03-07-1990 - Workshop
MARCH 7, 1990
Vice Mayor Russell Gold called the Workshop to order at 7:04 p.m. in the
Community Center. He stated the purpose was for an update of the stormwater
master plan.
ROll CAll
Mayor David Mitchum
Councilman Dan Hatfield
Councilmember Gigi Bennington
Councilman Russell Gold
Councilman Thomas Fish
City Attorney Jose' Alvarez
City Manager Elly Johnson
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Vice Mayor Gold recessed the workshop at 7:05 p.m. to await the arrival of the
City's consulting engineers. The engineers arrived at 7:09 p.m. Vice Mayor Gold
called the workshop back to order at 7:10 p.m.
Mr. Ron Ferland, Project Manager, Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc.,
apologized for being late, explaining there was an accident on 1-4 that caused
the delay. He introduced Mr. Bill Musser who is in charge of the stormwater
master plan and drainage sewers. Mr. Musser introduced three other members of
their firm who were present.
Mr. Musser stated the scope of their work is to identify flooding problems and
causes throughout the City, present options to remedy the problems, establish
a master drainage basin boundary, provide guidelines for future development, and
propose design criteria for future development. He said they're seeking a
drainage conceptual permit from St. Johns. He showed a map of the high and low
points in the City, explaining the coded colors, and a map showing current
drainage basins.
Mr. Musser stated there's static flooding which occurs because the water isn't
moving and dynamic flooding is problems with water in motion. He noted two
sources go to the Indian River, one being the 18th Street canal. He displayed
a map with the different drainage soils, pointing out Florida Shores and the
Turnbull area have poor soils. He showed where the soil borings were taken about
a year ago. He explained static flooding is the most immediate and easily
remedied. He pointed out culverts were installed in a haphazard manner over the
years and the obvious solution is to lower the culverts.
Mr. Musser said some problems are with the canal itself where it wasn't graded
correctly when dug and it holds back water all the time. He added when there's
a hurricane, they have a tidal surge and water cannot flow because it has nothing
to flow to. He showed some ideas for adequately drained canals. He pointed out
sediment is a problem and they need to have a settling pit and vegetation is also
a problem with water so shallow in most canals it's conducive to aquatic growth
and hinders the flow of water.
Mr. Musser stated he'd talked with the Public Works personnel about doing some
flushing and other things to give them immediate benefit and they've talked with
some of the residents of areas where flooding occurred with routine rain events.
He added they've inventoried all the structures and canals and ponds that could
be contributing to the problem. He stated the maps will be given to Public Works
for a complete inventory and each time an improvement is made, they can update
it to have a current inventory.
Mr. Musser showed on a map where the rainfall gauging stations are located to
monitor responses of canals after rainfall. He said they looked at all canals
and pipes and some canals can't handle rainwater even from a minor rain event.
He pointed out swales will be regraded during the CIP program for Florida Shores.
Mr. Musser stated locations with immediate problems that now exist are Shangri-
La and Wildwood Subdivisions with water close to ground level and at some of the
Florida Shores areas from improper swa1e grade. He pointed out it's below
typical standards in the State and they have proposed improvements for that.
He showed on a map the Wildwood outfall canal, and a check down of one of the
can a 1 s wi th a difference between the ends. He showed five cu 1 verts at the
railroad track where mosquito dams blocked all but one. He said they feel they
can push one through and not disturb what's there and bleed the water down. He
showed the pipes on Carol Ann that had sediment in the bottom. He noted they
need to dredge out the canal in that area.
Mr. Musser stated some options that will provide immediate relief are removing
check downs but some of the projects will require hiring a private contractor
because the City doesn't have the necessary equipment. He said they need to
connect the lake to Wildwood through a ditch that's not existing and it's an
agricultural operation now. He showed the Shangri-La outfall area and pipes
that would have to be altered to maintain long term solutions,and elevation of
the houses and roadway, noting there's no place for the water to go.
Mr. Musser stated Pine Bluff and Connecticut had unusual drainage areas and
there's a pipe at Snyder that's almost completely blocked by sediment and lays
on the bottom of a dry swa1e. He showed a location on Ocean that has standing
water due to sediment in the pipe at Snyder. He pointed out that repairing
Snyder will give some relief but they have to improve the canal all the way back.
Mr. Musser explained in Shangri-La there's little difference between the top and
bottom of the road and the cu1 de sac has cracking patterns in the road because
the water table's in the base course and it will destroy it.
Mr. Musser said a short term solution would be to blow sediment from the pipe
at Snyder and then the one at Pine Bluff that's not adequate for all the drainage
going into it will have to enlarged and lowered. He pointed out they have about
3 feet in Shangri-La before it will be under water in a storm. He added they're
proposing an alternate route for Park Avenue to redirect the drainage and they've
checked to see what ut il it ies are there as some may need relocated, with a
relocated system on Hart to give them better outfall. He said they feel it can
be done and costs associated are in the draft.
Mr. Musser showed the pipes on 18th Street, noting with major storms they're
inadequate and need to be lowered. He added it would be $5,000 to $15,000 to
dig these out and lower them. He showed 442 with a DOT right of way, noting they
need to replace it but DOT will require them to meet their standards and having
traffic rerouted could be about $30,000 but it is a long term solution and will
provide the needed protection.
Mr. Musser stated some pipes are an adequate size but need to be lowered. He
said this is an option and they'11 present a final draft option with costs and
establish a master drainage plan for future development which will include trying
to regrade canals to minimize flooding and that will be done under the CIP
drainage plan.
Mr. Musser stated there's a SWIM program set up by the State regarding the Indian
River and they have a lot of guidelines about how much water is to be retained
and deta i ned to ho 1 d back water. He stated if F 1 or i da Shores doesn I t do
something about retrofit it will cause more pollution of the River. He added
they're proposing to vacate some of the rights of way for retention.
Mr. Musser stated they want to take this draft and present it to St. Johns and
have them review it to see what can be approved and the City can then decide what
will be feasible for cost.
Mr. Johnson asked about the Shangri-La problem. He noted the City has engaged
their firm to design Turgot and he understands part of Turgot and the park site
will help eliminate some of these problems. Mr. Musser replied they're looking
at all three goals in one design.
Council Workshop Minutes
March 7, 1990
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Mr. Johnson asked how they could alleviate some of the problems of Wildwood and
Shangri-La as soon as possible. Mr. Musser replied they think they can do some
of the areas without any permitting and can get with Carl Overstreet as a lot
of the solutions are relatively inexpensive. Mr. Johnson stated they'll have
to get permission from Mosquito Control on the check dam. Mr. Musser noted they
had preliminary discussions with Mosquito Control and they had no objections
and St. Johns River representatives felt it was positive rather than negative
and that they could probably work with it.
Councilman Fish stated he didn't have a chance to read this and was disappointed
with the timing as they got it Monday night.
Councilman Hatfield asked when they'll go from the rough draft to permanent.
Mr. Musser replied it will be about two weeks. Mr. Ferland suggested they get
the final report to them and give them enough time to review it and perhaps have
it for the second meeting in April. Councilman Fish stated they can decide if
they want it at a regular or special meeting. Councilman Gold agreed April will
be a good time.
Mr. Ferland stated they'll focus their next presentation on solutions and costs
associated with those solutions.
Councilman Fish moved they adjourn. Councilman Hatfield seconded the motion.
Workshop adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
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Approved this 2nd day of
Council Workshop Minutes
March 7, 1990