07-01-1991 - Regular
1. ..'
JULY 1, 1991
Mayor Wessler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center.
Mayor Tanya Wessler
Counc ilman Ki rk Jones
Councilperson Louise Martin
Councilperson NoraJane Gillespie
Councilman Michael Hays
Interim City Attorney Nikki Clayton
Acting City Manager Fred Munoz
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Lt. William Britain sitting in
Reverend Frank Capagnone, Retired Roman Catholic Priest, delivered the
invocation. There was a pledge of allegiance to the Flag.
Reaular Meeting of May 20. 1991
Councilman Jones moved to approve the minutes of May 20, 1991. Councilperson
Martin seconded. Motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilperson Gillespie stated she was
excused for that meeting.
SDecial Meetina/Workshop of June 1, 1991
Councilperson Gillespie moved to accept the
Meet i ng fWor lo:shop of June 1, 1991 . Counc i I man Hays
minutes of the Special
seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-
Reaular Meetina of June 3. 1991
Councilperson Gillespie moved to accept the minutes of the Regular meeting of
June 3, 1991. Councilman Hays seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
SDecial Meeting of June 5, 1991
Councilman Jones moved to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of June 5,
1991. Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Jones moved for a discussion
concerning the minutes of June 5, 1991. Councilman Hays seconded. Councilman
Hays stated he had a discussion l.~ith Ms. J(oser asking the minutes be in detail.
He does not feel that they are and does not feel that he can approve the minutes
the way they are typed. Counci Iperson Gi 11espie concurred.. Mayor Wessler
questioned if any certain portion was not in detail enough that they might direct
Ms. Koser to elaborate when she gets back from vacation. Councilperson Gillespie
stated she had requested under the Resolution that states a verbatim copy of the
tapes be transcribed. Mayor Wessler questioned if anybody wanted to table the
approval of the minutes. Mayor Wessler stated they would go for a roll callan
this, you brought it up for discussion and then perhaps you can table it until
Ms. Koser comes back from vacation. Motion CARRIED 3-2. Councilperson Gillespie
and Councilman Hays voted NO. Mayor Wessler stated they didn't need a motion to
table since the minutes had been approved. Councilperson Martin stated she had
misunderstood the motion. She thought the motion was to table the minutes.
Mayor Wessler stated the motion that was on the floor was to approve the minutes.
Councilperson Martin stated she did not approve the minutes. Mayor Wessler
questioned the Interim City Attorney how they go about backtracl(ing on that
motion. Ms. Clayton stated to start over. Councilman Jones restated the motion
to approve the minutes. Councilman Hays seconded. Motion DID NOT CARRY 2-3.
Councilperson Martin, Councilperson Gillespie, and Councilman Hays voted NO.
Councilman Jones moved to have Ms. Koser do verbatim minutes
the next meeting for approval. Councilperson Gillespie
and bring
them to
Mot ion
Bearce Naill, 1604 Royal Palm Drive, stated in light of the bond issue for the
water plant he reviewed the City Charter with regard to limitations on bonding
and debt set-vice. M.-. Naill stated he found unde,- Sec.74, Special Tax Levies is
that this has been ,-evised by O,-d. 90-0-24 in June of 1990 and this does not put
a cap on anything the City can bond. He stated if desi,-ed and app,-oved by
Council the bond issue could be almost unlimited. He stated the,-e are some
constt-aints I isted in Sec. 74 that adjust to a 10 mi I I imi t on ta>:ab Ie p,-ope,-ty
as fa,- as sb-eets and public g,-ounds and this pa,-ticular issue of the wate,-,
sewec, wastewate,- tt-eatment plant goes beyond that. M,-. Naill stated this gives
the City the authority of unlimited bonding power. Mr. Naill stated he hated to
see the City taxpayers absorb a very large debt without any limitations on it. He
recommends that this Council go back and review Ord. 90-0-24 and Sec. 74 of the
Charter and place some sort of limitation on what the City is allowed to bond so
the taxpayers are not put under. Interim City Attorney Nikki Clayton stated when
you have a 10 mil cap what you are talking about is a voted bond levy which
relates to general obligation. The $15,000,000 water and wastewater issue has to
do with revenue bonds which are not subject to that under either the 10 mil cap
or under a taxpayer vote. She stated Mr. Naill was talking about a taxpayers
bond issue and what we have is a rate payers bond issue and taxpayers will not be
paying it out of taxes, those who are on the system will be paying it out of
rates. Mr. Naill stated Sec. 74 deals with special tax levies. Ms. Clayton
stated this is not going to be paid back out of a tax levy at all, there will not
be any ta>:es [nvo I ved in the $15,000,000 bond issue. M,-. Nai 11 stated he
,-ecogni zed that. Ms. Clayton stated what you wi 11 hav'e wi 11 be spec ial
assessments ,-ela.ting to the State Revolving Fund fo,- wastewate,- and that is not a
tal>: eithe,- and many people ask what is the diffe,-ence between an assessment and
a tax. She added a ta>: does not ,-equi,-e any nexus of benefi t to the pel-son who
pays the tax for the benefit that he receives. She stated a special assessment
is if you give a dollar you are supposed to get a dollar's worth of service and
there is supposed to be a connection between what you pay and the benefit that
you receive. Ms. Clayton stated under the Special Assessment Program everyone
who pays an assessment will be receiving a dollars worth of return in benefit.
Mr. Naill stated he had no problems with that. What he is saying is that there
are no limitations on what the City can borrow for bonding issues and tax the
public to do so. Ms. Clayton stated yes there is a limit. Mr. Naill stated
according to our Charter there is none. Ms. Clayton stated it is a principle of
government whether you tie the hands of government into how much it can borrow,
when in fact the way it is dete,-mined how much it can bon-ow is what peop Ie wi 11
loan the jUl- isd ict ion, because of all the checks and balances that ex ist when you
take an issue to macket, a City or County will not be able to borrow more than
they can pay back. She added the,-e a,-e ve,-y sb-ingent checks and balances which
othe,-s who ace not pa,-t of the p,-ocess might not be awa,-e and hopefully in public
information sessions this can be brought out. Mr. Naill stated that he has
looked very closely at what this effort is going to cost the City and the debt
service is going to be somewhe,-e ove,- $.60,000,000 and fOl- a population of 15,000
this is extremely high. He said the point he is trying to make is for the
Counci 1 to back and ,-eview that Cha,-te,- as well as the O,-dinance that was passed.
Ms. Clayton stated she bel ieves that because thel-e have been so many quest ions
,-aised it is impo,-tant to have them add,-essed.
Rav Miller, 3110 Sabal Palm Drive, asked what they are going to do about the
fences around swimming pools. He stated he has a screen room which was O.I<.'d by
the City and it was inspected and approved under all requirements. Mr. Miller
feels that a person should be able to have a fence and no screen room or a screen
room and no fence to be fine. Mr. Miller stated there were a lot of drainage
ditches and ponds in the City that have no fences whatsoever and no one is citing
the City for that, but the City is citing people who have screen rooms and no
fence. Mayor Wessler stated this item was coming up under new business.
Mike Billick, 2528 Lime Tree Drive, He represents the United Taxpayers of
Edgewater Watchdogs. Mr. Billick stated some people don't like Watchdog
organizations and are trying to discredit them. He wanted to know where these
people were when the former Council, former City Manager, and consulting firms
were telling them how good the low pressure system was and the United Taxpayers
were against this system.
Council Regular Meeting
July 1, 1991
Mr. Billick stated the taxpayers would have had to pay for two sewer systems if
the low pressure system had not worked. Mr. Billick stated that those people who
don't want UTE to represent them are lucky the UTE did represent them then
against the low pressure system saving them money. Mr. Billick passed a copy of
the article he had in the News Journal out to the Council. He cited F.S.S. 170
regarding Special Assessments. He cited DER saying that any assessment in fees
used for SFR loans must be equitable and fair and they will take equity and
fairness into consideration before granting loans. Mr. Billick stated UTE would
like the Council to make and pass a motion for the use of these fees in financing
the new sanitary sewer systems as has been done in the past to be fair and
Cliff Clark, 1818 Evergreen Drive, stated he has 3 items for Council's attention.
He stated first he was concerned with the City being required by Ordinance to mow
any street right of way. He said he doesn't like the City mowing personal
property. Mr. Clark stated his second concern was letting grass grow as high as
it is allowed on occupied property. Mr. Clark stated his third concern was
Section 707 regarding buildings and utility sheds. He stated there is one shed
allowed per homeowner and there is a piece of property with 2 sheds that are
eyesores. He added the same piece of property has approximately three trailers
there and all enclosures are being used for storage. Mr. Clark stated this
individual has been before the Code Enforcement Board at least seven times. Mr.
Clark feels that repeating offenders should be subject to a fine and so far
nothing has been done on it. Councilperson Martin asked Mr. Clark if all of
these violations had gone before the Code Board. Mr. Clark stated yes.
Councilperson Gillespie stated that it is on the agenda for the next Code Board
meeting on that person. Councilperson Gillespie stated a weed Ordinance 7A says
that the City can go clear property that is not virgin property, but the owners
are billed for it.
John McGregor, 303 Cherrywood Lane, questioned if it was really up to the
citizens to complain about their neighbors. Mayor Wessler stated we have two
Code Enforcement Officers and they are doing the best they can but obviOUSly they
are not going to catch everyone in the City.
Andv Anderson, 1730 Pine Tree Drive, stated a lot in the neighborhood on which a
house was burned and the grass needs cut, the address of the lot was 1802 Pine
Tree Drive. Lynne Plaskett, Assistant Director of Planning and Zoning stated the
problem with the property was finding the owner and they believe it went back to
the bank and Code Enforcement is still pursuing it.
George Ewing, 2923 Royal Palm Drive, stated he agrees with Mr. Naill on Section
74. Mr. Ewing stated it is very hard to understand and he thinks the Council
should take a look at it. Mr. Ewing asked why did we pay Dyer Riddle Mills &
Precourt when the County could have given us the information. Mayor Wessler
stated the County couldn't do it and they did give us some tapes, but the way the
assessment roll had to be written up it had to be taken to Titusville which Dyer
Riddle did. Mr. Ewing stated that he might be wrong but he was informed that the
County wasn't even asked. Mayor Wessler stated Mr. Ewing was wrong. Mr. Ewing
questioned if Dyer Riddle was paid for the trip to Titusville. Mayor Wessler
stated she did not know, she had not seen the bill yet for this month. She
stated she imagined that we pay them for any time they do put in. Mr. Ewing
stated it looked like we were paying double on a lot of this stuff. Mayor
Wessler asked Mr. Ewing if he had a bill that was paid double on. Mr. Ewing said
no. Mayor Wessler stated that was an accusation that he would be careful to
make. Mr. Ewing questioned what was the total assessed value of all of the
property of Edgewater. Acting City Manager Munoz stated he was expecting today
to have the revised figure for the next tax year. Last year it was approximately
$370,000,000. That was an appro:dmate increase of $30,000,000 from the previous
Mr. Ewing questioned what Mr. Munoz thought it would be this year. Mr. Munoz
stated they thought it won't be as big an increase as it was last year; about 5%.
Mr. Ewing stated that there would be an increase though. Mr. Munoz stated it was
due to inflation and due to new construction. Mr. Ewing stated he understood
that the assessmenl; notices we,-e going oul; on the July 11th. Mayo,- Wessle,-
stated they wel-e going 1;0 be stuffed the 8th, 9th a.nd 10th a.nd going out the
Council Regular Meeting
Jul y 1, 1991
Mr. Ewing questioned how it was figured. Mayor Wessler stated it was based on
equivalent lots. Mr. Munoz stated a typical lot is 40 X 125. Mr. Munoz stated
we estimate 14,955 equivalent lots divide that by 2 and you get what would be
buildable lot. 6,028 equivalent parcels. Those parcels may be 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
lots. Mr. Ewing questioned when those assessments were sent out how were they
figured. Mr. Munoz stated there were two formulas. The Wastewater Collection
system l'4aS figured on the project cost of $17,000,000 divided by 14,955
equivalent lots which gives you 1,143 per equivalent lot, multiplied by 2 which
gives you 2,286. He added on the Waste Treatment Plan and Effluent disposal we
ta~e a figure of $3,254,763 divided by 6,028 gives you a figure of $540 per
equivalent parcel and this is $60.00 less than the $600 they had estimated. Mr.
Ewing stated that was what he wanted to ~now. Mr. Munoz stated these figures
were available if he wanted to have a copy of them. Mr. Munoz stated these will
be mailed out to the property owners along with their assessment attachment A.
Mr. Ewing asked what had happened since the presentation from the Cable company.
The gentleman stated they would have a revision of all the Cable lines that we
have and that possible we could get TNT and some other desirable stations. He
has heard nothing since that date. Mayor Wessler stated no one had heard
anything, if the man said June or July then we had the rest of the month to go
yet. Mr. Ewing suggested the City write a letter. Councilperson Gillespie stated
they would be offering a limited service for our Seniors which is just basic
Cable at a reduced rate. She added she is starting to get calls because there
hasn't been any further information on it. Mayor Wessler requested Mr. Munoz to
loo~: into it.
Nancy Barbara, stated she would like to ~now the status of the Ordinance that
would change the commercial designation of the zoning for Pelican Plaza. Ms.
Clayton stated it would be on the July 15th agenda.
Arleen Moore, regarding pools with screen rooms. Ms. Moore stated after three
years of being in compliance she is now getting cited for a Code violation and it
is unfair and something should be done about it.
Douo LibbY, 2201 12th Street, stated he has been a law enforcement
years and never saw anybody go through a screen enclosure.
Ordinance should be rewritten. Mr. Libby stated they should
safety is and not cost the citizens more money.
officer for 17
He stated the
look where the
Doris Hill, Lincoln Road, stated she was referring to Mr. Billick. Ms. Hill
stated it was put up to a vote of the property owners and a majority of the
owners voted for the low pressure system and at that time a lot of people
complained. She said as a result of that they founded the United Taxpayers of
Edgewater. Ms. Hill stated they were very instrumental in having that changed and
they all seem to forget that it was the Council that approved the system that
they've got. Ms. Hill stated then the United Taxpayers wanted everybody in the
City to pay for their sewer. Ms. Hill stated she never sees more than three or
four of them at any meetings and she is getting tired of it and if they have an
organization, fine she doesn't believe they have. Ms. Hill stated part of their
organization is sitting here.
Ray Miller, 3110 Sabal Palm Drive, stated in 1957 the government gave this City
money to put sewers in Florida Shores and it was used in the rest of the City not
Florida Shores. He stated he was the one that brought up idea of having Florida
Shores voting on the type of sewer and the whole City paying for it. Mr. Miller
stated the money in 1957 was used in the rest of the City, he doesn't see why the
rest of the City shouldn't pay for it now.
George Ewing,
l'4ere 128 or 138
property here;
2923 Royal Palm Drive, stated he went through the survey and there
post cards where the answers were from Miami, Florida from a
Mr. Ewing stated they own a lot of lots but they don't own any
they just own lots.
Shirley Naill, 1604 Royal Palm Drive, applied for a pool and had to have a fence
before they could get finaled and when she asked why she was told it was for the
safety of children. She said Chief Vola stated when it comes to life and safety
there is no such thing as grandfathering in.
Council Regular Meeting
J u I Y 1, 1 991
John McGreaor, 303 CherrYl~ood Lane, stated he had asked questions of Ms. Clayton
and she replied that Fire Safety Code operates on the basis of having periodic
inspections based on the uniform and consistent application of inspection
schedules throughout the City. Mr. McGregor stated we have never had this He
feels the City is acting illegally in his own case. Councilperson Gillespie
stated she went back and checked because she got screamed at for allowing a
Citizen's Comment one night that ran 32 minutes and she listened to the tapes and
it did run 32 minutes. She stated she was terribly sorry that one of the Council
didn't speak up and tell the person they had run over the time limit.
Councilperson Gillespie did go back and ask if they could have the clock sitting
here and when it is repetitive otherwise they would be sitting there all night if
they are going to let people go over the limit. She added the Council can extend
the time to anyone they wish to hear speak longer than three minutes.
Councilman Jones stated he wanted the Acting City Manager to look into this 1957
money and this is the first he had heard of it. Councilperson Gillespie stated
it was the Farmers' Home Loan that was based on the agricultural land rights
designation of Florida Shores and Florida Shores was annexed in as a part of the
City by a vote of seven adjacent landowners under special act. She added it was
for all of the City and Florida Shores was a part of it and they received no
benefit from that loan or money. Mayor Wessler stated back when the low pressure
sewer system was an issue in Edgewater it may not have been the sewer system that
Edgewater wanted but it was the sewer system that the Council at the time chose
to investigate for the Florida Shores area. She added The Council told the
Engineer that was what they wanted. Mayor Wessler stated she hears a lot of
people saying that Dyer Riddle pushed that sewer system through but they
followed out the orders of the City Council. Mayor Wessler stated Dyer Riddle
did not act wl-ongly, they did what the City Council wanted them to do at the
time. Councilpe,-son Gillespie ag,-eed.
Police Chief's reauest to Durchase 14 latent Drint kits and one Lanier
transcriber/recorder from Law Enforcement forfeiture Funds Councilperson
Gillespie moved to accept the consent agenda. Councilman Hays seconded. Motion
Screen raams and fences around swimmina pools - Councilman Hays stated they need
to add,-ess spas and jaCUZZI In addition to sCI-een ,-ooms and fences a,-ound pools
and the spas and j acuz Z is needed to be sCl-eened 01- have a lock down co vel- . He
stated as fa,- a.s pools, he feels a sCl-eened in pool is safel-. Councilpe,-son
Gillespie stated they need to add,-ess the hot tubs a.nd spas. May01- Wesslel-
stated we are the only City that requires a fence when there is a screen room
around a pool. Mayor Wessler stated that the ones that have put up a screen
enclosure and a fence are done. She added there is nothing this City Council can
do about it. Councilman Hays stated he would like to see all the Code Violations
withdrawn. He stated he would lH:e to see the Ordinance redrafted to address the
issues on spas, hot tubs, jacuzzis and brought back with that verbiage to the
Council. Councilman Jones stated he agreed with Councilman Hays that spas and
hot tubs need to be addressed. Ms. Clayton asked for direction from the Council
if they want the four foot fence or the screen enclosure. She stated you can
grandfather the Building Code, you cannot grandfather the Safety Code. Mayor
Wessler stated there would be no Grandfathering in because at this time all
people have to have something around the pool either a screen room or a fence.
Councilman Hays stated the only thing that might be addressed was the height of
the fence. Mayor Wessler stated the height of the fence was four foot. Councilman
Hays stated a screen enclosure needs to have a latch high enough and the screen
room needs to be well maintained. Councilperson Gillespie said the old swimming
pool regulation we had allowed people to fence or put a buffer of plants to fill
in was not such a bad looking ordinance. Mayor Wessler stated that it seems to
be the consensus of the Council that just screening is enough. Councilman Hays
moved to rewrite the Ordinance with verbiage to contain hot tubs and spas to have
a lock down cover and/or a screen enclosure and/or four foot fence. Swimming
pools would be required to have a screen enclosure or four foot fence. Any Code
Enforcement action of those that currently have one or the other should be
withdrawn. Ms. Clayton said it should address corner lots. Councilperson
Gillespie seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Council Regular Meeting
July 1, 1991
Casper Manone, 27291'::umquat Drive, asl(ed Council's OpInIOn was on the removable
steps from the spas. Mayor Wessler stated the spa would require a screen room, a
lock down cover, or a four foot fence.
Lee Sosenic, 1906 Travelers Palm Drive,
takes her and her husband to get it off.
stated she has a lock down cover and it
She added no child could get it off.
Prooosed Personnel Manual for City Employees
cont i nue th is pend i ng the se lec t ion of a new
Gi llespie seconded. Mot ion CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Hays moved they
Ci ty Managel-. Counci lpel-son
Payment of $24,570 to Volusia County for Road Impact Fees for Whistle Stop Park-
Councilpel-son Gillespie moved to pay the $24,570 to Volusia County fOl- the Road
Impact Fee fOl- Whistle Stop Pal-k. Councilman Jones seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-
Res. 91-R-30 Repealino Res. 89-R-35 rei engaoement of Greenbura. Trauria,
Hoffman, Lipoff. Rosen & Quentel as supolemental Legal counsel durina Caoital
Improyements Program Mayor Wessler read the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 91-R-30 A
HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Counc i lpel-son Gi llesp ie moved to
adopt Res. 91-R-30. Councilman Ha.ys seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Res. 91-R-31 5upoortina the proposed Veterans Administration Hospital being
located in Volusia County. Mayor Wessler read the Resolution. RESOLUTION 91-R-31
DATE. Councilpe,-son Ma,-tin moved to adopt Resolution 91-R-31. Councilman Jones
seconded. Councilman Hays stated he has a. conflict and will abstain.
Counc i lman Hays s ta. ted as he is a hea 1 th cal-e workel- he ''401.1 ld 1 i ke the necessa,-y
fo,-ms f,-om the City Cled::'s Office to file with the State. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilman Hays abstained.
Mayor Wessler stated the procedure for appointing members to Advisory Boards that
each Councilperson would appoint one member. She added the City Clerk or
Recording Secretary would keep track of who had appointed the last Board Member
and they would start from there.
Councilman Hays moved that they table the Board appointments until they could
have a special meeting and have the Board Members present. Councilperson Martin
seconded. Councilperson Gillespie stated this would leave the Boards high and
dry. She questioned if they could give an extension to the present board
members to continue until the appointments can be made. There was discussion
concerning dates for a Special Meeting with the Board Members. The date of
Saturday, July 27, 1991 at 9:00 a.m. was selected. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Pete Helsten, Chairman, Land Development and Regulatory Agency, stated he agrees
with the Council's idea of getting the Community and the Boards involved in the
selection process. He added the only thing he has a problem with is the meeting
being on a Saturday. He feels that a lot of people are on vacation and some work
on Saturday. He would suggest if they are going to do this then they should
schedule it at a Regular Council Meeting.
Mayor Wessler stated she wanted to call a special meeting for the 8th of July so
perhaps they could work some of the Boards in then. Ms. Clayton stated she
would not be available for attendance at a meeting on July 8th. Councilman Hays
stated maybe they should break it up. Mayor Wessler stated they could leave it
for July 27th and any Boards that they see they are not going to get the majority
of Board members to show up then they can reschedule those Boards for another
day. Councilperson Gillespie stated since they were calling a meeting for July
8th could they put two of the Boards on that night following the Council meeting
and carry the balance over onto the 27th.
Regular Council Meeting
July 1, 1991
Mayor Wessler stated they should see the two Boards who need members the most.
She stated the Industrial Development Board needed four members and the Merit
Board needed three. Councilperson Gillespie moved they start the procedure of
committee discussion with the Industrial Development Board and the Merit Board
on or about 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 8th and the balance of all Boards and
appointments to be done on July 27. Councilman Hays seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-
Second Readina: (Public Hearing)
Councilperson Gillespie moved to go into Public Hearing. Councilman Hays
seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Public Hearing on Ord. 91-0-4 Annexing Dart of Lot 2. Edqewater Country Estates,
located West of U.S.1 between Roberts Road. and 28th Street to correct prior
error in legal description. Mayor Wessler stated the real estate agent
representing these people could not attend. She asked if there is anyone else
that wishes to speak on this Ordinance. Being no one, Councilperson Gillespie
moved to close the Public Hearing. Councilman Jones seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-
O. Mayor Wessler read the Ordinance. ORDINANCE 91-0-4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY
Councilperson Gillespie moved to accept Ordinance 91-0-4 as a correction.
Councilperson Martin seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Action on Reclaimed Water Reuse Master Plan Drepared by Briley. Wild & Associates
Councilperson Gillespie moved that we submit the plan as given to us to DER for
their consideration but subject to further correction. Councilman Hays seconded.
Councilman Hays requested that the financing verbiage be left to another time.
Ms. Clayton asked about Councilperson Gillespie's motion concerning corrections,
was she talking about after the review and comment of the reviewing agency.
Councilperson Gillespie stated yes there are two agencies involved, DER and
Volusia Flagler. Ms. Clayton stated the study would contain certain alternatives
that Council choose from. Ms. Clayton stated she had people asking her questions
as to whether this deals with the entire City or a portion of the City. She added
those issues ought to be clarified so that everybody understands the
alternatives and there should be a public information program with Dyer Riddle
and Briley Wild discussing the pros and cons so that those alternatives can be
selected. Councilperson Gillespie stated the motion was made strictly because
the settlement date is July 1st and it must move on to DER to meet the
requirements of the settlement of the law suit and then it will come back with
comments. She added at that time the Council will need to act in good faith.
Ms. Clayton stated financing would be an important part. It would require some
very careful questions and answers about what is the fair allocation because your
assessment program is going to have to contain two attributes: one attribute
having a nexus benefit, the people who pay the assessment are going to have to
rece i ve the benef it fOI- wha t they pay fOl-. She added the second at tt- ibu te is
having a fail- apPol-tionment; the pel-son who is paying to obtain the benefit of
the assessment pl-ogl-am is not going to pay more in his assessment than someone
else is paying for the same benefit. Ms. Clayton stated you have to have these
two ingl-edients fOI- the pl-ogl-am to pass mustel- and this is an issue which is not
yet l-eso 1 ved. Ms. Clayton stated the ques t ioni nf;J and answel- i ng needs to take
place in a public information session.
Council Regular Meeting
July 1, 1991
A Representative of Briley Wild stated he had met with Councilman Hays and spoken
briefly with each of the Council membel-s after their meeting with them last week.
He said they have made a few minor I-evisions in theil- l-epol-t that he d istdbuted
to them tonight. He stated they have added on page 6-9 a section descl-ibing the
Nat ional Estual-y Pl-ogl-am and they also added a sect ion 011 S.l.J. I.M. Pl-ogl-am to
e~~pL~in the genel-al funding. He l<lent to page 6-11, Financing Recommendations,
and I-ead two pal-agl-aphs st_~ting that they wel-e vel-Y genel-al and does not pin them
down on financing. He stated the City Staff is all-eady stal-ting to make some
financing contacts. Ms. Clayton stated things need to be defined so that
everyone can understand and the old users and new users in Florida Shores can
then determine how to allocate it within the assessment program or how to pay for
it otherwise out of user fees. The Representative from Briley Wild stated that
he had prepared a transmittal letter to DER and copies of the report are
enclosed. He also sent a copy to St. Johns because we do have a consumptive use
permit. Councilman Hays stated he had spoken with Mr. Bidgood from the
Volusia/Flagler Environmental Pact concerning the effluent disposal in the
Turnbull Hammocl(. Councilman Hays stated he would like to remind them that he
thought the shell pit on Mango Tree Drive would be one resource for a place to
dispose the effluent during the rainy season and there may be some other areas in
the City that can also be used as alternatives.
Lee Bidqood, representative of Volusia/Flagler Environmental Pact, stated their
concerns are in the environmental and they would prefer to see storage ponds for
wet weather retention. He added wet weather discharge to the Indian River is at
the wrong time. He stated one of the problems is that you are adding fresh water
which upsets the salinity balance and in dry times it is all right but in wet
times is too much. M.-. Bidgood stated wetlands al-e being used to b-eat sel<lage
effluent successfully and usu.ally these al-e ma.n made l<letlands. He added you al-e
putting nutl-ients into the wetlands and thel-e needs to be some way of hal-vesting
a crop otherwise the system gets ovedoaded wi th nub- ients. Nr. Bidgood stated
DER fl-owned on using Spl-uce CI-eek swamp as a place to dischal-ge tt-eated effluent
in times of ovel-flow. He said fOI- wetland-:; dischal-ge you need to do a one yeal-
basel ine moni tOl- ing study to learn the cond i t ions that pl-evai 1 in that wet land
befol-e you stal-t the pl-ogl-am and it is going to be expensive. He added it may be
a financial incentive to find stol-age al-eas to allow you to store the treated
effluent dudng the !; imes that it is not being used.
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Aooointina a screeninq committee for City Manaqer Aoolications. Councilman Hays
moved to use the Flol- ida Ci ty/County Managel-s Association as a sCI-eening
committee fOl- theit- I-ecommendation. He added the Council should send them the
whoOle batch and have them bl-ing back ten applicants from which they can choose
whom they 1 ike and maintain the opt ion to add anyone that they so desil-e. Ms.
Clayton stated the name of the gentleman they need to get in touch with is Rod
Kendic~:: who is the Pt-esident of the Association and he will use the Flol-ida
League of Cities Administl-ative pel-son, Ken Small, as the Adminisb-ative
Assistant to help in getting whatevet- he needs. Councilpel-son Mal-tin seconded.
Mot ion CARRIED 5-0.
Parkina and storaae of commercial and recreational vehicles in residential areas
Councilperson Gillespie stated she was pleased that we matched verbatim New
Smryna Beach as far as A,B, & C of our Code. She asked if we could possibly
draft something like Section 30-189 A t B from the City of Holly Hill parking and
storage of vehicles. She said there is a problem with people putting cars for
sale on Indian River Blvd. Councilperson Gillespie stated although they are
cited, it is under a different ruling and she feels this might clear up that
particular section and speed things along for our Code Enforcement people. Mayor
loJessler asked Lynne Plaskett, Assistant Planning and Zoning Director to 1001.: into
this. Councilperson Gillespie questioned if we would also like to add from New
Smryna D ~ E since we have A, B, t C verbatim. Ms. Plaskett stated the Land
Development and Regulatory Agency had many meetings and this item is already
being addressed in the new Land Development Regulations. She asked if Council
had a chance to loo~: at that yet. Counc i Iperson Gi llespie stated no. Ms.
Plaskett stated they may want to look at it before they make a change and then
approve another one in August. Councilperson Gillespie stated she felt they
should leave this until LDRA brings in their recommendation.
Regular Council Meeting
July 1, 1991
Council/Officers ReDorts
Interim City Attornev- Ms. Clayton spol(e regarding the proposed contract for
the City Attorney. Ms. Clayton stated she had several conversations with Ms.
Krista Storey and she stated she would like $60,000; she felt that was fair for
the area. Ms. Clayton stated Ms. Storey would like to see $1,500 in moving
expenses as a ma>: imum. Ms. Clayton added the contt-act call';; fOl- a two yeal- tel-m
I-enewable fOI- two yeal- tel-ms unless othel-wise tel-minated. The termination
provision would be pl-ovided undel- thl-ee cond i hons: 1) The Ci ty' s convenience.
If this happens thel-e is 120 day sevel-a.nce I-equil-ement. 2) Cause. This is
defined. Thel-e would be no sevel-ance. 3) By the Ci ty Attonley if she pl-ovides
90 days pl-iol- wl-itten notice. Ms. Clayton stated Ms. StOl-ey has asked for a
wrap-up as she has ongo ing cases that would I-ecall hel- but it would not
intel-fel-e wi th hel- wOI-k hel-e. Ms. Clayton stated Ms. Stol-ey had a small p,-ob lem
with the I-esidency I-equil-ement as she was concenled with finding a place to I-ent
that would take hel- sevel-al dogs and cats and quest ioned if it could be wi th in a
cel-tain ,-adius of the Ci ty. Ms. Clayton stated Ms. StOl-ey would begin officially
on Septembel- 3 and she would like to attend City Council Meetings unofficia.lly
befol-e she assumes hel- dut ies, mak ing ita smooth tl-ansi t ion. M'5. Clayton asked
fOI- guidance f,-om the Council. Councilman Hays stated thel-e was a pl-oblem with
the Ci ty Attonley not being in I-esidence and pal-t of that was due to the p,-oblems
with the pl-evious City Attonley. Councilman Hays sugge'5ted if Ms. StOl-y can't
find a I-esidence in the City limits as long as he doesn't have to make a long
distance phone call. Councilperson Gillespie stated after a year she should be
within the City limits. Councilman Jones stated he feels strongly that she
should be in the City limits within the year time limit. Councilperson
Gillespie stated she feels that her salary should be $57,500. Ms. Clayton stated
advancement is seen in terms of money. She stated that the Council was asking
Ms. Storey to come to a place that is risky. Councilperson Martin stated she
feels that is not too much for what they are asking her to do. Councilman Hays
stated he would hate to see the City lose a good person over a couple of hundred
dollars. Councilman Jones questioned how about $57,500 plus moving expenses of
$1,500 and after six months going to ,.60,000.
Counei Iperson Martin moved to accept the salary of $60,000 I~i th $1,500 for
moving expenses and a contract that terminates on May 1st 1993 which is six
months after the election and she would reside within the City within the first
12 months of employment. Ms. Clayton read the items that would be considered
cause for termination and said that you must provide 30 days notice and 120 days
severance pay. Councilperson Gillespie stated that she wanted to take the
prOVISIon for severance payout. She felt that if they could not get along then
they should just part friends but not financially indebted to either one. Ms.
Clayton stated prior contracts with Jose Alvarez had a two year severance
provision. She said it was standard in most local government contracts that six
months is the severance measure for convenience termination. Ms. Clayton stated
that due to the size of the City she feels that it is more appropriate to use the
model found in the Code of Ordinances for the City Manager for severance which is
four months. Councilperson Gillespie stated this was all dependent on Ms.
Storey's clearance coming in. Councilman Hays seconded the motion.
Doris Hill. Lincoln Road, questioned if the City Attorney could be taken care of
at election time and for her to serve at the new Council's pleasure and at the
end of that time we wouldn't be liable for any more time, instead of giving her a
contract for two full years. Mayor Wessler stated it would not be for two
years. It would be from September 3, 1991 to May 31, 1993. It is six months
beyond the election.
Councilman Hays stated it would be in the best interest of the person coming in
on the newly elected City Council that they have that interim period. He stated
the new Council would have the inte,-im pel-iod to decide if they. wanted to keep
the attonley 01- start the pl-ocess again to select a pel-son who could wod:: wi th
them. He added what they had wi th the pl-eviol.Js pel-son l'4aS they inhed ted a two
ye.a. conti-act.
Regular Council Meeting
July 1, 1991
GeOl-ae Ewina. stated he feels that they are glvlng the nel~ Council the same
problem as when they came in. He said the next Council is going to have to pay
Ms. Storey 120 days. Councilman Hays stated Mr. E\~ing was making an assumption.
Mr. Ewing said Council should be telling Ms. Storey what they are going to offer
her, and to remember that they are offering her the taxpayers money. Mayor
Wessler stated Council does remember they are offering her taxpayer money. Mr.
Ewing asked if he would be allowed to finish. Mayor Wessler stated that Mr.
Ewing stands up at every Council meeting and tries to tear the Council apart.
Mr. Ewing questioned what he had said to give the assumption he was trying to
tear the Council apart. Mayor Wessler stated he was trying to say that this
Council is not rationally thinking out their decisions and they are. She added
they are discussing it and they have not made a decision. Mayor Wessler stated
the Council is making the best rational decision. Mr. Ewing reminded Council
they are using taxpayer money and requested they do not give a problem to the
next Council. Mr. Ewing asked what he has said that is not for the benefit of
the taxpayers. Mayor Wessler stated she found it insulting for Mr. Ewing to say
they are not in charge. Councilperson Martin asked Mr. Ewing to give the new
Council time to decide. Councilman Hays asked Mr. Ewing if he would pick up his
family and move for the period of one year. He stated they had gone through six
months trying to find the best candidate for this position for the City of
Edgewater. He added Ms. Storey was not here to work for the City Council
members, she was to work for the benefit of the City of Edgewater. He feels Ms.
Storey is a good person and he hopes Mr. Ewing trusts their judgement.
Mr. Ewing again questioned what he had said to criticize the Council and he would
like for the Mayor to let him know. Mayor Wessler stated she would.
Dominick Fazzone, 302 Paradise Lane, stated he sits here meeting after meeting
and they loudly proclaim things are not right. He said you get what you pay for
and nobody is going to come here into a volcano for nothing. He feels Ms. Storey
has wonderful qualities to be a good attorney for the City of Edgewater. Mr.
Fazzone stated he feels they will be pleased if they get the services. He said
it makes him sad to think that people complain that the Council is not doing
their job.
Mayor Wessler called a five minute break at this time. 9:40 p.m.
resumed at 9:55 p.m.
Discussion was resumed concerning the City Attorney's contract. Mayor Wessler
stated at the end of the contract they could just not renew. Councilman Hays said
they need a reasonable severability for both sides. Ms. Clayton stated there is
a question in the minds of some as to if there is no renewal of a contract and
they are terminated, do they get a severance pay. She added if the contract
renews at some point down the road the bargaining power shifts because they can
always move on to higher pay at other places. Ms. Clayton stated that six months
severance was usual for the City Manager and the City Attorney.
Councilperson Martin's motion to accept the salary of $60,000 with $1,500 for
moving expenses and also to have a residency requirement and a termination of
contract date of May 31, 1993 was seconed by Councilman Hays. Motion CARRIED 3-
2. Councilman Jones and Councilperson Gillespie voted NO.
Acting City ManaQsr
Mr. Munoz stated the previous City Manager has applied for Unemployment and there
was a $225 per l'Jeek benef it. Counc i lman Hays stated he thought that when they
severed their relationship with the previous City Manager they were done and now
he wants to get mOl-e money f,-om the City. Councilman Hays asked Ms. Clayton if
she had an opinion. Ms. Clayton stated she wonden~d if the City could sue him
fOl- f,-ivolpus action. Mayor Wessler stated we should just deny him unemployment
and go on from there.
Ci tv Counci 1
Councilman Jones stated some work that was done on I(napp Street was performed by
a Port Orange crew and the crew had taken down some trees and left some muck.
Councilman Jones moved to fix the area and replant the trees. Councilperson
Gillespie seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Regulary Council Meeting
J u 1 Y 1, 1 991
Councilman Jones requested to go to a Florida league of Cities Conference. Mayor
Wessler stated she would also like to attend. She added the cost for the eight
hour seminar per person l-.lould be $35.00.
Councilperson Martin
they were having
approached the City
can't get it fixed.
reported a situation at Thomas and S. Riverside Drive where
a problem with stormwater runoff and the gentleman has
several times. She added he is paying the stormwater fee and
Mayor Wessler stated she felt very uncomfortable that most of the Department
Heads were on vacation at the same time. Councilperson Gillespie agreed.
Councilperson Gillespie
Darryl Crossland and Rob
Water Resources Workshop.
requested that a letter be put in the personnel files of
Deloach for their participation in the Second Annual
Councilperson Gillespie had a request from Kevin Helman for a nonrepairable fire
hydrant. She stated Mr. Wadsworth said it l-.laS 0.1(. wi th him if they had
Council's approval and there was no objection.
Councilperson Gillespie moved to make corrections on the water lines throughout
the City to meet the minimum State Standard of six inch water lines in the plan
to upgrade the water system. Councilma~ Hays seconded. Councilman Hays stated
this has to be budgeted. Councilperson Gillespie stated the citizens need to get
the minimum State Standard. Mayor Wessler stated she agrees however would
Coucnilperson Gillespie want them to pay for this at the same time the CIP is
going on. Councilperson Martin questioned how the new plant was going to work
with two inch lines. Mayor Wessler stated the consulting engineer said the six
inch lines were not needed. Councilman Hays stated the Edgewater lines should be
sufficient. Mayor Wessler agreed. Councilman Jones stated that in New
Smyrna they call the power plant and have them boost up the pressure when they
need it to fight fires. Councilperson Gillespie stated some of the lines go from
two inches to six inches and back to two inches again for no reason. Councilman
Jones stated that was 87 miles of pipe and to plan for it now was O.K.
Motion CARRIED 3-2. Councilman Jones and Mayor Wessler voted NO.
Councilman Hays stated he would like to know what the public statement regarding
Griffith and Associates confidentiality at a previous meeting was about. Mayor
Wessler stated she already had a meeting with Mr. House. Councilman Jones stated
if you start something publicly it should be finished publicly. Mayor Wessler
stated that she ha.s discussed it wi th M,-. House and that is a fa,- as it wi 11 go.
Counci lman Hays stated he would 1 ike a ,-epo,-t f,-om M.-. House on that. MaYlJl-
Wessle,- stated that was fine.
Councilman Hays stated he would like to l(now the status of the survey for our
records and police evidence room. Mr. Munoz stated the Ms. Plaskett does all of
the design work and he would find out for him.
Mayor Wessler stated there was a need for a special meeting next Monday based on
some changes that are needed in the Resolution. Mr. Munoz stated that was
correct and they also needed to fix the date time, and place of the Final Public
Hearing. He said they would also authorize the publication and mailing of notice
of Final Assessment. Mayor Wessler stated they could include to be heard at that
meeting the Boards that they had discussed earlier.
Ms. Clayton stated she cannot be there
d i ffe,-ence of op 11110n among the p,-ofessionals
to the Special Assessment Resolution ,-esults
fai,- assessment. She stated she doesn't want
the sub jec t ma t te,- fO!- the 8th bu t she will
chance to discuss it with eve'-ybody.
on the 8th. She stated there was a
in ,-ega,-d to whe the,- the amendmen t
in a more fair assessment or a less
to interfere with the scheduling or
'-esente comment unt i 1 she has had a
Regular Council Meeting
July 1, 1991
Ms. Clayton stated this was the subject matter on the Conference Call that was
discussed today between Financial Advisor, the Bond Counselor, Consulting
Engineer, and the City Manager. Ms. Clayton was unable to be on that conference
call and the discussion has to do with the revision to the assessment instead of
assessing by 2 1/2 lot extents so that if a pel-son owns mOl-e than 2 1/2 lots they
will have to have a change to theil- assessment. She added if a single ownel- owns
mOI-e than two lot.:; they wi 11 st i 11 be assessed fOI- one pal-eel. She has discussed
that pl-ogl-am wi th the Bond Cou.ne i I whethel- 01- not that is less fail- 01- mOl-e fail-.
Ms. Clayton stated she has yet to study it enough to draw a conclusion that she
would be giving to the Council at the meeting where they will be discussion the
amendment to the Resolution. She said she would do what she could do to have a
report for them by the Special Meeting or a suggestion that it be continued until
it can be fully discussed. Mayor Wessler questioned if it could be continued
under their present schedule. Ms. Clayton stated she did not know and that is why
she did not ask that it not be scheduled.
Questions From Press
There were no questions from the Press at this time.
Citizens Comments
Dominick Fazzone, 302 Paradise Lane, stated he would like to have the Council
investigate some of the comments that were made here as one gentleman had made a
statement concerning the 1957 sewer system grant. He said some of the people
who are here complaining have only lived in the City for one or two years and the
subdivisions paid for their own sewer systems. Councilperson Gillespie stated
Florida Shores is not a subdivision. Mr. Fazzone stated he was asking Council to
look into it and go back and find how much would be fair and equitable. He
doesn't know how the people can say they paid for sewer.
Andy Anderson, stated it should be looked into whether
is entitled to unemployment. He stated for grass to be
at least 2 foot high. He feels it should be 1 foot.
would look into how other City Ordinances read.
the former City Manager
in violation it has to be
Mayor Wessler stated she
Joe Martin. Lot 15 Cherokee Ridge, stated as he listened to them tonight
regarding protecting the toddler, the same criteria should be used for the
balconies that is available through the Standard Building Code.
Doris Hill, Lincoln Road, spoke regarding the hiring of the City "'anager. She
stated the City has been in turmoil since b months before election. She said she
was against firing anybody. She stated she was bitter when the Council fired the
City Manager. Ms. Hill said she feels the City has been through so much turmoil,
but the City keeps running, and it keeps running smoothly. She feels that Mr.
Munoz is good for the City. She stated we need something to bring us together,
not pull us apart.
Councilman Jones moved to adjourn. Councilperson Gillespie seconded.
was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Regular Council Meeting
July 1, 1917'1
Minutes submitted by:
Li sa R. t1 i 11 et-
MAYOR ~- ~
Approved this ~ day of
~ ' 199-1-.
~ )/
Hays, Michael D. Edgewater City Council
Edgewater Volusia N/A
July 1, 1991 x-! ELECTIVE ,. APPOINTIVE
This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board,
council, commission, authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented
with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. The requirements of this iaw are mandatory; although
the use of this particular form is not required by law, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by law.
Your responsibilities under the law when faced with a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending
on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this fom'
before completing the reverse side and filing the form.
A person holding elective county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures
to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special
gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained.
In either case, you should disclose the conflict:
PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on
which you are abstaining from voting; and
WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for :-eccrding
the n:inute~ of the meeting, who :.houid incorporate the form in the minutes.
A person holding appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which
inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the
special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained.
A person holding an appointive local office otherwise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must
disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision by oral or written communication, whether
made by the officer or at his direction.
· You should complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the d~cision) with the person responsible for
recording the minutes of the meeting, who wiII incorporate the form in the minutes.
· :\ copy of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agency.
· The form should be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest.
. You should disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating.
. You should complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minutes
of the meeting. who should incorporate the form in the minutes.
I. Michael D. Hays , hereby disclose that on
(a) A measu80r will come before my agency which (check one)
_ inured to my special private gain; or
July 1
_ inured to the special gain of
, by whom i am retained.
(b) The measure before my agency and the nature of my interest in the measure is as follows:
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Date Filed