09-09-1991 - Special/Workshop
Mayor l..Jessler
the Community
applicants to
and FY-1991-92
called the Special Meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. in
Center. The purpose was to determine City Manager
be interviewed with dates of interviews to be set
Budget review.
Mayor Tanya Wessler
Councilman Kirk Jones
Councilperson Louise Martin
Councilperson NoraJane Gillespie
Councilman Michael Hays
Interim City Attorney Nikki Clayton
Acting City Manager Fred Munoz
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Mayor Wessler asked if Council has anyone to add to
list of City Manager applicants?
the short
Councilperson Martin stated she wants to add Robert W. Pettis.
It was agreed to add Mr. Pettis.
Mayor Wessler asked the Council's feeling about paying expenses
for these individual's to come to their interviews.
It was agreed no expenses would be paid.
Council instructed the City Clerk to try to set up interviews on
Monday, September 23rd starting at 1:00 P.M., the alternate date
to be Monday, September 30th starting at 1:00 P.M. Interviews
are to be approximately thirty (30) minutes with short breaks
between them.
Mayor Wessler asked Acting City Manager, Fred Munoz to begin with
the budget review. He explained he has arranged to review the
Enterprise Funds first and then go to the General Fund.
Mr. Terry Wadsworth, Director of Utilities began with the Water
and Sewer Fund. He gave a brief overview of special items,
explaining that he has submitted a balanced budget. He pointed
out that the water sales are figured lower than predicted
because he feels this is more realistic. (page 135) There are no
additional personnel or vehicles being requested. There will be
a decrease in the Repair and Maintenance line item due to the
purchase of the Vactor truck.
Mayor Wessler
the DMG Report
asked Mr. Wadsworth about
(David M. Griffiths Report)
the suggestion made by
regarding overtime.
Mr. Wadsworth explained the report was speaking of the
"scheduled" overtime in the Wastewater Department. Overtime in
Field and Water departments is due to emergency situations and
can not really be anticipated. He explained this is the first
year for the Rate Stabilization item; this is a significant
amount of money to make up for revenue short falls. These funds
can be used for renewal and replacement of the system. He would
like this to be a carryover for the next four years to equalize
Councilperson Gillespie explained that she has discussed the
generators with Mr. Wadsworth. We are buying them with the
Capital Improvement Program, but these are portable items which
will be available for other uses. She also commented on the fire
hydrants. It was determined that this expense comes out of this
year and there are forty (40) hydrants.
Councilperson Martin questioned
Publications and Subscriptions.
the $10~950 figure in Books~
Mr. Wadsworth answered the membership in
Water Supply Coop is $10~OOO.
the Volusia/City County
Mayor Wessler questioned the Travel and
wanted to make sure employees being sent
licenses or being recertified and that
were being sent.
Per Diem line item. She
to classes were getting
not more than necessary
Mr. Wadsworth explained the costs are decreasing for attending
these classes due to some of the school locations being closer.
He does not send employees~ unless it is necessary.
Councilperson Martin questioned the percentage included for wage
Mr. Munoz answered that the wage figures will be looked at after
negotiations. Last year 5% was included.
Councilperson Gillespie questioned the transit pipe.
Mr. Wadsworth stated he and the City Engineer have come up with a
policy so that six inch lines will be put in allover the City.
Mr. George
i nc luded in
Naill~ 1604 Royal Palm
the budget for the County
this had been waived.
asked about the $10~000.
Water Supply Coop. He
He referred to the City
Mr. Gates Castle~ City Engineer~ informed Council, according to
what he was told at the last County meeting, there was not to be
a charge this year.
Mr. Munoz explained that because this is included in the budget,
we would not have spent it~ unless we received a bill.
Mr. Wadsworth asked if it is determined there won't be a charge,
he would like this transferred to Renewal and Replacement. He
continued with the Sewer portion of the budget.
Councilperson Gillespie questioned the increase of one salary
$5~OOO. It was determined this was an employee who received
another license and was upgraded from a seven to a twelve.
Mayor Wessler again mentioned the overtime.
Mr. Wadsworth explained these figures were on paper prior to the
DMG report. He asked to delete the $5~OOO from this line item
and put $10~OOO in Repairs and Maintenance.
Councilman Hays stated we are looking for ways to decrease the
budget figures and by transferring amounts from one line item to
another is not going to accomplish that.
Acting City Manager clarified that any savings in the enterprise
funds will have no impact on the millage rate.
Councilperson Gillespie questioned the Software Licensing
Agreement figure, and the County Sludge Permit.
Acting City Manager explained the Software Licensing Agreement
is a prorated charge for the annual license fee for the computer
Mr. Wadsworth explained the County Sludge Permit is an annual
fee~ and he explained the sludge transportation procedure.
Council Special Meeting
September 9, 1991
Mayor Wessler questioned the figures in Communication Services
and Travel and Per Diem.
Mr. Wadsworth explained the Communication Services is not only
the telephones, it includes the Lift Station monitors. He
justified the expenses under Travel and Per Diem and assured
Council he is not sending employees for schooling unless
certifications are being obtained. An employee may be sent for
constructive time towards an advanced permit.
Councilperson Gillespie asked if annual drug screening is being
Mr. Wadsworth answered this expense is for the pulmanary test
runs to make sure the employees can wear the breathing equipment.
Mayor Wessler questioned the amount in Repair and Maintenance.
Mr. Wadsworth said a minor part of this is for the Lift Stations
and when the new plant is in, this will decrease.
Councilperson Gillespie, Mr. Wadsworth and Acting City Manager
Fred Munoz discussed the interest figure for the Vactor Truck.
The interest rate is 9%.
Councilman Hays suggested that the capital
separately with each department.
items be discussed
Mike Billick, 2528 Lime Tree Drive had a question about the Sewer
Vacuuming System being one line item and the Vactor Truck being
another line item?
Mr. Wadsworth tried to explain the revenue and the expenditure
procedure. Acting City Manager Fred Munoz went into detail to
explain the long term debt accounting function.
Under Field Operations Mayor Wessler asked about the assistant's
position which was in the DMG report as not being needed.
Mr. Wadsworth answered that he has submitted his rebuttal to this
suggestion. He briefly defended the maintaining of this
position, stating that the timing is definitely not appropriate
for him to be cutting out an assistant. He is facing a lot of
projects with the CIP program and this assistant will be
substantially needed to carryon the day to day business.
He added that the DMG report also suggested more staffing, so
this is a direct contradiction to their own report.
Councilman Hays commented that generally looking at the DMG
report, the intent seems to be that we are getting too top heavy
in some of the departments.
Mayor Wessler questioned the Travel and Per Diem.
Mr. Wadsworth answered the employees are being sent to retain
Councilperson Gillespie questioned the trash pump.
Mr. Wadsworth answered this
beyond repair.
is to replace one he has which is
Mayor Wessler questioned the Elevated Tower Maintenance.
Mr. Wadsworth answered this is an annual maintenance service for
draining, hosing and inspecting of the tower.
Council Special Meeting
September 9, 1991
Councilperson Martin questioned Operating Supplies.
Acting City Attorney Munoz read the definition and Mr. Wadsworth
read down the list in the budget.
Councilman Hays
helpful. He
stated the
would like
capital justification form was very
to remove the portable sewer camera
At this time there was a short recess,
2:20 p.m.
2:10 p.m.
Reconvene at
Mayor Wessler
poled the Council for removing the sewer camera
Councilman Hays proposed that all priority two and three items be
set aside, if not absolutely necessary. He asked Mr. Wadsworth
if there were any of those priority items that he wanted to make
number one priorities? They discussed this camera system.
Mr. Wadsworth explained if this is not purchased, the City will
have to go out on bids to hire someone else to photograph for
them. The price will vary depending on the size of the line,
etc. It was agreed that prices would be compared and it will be
decided at a later date which is more feasible.
Councilman Hays suggested that all department heads consider the
need to replace employees who leave. Also, when hiring, try to
hire someone who is already qualified so we don't have to send
them for licensing, etc.
Councilperson Gillespie reminded Council there have to be cuts
made. One of her suggestions was regarding the League of Cities
dinners; she feels the members could pay for their own spouses
and not put this in the budget.
Mayor Wessler and Councilman Hays disagreed, stating they felt
this expense is justified. Mayor Wessler suggested the Council
be given credit cards to take on seminars with them. This way
they will not be inconvenienced to spend their own money and be
reimbursed. It will also be a better bookkeeping matter. Acting
City Manager Munoz was instructed to take care of this.
At this time there was discussion regarding the distribution of
postcards by the Chamber of Commerce, which does not include
"Edgewater". There was much dissatisfaction over this. 1'1r. Hal
Spence, incoming president, spoke to the Council about their
services. Mr. Steve Dennis, current president, also spoke. He
apologized for the postcards, however the Chamber did not print
those cards. The Council should contact the group who did.
Mayor Wessler expressed her satisfaction with the service she has
always received from the Chamber.
Councilperson Gillespie suggested keeping this line item the same
as last year, by cutting $1,000.
Staying with the Council's Pormotional Activities:
It was also agreed to cut the donation to NSB Sr. High School
yearbook to $125.
There was a representative present from the Volusia County
Business Development who spoke to the Council about their
services. Mr. Joe Martin,Industrial Board Chairman, spoke of the
fine job being done by this organization, adding now is not the
time to reduce their funds, we need to create more jobs in this
Council Special Meeting
September 9, 1991
There was discussion among these men and the entire Council. It
seemed to be the consensus this organization's service is not at
question, however, no matter how much Edgewater is promoted, if
there is not some place available, the business can't come in.
It was also agreed that lines of communication need to be kept
open and that cutting their budget will be cutting their service.
The line item was cut to $5,250.
Chemical People cut to $4,500. Ms. Malmpower gave a presentation
for Mrs. Kemp, who could not attend. She thanked the Council for
their donation.
Needy Basket l'llaS
suggested asking
the first meeting
increased to $500.
public to bring can
in November.
Councilperson Gillespie
goods for this purpose at
Citizen Information and Referral Service was cut out.
Volusia Literacy Council was cut out.
NSB Show Doll/Sr.High School was cut out.
A representative from TCARE spoke
services increasing in this area.
the Council
about their
Councilman Hays issued a
participate in the Sponser
Christmas time.
challenge to the department heads to
a Child program they run during
ICARE line item left as in budget.
Employee Service Award Event was discussed. Mrs. Wadsworth asked
if an United Way award presentation could be included at this
event. She also requested the coffee for boards' use be included
in this budget.
NSB Cheerleaders was cut out.
Alzheimer's was cut out.
NSB Barracuda Booster Club was cut to $50.
Aqua Park was cut out.
Recess 3:45 p.m.
Reconvene 4:00 p.m.
Public Works Department - Carl Overstreet began going over his
priority list with Council. Due to state legislation require-
ments, we need the alc refrigerant recovery and recycling
station. His dump truck is a number one priority, since he lost
complete service of one truck, which is not feasible to repair.
The steam cleaner was cut out, as well as the copier and
There was discussion regarding the resurfacing projects ahead and
when they are anticipated to take place.
money going out
maintaining all
Gillespie questioned whether the City would save
on contract with a private company, rather than
the lawn care equipment we have.
Mr. Overstreet's opinion was it would not be cheaper, we are
ahead doing it rather than farming it out.
was discussion regarding the barricades and the safety
maintenance costs. Mr. Overstreet explained the expenses
Printing and Binding are forms, work orders and such. The
expenses under Operating Supplies is for tool boxes this
He discussed the street markers, paint, etc.
Council Special Meeting
September 9, 1991
Special Road Maintenance:
Mr. Overstreet noted the City receives funds from D.O.T. which is
seen in the Revenues on page 16. He justified the three pieces
of mowing equipment requested.
Acting City Manager Munoz explained the accounting for his mower
is the same as Mr. Wadsworth's Vactor Truck.
Mayor Wessler suggested finding out if D.O.T. could send more
funds to the City. She also asked Mr. Overstreet about his
opinion of the suggestion made in the DMB report regarding his
Mr. Overstreet explained the
and the number of possible
stated that Mr. Tenney is
employee. He commented
Tenney's title, this could
needed employee.
chain of command in his departments
projects going on at one time. He
a very knowledgable and valuable
if the Council desires to change Mr.
be discussed, however, he is a much
Acting City Manager Munoz noted for a matter of information, the
City just received notice of a recycling grant.
At this time there was a brief discussion regarding the DMG
report and whether Council has received the final report from
them. Councilman Hays began the discussion by suggesting
Council wait and discuss their recommendations with the new City
Manager as an administrative duty. Mayor Wessler stated she felt
some recommendations affect the budget and she wanted to hear the
department heads' justifications. Acting City Manager Munoz
explained the report we have is the final report and they are
coming on the 16th to discuss it with Council.
Mr. Overstreet pointed out the amount is reduced from last year.
Due to the late delivery date of the truck that has been ordered,
he would like the $58,000 moved into this budget. He listed the
equipment that he expects to sell the next time the City has an
Councilman Hays asked about the recommendation in the DMG report
to pick up all the trash rather than send someone out to look at
what is there to pick up, figure a price, then send someone else
back to pick it up.
Mr. Overstreet stated you will be cutting into a source of
revenue to support the program. The service is given to the
citizens who pay a certain amount and they should receive equal
service. He added that after the first of the year he will have
schedule changes to make and perhaps that will be a time to look
at this. He is asking for a larger truck and it should hasten
the pick up service.
Councilperson Gillespie stated we need to keep up
changes in the law and the place to make our changes
with the
is in the
Other Contractual
Acting City Manager Munoz read from the explanation sheet;
incenerator testing, Roy Gibson, pest control and landfill.
The recycling fee went up.
There was
discussion about educating citizens about
There is going to be a program at the schools.
Council Special Meeting
September 9, 1991
. .
Council discussed the proposed summer recreation program with Mr.
Corder. There will be some County funding but it will have to be
determined at a later dat~ exactly how much it will be. This
program will call for temporary-part time employees.
Council went over the special
with Mr.
Mayor Wessler questioned the degree for Chuck Morgan in the
amount of $1,440 and why the City is paying this.
Mr. Corder answered this
to the job and this is a
is his M.P.A. and the City reimburses
Gillispie answered tuition that applies
masters in public administration.
Councilman Hays stated he is all for supporting employees with
tuition assistance when it is related to the jOb, however, when
Mr. Morgan finishes this training where will he fit in the scheme
of things in the recreation area?
There was more discussion about this, it was determined that all
employees receiving tuition reimbursements sign an agreement to
continue with the City for six months.
Mayor Wessler questioned the maintenance building.
Councilperson Gillespie answered this
the 26 acres.
is the building if we get
Mr. Corder stated the title is on the way.
Mayor Wessler questioned the New Passive Park at 12th and Mango?
Councilperson Gillespie answered this is the
Wadsworth discovered. This should not be a
line item was cut to $1,000.
park she and Mrs.
large expense. The
Lake and Alice Park was described as "pitiful park"
Councilperson Gillespie and she stated it is drastically in
of repairs. There was much discussion regarding this park.
was agreed to keep $6,000. in this line item.
Resurfacing of tennis courts was discussed. It was agreed not to
make this expenditure unless it is necessary.
Replace roof/north side of shuffleboard courts was deleted to -0-
Computer equipment was put on hold.
1 flat bed truck was deleted.
1 Tri King reel mower was deleted
5 portable radios was cut to $1,000.
It was agreed that
would be on hold
combine resources
the hiring of new people and reclassifications
until they are needed. Also that we should
when able, such as the camera and overhead
Another meeting date was discussed. Acting City
filled Council in on the millage rate requirement
agreed to schedule the next budget meeting Monday,
at 1:00 p.m.
Manager Munoz
dates. It was
September 16th
Councilman Jones moved to adjourn this meeting. Councilperson
Gillespie seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned 6:45 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Debbie Sigler
Council Special Meeting
September 9, 1991
. .
Approved this
7 day of
, 1991.
10 Council Special Meeting
September 9, 1991