01-25-1993 - Regular << '-' ....". CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 25, 1993 7:00 P.M. COMMUNITY CENTER MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Jack Hayman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. ROLL CALL: Mayor Jack Hayman Councilman Kirk Jones Councilwoman Louise Martin Councilman Michael Hays Councilman David Mitchum City Attorney Krista storey city Manager George McMahon City Clerk Susan Wadsworth Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker Present Present Arrived at 7:03 p.m. Present Present Present Present Present Present INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The invocation was delivered by Reverend Boldt, Edgewater Alliance Church. There was a pledge of allegiance to the Flag. Reverend Boldt stated they are pleased with the relationship they have developed with the community and the Parks and Recreation Department. presentation of certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reportinq Jim Manick presented a certificate to Mayor Hayman. Mr. Manick stated this could not have been achieved without the help of staff. He thanked Fred Munoz and Karen Rickelman for their work. Mr. Manick presented a certificate to Karen Rickelman for her service and ability to put this report together. Mr. Munoz thanked Mr. Manick for the award and presented Ms. Rickelman with a desk clock. Mayor Hayman and Councilman Jones congratulated staff for their hard work. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Reqular Meetinq of December 21. 1992 Councilman Jones made a motion to accept the minutes of December 21, 1992, seconded by Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED 5- o. Reqular Meetinq of January 4. 1993 Councilwoman Martin made a motion to accept the minutes of January 4, 1993, seconded by Councilman Hays. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Special Meetinq of January 11. 1993 Councilman Hays made a motion to accept the minutes of January 11, 1993, seconded by Councilwoman Martin. The motion CARRIED 5- o. ... ~ CITIZEN COMMENTS Doris Hill, Lincoln Road, stated she is surprised that almost half of the money she pays in taxes goes to the schools. She stated the hospital gets more than half of what the city gets. She asked what the County is doing for us. She stated she would rather pay taxes to the city than pay it to the County. Joe Martin, Chairman, Industrial Development Board presented the monthly economic development update from the Volusia County Business Development corporation to the Council. Bill Brumbly, Ragis Road, spoke on the flooding problem on Park Avenue. He stated if they are going to build more out there, please do something about the flooding. He stated there is no drainage anywhere west of wildwood Subdivision. CONSENT AGENDA A. Solid Waste Supervisor's request to purchase sixty new incinerator blocks from Superior Brick & Refractory. the sole supplier of this type block. at a cost of $2.400 B. satisfaction of pavinq lien C. Maintenance aqreement with Technicians Unlimited for city Hall copier D. Aqreement with American pavinq for Department of Fire & Rescue Services' Paqers E. Public Works Equipment Aqreement with AT&T for post-warranty maintenance on phone system Mayor Hayman read the consent agenda. Councilman Jones made a motion to accept the consent agenda, seconded by Councilman Hays. The motion CARRIED 5-0. NEW BUSINESS A. Addition to site plan of Rotary Park to construct a qazebo Mr. Corder gave a brief explanation why this addition has been brought to Council. At this time, there was a discussion session between Council and Mr. Corder. Mr. Corder stated the proposed completion date is sometime in March. Councilwoman Martin made a motion to approve this request, seconded by Councilman Hays. The motion CARRIED 5-0. B. Report from our County of Volusia Beach Trust Commission representative Robert McIntosh. Mr. Robert McIntosh gave a presentation at this time. Mr. McIntosh introduced Mr. Joe Waller, Beach Director for Volusia County. Mr. Waller welcomed any questions from Council. At this time, there was a question and answer session between Mr. Waller, Mr. McIntosh and Council. Page -2- Council Regular Meeting January 25, 1993 'w' ..."" An update was given on the Beach Trust Commission and some of the problems they are having. Councilman Hays would like to Beach Trust Commission to look into surf fishing. Councilman Jones felt there was no dialogue with the Beach Trust Commission and asked how they can improve their dialogue. There was some discussion about jet skis. They switch location every six months. Councilman Jones asked Mr. McIntosh to come in every so often to give a report. He asked him how long he has served on the Beach Trust Commission. Mr. McIntosh informed him since 1986. Mayor Hayman stated there is going to be some considerable discussion on revenues to support this plan. He stated there is going to be serious discussion regarding financing this plan. Mayor Hayman spoke about a presentation he attended from the Metropolitan Planning Organization about what the DOT in a private engineering concern are doing regarding traffic flow to the beach. He expressed his concerns about mass transportation to help alleviate pressure on the beach. Mr. Waller explained what the Beach Trust Commission is working on for the parking and mass transportation. Mayor Hayman asked Council if they wanted to appoint an alternate for the Beach Trust Commission. Councilman Jones made a motion to appoint Jeff Lange as the alternate for Mr. McIntosh, seconded by Councilman Mitchum. The motion CARRIED 5-0. ORDINANCES, PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RESOLUTIONS FIRST READING: There was nothing at this time. SECOND READING: (PUBLIC HEARING) There was nothing at this time. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Discussion/Decision re: citizens Council Advisorv Committee Councilwoman Martin spoke on the citizens Council Advisory Committee. She made a motion to disband the Advisory Board, seconded by Councilman Hays. Councilman Hays gave his reasons for his decision. Councilman Jones expressed his feelings on the citizens Council Advisory Committee. Councilman Mitchum expressed his feelings on the citizens council Advisory Committee. He stated he was not on Council at the time this committee was developed. Mayor Hayman expressed his feelings on the Citizens Council Advisory Committee. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Page -3- Council Regular Meeting January 25, 1993 ..... .""." COUNCIL/OFFICERS REPORTS CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney storey had nothing at this time. CITY MANAGER City Manager McMahon asked if the Council has considered altering their meeting schedule. In the past there has been two meetings a month. He suggested a trial period of going to one meeting a month and one workshop meeting. He suggested doing an evaluation after six months. Councilman Hays made a motion to try a six month trial period. City Attorney storey gave an explanation at this time. Councilwoman Martin seconded by motion. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Internship Proqram with University of Central Florida qraduate students City Manager McMahon explained this internship program would be for management involvement. He stated the internship allows the City to have a value of a person who is pursuing academic indication in the field of professional management. steve Cork gave a presentation on the internship program. There was a question and answer session between Mr. Cork and Council. City Manager McMahon stated this will not go into effect until the summer. Councilman Jones stated they needed time to think about it. Mr. Cork stated this program would be twenty hours a week. Mayor Hayman stated he spoke to Dr. Maria Aritoquetta, a professor at UCF in public administration, who is the coordinator for student projects with all the County and municipal governments in the area. He gave a summary of his conversation with her and explained how this program works. City Manager McMahon asked Council to think about this. There was a five minute recess at this time. CITY COUNCIL Councilman Jones Councilman Jones had nothing at this time. Councilwoman Martin Councilwoman Martin had nothing at this time. Councilman Hays Councilman Hays stated they have ninety days to hook up to the system. He asked if there is going to be a grace period. Councilman Hays stated there have been questions brought to him about the abandonment of septic tanks. He asked the process of doing this which City Manager McMahon explained at this time. Page -4- Council Regular Meeting January 25, 1993 . '-" ., There was further discussion about the abandonment of septic tanks. Councilwoman Martin suggested when a person comes in for a permit, they be given written instructions which should simplify everything. Councilman Mitchum Councilman Mitchum had nothing at this time. Mayor Havman Mayor Hayman gave a report regarding the Volusia city County Water Supply cooperative. He stated he has been elected as secretary of the Cooperative. Mayor Hayman gave a report on the participation with the USGS in a water quality and a wetlands area study. This is located at the 1-4 and State Road 44 intersection. He explained Mr. Feaster recommended suspending the study at this time because of lack of funds and look at it again next year which was done by unanimous vote. He explained Mr. Feaster was successful in negotiating with the st. Johns Water Management for two grants in the amounts of $20,000 for cooperative to coordinate the district's water supply needs and sources study and $50,000 for expansion and update of Cooperative's water supply master plan. Mayor Hayman stated Mr. Feaster requested it was time for a six month performance appraisal. All of the voting members of the Co-op will participate in that appraisal. He stated this will begin in one week. There was a question and answer session at this time between Mayor Hayman and Councilman Hays. Mayor Hayman spoke about WNDB in Daytona Beach. He stated they were asked to participate in a one hour radio talk program. He suggested they could talk about the do's and dont's of the CIP. The Council agreed this is a good idea. Mayor Hayman spoke on the Southeast Volusia County Library Research Facility. Mayor Hayman suggested we inform the County Council that Edgewater still feels this needs to be located at Daytona Beach Community College. It was the consensus of the Council that DBCC be the location for this research facility. Mayor Hayman explained the differences between the research facility and the regional library. Councilman Mitchum made a motion to have the Mayor pursue the Regional Library, seconded by Councilman Hays. Councilman Mitchum stated he gave an excellent report. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Questions from Press There were no questions at this time. Page -5- Council Regular Meeting January 25, 1993 . 'W wi CITIZEN COMMENTS Dr. Charles Gebelein, past Chairman of citizens Council Advisory Committee, objected to the way this was carried out. He stated he has seen commentaries in the newspapers that said nothing was ever done on the Committee. He feels this needs some correction by the press. Dr. Gebelein continued speaking about the citizens Council Advisory Committee. He stated he does not object to the dissolving of the committee and he would have recommended it. Dr. Gebelein stated he feels another committee structure should be developed so Council can get more citizen input. Dr. Gebelein then spoke about the ninety day hookup for the sewers. Dr. Gebelein then spoke about the decision of the Council ten years ago on road paving. Mayor Hayman apologized for not letting Dr. Gebelein speak when the citizens Council Advisory Committee was spoken about earlier in the meeting. Councilwoman Martin stated it was the idea of Mayor Wessler who wanted something to go between the people and Council. She stated they have found people are still continuing to call their representatives. Councilman Jones stated we have quite a few advisory committees and it is always nice to have input. We need to find out in a long range of planning where they are going. Charlene Dennis, 2010 Orange Tree Drive, thanked Council for nominating her to the citizens Council Advisory Committee. She stated she would be more than happy to help them out on another committee. Pete Hellsten, Land Development and Regulatory Agency Chairman, spoke about the Council's discussion on rearranging their schedule. He would like to request trying to arrange a schedule such that Council has got sufficient window between the time the LDRA meets and when the action they take would come before Council. Mr. Hellsten also spoke about a site plan review coming directly to Council and was concerned why this had not been brought before LDRA. Mr. Corder gave Mr. Hellsten an explanation at this time. Cliff Clark, 1818 Evergreen Drive, spoke about an article in the newspaper referencing the Police Department. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Councilman Jones made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilwoman Martin. The meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lisa Kruckmeyer Page -6- Council Regular Meeting January 25, 1993