01-22-1990 - Special/Public Hearing
JANUARY 22, 1990
Mayor Mitchum called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center.
He read the items on the agenda, stating the first two items are public hearings
and items 3 through 9 are for Council action.
Mayor David Mitchum
Councilman Dan Hatfield
Councilmember Gigi Bennington
Councilman Russell Gold
Councilman Thomas Fish
City Attorney Jose' Alvarez
City Manager Elly Johnson
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Mayor Mitchum suggested a motion to go from the special meeting to the public
hearing. Councilman Gold so moved. Councilman Hatfield seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Public Hearina and action: request to rezone NW and SW corners of India Palm
Drive and 442 from R-1B to B-2 - Mr. Johnson stated the Land Development &
Regulatory Agency has recommended denial of this request to rezone.
Ralph Hope, 1842 India Palm, opposed the rezoning. He expressed concern that
the business could change to another business at a later date which would not
improve the area. He referred to the water problems from the Jiffy store when
it rains with water to the center of the road, and if they put it on the other
side, the water will fill the entire road. He pointed out regulations have
changed regard i ng dump i ng water since his house was bu il t 30 years ago. He
stated the Jiffy store business causes paper cups and sandwich wrappers to be
in his yard from across the street and this would be worse.
DOUQ Libby, 2201-12th Street, represented both corner lots. He stated he wants
to have an ice cream store and Mae Thompson, the owner of the other corner lot,
wants to have a child care or professional office. He pointed out when the gas
pumps went in there were no buffers required. He said neither of their
businesses would be offensive to a neighborhood. He stated they'll create a
developer's agreement to put a fence and tree line on the west lot lines of both
lots to provide a buffer and beautify the street with a divider between
commercial and residential to insure no domino effect continues down the street.
He said he surveyed some of the residents and this type of business is welcomed
by the community. He said held conferred with a law firm dealing with munici-
palities and he'll agree to any deed restrictions to rule out certain businesses
such as a gas station or pool hall or anything like that. He pointed out that
regardless of whether a house or business goes there, they'll have to meet the
drainage requirements. He added that regarding paper cups and trash, his site
plan will include a barrier between his home and the business and he'll try to
get along with his neighbors.
Frank Roe, 2732 Juniper, objected because of 442 traffic but may change his mind
when it's four laned. Held heard Council won't try to generate business on 442,
they don1t know what business will end up in these places, and it would be a poor
idea to grant it.
John Whittenton, 1843 India Palm, stated they don't know what will happen in two
years, they don't want it zoned for business or more junk in his yard. He added
the railroad track area can be zoned and they have the shopping center.
Arnold Simonsen, 1846 India Palm, asked that they leave it as it is. He said
if they zone it then maybe the next street will be the same and then all the way
to 95 and he's very much opposed to it.
Donald Warren, 1851 Juniper, opposed the rezoning.
Public Hearin" and action: Request to rezone Lots 49 throu"h 61. Banvon Tree
Drive. from R-1B to B-2. R-4. or R-5 - Mr. Johnson stated they received the
recommendation from the Land Development and Regulatory Agency to deny this
Frank Roe, from the audience, asked where it is. Mayor Mitchum replied it's
behind the shopping center.
Mayor Mitchum requested a motion to go from the publ ic hearing back to the
special meeting. Councilman Hatfield so moved. Councilmember Bennington
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
India Palm action - Councilmember Bennington moved they accept the LDRA
recommendation and deny the rezoning based on their reasons. Councilman Hatfield
seconded the motion. Councilmember Bennington noted for the record there was
an ordinance in effect on buffers from commercial to residential and it's been
on the books since 1983 so it was erroneous to say there was no buffer required.
She noted that 5 or 6 years ago the Planning Board wanted to rezone that whole
strip to B-2, the public didn1t want it, and it didn't get past the Planning
Board, and from what they1re hearing now, the public still doesn't want it. She
agreed there's too much traffic from 442 now. Motion CARRIED 3-2. Mayor Mitchum
and Councilman Gold voted NO.
Banyon Tree Drive action - Councilman Gold asked the depth of those lots. A
gentleman from the audience replied 125 feet. Councilman Hatfield moved they
deny the rezoning request. Councilmember Bennington seconded the motion. Motion
Utilities Director's request to contract for Flaaler Avenue sewer line repairs
with Insituform Southeast. Inc. as sole source vendor Mr. Johnson stated in
December they received bids on several streets, they were too high, and it was
recommended to reject them and advertise for Flagler only because of street
repairs. Councilman Fish asked if other firms perform that same type of repair
work or if this is a sole source. Mr. Terrv Wadsworth, Utilities Director,
replied the inversion lining process they use is patented and it will keep it
consistent with North Flagler which was done two years ago and had good results.
Mr. Johnson asked if they'd done other jobs. Mr. Wadsworth replied only one.
Councilmember Bennington asked if 9.27 (4)(b) regarding patent rights is the
reason. Mr. Wadsworth replied yes. Councilmember Bennington asked why they
didn1t do it first and not put out for bid for all streets if they're the sole
source and we've had satisfactory experience with them. Mr. Wadsworth replied
their type of repair methods couldn't be used on some of the streets and by
breaking it out on Flagler they save $12,576.25 as explained in the DRMP letter.
Councilmember Bennington asked why they didn't go there first for Flagler. Mr.
Wadsworth replied they felt they'd get a better price if they bid all the jobs
at one time but it didn't work that way. Councilmember Bennington asked why they
didn't bid. Mr. Wadsworth replied they couldn't perform all the work. Council-
member Bennington asked if the repairs are budgeted. Mr. Wadsworth replied yes.
Councilmember Bennington asked how much it came in over budget. Mr. Wadsworth
replied about $65,000 was budgeted and they thought it would be $49,-$50,000,
but there1s a lot of new construction in the area and most contractors want to
do that. Councilmember Bennington noted these are on gravity system and they
have to expend funds to keep it working. Mr. Wadsworth agreed. Councilman Fish
moved they accept the Utilities Director's request. Councilman Hatfield seconded
the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Res. 90-R-5 Beautification Committee's recommendation to apply for DOT Hiahway
Beautification Grant for U.S. 1 median - Mr. Johnson stated he and the Beautifi-
cation Committee are recommending applying for a highway beautification grant
and when it1s approved, they'll come back to Council for approval. He said the
total cost is approximately $40,000 with 50% matching costs which can be in kind
services, and it has a February 1st deadline and needs an architect1s seal.
Mayor Mitchum read the Resolution. RES. 90-R-5 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Gold moved for approval
of Resolution 90-R-5. Councilman Hatfield seconded the motion.
Council Special Meeting
& Public Hearing Minutes
January 22, 1990
Res. 90-R-5 Beautification Committee's recommendation to apply for DOT Hiqhway
Beautification Grant for U.S. 1 median (Continued)
Councilmember Bennington stated she has a problem with the way this was handled.
She asked if the cost for engineers and landscape architect is $4,000. Mr.
Johnson replied the $4,000 is just for landscape architect and it will be
eligible for the cost. Councilmember Bennington asked about the 20% overhead
and profit. Mr. Johnson replied he doesn't know where the profit came from and
it's not to exceed $4,000. He pointed out DOT is going to do some work and will
buy some rights of way on 442 and the grant can be cut down according to the
final 1 ine up as to what can be done without irrigation. Councilmember
Bennington said the cost is just an estimate at $43,211 and it will not go over
$40,000. Mr. Johnson stated they won't apply for more than $40,000. Council-
member Bennington asked where the money will come from. Mr. Johnson replied in
kind costs with materials and manpower and it will be not approved and received
until the next fiscal year. Councilmember Bennington asked if they can count
volunteers. Mr. Johnson replied they can count the City labor. Councilmember
Bennington asked how they can maintain it after it's in. Mr. Johnson replied
there's a two man crew that works on median maintenance for 442 and U.S. 1 and
they got a State grant for that. Councilmember Bennington stated they went to
the south because of the work they'll be doing to the north. Mr. Johnson
explained Park Avenue is in the process with the County and several to the north
are all concrete and they have to consider irrigation. Councilmember Bennington
asked if the balance will come from special road maintenance funds that were
approved. Mr. Johnson replied yes, in the budget. Councilmember Bennington
asked where the plans are for the grant. Mr. Johnson explained the requirements
of height and types of plants that will be approved by DOT.
Councilmember Bennington asked if the resolution is just to apply for a 50/50
grant. Mr. Johnson replied once it's approved, then you have to accept it and
it's not official until the City accepts the grant. Councilmember Bennington
asked how they'd change it if there's a problem with some of the plans and they
don't like it. Mr. Johnson replied they'd reject the grant. Councilmember
Bennington expressed concern about it.
Mr. Johnson noted they have 3 or 4 people in the landscape business on the
Beautification Committee and they're recommending to do this and they made
suggestions on some of the plants. He added they don't have to accept the grant.
Councilmember Bennington asked if they're paying the landscape architect to do
the design. Mr. Johnson repl ied it I S reimbursable if they get the grant.
Councilmember Bennington asked if would be 50%. Mr. Johnson agreed, adding if
they proceed with the way they require, it will be about $4,000. Councilmember
Bennington asked if it's about $2,000 for our part. Mr. Johnson agreed.
Councilmember Bennington stated she understands the time frame but doesn't like
to vote for something they don't see, but they have the paper work and will take
the Beautification Committee's word on this because she trusts them, but would
like plans when they have something like this. Motion to approve Resolution
90-R-5 CARRIED 5-0.
Res. 90-R-6 Authorizinq contract with Raymond James & Associates as City's
Financial Advisors - Mr. Johnson stated that at the last Council meeting, Council
authorized the CIP Committee to meet with Raymond James and negotiate an
agreement related to the services of Financial Advisor and they met January 16th
and the following is their recommendation: $8,000 per issue, 75 cents per $1,000
and a maximum of $2,000 expenses for each issue for in-State travel and expenses
only. He added the only exception is if there's a second issue related to the
State Revolving funds but there will be no up front costs. He pointed out this
is all contingent on the City issuing the bonds and there's no cost if the City
doesn't issue the bonds. Councilmember Bennington asked how it would be handled
if they come up with an alternative method instead of bonds. Mr. Johnson replied
if there's an issue you have to do all the information, but if there's none, then
there's no cost involved. Councilman Hatfield asked how this compares with the
predecessor. Mr. Johnson explained they had a contract with a financial
investment and underwriter and it's a flat rate based on the issue cost, and this
is competitive from what they could find out in surrounding areas such as New
Smyrna Beach. He pointed out it was quoted at $10,000 plus $1.00 per $1,000 and
no cap on expenses.
Council Special Meeting
& Public Hearing Minutes
January 22, 1990
. .
Res. 90-R-6 Authorhing contract with Ravmond James & Associates as City's
Financial Advisors (Continued)
Mayor Mitchum read the Resolution. RES. 90-R-6 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilmember Bennington moved they accept
90-R-6. Councilman Hatfield seconded the motion. Councilman Fish stated they
started this financing with A. G. Edwards who was to act as Financial Advisor
and then resign and become underwriters and it was Fred Pauzar and Burt Saunders
and now they have a young man in charge of the account and he isn't sure he has
the experience to be a financial advisor but has the qual ifications for
structuring the bond issue. He pointed out it's imperative to have an
independent Financial Advisor to watch over this issue who has no way to gain
or lose. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Ord. 89-0-39 Adopting merit system policy. pay plan. and classification and pay
schedule (Tabled December 18. 1989) - Councilman Fish moved they pull it off the
table. Councilman Gold seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mr. Johnson stated Councilman Fish had asked for a recommendation from the Merit
Board and Council received it with the minutes from their meeting and he can
answer any questions. Mayor Mitchum read the Ordinance. ORD. 89-0-39 - AN
CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Hatfield moved to accept
Ordinance 89-0-39. Councilmember Bennington seconded for discussion.
Councilman Gold stated he agrees with some of the recommendations but doesn't
agree with the report as a whole, some of the profess iona 1 s don't get the
salaries scheduled here and some recommended classifications are high and it's
a big jump at one time, such as five steps with no documentation. He asked if
it's economically feasible to grant such increases, pointing out the fringe
benefits costs also increase. Mr. Johnson asked which was the five steps
classification. Mr. Johnson replied the Recreation Assistant was a 14 to 19.
Mr. Johnson explained that was supposed to have been taken care of when Jack
Corder was in the position and it was never done but that's the only one that's
more than one or two steps. Councilman Gold noted some went four steps for the
Police Detective Sergeant and others, and he tried to keep an open mind but a
lot are considerably higher. Mr. Johnson explained they had no Detective
Sergeant before, he's a Sergeant, and Sergeants are a 17. Councilman Gold stated
it should have been explained more clearly. Mr. Johnson noted it just shows them
where it's supposed to be and only about 20 people are getting an adjustment.
Councilman Fish stated there's a disparity in Department Head positions with the
Police Chief and Fire Chief at a 24 and the engineer at a 30, as he feels the
Police and Fire Chiefs would have more responsibility than an engineer. He added
they're looking for a professional engineer and engineers are hard to find and
they may need to induce them with money but such disparity disturbs him. Mr.
Johnson explained nobody is trying to take anything from the Police or Fire Chief
but their requirement is not more than the engineers as health and welfare and
working with sewer and water are involved in engineering, and that's the going
rate now. He added he hasn't been able to find anyone and most communities are
paying higher than that. He noted they discussed this during the budget and
put in for a $40,000 salary and no position can be approved if they weren't
approved in the budget. He added they Ire payi ng more than that for City
Engineering services now.
Councilmember Bennington stated she has no problem with the report but this was
tabled and sent back to the Merit Board for discussion and the minutes from the
Merit Board but the letter they got and the minutes only say they agree with it
and that's it. Mr. Johnson explained they gave their recommendation but they
can do a verbatim of the minutes. Councilmember Bennington again said she has
no problem with the report or the ordinance but they didn't get what they sent
it back for.
Councilman Hatfield asked Harry Jones, who was in the audience, for a summary.
Councilmember Bennington pointed out he was the only one who voted against it.
Council Special Meeting
& Public Hearing Minutes
January 22, 1990
Ord. 89-0-39 Ado t;n mer;t s stem ol;c a lan and class;f;cat;on and a
schedule (Tabled December 18. 1989) (Continued
Harrv Jones, Merit Board Chairman, stated only four members were present, it was
not discussed in great detail, and the main concern he saw was some of the grades
were jumped so many steps, but they didn't discuss just which ones. He said Mr.
Johnson was there previously and discussed it in great detail but his discussion
was all in favor of it and pointed out the good things about it. He added that
what he can't see is there's no appeal procedure for anything, but Mr. Johnson
had said at an earlier meeting that if anyone disagreed or had a problem, they1d
take it up with their immediate Supervisor and Department Head and then City
Manager. He said as a whole and on the surface it looks very good and he was
pleased to see some of that but there has been a lot of discussion among City
employees about the position descriptions and he'd like an organization location
of the individual descriptions to give them a set up as to where these positions
were stationed. He added they voted 3 to 1 in favor of it. Councilmember
Bennington asked if the Merit Board has any problems with it. Mr. Jones replied
they did not seem to have any problem with it. Mr. Johnson explained they do
have an organizational chart and it was in the budget last year, and it1s not
that they didnlt have a right of appeal but a right of grievance as set out in
the contract and it goes through the procedures and this doesn't change the
grievance procedure.
Councilmember Bennington asked if they budgeted for the increase they1re going
to have. Mr. Johnson replied yes, they have the money to take care of it in the
Motion to accept Ordinance 89-0-39 CARRIED 3-2. Councilman Gold and Councilman
Fish voted NO.
C;tv Manaaer's evaluat;on at end of sb months - Mr. Johnson stated during
discussions when he was hired Council agreed at the end of six months an
evaluation would be done and he gave them a form to fill out and for discussion
and questions. Councilmember Bennington suggested Council fill it out and give
it to the Mayor and he could tally and bring it back at the next regular meeting
as to the average. Councilman Fish stated something like this does not belong
in a special meeting and it should have been done at a regular meeting for
citizens to be able to comment because itls not just Council he works for but
also the citizens of Edgewater and held like public input. Mr. Johnson
apologized and said the discussion had been the Mayor and Council would do the
evaluation and that was why it was put on there and there was no intent to take
away from anyone. Mayor Mitchum stated he has no problem with it being a special
or regular meeting and Council has to decide whether the City Manager is eligible
for a raise.
Councilmember Bennington moved that each of the Council do their evaluation and
turn it over to the Mayor to tally and evaluate and the Mayor being it back at
the next regular meeting. Councilman Fish asked the deadline to have it to the
Mayor. Councilmember Bennington clarified they'll give it to the City Clerk who
wi 11 give it to the Mayor. It was agreed Monday, the 29th, wou 1 d be the
deadline. Councilman Fish seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Pyram;d Park Corporat;on's request that C;ty assume ma;ntenance. operat;on and
ownersh;p of lift staHon - Mr. Johnson stated the Ut il it ies Director and
Attorney have reviewed this and met with Mr. Schilling and it is recommended the
City take over the maintenance of the facility and the plant will be brought up
to the standards we require and if approved the City Attorney will draw up the
necessary paper work. Councilman Fish asked if the lift station is operating
at full capacity or if we could use some of it. Mr. Johnson replied it's built
for the size of the park which is filled. Mr. Wadsworth noted its location in
the park would make it impractical. Councilman Fish asked if it's sufficient
for that area. Mr. Wadsworth replied yes. Councilman Gold asked if it will
require any additional City employees. Mr. Wadsworth replied no, and we already
maintain one at Silver Ridge. Councilmember Bennington moved to accept their
recommendation to accept maintenance, item 1. Councilman Gold seconded the
motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Council Special Meeting
& Public Hearing Minutes
January 22, 1990
Industrial Development Board1s request re: Youna Professionals in Economic
Internship Proaram - Mr. Johnson stated they had a request from the Chairman of
the Board to put this item on the agenda because of a deadline they're facing.
Joe Martin, Chairman of the Industrial Development Board, stated they received
a letter from the State Department of Commerce regarding an intern program for
a graduate student to work on a project they would define for him and they need
the response to Tallahassee by February 1. He said the Board has been talking
about collecting information and putting it in one source to be helpful to
industries that want to locate here and those that want to expand and it was
difficult to find manpower and time to do it. He said the Board voted to
recommend they participate in the program and they'd have to make a commitment
to the State as shown on the application form to provide a place for the intern
to stay for 12 weeks and a place to work and pay $150 for one week's training
at the university before he comes down.
Councilman Fish asked the bottom line cost. Mr. Martin replied the cost to the
City would be 12 weeks I lodging plus space to work and perhaps rental of a
computer for word processing with an upper limit of $3,000. He added the Board
agreed to put $800 of their funds into that so the Council would have to provide
the difference.
Mr. Martin stated that regarding fiscal impact, the intern program is to provide
the labor to collect and assimilate the date and put it in a document and the
future fiscal impact would be how to pay for the publication of the brochures.
He said there's a second State program for up to $2,500 of matching funds to
produce papers but that would come later after the data's collected and the
document is prepared. He added there will probably be some type of handout but
production would come later. Councilman Fish asked if the cost would basically
be just room and board. Mr. Martin replied just the room and up to $150 for
a place to stay during one week at the university while training on what to do
and a place to work.
Councilman Fish suggested a citizen may want to open his home and it wouldn't
cost anything. Mr. Martin agreed, noting he should be located near.
Councilman Fish asked if they1re committed if they make application and then
change their mind or could they back out of it. Mr. Martin said he didn't know,
but if they don't make the February 1st deadline, they.ll not be committed.
Councilman Hatfield stated he's apprehensive about doing it so quickly but it
might be nice for next year and they don't have all the answers they need and
they may bring someone here without a solid plan of what they want him to do and
what direction the Council wants him to take and it could be adverse for that
person and the Council. He suggested they plan it for 1991 if possible, and
agreed it's a good idea.
Councilmember Bennington stated Council may not know just what the intern is to
do and he goes to school to learn whatls expected to put the packet together.
Mr. Martin explained he goes to school to see what.s required of him to get his
credit but we define up front what we want him to do with the description of the
project. Councilmember Bennington noted our Planning Director participated in
the program. Mark Karet, Planning and Zoning Director, stated he participated
while he was in graduate school and he stayed in a house donated through the
Chamber of Commerce by one of its members and it didn't cost the County because
of the donation and he was paid $5.00 an hour to work. Mr. Johnson pointed out
he'd hired several interns over the last few years and all had to have
subsistence and he didn't see anything about housing and held received another
letter today about another program. He noted they're required by the school
to do certain things to get credit and they can be required to do what we want.
Councilmember Bennington said they don't know what it will cost if they don1t
get someone to donate a place for this intern. Mr. Martin stated the upper limit
would be $3,000. Mr. Karet said the only cost will be the place to stay, the
space they gave him, and the $150. Councilman Hatfield asked where it would come
from in the budget. Mr. Johnson replied unappropriated funds. Mr. Karet noted
there1s some money in his budget. Mr. Martin explained they had $1,000 budgeted
and they agreed they'd pay up to $800 as the appreciation dinner has to be paid
from that fund and it was $83 last year.
Council Special Meeting
& Public Hearing Minutes
January 22, 1990
.' .
Industria 1 Development Board I s request re: Youna Professiona 15 in Economic
Internship Proaram (Continued)
Councilmember Bennington asked if there's a rough draft of what they want and
if there's anything locked in. Mr. Martin replied they briefly documented the
outline and it's in the packets of what they'd like in the document. He said
preparing to go to the State isn't the problem but the problem is finding a
place for him to stay and a place to work. Councilmember Bennington asked if
they can refuse it. Mr. Martin replied he doesn't know, but if it1s not there
by February 1st, it's a dead issue, but he doesn1t know if they1re committed or
not. Mr. Karet pointed out there will be a selection process and they'll
evaluate the different projects. Mr. Johnson agreed there's no guarantee of
getting an intern because other cities are also doing it.
Councilmember Bennington moved they submit the application on the condition that
Mr. Martin finds out if they decide if they get selected they can back out of
it if they want to. Councilman Hatfield added before the final decision is made
because once they make the decision they don't want to back out. Councilmember
Bennington agreed. Councilman Fish seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Mitchum requested a motion to adjourn. Councilman Hatfield so moved.
Councilmember Bennington seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
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Council Special Meeting
& Public Hearing Minutes
January 22, 1990