley way in the back off. Mrs.
stonecipher stated she probably could.
Chief Schumaker stated his problems with this request are
allowing drinking outside and he has no idea of the crowd that is
going to show up. He expressed concern about restrooms.
City Attorney Storey had a problem with the liquor license only
allowing drinking indoors.
There was continued discussion on drinking outside.
Mayor Hayman questioned the noise level. Mayor Hayman questioned
confining everyone under a tent.
Mayor Hayman stated he had a problem with the bathroom and
suggested getting two portalets outside and he had a problem with
drinking outside.
Councilman Mitchum expressed his concerns about the people
drinking not being contained. He stated he would not have a
problem with it if they were in a confined area.
Council agreed the time being from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. would be fine
if this is approved.
Mrs. stonecipher stated if it is a problem the first time they
will not have a band outside next time.
Mayor Hayman stated they would consider the August 29th event and
then review the results of that before deciding on October 31st.
Mayor Hayman listed the stipulations of this request.
Councilman Mitchum stated if this gets out of hand he wants the
police to shut it down.
City Attorney Storey spoke about the liquor license.
Mrs. stonecipher stated she would take it upon herself to contact
beverage control.
Councilman Mitchum explained that if in fact the liquor license
was in question would the City be a party to have allowed this
and would we be subject to liability.
Councilwoman Martin suggested getting it in writing from the
proper authorities. Mrs. stonecipher stated she would get it in
Mayor Hayman against listed the stipulations of this request.
Councilman Hays made a motion to approve this request including
the stipulations, seconded by Councilwoman Martin. The motion
F. Cancellinq or reschedulinq reqular meetinq of September 6.
1993. due to Labor Day Holiday
Councilman Hays made a motion to cancel the September 6, 1993
meeting, seconded by Councilwoman Martin.
Mayor Hayman stated if at some time official City business does
need to be conducted a special meeting would need to be called
The motion CARRIED 4-0.
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Council Regular Meeting
August 16, 1993
A. Ord. 93-0-10 Permittinq vietnamese Pot-Bellied piqs within the
City as House Pets
City Attorney storey stated there is some information in the
packets provided by the Animal Control Officer, a memo from the
Police Chief, a copy of a letter the Blair's received from the
Pot Belly Pig Association and a copy of a Police Department
report relating to an incident on August 7th.
City Attorney storey explained if Council goes for this, the
ordinance would need to be amended.
Audrey Teverbaugh, 1047 Beulah Drive, stated she also owns a pot
belly pig. She spoke about her pot belly pig. She stated Kathy
has had a problem with Willie but she has gotten an electrical
fence around her yard and she is trying very hard. She continued
to speak on behalf of pot belly pigs.
Councilman Hays expressed his concerns on this matter. He stated
he can not support this.
Councilman Mitchum agreed with Councilman Hays. He stated no
matter how you look at it, it is still a pig which is a farm
Councilman Hays made a motion to recommend denying 93-0-10,
seconded by Councilman Mitchum. The motion CARRIED 3-1.
Councilwoman Martin voted NO.
B. Ord. 93-0-14 and Ord. 93-0-15 Amending Article III (Sewers)
of Chapter 19 (utilities and Services) and Article IV (Sewage
Disposal) of Chapter 10 (Health) pursuant to fundinq requirements
of Wastewater Capital Improvement Proqram
city Attorney briefed Council on the changes to Ord. 93-0-14 and
Ord. 93-0-15. She stated staff recommends adopting the
ordinances on first reading as drafted.
Mayor Hayman read Ord. 93-0-14.
Councilman Mitchum made a motion to approve Ord. 93-0-14,
seconded by Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mayor Hayman read Ord. 93-0-15.
There were questions asked by Council about septic tanks. City
Attorney Storey elaborated on these questions.
Councilman Mitchum made a motion to approve Ord. 93-0-15,
seconded by Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
C. Appeal by Robert Fritz, 2939 pine Tree Drive, of Land
Development & Requlatory decision re: variance for location of
new shed/workshop in rear yard.
Community Development Mark Karet gave a presentation on the
Robert Fritz, 2939 pine Tree Drive, presented his side of the
City Attorney Storey spoke about the five criteria required to
grant a variance. She advised Council to look at the criteria.
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Council Regular Meeting
August 16, 1993
Councilman Mitchum stated where he proposes to build this is
probably the best location. He would still be ten feet off the
property line.
city Attorney storey informed Council this is a quasijudicial
decision making process and the items the Council should consider
are those issues related to the criteria.
Mayor Hayman spoke about Item B - strict application of the
provision of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of
reasonable rights commonly applicable to other properties in the
same district.
Dominick Fazzone, 302 Paradise Lane, stated he is disturbed with
the way we proceed on these things. He spoke about how the LDRA
came up with their decision. He stated there is nothing peculiar
about this property.
Mayor Hayman read sections of Mr. Karet's memo regarding this
variance request and elaborated on this.
There was continued discussion about following the five criteria.
Councilman Hays stated we give five rules and we need to follow
those rules. He feels they need to address the five criteria.
Councilman Mitchum concurred with Councilman Hays and also agrees
with Mayor Hayman seeing things a little different. He feels the
Council has the right to change the decision.
Councilwoman Martin stated she was on the LDRA for some time and
when you are on a board you do what you have to do.
Council was prepared to make decision based on the five criteria
of the code.
Councilman Mitchum made a motion to approve the variance,
seconded by Mayor Hayman.
Councilman Hays feels not enough criteria have been met to grant
this variance.
The motion was a split decision. City Attorney storey stated at
this time the request for the variance was denied and stands as
Councilman Mitchum requested this be put back on the agenda for
the September 20th meeting.
There was no unfinished business at this time.
city Attorney
City Attorney Storey explained the extension of the agreement for
HMO. She spoke about Blue Cross and Blue Shield cancelling the
HMO portion of our contract without the City's intention. She
explained the new contract is identical.
City Attorney Storey recommended Council approve the group
application agreement and authorize Mayor to execute it.
There was a discussion about prescription drugs under this
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Council Regular Meeting
August 16, 1993
councilman Mitchum made a motion to approve the agreement,
seconded by Councilman Hays. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
city Manaqer
city Manager McMahon was excused from this meeting.
city council
councilwoman Martin
councilwoman Martin had nothing at this time.
councilman Hays
councilman Hays had nothing at this time.
Councilman Mitchum
councilman Mitchum had nothing at this time.
Mayor Hayman
Mayor Hayman had nothing at this time.
councilman Jones
Councilman Jones was excused from this meeting.
city Attorney storey reminded the public the first budget
workshop begins tomorrow at 7:00 p.m.
Questions from Press
There were no questions from the press at this time.
There were no citizen comments at this time.
There being no further business to discuss, Councilman Mitchum
made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilwoman Martin. The
meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lisa Kruckmeyer
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council Regular Meeting
August 16, 1993