07-12-1991 - Special
JULY 12, 1991
Mayor Wessler called the special meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. in the Community
Center for Council to consider approval of Resolution #91-R-42, awarding the sale
of water and revenue bonds, Series 1991.
Mayor Tanya Wessler
Councilman Kirk Jones
Councilperson Louise Martin
Councilperson NoraJane Gillespie
Councilman Michael Hays
Interim City Attorney Nikki Clayton
Acting City Manager Fred Munoz
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Arrived Later
Arrived Later
Mayor Wessler recessed the meeting to await the arrival of Ms. Clayton. Chief
Schumaker arrived during the recess and Ms. Clayton arrived at 2:10 p.m. Mayor
Wessler called the meeting back to order at 2:11 p.m.
Mayor Wessler stated it's been asked that this meeting be rescheduled until
Monday and asked Ms. Clayton to explain. Ms. Clayton apologized for being late.
She explained the notice that was publicized, because they failed to specify for
Mrs. Koser that there were two resolutions, only showed one resolution so the
resolution that's amending the resolution adopting the bond resolution in 1990
is going to be amended and restated. She said that is the resolution that must
be considered and acted upon by Council first and then if you adopt it you must
then award the sale of the bonds by the second resolution. She stated in view
of the fact that the regularly scheduled Council meeting will be held Monday,
to have an abundance of caution and be technically perfect, it was decided that
we would go ahead, since it will not affect the sale that's been accomplished,
and the people who will purchase the City's bonds were contacted and that will
not be a problem with postponement. She said this will accomplish two things,
you'll have a technically correct notice of the actions that will be taken in
two resolutions opposed to this notice that said only one and you will have it
considered and acted upon at a meeting that's regularly scheduled as opposed to
a special meeting on a Friday afternoon so the constituency may be provided with
more comfort as to due consideration of this matter.
Mayor Wessler stated this will be included in the regular Council meeting. Ms.
Clayton stated yes, to continue it for the first order of business after Citizen
Comments. Mayor Wessler asked if it has to be an amended agenda. Ms. Clayton
replied you'll put an amendment to the agenda and post it the same places you
post your agendas and have the add on paragraph which restates the notice and
separates the two resolutions. Counci lperson Gillespie pointed out one newspaper
reporter is here today. Ms. Clayton stated they wanted to convene the meeting
even though it's to be continued so that it could be explained to those who had
the notice of the meeting so you would have an actual beginning, middle, and end
to a specially called meeting and the continuation to be explained on the record.
Ms. Clayton suggested a motion to continue the meeting to July 15 and schedule
it the first order of business after Citizen Comments. Councilperson Martin so
moved. Councilman Jones seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-1. Councilperson
Gillespie voted NO.
Ms. Clayton asked the rationale for Councilperson Gillespie's no vote.
Councilperson Gillespie replied she's having a problem with the entire situation
at this time and she wants a no vote on record. Mayor Wessler asked what the
problems are. Councilperson Gillespie replied she's submitting a list of
questions to the City Attorney. Mayor Wessler pointed out shelll be out of town
the 15th. Councilperson Gillespie stated when they were first elected and were
briefed by Department Heads they asked Mr. Wadsworth if they could separate
water and sewer and they were told they could and they went into a separation
situation and addressed it separately all the way through. She said then she
found the word "sewer" when they received this and it's no go and that had been
her concern and she's stressed it all along. She added they all agreed water
would be one thing and sewer would be another and she doesn't like SRF loans
taking a second position to the bond holders. She said she understood from Mr.
Mansfield and Mr. Berryhill that the SRF loans would be the sewer system complete
and if they have a problem to separate out the sewer ordinance for rates from
the water ordinance for rates. Ms. Clayton stated there's an easy explanation
and these documents when you get to the final touches, and these are complex,
and sometimes you don't have time to explain what they say. She added you have
a combined water and sewer utility, and all the rate revenue is collected for
water and sewer together and accounted for. Councilperson Gillespie stated no,
there are two separate enterprise funds. Ms. Clayton said for accounting
purposes they're combined and for business purposes it's considered essential
to have water and wastewater combined because water is where you make the money
and sewer is where you lose the money so the two together are complementary as
opposed to stand alone businesses. She noted the sewer rate would be affected
much more great ly if they don't have the water rates to even them out.
Councilperson Gillespie stated they did in the past and they asked them to back
out and cease to do it. Ms. Clayton explained they cannot stand alone in good
utility practice, and around the State you'll find they're not separated out.
She said a jurisdiction with water and sewer would often have been in the water
business first and then decided they couldnlt continue dumping untreated
wastewater into 1 akes and streams and so sma 11 ut il ity compan i es began to
develop. She said the City of Orlando until the 60's dumped into huge drainage
wells that still exist in that City but others realized they had to treat it.
She explained they have primary, then go to secondary, and now this City's going
to advanced wastewater treatment that you can use for reuse and discharge into
Waters of the State. She said the AWT method is very expensive and it has to
be spread over time as well as over a number of customers. She noted a lot of
people on water systems have their own septic tanks and when they brought in the
sewer it was generally for people who came later. Councilperson Gillespie stated
678 went onto the original sewer and did not abandon their septic tanks and
that's another problem. Ms. Clayton said that's an issue of political will as
to how you would treat those on septic and those available to sewer and the City
was able to avoid confronting it. She added Florida Shores has a larger
environmental issue to deal with and the utility system began with water and then
sewer was added and the number of customers over which it is spread is not as
many as water but it needs water rates to offset impact of unforseen treatment
requirements that you have when you advance the process. She added they don't
know when they'll shorten the time for you to discharge into Mosquito Lagoon.
Councilperson Gillespie stated the water has always supplemented sewer in this
City and Florida Shores has supplemented it from the beginning. Ms. Clayton
stated that's not exactly true because rates are calculated for operational
requirements for sewer on day to day basis but the sewer system when you need
an upgrade that must be spread over a longer period of time then the ordinary
rate on a monthly basis to a larger number of users. She said you can analyze
the numbers as to who has supplemented who and youlll find there has been a
meticulous effort to segregate so there's an accounting for any subsidy that may
have occurred back and forth. She said because the environmental issue affects
everyone in the City, whether on water or sewer or both, it's the determination
of most cities that the way this City is doing it is the way it should be done.
She added you cannot allocate on a house by house basis precisely the gallonage
people use and charge them for it but you get close enough for government work.
Councilperson Gillespie stated this addresses two bond issues, one on the BAN's
and one on the water plant, and she'd prefer to pull the BANis out and roll them
over and carry just the water on the bonds. Ms. Cl ayton said th i s issue is
citing water and wastewater because they have a combined system but the money
to be generated by these bonds is exclusively for water and water related
improvements. Councilperson Gillespie stated it doesn't say that. Ms. Clayton
explained the first project is refunding of the BAN's that must be taken out so
you don't have prior liens and then the bond holder will have first lien on your
utility revenues. Councilperson Gillespie said then SRF goes to second position
and I know itls easier for the State to collect on second position if we default.
Ms. Clayton explained therels no reason why the State ought not to be in a second
position because they're not in the open market bidding. Councilperson Gillespie
stated agreed, but said that's not what the State told her it would be with the
SRF loans, they said they would be equal to the bond holders and equal is not
Council Special Meeting
July 12, 1991
second place. Ms. Clayton explained there's no impact on the State because you
do not care about the creditors if you are a debtor and as long as they get their
money it doesn't matter if they take 5th position. Counci1person Gillespie said
except past 3rd is illegal in the State of Florida.
Counci1person Gillespie stated construction management is included for the full
term of the bonds and th i s is awarded by th i s Counc i 1 and it shou 1 dn I t be
included in the paper work as whoever is on board when this goes through stays
the full 20 years. Ms. Clayton explained that's not correct and the document
designates the existing engineers as those who will be relied upon and they made
a substantial contribution to the document through their engineering report and
it's their determination that gives the City the credit worthiness that people
will purchase the bonds. Counci1person Gillespie stated they go out on the limb
with us. Ms. Clayton explained not just Dyer, Riddle, Mills, and Precourt will
be satisfactory to the bond holders, they want a Dyer, Riddle, or equivalent firm
that will be performing the functions that gives the bond holders security the
City is administering a program which is the largest program that will ever have
been begun within the City. She added itls $40 million. Counci1person Gillespie
stated it's an $88 million pay back.
Counci1person Gillespie said we keep the right to put whoever is in charge of
the oversight as this reads it's automatic and she doesn't want that. She said
it also says the consulting engineer sets the rate and the Code says every July
this Council sets the rates. She added she'11 give Ms. Clayton her list for her
reply for Monday. Ms. Clayton explained people always have these questions about
who the professionals are, why are they there, what is the specificity with which
we have to deal with the bond holders in agreeing over a long term where we might
be able to gear up with in house expertise, why would we need outside experts.
She said they genera lly have for new issuers a requ irement on the part of
underwriters and bond buyers, people on whose professional independent objective
opinions you can rely. She said engineers have errors and omissions insurance
which will cover some of the shortcoming of their decisions or opinions but in
the meantime their opinions give a measure of comfort that the system will be
operated according to best management practices and with BMP's you get an ongoing
objective suggestion of rates so Council which can be effected by political
reality will have someone telling them what the rates should be. She said if
you end up with not enough money to pay back the people listed in the resolution
and your rates are not enough and you discover that1s the problem, than you have
independent engineers that the bond holders can go to who will say the rate has
to be this to pay you back. Counci1person Gillespie stated there's a resolution
for Dyer, Riddle to set the last rate study but we don't have to keep them to
do every rate study. Ms. Clayton agreed, adding they have to say they'11 keep
Dyer, Riddle or an equivalent engineer. Counci1person Gillespie stated she knew
th i s was just a run of what they had before and th is doesn't app ly to th i s
Council and shel11 give her the list to work on for Monday night.
Ms. Clayton stated this resolution will come up for adoption and award at 7:00
p.m. and they have the public information session at 7:30. Council person
Gillespie suggested she go over it with her before 7 p.m. on Monday. Mayor
Wessler asked that all Council be involved if there are any changes to the
resolution. Ms. Clayton said the only change would be at discussion with all
the Council. Counci1person Gillespie stated Council controls what happens in
this City. Mayor Wessler said she didn't get an impression that anyone would
control this Council, and it didn't read that same way and she took it for what
Ms. Clayton said that it was Dyer, Riddle or equivalent. Counci1person Gillespie
said it doesn't say that in it, though.
Mr. Munoz stated we do have a combined water and sewer system and within that
we do segregate water revenues and sewer revenues, the water expenses and sewer
expenses, and on this bond issue it will be about $13,650,000 and about $168,000
of that will be for bond underwriters, the same schedule as before, and it's
$80,000 for issuing cost and attorneys, auditors, etc., and about $140,000 is
insurance, MBIA, and about $1,129,000 of that money will go into debt service
reserve fund and remain there forever and interest will go into a capitalized
interest fund and we will put in an additional $1,200,000 because during the
construction phase they don't have money to make interest payments so we in fact
have borrowed the interest payment and wi 11 pay them from that as interest
payments come due. He said they have to payoff BANis of $4,751,000.
Council Special Meeting
July 12, 1991
Councilperson Gillespie asked about what's left from that. Mr. Munoz replied
that remains as money for the project and of this new money they have about
$6,018,000 of project money plus BAN money and a portion of water impact fees,
that are allowed to be used on the project. He said in 1992 weill have
$1,100,000 coming from SRF back into the project. He said on exhibit 5 of the
POS when you add water revenues and water expenses youlll find when you make the
first Series 1991 debt service it's $155,000 and you have $960,000 of water
money, either impact fees or net revenues, to make that payment of $544,000 in
1993 and in 1994 it's a debt service requirement of $1,089,018 and you have the
$1,547,000 of water money. He added weill not have excess money at the end of
the project to subsidize the sewer system and they're getting money from the SRF
to reimburse what was spent of the $4.7. He said he had a recap on his last
Things and it will be explained. He said the $4.7 million was used to defease
the 1964 bonds and Gulf Breeze bonds, in turn the Gulf Breeze was previously used
to defease the 1977 bonds and the 1978 was a Farmers Home Administration loan.
He said he referred to the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report in his Things
memo. He added he uses water and sewer bonds as gener i c terms and a 11 the
fundings and projections show the payment of those debts will be out of water
revenues and allowable appropriate impact fees. He said the SRF loan has as
their primary security the assessment, and for those that are user fees they will
be looking at net revenues of the sewer system.
Councilperson Martin stated she talked to Mr. Munoz about the map looking like
theylre going to the County with the piping and wondered why it was projected
like that and if they expect to annex more land. Mr. Munoz said he thought that
was the border around 35th and 36th Street and that's in the City limits and it's
not the case to put water lines into Washington Park. Councilperson Gillespie
said just so the map that goes with the bond issue is the map of the City. Mr.
Munoz said this is the map of the City and the more specific map of the
assessment is on the ha 11 way in City Ha 11. Council person Gi llespie asked if they
picked up Arthur, Joseph, Alice, and one more that was supposed to come in the
special assessment. Mr. Munoz said he'll look at the map and theylll know as
soon as the people get their bills. Councilperson Gillespie said they were
streets added after the 1986 draft. Mr. Munoz said this map is much more
detailed and it includes portions of Florida Shores that are already sewered.
Councilperson Gillespie said they're picking up all the business on Guava that
were not sewered. Mr. Munoz explained it's all those that are listed in the
legal description of the assessment rlistrict.
Councilperson Martin moved to adjourn. Councilman Jones seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:38 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
Approved this 19thday of
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MAYOR '<:, ~
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(Did Not Vote excused fronfm~~~rnt), j
Council Special Meeting
July 12, 1991