09-11-1991 - Special , ,r ,,-.... I /~ I~ ,-~ \.",,~....-'. CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 MINUTES Mayor Wessler called the Special Meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center. The purpose was to hold a public hearing on the millage rate, to hold a public hearing on FY 1991-92 City budget, and to introduce Ord. 91-0-10 re: FY 1991-92 budget. ROLL CALL Mayor Tanya Wessler Councilman Kirk Jones Councilperson Louise Martin Councilperson NoraJane Gillespie Councilman Michael Hays Interim City Attorney Nikki Clayton Acting City Manager Fred Munoz City Clerk Susan Wadsworth Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker Present Present Present Present Present Excused Present Present Present Councilperson Gillespie moved to open the public hearing millage rate. Councilman Hays seconded the motion. CARRIED 5-0. on the Motion There being no discussion from the Councilor members of the audience, Councilman Hays moved to close the public hearing. Councilman Jones seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Hays moved to adopt the tentative millage rate of 4.6000 mills. Councilperson Martin seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mayor Wessler announced that the 4.6000 mills is 3.79% above the rolled back rate of 4.43215 mills. Acting City Manager Munoz explained the millage rate analysis which is on page 13 of the proposed budget. Taxable value this year (91-92) is $332,244,314. Comparing this to the taxable value last year, which was $308,805,275, there is an increase of $23,4439,039. There are two components to that increase; one being inflation, and the other being new construction, annexations, etc. of $11,743,948. The City-wide inflation represents 3.79% in value. The rolled back rate will bring in the same revenue as the City received last year, the problem then being you will lose purchasing power. By maintaining the 4.6000, which represents an increase of 3.79%, you maintain some of the purchasing power and in the future there won't be a sub- stantial increase to make up. Councilperson Gillespie suggested telling the public that we are keeping the same millage that we had last year. Acting City Manager Munoz stated the TRIM the public be informed thoroughly, rather there is no increase. regulations require than just being told Bill Smith, 2629 Victorv Palm, asked about over the year's rolled back rate? 1.53% increase the Acting City Manager Munoz answered that is the figure if we were adopting a 4.5000 mills, but we are adopting the 4.6000 mills. Councilperson Gillespie moved to adopt the tentative millage rate of 4.6000 mills. Councilperson Martin seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Hays moved to open the public hearing on the City budget. Councilman Jones seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilperson Gillespie voting No. .. '-'" ....'. ThF?1-f? bE:o.j"'lq 1-;C:. cjisc:tj~:~~::.iG)-'f 'fr-opoi the CC'I.JliCil 01- aU(jiE?'(.~,ce~_ r~!Jdnc i ] ppl-':;on Cc:unc i] pet-sen [31 ] 1 e'~D iF' rno\/F)d tei c- 1 [) C~,!~ thF' oiJt))ic ["lot iell C0F~RTFD hf:?d:l- : ng .. 5--() .. r....l(':1!..t~_rl ~.e(=_(jt":r1f:::.d ttle [nefti;::!I. fj:J:-_!;i.~e<!d l_DQ. Or:-fL.._._91-::Q-1 0 __Pl.D__.__.Drc!.LD~.rI~~__~e:tt_t:og._..__~_____:Li n~._..lli-!d.9.f'j___.ar~ ~.QQTogr t~t.i!!9_'CE?"-\l__E?T'!.l.!.~~--.i9-'.:l~_co 11 ~ct~9 for. the C t:ty_.Q.f.__fdq!?.!:'.J.?J:E'.r.'1 \,/g.l us i a COl!...n...1:.Y..'1-.f.JgLLc:L~_,-.f.g.r::......j;he .iJ sc:~.LY_~aF_l::!.~q i lJ..D.!.!l.g__Q-,;.:tog~r::. .1 , 1991 . _a nsL~.r:!!ti-"J9-fuw__~mt) e C__ 30 -.'1--1 99i:;'.~g.tJ!..i1J.9.. for tJJ.IJ?"ye O..!lf'.? _~n9 E' xpend_Lt.u r: e~o f_!!_b~~_en.!?r !'lJ~.Ell n9-~_D..Q.._'.!'.!'!LLg.!:.t s _L!:flms..__ttl.~L~gf.i_.t;hp Wa t er and Ji."!S t E:'.."'!fl t er ._._F u nd...i_t: h ~_B!"'1'.~o!~.~__.L.Q.lJc..~l::::ti.(Jr:,__..E!~.!lc:L;.. .t he 5 to r mwa t f'r:_-1:La rl..'"!9 F'm~Il.1;:._.fu nd L_a nd t h p 1 n t?r !:!~_1_.5pr:~ i c:..~.(B_E'lf- I nsuram:1? Fund--L-5hCJwi..!::!.9..-~n:!.ore_.ill?t~i1B9 hr~akqown_h'y_ "Fxh_Lt:J.Lt'.:._8 1- !:~-2l?a 1 i ng_ a 1.l._ clEf:! i. !!.~.D_c e s.......f!r___ r e5.Q~~ t .Lo ns -1.Jl..._r: 0 nf U c: t --.h. eo r E'~..Lt ~U. f:onta i lJ.i nQ__~_._~ev~rab i Lt.!:'y__c:-~!.ausE?-1--...2r.(]v.i d i.D9- ftlC-P..!!.tc!Ji r:i'!:!:J.D.'1._qf. tl-li s ord i ni'!.IJ.c::::~_ancL.Qroy i.9 i ngJor __!'lD.I?.ffec: t i VI? d.d te.o. Mayor Wessler read the above Ordinance bv tltle ooly Councilperson Martin mnved to tpntativelv a~prov? 01-d. 91-Q-l(). Councilman Hays serondpr t~le motion. C:'::>LL1C i pPi.:c,nnG j 11 psp i e qupst i DOer it is manditorv that this ordinance this O:-DCPr1J.l't~F'. c1nc! ,.:.~'~ ~ eri ;... 1 be dpalt with now? Acting Clty Manager tenta ti ",iE hi.lClt]f;;t .. r,.'~tl'nD ::: a l'l<:"we!- e'1 '.,..'PS 0; stat_1-n~J t hi =, is d {-IP flnintec1 cut the Ll '(12 1 } C! C rl t p cl b t.i d cJ e t. -rhj~ lS thp way unfo,-tu:"iatf"I\/ (j(~ d p r1 tJ c t 1 D n f 1 lJ tl r eCJIl n ,~ IJ P the blJd]et nrOlnancp 2 of tt-'lfJ -::J;-r11 naY1CP. t'..),d':=, har:d 1,?d last \/ F' :.:i r :::,ecDnd c eac1 inrJ of the tnlcic]=>t cr~tJ j c,.~'nCF\. Hi'" e;<p 1 a 2 (-:pci tr-~e u'nallncatecj "f.lC1tl'-e 1.",j111 h? p}u(Jt]pd 1(-;tn tr",e v'i:iricu's dppC:lr-trC~f?t"";t line items, th? total wj]] rIot Chilr!op. Thp 'fif~al fnl-m wil1 rioppful1y be ~::dlh(n1ttf;:.rl -F"ClC tr)e ':=,pcnnCt 1-~Jt=lcjirlC} r-:rf the G'~-d1'nr!nCp this year. He also reminded the Council o~ the advertising ("pqtl-irpfrlpnt=., t}-Idt. he CiC1d the Clt\/ C:1F'~-~: 2CF~ fac:r-1q. Therp hpinn n,....) ~ftlithpr ciis.r-\.l-ssiort-: thf? f"IOt1C1fl r:(~RRTFD c;--() ~'her-El he] r!o no -Fur.thp,-. h~ t:~.:, i ;ie:::=,-s tIP'fnCE:J the rDunc'. i 1 ~ C:nu'llc j 1 f:~ar! ~avs moved to ~djourn. Cn!...tnc-11(na;~ Jo'nes ~~,pr-o('ceri t'.t:FJ fi:ctic)r:. r"lp~~t 1 ng a [1 } G (J -r" n (-> rl ~', , . .; :;:) P.f"'l. f'; i :- ute =,''', u r' m i t t p d b v I)F~t~b1e :::;irllPl- [[JUNe I l f"'Ar',! ili~J~~_ .~--- -~-_. ._~- -~..... I..... !Y..-,.:~ _ ~_:)~~~- CI~IC: I!.. PFRSml -:; ?ONt' T~.m -.-21. ilA..d 'J_.$,...__~~~...___.. .:'--. C0l1f'jC~~~C;m.,1 .. Zn!'!F 1 HRFF __._..m_ ___ ___7./dq{___ .- ?Dr\)F "'OlIR C,TTF'lJ= ~J-~-- CITY CLEm. A p p :- c \1 e ,j t h 1 "0, .. __ _ 1... __ .. _ d ct V .:-; f .~ -' L Cou1~ci] S~prial t~~2Pt ni~ t F:;tf;h pr .; 1 ~ t '"' i !=' Cj -;