12-16-1991 - Regular
DECEMBER 16, 1991
Mayor Tanya Wessler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community
Mayor Tanya Wessler
Councilman Kirk Jones
Councilperson Louise Martin
Councilperson NoraJane Gillespie
Councilman Michael Hays
City Attorney Krista Storey
City Manager George McMahon
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Arrived later
Pastor Char 1 es Bo 1 dt, Edgewater All i ance Church, de 1 i vered the i nvocat ion. There
was a pledge of allegiance to the Flag.
Reqular Meetinq of December 2. 1991 - Councilperson Gillespie moved to accept.
Counc il person Mart i n seconded the mot i on. Counc ilman Hays asked that his
comments regarding voter control of taxes on page 5 be added to these minutes.
It was agreed to add the excerpt. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Wessler asked Ms. Storey to speak at this time. Ms. Storey stated she
distributed a memo regarding Ordinance 90-0-24 that amended the City Charter and
provided copies to Mr. Naill on behalf of U.T.E. and to the press. She stated
the issue was adoption of Ordinance 90-0-24 in 1990 which repealed sections 102
and 103 of the Charter and amended Section 74. She said at the December 2
meeting she gave a preliminary opinion regarding the legality of that enactment
procedure and said she would provide a written opinion, which they have tonight.
She said she did extensive research and her opinion is the ordinance was enacted
legally pursuant to applicable sections of Chapter 166. She pointed out the
issue raised by U.T.E. was that the only appropriate mechanism to amend a City
Charter was referendum, but that does not take into account requirements or
applicability of Section 166.021 of Florida Statutes. She noted United Taxpayers
cited Section 166.031 which provides referendum provision but that's a supple-
mentary provision and there are appl icable sections in 166.021 that provide
circumstances where an ordinance is appropriate and thatls the decision of City
fathers. She said United Taxpayers cited her and Council to want an Attorney
Generalis opinion regarding the City of Tamarac but the facts of that Attorney
Generalis opinion are not the same as Edgewater. She explained in that situation
the referendum on the whole Charter came before the voters but this referendum
in Edgewater in February, 1988, dealt with 3 specific questions and it was not
an attempt to ratify and reaffirm the entire City Charter. She said she attached
copies of 3 Attorney General opinions that are on points specifying when itls
appropriate to use 166.021 and one says 166.031 for referendum is not the only
provision that cities may make use of. Mr. McMahon arrived at this time, 7:08
p.m. Ms. Storey continued that Council should put this issue to rest and the
ordinance was enacted legally and sections were repealed and the cap on bonding
has appropriately been removed from the City Charter and she sees no legal
problem with signing the loan and grant agreements and the decision to go forward
with the bonds. Councilman Jones stated he's glad this issue is put to rest and
they can go ahead with their business.
There were no citizen comments at this time.
Restructur;na of escrow created by proceeds of Sedes 1990 Bond Ant;c;pat;on
Notes: Ucense Aareements wHh Flor;da East Coast Ra; lway Company for storm dra ;n
cross;na at FEC I S lead track para lleHna Park Avenue and 8" and 12" potable water
ma;ns at Park Ave.: Voluntary Cooperat;on Aareement between State Attorney1s
Off;ce and Pol;ce Department: Grant;na Flor;da Power & L;aht Company a 10 ft.
ut;l;ty easement alona Western edae of access road from S.R. 442 to Alan R.
Thomas Water Treatment Plant: Pol;ce Ch;ef1s request to establ;sh a part t;me
law enforcement pos;t;on on a voluntary bash so ofHcers can reta;n State
cerHfkat;on: F;re & Rescue Ch;ef1s recomendat;on to approve Interlocal
Aareement wHh Volus;a County to create Emeraency Powers Advhory Counc; 1:
Support of art;f;c;al reef proaram to ass;st arant process w;th Dept. of Natural
Resources: Chrhtmas food cerHfkates for CHy employees: Clos;ng of CHy
bu;ld;ngs at 12:00 noon on Tuesday. December 24. 1991. Chr;stmas Eve: Self-
Insurance ComHtee1s recomendat;on to settle cla;m ;nvolv;ng a colHs;on
between C;ty garbage truck and rental veh;cle at P;ne Tree Dr. and 30th St. on
October 4. 1991: Redes;gn and construct;on of front counter ;n C;ty Hall
Counci lman Hays asked to address item 4. E. regarding the Police part-time
voluntary position and asked if this is okay with insurance and liability. Mr.
McMahon replied he believes we're adequately covered and the City doesn't have
any extraordinary risk exposure.
Councilman Hays stated on 4.F. they'd discussed an interlocal agreement with
the County and there's a comment about contacting the County Attorney and being
informed it's not the County's practice to record interlocal agreements. He said
he wants the City Attorney to be totally satisfied from a legal point of view
before they finalize this. Ms. Storey stated the recommendation about recording
in public records is pursuant to Statutes and she'd talked with an Assistant
County Attorney and was told they don't record them by practice. She said if
Council approves the conceptual issue she'll transmit those concerns and
questions to the County Attorney's office in writing and await a response. She
stated the County by Statute is the entity charged with emergency management
services and she doesn't know if this is something they want to raise a fuss
about and she can work with them on recording but the County does represent us
as an emergency power. She added in the future she doesn't want Council to sign
something that's not pursuant to State law. Councilperson Gillespie asked if
the County procedure does not follow the Statute. Ms. Storey explained inter-
local agreements are authorized pursuant to 163 and there's a provision that
before agreements become effective they be recorded in public records and it's
her position that it be recorded. Councilperson Gillespie stated she discussed
this with Chief Vola and it's hazardous materials and civil defense.
Councilperson Gillespie stated she favors allowing the City Attorney to enter
into straightening out the carte blanch with FEC and would appreciate the
railroad telling us a year in advance when they're going to do the work instead
of giving us a big surprise as they did with Roberts Road and Ocean Avenue.
Mayor Wessler suggested Mr. McMahon draft a letter to request that courtesy.
Councilman Hays said the Christmas food certificates for employees are a good
idea and good benefit but held hope they'd put into effect more than one merchant
in the City to participate because now we're picking Winn-Dixie and perhaps they
can allow the employees to have a choice and involve more City merchants as
there are more stores in town they may want to use. Mayor Wessler explained the
idea was to keep them going to Winn-Dixie in town instead of Publix out of town
but she sees no problem with doing that next year. Councilperson Martin pointed
out prices are usually rather high unless it's a super market. Mayor Wessler
suggested they could give employees a choice of a food certificate for anywhere
in Edgewater. Finance Director Fred Munoz explained Winn-Dixie offers a 6%
discount to the City, Food Lion gives 4%, and Publix doesn't give any discount,
and it's after $500, and the big motivator is because of the discount and itls
in Edgewater. Councilman Hays requested they do a straw poll of merchants for
next year to see if they want to participate and employees can have the option
as they may want to go to Eckerd's to buy Christmas tree lights. Mayor Wessler
asked Mr. McMahon to look into this for next year.
Councilman Hays asked what's being done to correct the problem that caused the
self-insurance claim payment where the driver stopped behind the stop sign and
proceeded forwarded and because of a blind spot between the panel and door was
unable to see anything coming. He asked if they check previous accidents of the
2 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1991
driver and if they go to driver's school if involved in an accident. Mr. McMahon
replied the City does check driver's licenses upon application of employment and
based on that they hire or don't hire. He said once hired it.s an excellent
idea to check anyone1s drivers license on a regular basis for any change in
status and the employee should be required as a continuing condition of employ-
ment to advise Personnel of any change. He said he's discussed with staff, with
Mark Karet as Director of Safety, about defensive driving programs available and
what resources we have. He added he's been a part of defensive driving programs
and advocates them and on investigation of an accident when the driver is held
accountable that should be reviewed in a systematic way. He said they'll look
at driver accountability, whether negligence is involved or not, and if so, then
another activity besides defensive driving needs to occur. Councilman Hays noted
he doesn't want a situation like they had in Central Florida with a bus driver.
Councilman Jones agreed with Councilman Hays that every so often they should look
at employees I driver's licenses to see they're up to date because if they get
a certain number of points, the license is pulled. He added they check this in
New Smyrna Beach and they had to take defensive driving courses. He asked if
Chief Vola goes through the course and Chief Vola indicated yes. Councilman
Jones said personnel need to be trained and licenses checked. Mr. McMahon said
they can require as a City-wide policy that each employee certify any change in
validity of their driving status and if they fail to do so, the City should
assume they have it, and if there1s a doubt they can go through the Police to
see, and if an employee lies, he should not be employed here.
Mayor Wessler asked if there's money in the budget for redesign and construction
of the front counter. Mr. McMahon replied no, but money can be transferred and
he and Mr. Munoz made a recommendation. Finance Director Fred Munoz stated they
have substantial savings on health insurance and funds can come from that source.
Mr. McMahon asked for a motion for that appropriation if they agree.
Councilperson Martin so moved. Council person Gillespie seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Counc il person Mart in moved to accept the consent agenda. Counc ilman Jones
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Grant/Loan Proqram administration services to be provided bv Anqie Brewer &
Associates - Mr. McMahon introduced Ms. Angie Brewer and stated he and City staff
discussed the value of these services and they've checked references and talked
with the State and many other cities and will give the status after her report.
Anqie R. Brewer, 8466 North Lockwood Ridge Road, Sarasota, introduced her two
associates in the audience who would work on this project if chosen. She said
she's here at the request of the City Manager, Finance Director, and City
Engineer to answer questions. She explained they've been involved in providing
services to all major cities and counties on the West coast and this is the first
time they've come across the State. She read the names of some of those to whom
they1ve provided services and noted some projects are closing out. She said
they're not a large firm and these are the primary associates with an adminis-
trative person who prepares billings and receives checks. She stated with the
SRF loan and State Grant program the people will say Council did a good job on
this one when they borrowed money at 3-4% to build facilities they need. She
said they.ve been facing progress marching down the West coast and she's spent
most of the last 4 years in consulting work serving those communities. She added
she understands the agreement process is completed and they beat the critical
deadline prior to initiation of a State administrative loan fee that would have
been another 3-1/2% fee on top of it. She added this is an excellent savings
and she congratulated the City because some communities didn't make it. She
explained some rule changes took affect a few days ago that would have meant more
red tape and cost a little more. She added they've done a wonderful job, no
matter what they do with her firm, and it's a complex program and there are a
lot of rules but she's done more than 20 by herself. She said they do labor
interviews and help to process payments through the financial system and they
don't end up with staff people in a few years that they have no use for. She
said they're available and have made arrangements to be here tomorrow morning
to prepare the first request for reimbursement that the City's eligible to
receive and she'll need the Mayor's and Engineer's signature tomorrow if they
wish to proceed.
3 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1991
NEW BUSINESS (Continued)
Grant/Loan Proqram administration services to be provided by Anqie Brewer &
Associates (Continued)
Mr. McMahon stated the reason he so strongly recommends Council pursue this with
Angie Brewer and Associates is this City can ill afford to have its cash flow
adversely effected and by getting direct reimbursements as quickly and completely
as possible, the City will gain the maximum, optimum amount from the State. He
said he believes these people are capable of making that possible and any money
spent here would be spent to a much greater extent if they attempt to do it
internally and he strongly endorses approving this. He pointed out this will
preclude having to hire a construction manager for Florida Shores and there are
other implications. He stated Angie Brewer and Associates' references are
impeccable and her firm has the best track record in the State and they're very
efficient. Council person Gillespie stated Mr. Castle explained the savings
factors to her.
Councilman Jones asked what recourse the City would have if the "tiS" were not
crossed or "i IS" dotted and they Ire pena 1 i zed. Ms. Brewer rep 1 i ed there are
steps to certain procedures that need to be followed and all of her clients are
concerned about cash flow and they work with staff and consultants closely and
facilitate the total team approach. She explained her reputation would be ruined
so she'll have a checks and balance system and have procedures to turn the paper
work around as quickly as possible because they'll be working in a budget and
the City won't tolerate them coming back later and asking for more money if they
go over budget. Mr. McMahon stated if Council agrees to this, it would be
subject to the City Attorney's working out a suitable contract and she has been
working very closely on this and he wouldn't expect that would be any problem.
He asked that the motion be conditioned on completion of an agreement acceptable
to our City Attorney. Ms. Storey stated she'll bring that back on the consent
agenda in January. Counc il person Mart i n so moved. Counc il person Gill esp i e
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mr. McMahon requested a subsequent motion to permit Ms. Brewer to begin work
tomorrow and it will be in the contract because we have an urgency to get grant
money we are eligible for now. Councilman Jones moved that they let Ms. Brewer
go ahead and start in the morning under the provisions they have in the existing
motion. Council person Gillespie and Council person Martin simultaneously seconded
the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
City Enqineer's recommendation to award contract for testinq services for Alan
R. Thomas Water Treatment Plant to Florida Testinq of Daytona in amount of
$10.878 - Councilperson Gillespie moved to accept the City Engineer's
recommendation. Councilperson Martin seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Parks and Recreation Director's request to purchase Excel Hustler mower for
$7.565.42 from Robinson Equipment Company in Mims under GSA contract -
Council person Gi llespie moved to accept the Recreation Director I s request.
Councilman Hays seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Proposed new Council districts based on 1990 Census - Mayor Wessler stated Mark
Karet has the new districts and is available to answer questions. Planning &
Zoning Director Mark Karet explained Edgewater has grown considerably since the
last time districts were created and the zones are out of balance with zone 1
having 1,800 and zone 4 having 7,000 people. He said to compensate for that
imbalance they have redrawn the proposed new districts for the City and these
are based on census blocks which account for irregular shapes of the districts.
He noted they have straight lines with the current zone map but the census tracts
this is based on and census blocks do not follow those boundaries and they follow
those that suit purposes of the U. S. Census. He said the census information
allows us to know what the population was on April 4, 1990, and in order to
maintain the population we1ve stayed with the census boundaries which explains
the shape they see. He showed the census tract called 312A from Carol Ann Drive
to 442 is one census block and they cannot break it somewhere else more
convenient unless they go out and survey because the census does not provide this
information in a census block. He said with that constraint they attempted to
get boundaries as close to zero deviation as possible.
4 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1991
NEW BUSINESS (Continued)
Proposed new Coune; 1 distr;cts based on 1990 Census (Cont inued) Mr. Karet pointed
out current deviation was 137% and proposed deviation is .16%. He explained
the breakdown shows populations of each district, ages broken down into over 18
voting age, and what percentage of the district they make up, and most is fairly
well balanced. He showed a breakdown in race that's generally an important
consideration in redistricting but not a major factor for Edgewater as there are
no concentrations of minorities and they're fairly evenly distributed. He
requested direction from Council as to whether to stay with this and begin
developing a legal description that will be put into ordinance form or make some
adjustments to the map.
Councilperson Gillespie agreed Mr. Karet has an excellent balance but the public
response she's received is not favorable and one thing is Cherokee Ridge that
runs across the street from her has moved into zone 1. She said according to
the U. S. Census, that's fine. but the people are not thrilled although they like
zone 1 coming into Florida Shores. Mr. Karet explained this is clear down to
442 and itls the West side of Willow Oak and goes back up to Carol Ann.
Councilperson Gillespie stated people have asked if further adjustments could
be made to straighten out the lines. Mr. Karet explained he can redraw this map
a thousand different ways but he cannot get straight lines. Mayor Wessler asked
if they come off the census block if it's moved. Mr. Karet replied every line
follows a census block.
Mayor Wessler asked how much deviation it would be. Mr. Karet replied he can
redraw it but there's a legal question of how much deviation is allowed to be
built into that map. Councilman Hays asked how close these numbers are required
to be because these numbers are very close. Ms. Storey explained there's no
number but the bottom line in redistricting is, is the district equitable. She
said if you the population is skewed, the question is why the community come
forward with a map like that, is it for minorities, which Edgewater does not
have, or are they doing it to create minority pockets, and there are all kinds
of factors. She said if this Council establishes their redistricting line and
someone from the public feels that's not appropriate, they'll end up in circuit
court and the circuit judge will draw your zones. She said she doesn't advocate
having a circuit court make the decision for this community. She said Mark Karet
has provided very close zones and she is not advocating this map over others but
they have technology to create zones that are very close. She said Mr. Karet
mentioned that if they wish to deviate from the census tract line that will be
additional time and money spent. She added she's not saying they cannot do that
but Mr. Karet does not have a GIS system on site and it's a trip to Deland and
redrawing and bringing it back to look at it. Councilperson Gillespie stated
the numbers are beautiful but the public is saying can we swap one census block
for another to straighten it out so people can grasp it easier. She said this
serves us for 10 years and our growth has been to the South and she asked if
annexation to the South is included. Mr. Karet said the only important date is
April 4, 1990. Ms. Storey explained you don't draw your zoning district thinking
you'll have 2,000 people move into zone 4 because they may not and you want a
one man, one vote type concept and want to be sure people in zone 1 have equiva-
lent representation as zone 4. She noted they don't have single member districts
but they don't want to dilute the voting power of zone 1 versus zone 4.
Councilperson Gillespie stated zones 1, 2, and 3 are filled or built out 90% and
zone 4 has potential for growth. Ms. Storey noted that's why you go through
this every 10 years. Councilperson Gillespie stated she did not get any positive
response to this. Mayor Wessler said they'll go back and do it another way and
get calls from different people and the County almost went back to one of their
first maps when they tried to take everyone's point and this probably won't get
closer or much straighter. Councilperson Gillespie stated she1d like one
alternative to this. Mayor Wessler pointed out any issues in Edgewater are
represented by all 5 of them. Ms. Storey asked if in the process Mr. Karet
utilized to balance districts he added and subtracted census tracts to get those
numbers. Mr. Karet agreed. Councilperson Gillespie requested he give them one
alternative map with slight shifting. Mr. Karet explained not all census tracts
are even in size, some have 12 and some have 350 people. Mayor Wessler asked
if anything came any closer than this in population. Mr. Karet replied no, this
is the closest map in terms of numbers.
5 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1991
NEW BUSINESS (Continued)
Proposed new Council districts based on 1990 Census (Continued)
Mr. McMahon urged Council not to go outside and employ services of a redis-
tricting attorney because it costs a lot and there's no product as comparable
as this because of the GIS. He complimented Mr. Karet on the job he did and
his professionalism, noting the political decision and how they draw the lines
is Council's decision. Councilperson Gillespie stated there's no problem with
she and Councilperson Martin being in the same zone and they knew that a year
ago but the problem is what was brought to her from the public to straighten it
out. Mr. Karet stated zone 1 will be hard to fix because street blocks are
generally the way census blocks work and zone 1 streets are more organic and
census blocks don't flow natural. He added he cannot fix a squiggly line.
Councilperson Gillespie asked for one alternative map so they aren't going with
the first shot out of the bag and people feel they're being run over.
Councilperson Martin asked why zone 1 is intruding into 2 and could he go across
streets. Mr. Karet replied there are some large census blocks, especially in
zone I, and there's no way to break them without physically counting people.
Councilman Jones stated Mark Karet did an excellent job and they won't be able
to satisfy everybody and it's the census tract and cheapest and it's accurate
and could not get closer with population. He said he has no problem with another
map if there's no financial problem but he wants to make sure we do not waste
taxpayers I dollars because it doesn't matter what zone you are in since it's
City-wide voting. He said most people involved in politics will know what zone
they're in and where to vote.
Councilperson Gillespie asked the fiscal impact for Mr. Karet to get one more
from GIS. Mr. Karet replied they'll have to get permission from the County and
it should be about $500 to $600. Councilperson Gillespie stated she thinks it's
worth it for the public to have a choice. Councilman Hays asked the deadline
to have it complete. Ms. Storey replied the current Charter does not provide
for when to redistrict but her advice is to have it completed in a reasonable
amount of time before time to qualify for election in November to give people
the opportunity to see what zone they're in to make their decisions to run for
election. Councilperson Gillespie said it's September/October.
Mayor Wessler asked if any other Council members got calls on this proposed map.
Councilmen Hays and Jones indicated no. Councilperson Gillespie noted Council-
person Martin was on jury duty today. Councilman Hays stated he anticipated this
and doesn't think there's any way to do it better to get numbers close and fair.
Council person Martin moved to accept the proposed map. Councilman Jones seconded
the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilperson Gillespie voted NO.
Ms. Storey po i nted out they'll see th is aga in because it has to be adopted
pursuant to ordinance so it will have first reading and public hearing.
Councilperson Gillespie noted the public had no input this evening.
First Reading:
Res. 91-R-68 Authorizing application for credit cards from Southeast Bank. N.A..
with $500 limit - Mr. McMahon stated the cards being requested are intended for
the City and would be issued to the Finance Department in the name of the City
and control of the cards would be from Finance and they'd require documentation
of who has it, what it's for, and the person responsible would see it stays
within City policy and State laws, like a voucher. He said there's a cost for
issuance of the cards but cost benefit is use of the bank's money for less than
30 days if paid within that 30 day time frame. Mayor Wessler read the
EFFECTIVE DATE. Council person Martin moved to approve. Councilman Hays seconded
the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilperson Gillespie voted NO. Mayor Wessler
stated this will save the City money because sometimes they give people $20 and
they don't spend it.
6 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1991
Second Reading: (Public Hearing)
Publ;c Hear;na and adopt;on of Res. 91-R-66 Placement of non-ad valorem
assessment on tax rolls - Mayor Wessler stated she was advised that we don1t need
a motion to open and close public hearing because it's advertised. Ms. Storey
stated this is a resolution the first time before Council but State law sets
the tone that the City was required to hold a public hearing for a resolution,
which is not normal procedure. She explained this is a formality because Council
previously discussed it and determined to proceed forward with this collection
method. She said the benefit of using this method is it will come out on the
County tax bill and the County will take care of collection and the City doesn't
have to implement its own collection procedure or try to enforce the non-payment.
She said this method has been utilized by other cities and counties and she's
f amil i ar with it and it was very effect i ve in St. Luc i e County. She added
they're required to hold this public hearing and it was duly advertised for 4
consecutive weeks in the News Journal and her recommendation to Council is to
adopt Resolution 91-R-66 as drafted and comply with the remainder of the Statute
to advise the County tax collector and appraiser and Department of Revenue. She
noted Mr. Munoz made initial inquires and he and she met with the County and he
is taking the lead on that and there will be cost savings on this over what was
budgeted and it will save the City headaches as well as insure collections are
made. Councilperson Gillespie stated she talked with Ms. Storey and the legal
description stays the same and her question was how they would assure names of
those that prepay would not be sent to the County Tax Assessor. Ms. Storey
explained Mr. Munoz is working with Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt and if you've
pa i d, your name wi 11 not appear on the f i na 1 assessment ro 11 wh i ch wi 11 be
forwarded to the County to be included on the tax bill for subsequent years.
She said that roll will be created and then the assessment roll and once you pay,
you1re off the list. Councilperson Gillespie noted they can check with the City
if concerned about it. Ms. Storey agreed, adding the public can inspect the
final assessment roll.
Mayor Wessler requested comments and there were none. She then closed the public
hearing and read the Resolution. RES. 91-R-66 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL
AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilperson Gillespie moved to accept Resolution 91-R-66.
Councilman Hays seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Ord. 91-0-16 Amend;na Sect;on 607.00(c) of Zon;na Code by allow;ng sale of aoods
from a factory outlet as an accessory use ;n 1-1 L;ght Industr;al D;str;ct
Mayor Wessler opened public hearing and asked for comments. There were none.
She closed the public hearing and read the ordinance. ORD. 91-0-16 - AN
to adopt Ordinance 91-0-16. Councilperson Martin seconded the motion.
Councilperson Gillespie asked if this amendment was concerning BAB Bedding and
if it will affect any other areas. Planning & Zoning Director Mark Karet replied
they initiated it but itls the entire district regulations in 1-1 zones for
industrial. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Ord. 91-0-17 Amend;na Sect;on 6-3 of Code to allow the use of battery powered
troll;ng motors not exceed;ng a speed of 5 m;les per hour upon any body of water
;n Flor;da Shores - Mayor Wessler opened public hearing and asked for comments
and there were none. She closed the public hearing. Councilperson Gillespie
moved to accept. Councilman Jones seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Appo;ntment of member to Volus;a Growth Management Com;ss;on for unexp;red three
year term (Cont;nued from 12/2/91 meet;na) - Mayor Wessler noted one applicant
was added and the City Attorney has said it was okay and she thinks Mr. Hellsten
would be a good representative. She requested nominations. Councilman Hays
nominated Jack Patrick. Counci lperson Gi llespie seconded. Counci lman Jones
noted held nominated Mr. Spengler and asked if Council spoke with him. Council-
person Gillespie replied yes and Mr. Patrick is here. Motion CARRIED 4-1. Mayor
Wessler voted NO. 7 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1991
Appointment ot member to Volusia Growth Management Commission (Continued)
Mayor Wessler asked Mr. Patrick to let them know if he cannot attend and also
to advise them what's going on. She added he gets paid from the County.
Councilman Hays thanked Mr. Patrick for his interest. Councilperson Gillespie
noted Mr. Patrick already has a good working relationship with the County.
Res. 91-R-64 Plat vacation ot portion ot J. A. Benoit's Subdivision and dedi-
cation by John Massey ot right-ot-way to provide access trom Park Avenue to
Massey Airpark Subdivision (Tabled December 2, 1991) - Councilman Hays moved to
take this question from the table now. Councilperson Martin seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Hays stated he met with Mr. Massey, Ms. Storey,
Mr. McMahon, and Mr. Karet and they discussed future growth and what Mr. Massey
wants to do goes along with our environmental goals. He said in the past there
has been lack of coordinated planning and working on development and visions in
areas of growth and this property is just outside the City and Mr. Massey
foresees it will be a part of the City in the future and also agreed he doesn't
want the City to inherit any problems. He added when Mr. Massey started planning
this development he came to the City and the City wasn1t willing to work with
him so he went to the County who cut it up like a waffle grid pattern. He noted
Mr. Massey mentioned he tried to put in a cloister area to put some houses here
and there and a cul de sac and wildlife corridor and the houses could be part
of the City's water and sewer service area. He said in the future he hopes they
can be of help to others, not only Mr. Massey, to provide services to people
and when the time comes for annexation, that will be great, but they don1t want
to inherit problems. He moved to accept 91-R-64. Mayor Wessler read the
PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ms. Storey clarified in the first whereas clause
she would like to change it to read the appropriate name of "Massey Ranch Airpark
Unit 1" for the subdivision and the other resolution will have that correction
also. She said where it's listed as John Massey, the appropriate entity
developing the subdivision would be Massey Development Corp and she'd listed that
in the resolution as John Massey. Councilperson Gillespie seconded the motion
as corrected. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Res. 91-R-67 Accepting dedication ot 100 ft. ot road right-ot-way by John Massey
Mayor Wessler read the Resolution. RES. 91-R-67 - A RESOLUTION OF. THE CITY
EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilperson Gillespie moved to accept Resolution 91-R-67 as
corrected. Councilperson Martin seconded the motion. Ms. Storey stated another
correction in section 3 was a condition that the roadway be maintained at no
expense to the City until the roadway is annexed but the roadway is in the City
and it should be until the subdivision is annexed. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Wessler called a 5-minute recess at 8:22 p.m. and called the meeting back
to order at 8:33 p.m.
City Engineer's recommendations regarding Capital Improvements Program inspection
services - City Engineer Gates Castle recapped the construction management and
design contracts have been in existence with Dyer, Riddle, since 1989 for all
the CIP projects which include the water treatment plant, wellfield, water trans-
mission main, wastewater treatment plant, and Florida Shores infrastructure
gravity sewers reuse lines. He said to date wellfield resident inspections are
performed by Dyer, Riddle and water treatment plant inspection services are being
performed by a contract employee and both were previously approved by Council.
He said we now need to determine how to do resident inspection for the wastewater
treatment plant and Florida Shores infrastructures. He explained they examined
different alternatives and the recommendation on the wastewater treatment plant
is to contract with Dyer, Riddle to perform the resident inspection services at
a fee of $147,616. He estimated for the City to deal with contract employees
Council Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1991
City Engineer's recoDlDendations regarding Capital Improvements Program inspection
services - would be $144,100, which is a $3,000 savings doing it in house which
is a small savings compared to responsibility the City would be taking on with
respect to making Dyer, Riddle responsible for their design and making sure
things work. He noted another factor in recommending that Dyer, Riddle perform
inspection services on the wastewater treatment plant is that the plant is funded
through a loan and a grant and the State has expressed concerns with using anyone
other than design engineer to do resident inspection services.
Mr. Castle stated for Florida Shores the City can realize a substantial savings
by performing inspection services in house and the recommendation is they approve
the City hire two contract employees at this time to handle Florida Shores infra-
structure resident inspections. He noted there was a recommendation at a
previous Council meeting to hire a construction manager but with the hiring of
Angie Brewer & Associates tonight to do some of the grant and loan paper work,
which was one of the responsibilities of the construction manager, in combination
with utilizing Dyer, Riddle to do resident inspection services on the wastewater
treatment plant, he will no longer need the construction manager position. He
requested they allow ability for him to hire a third inspector if he finds it
necessary for the Florida Shores project sometime in the future because there
will probably be three phases going at one time for several months.
Mr. Castle recapped his recommendations are: that the Dyer, Riddle contract
amendment be approved to perform resident project services for the wastewater
treatment plant; approve hiring of two contract employees at the appropriate
time to inspect the Florida Shores project; approve the hiring of a third
contract employee for Florida Shores, if necessary, due to deletion of the
proposed CIP construction manager; and to approve use of temporary clerical
help, if necessary, due to deletion of the proposed CIP secretary.
Mr. McMahon stated the fiscal impact of these costs is less than 2.5% of the
total construction cost which he considers excellent for this work and is well
below what held expect. He said he thinks the City stands to benefit with the
program they have and the type of quality checks and controls they have
throughout the program and it will end up an outstanding product. He
complimented Mr. Castle for his detail and analysis work on this and complimented
Mr. Wadsworth and City staff for working closely with him. He noted there is
misunderstanding about the CIP and he and staff will prepare a document within
30 days to summarize facts and he hopes to close the past and go to the future.
Councilperson Gillespie said she hopes the cam corder is making a complete record
of the CIP with well digging and jack and bore on Roberts Road. Mr. Wadsworth
explained itls just the water transmission main now and the wellfield would be
redundant and they're getting the jack and bore and construction along Roberts
Road daily. Councilperson Gillespie stated this would be protection if weld
have a lawsuit on the CIP and they should get something on a daily basis. Mr.
Castle stated itls good to have photographs and recording of some critical
connections because itls tough to duplicate on plans. He noted the Utilities
staff is inspecting the water transmission project and the contractor has some
responsibility for it also and is taking pictures.
Councilman Hays stated a few weeks ago applications were reviewed and asked if
Mr. Castle has picked his 2 or 3 employees, and if so, how soon would they be
needed to start work. Mr. Castle replied they advertised for the construction
manager position that hels now recommending be deleted and they'll need another
type of person for inspector for Florida Shores and will re-advertise and it
will be some time until they start because phase 1 has not been let yet.
Councilperson Martin moved to approve Gates Castle's recommendation. Council-
person Gillespie seconded the motion. Councilman Jones asked how long it will
be before they consider approval of a third contract employee, if necessary.
Mr. Castle replied Florida Shores phase 1 would be under construction about 6
months before phase 2 comes under contract so theylre looking at about 9 months
before the necessity of possibly a third inspector. Councilman Jones said held
like to see it before them again in 9 months. Mayor Wessler asked if they want
to amend the motion to include it coming before them. Councilperson Martin
9 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1991
replied no. Ms. Storey requested that approval include concurrence by the City
Attorney for amendment of the agreement because she has not had an opportunity
to review it and the motion would be to conceptually approve it and any language
changes will be non-substantive. Councilpersons Martin and Gillespie agreed to
include that and Council person Gillespie stated everything they pass should clear
the City Attorney. Ms. Storey stated these items need to come to her before
they go on the agenda and they need more lead time. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Evidence/records storage building located on Northwest corner of City Hall
property - Councilperson Gillespie stated the concept is correct and she agrees
with Chief Schumaker but at this time she has a problem with disbursing the money
and she I d rather wait 30 days to look into it more. She asked Council I s
permission to bring it up the first meeting in January or in February as she
wants to talk to other commercial contractors to see standard procedures. Mayor
Wessler stated she doesn't agree because the City has qualified professionals
that look into different contractors and if she were in their spot she'd feel
offended that Council doesn't trust her judgement. Council person Gillespie
noted she's always been this way and has never taken anyone's word for anything.
Councilperson Martin stated this is approval to go out for bids and drawings by
Joe Martin and that doesn't mean theylll accept bids but they have to start
someplace. Councilman Jones stated this has been before them several times and
the Chief's time table is cutting close and soon theylll be taking the evidence
room away. Police Chief Schumaker noted it has to be by March. Councilperson
Martin moved to accept alternative 1. Councilman Jones seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilperson Gillespie voted NO.
City Attorney - Ms. Storey clarified that the interlocal agreement for emergency
powers advisory is a separate interlocal from hazard materials.
City Manager - Mr. McMahon stated the legislative body is going into session in
January, which will be early convening, and theylll be dealing with redistricting
the same as cities and counties and the Governor's proposal for right sizing the
State and there may be local bills they want to see done. He noted the process
he1s familiar with is dealing directly with the County legislators and preparing
an agenda and setting an opportunity to meet, especially with the chairman of
the de legat ion, and present the agenda before they meet, and then track it
through these people and local contacts. He said if they have a hot or key issue
they want to pursue, he feels they should actively do that, such as remodeling
taxation and putting it in a home rule basis, and he's asked staff and interested
citizens to review that and make some recommendations and give input. He added
the Florida League of Cities is asking communities to endorse the resolution that
taxation efforts be delegated to municipalities in home rule powers and that
has far reaching implications because it allows taxes to be voted at a local
level. He said time is short and he's asking them in January to bring an agenda
for the local delegation and they should schedule that meeting as soon as
possible and then set up the process for tracking. Councilman Hays said held
like to pursue some of the things they've brought forward, especially from
Florida League of Cities, with recommendations on environmental policies, tax
reform, and bottle bill. Mr. McMahon said he'll follow up on that.
Mr. McMahon asked Chief Vola to report on the community rating system and its
effect on every citizen. Bill Vola, Chief of Fire & Rescue Services, stated
several months ago Mr. Munoz requested he review the national flood insurance
program and enroll the City in a rating system and based on points they get for
programs in house, forms, and public information material dealing with floods
and building in flood prone areas, they'll reduce the premium of flood insurance.
He said that application had to be at DCA December 15 and they got it off in
plenty of time. He said if DCA views our application in a positive light weill
see a reduction of 5% in premiums of flood insurance issues in this community
and if we continue with the program we could look at a maximum of 50% reduction
in flood insurance premiums in the City.
10 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1991
. r
City Manaaer (Continued)
Mr. McMahon stated he's asked Chief Vola to put together an updated emergency
disaster plan for the community which would be usable and practical, including
transportation networking throughout the City with major reroutings with u.s.
1 and FEC with trains and possibility of chemical spills and other accidents that
could create hazardous problems. He said the Chief has done a significant amount
of work and it's now a matter of coordinating with the County. He compliments
the Chief on the leadership he's taken on this.
Mr. McMahon stated the traditional way of dealing with problems that come up in
a community quite often was to use the department head to resolve it and often
lack of communication between one department and another or limited resources
is a problem. He said a flexible way of dealing with this is use of an IIA Teamll,
or IIR Teamll, which is a resolution team accountable for resolution of the
problem. He said he intends to use this type of team, no matter what department
is involved to get the problem solved, and it works very well. He added it was
a creative idea he got from industry and it's been used very successfully.
Mr. McMahon stated he's been here about 6 weeks and is very complimentary of City
staff and enjoys working in the community and working with the residents,
contrary to whatever controversy they had in the past. He sa i d the past is
behind everyone and he sees a tremendous potential for the best community he
knows of and he's lived in 16 communities and worked in several. He added this
potential can be realized with the professional staff they have which has been
excellent in cooperating with him and he enjoys working here.
City Council
Councilman Jones stated the concepts the City Manager brought to Edgewater are
our concepts as a Council and he knew we have a great staff and now we have a
leader to bring us through some difficult times and he thinks Mr. McMahon is a
joy to know and we're lucky to have him.
Councilman Jones wished everyone a Merry Christmas and said it's been a joy
working with everyone this year.
Councilperson Martin stated she's glad Mr. McMahon likes us because we're getting
along fine with him.
Mr. McMahon stated McMahon's Truths are what he believes and what he said
tonight, he believes.
Councilperson Martin commended Jack Corder and his people for the good job with
the parade and Santa's house and she knows Councilperson Gillespie did a lot of
work also. She said it was a beautiful job and helll do better next year.
Councilperson Martin wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Councilperson Gillespie stated the City will take an estimated loss of $11,615
from citizens receiving refunds from Southern Bell.
Councilperson Gillespie complimented the Recreation Department on the lights on
442 and the parade and Santa's house.
Councilperson Gillespie stated she represented Council at the impact fee seminar
in October and had informed them the cost per new home was estimated at $1,405
and an article in the paper is they're recommending more than double that. She
asked Council's permission to let Mr. McMahon respond before the County Council
makes a decision because if almost $3,000 impact fee is put on a new home they'll
have problems with people taking out building permits. Mayor Wessler said Mr.
McMahon can investigate it and report but if they put $3,000 impact fee here or
in Port Orange, people will move one place or the other. Councilperson Gillespie
stated they won't come to this County, and the Chamber found out the Builders
Association and Board of Realtors were not aware this study was under way. She
said she talked to the City Attorney who said they'd adjusted down to make it
more palatable elsewhere and perhaps Council should look at a figure like this.
Mayor Wessler requested Mr. McMahon do a study and get back to them.
11 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1991
City Council (Continued)
Councilperson Gillespie wished them all holidays, no matter what their beliefs.
She said shelll fly to London January 8th and return on the 19th and will provide
staff where she'll be, but she will be here the first meeting in January.
Councilman Hays congratulated the efforts of everyone on the decorations and the
parade and said it was an excellent job and they got a lot of nice comments.
Mayor Wessler apologized to Harry Jones for not being able to make the Citizens
Council Advisory Committee meeting because her daughter was in a first play.
Mayor Wessler invited Council to the Water Authority luncheon here on Wednesday
at noon as Edgewater is the host city.
Mayor Wessler asked if the date is set for meeting with the builders. Chief
Vola replied everything's in the works but the date is not set. Mr. McMahon
noted Chief Vola has been active and has involved him in at least one situation.
Mayor Wessler stated the man from Edgewater Elementary wants to put "Edgewater"
on the girls softball team and hels not asking for funding, just the name. No
objection was expressed.
Mayor Wessler also thanked Jack Corder for the good parade, noting Norm Billups
was unable to attend but said it was a marvelous job.
There were no questions from the press.
Dominick Fazzone, 302 Paradise Lane, wished everyone a very Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year, and on behalf of many citizens, especially Shangri-La, wished
them the very best. He said he was happy that they approved the firm tonight
and the lady did a good job on her remarks on the CIP funding. He said he's
always known the City has a good staff but we needed a good City Manager and City
Attorney and this City Council to bring it out and they've done that.
Councilman Hays so moved to adjourn. Councilman Jones seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
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12 Council Regular Meeting Minutes
December 16, 1991