08-09-1990 - Budget Workshop 1. . ..,. ..""" CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER WORKSHOP AUGUST 9, 1990 MINUTES Mayor Mitchum called the Workshop for FY 1990-91 budget review to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Edgewater Library. ROLL CALL Mayor David Mitchum Councilman Dan Hatfield Councilmember Gigi Bennington Councilman Russell Gold Councilman Thomas Fish City Attorney Jose' Alvarez City Manager Elly Johnson City Clerk Susan Wadsworth Chief Lawrence Schumaker Present Present Present Present Present Excused Present Present Present Spec;a 1 Recreat;on Fac; lit;es budget was reviewed. Mr. Johnson stated the proposed amount is less than $1,000 less than last year. He noted they had expenses last year for the sound system for the ceiling and mikes that will be installed shortly in the Community Center. He explained the salary increase is the proposed increase and hea 1 th insurance and workers comp. He noted the Community Center was never charged the pro rata share for increase and it was changed. Parks & Recreat;on budget was reviewed. Mr. Johnson stated there's one additional person and with the addition of several parks they need to keep the grass cut and prepare the fields for the kids, plus Rotary Park will be on line . in the next few months. He said insurance was a big item but workers comp for this department is one of the cheapest. He explained util ity service is increased slightly due to three additional fields. Parks & Recreation Director Jack Corder explained rentals and leases is for the front end grader for the field for clearing the 26 acres. Mr. Johnson stated their share of insurance is up plus the new buildings, repair and maintenance is up slightly, and promotional activity is $51,000, but revenue is up that much also. He said they hope to have an adu 1t softba 11 and ch il dren 's 1 eague next year and other programs. Councilmember Bennington pointed out the actual budget is $370,000 when you balance revenues and expenditures. Mr. Johnson stated they operate out of the back of City Hall for maintenance of buildings and Jack's area and they'd like to build a maintenance facility on the 26 acres to have office space to operate out of until they build another facility and that will frees up space in City Hall and put Jack in closer contact where the activities are and a place for his crews to keep the equipment inside. Mr. Corder stated they'll budget for half the tennis courts at Whistle Stop Park and shuffleboard is in need of resurfacing as it's been at least 10 years since it was done. Mr. Johnson explained $10,000 is for excavation of the ballfields on the 26 acres and there's sod for ballfields and machinery and equipment is a used vehicle similar to a Cushman and you could pull and drag with it and they could pull the mower. He said the spreader is for fertilizer or sand on the back of the tractor. He said he's not sure the brush chipper is adequate for the job and they're looking at something else and OSHA has certain requirements. He said they'd like to leave it in the budget and if they cannot find something in that range, they'll come back. He explained it's their share of the sidewalk or bike path with assistance from the Port Authority but they won't make a determination until later and asked us to look at modifications. He said it will be a two year program but it's not approved yet. He pointed out a lot of people use Riverside Drive and these funds can only be used along the river. Councilmember Bennington asked if this is a two year program. Mr. Johnson replied they want to approve it up front and hope to do it in less than that but it may take longer because of survey work. He explained this is the second year payment on the School Board property and the building is shown on page 112. He said $20,000 is an estimate because of the road going through the area and stormwater retention. He explained the School Board's portion to the back of the school with the road being moved, and that they'll try to put in a soccer field. .... ...""" Parks & Recreation (Continued) Mr. Johnson explained $14,000 is the second year payment on the lights at Whistle Stop Park and the interest. Councilman Hatfield asked if engineering and stormwater, etc., for the 26 acres will come from impact money. Mr. Johnson replied yes, and what it costs to develop the park. He explained there's an alternate process and Florida League of Cities has a First Municipal Leasing Service and they've worked with a large bond house, William R. Hough, with a lease purchase program that will build facilities and in 10 years you can pay it back. He said the Master Plan should be ready before October with estimates and a rough layout. He explained they hope to have stormwater retention with the park and have stormwater runoff from Turgot and correct the problem Shangri- La has with the retention area and will take care of three problems along the East property. Councilmember Bennington asked if it's $20,000. Mr. Johnson said our share for the park and related to that road. He noted they'll look at paper block as an alternative to reduce amount of stormwater retention needed. Mr. Johnson said promotional activities has the proposed programs Jack's trying to do. Councilman Gold asked why the City pays for uniforms for all participants in sports activities. Mr. Corder replied they don't want the kids out there without the uniforms. Councilman Gold stated usually parents pay for the uniforms. Mr. Corder said that pays for T-shirts and hats and that's why fees are charged. Councilman Gold asked if the 26 acres is paid for. Mr. Johnson replied one-third has been reserved. Councilman Gold said they're paying interest on it and treating it as a new baby but they can't neglect older areas with parks such as in Edgewater Acres for playground equipment and not main- taining it. Mr. Corder said it's an old park with a slide and swing set and it1s a sma 11 parce 1 but he' 11 look into upgrad i ng it. Mr. Johnson exp 1 a i ned the reason the 26 acres is so aggressive is the School Board wants the City off the property. Councilman Gold questioned if it's that much of an emergency that they're going full force with this and paying interest and perhaps neglecting maintenance of other parks. He asked about the land at the north end. Mr. Corder replied they're still waiting for the Community Block Grant people because of a title problem. He added Highlands is a natural area but the parcel off Canal Road is waiting for the title to be cleared and there1s money in reserve to purchase playground equipment for it and our only costs will be maintenance when it's completed. Mr. Johnson said they expect it to be cleared within 90 days, the funding was appropriated, and the County Attorneyls handling it. Councilman Gold asked about debt services interest and Mr. Corder explained that's the lights they purchased. Councilman Hatfield asked if there are plans to develop Highlands Park. Mr. Corder replied no, they addressed in the Comp Plan the need for open space and there wou 1 d be a lot of i nvo 1 vement wi th environmental people since it's on the river. Councilman Hatfield asked if we maintain the property on Canal Road. Mr. Corder replied when it's developed, we'll maintain it, but it1s not ours yet. Mayor Mitchum asked how the recreation impact fee money is applied. Mr. Johnson replied with development of a park. Mayor Mitchum asked about development of the 26 acres. Mr. Johnson said it's for the payment on the property and the light fixtures at Whistle Stop Park. Mayor Mitchum asked the amount. Mr. Corder replied it's $76,000 for development of the park and $84,000 for purchase of the land the second payment on the lights, or $160,000 total. Mayor Mitchum asked the balance. Mr. Corder replied itls almost at nothing but they may have something coming in this year. Councilmember Bennington reviewed the figures, which left a balance of a little over $4,000. Mayor Mitchum asked how many fields he needs during peak baseball season. Mr. Corder replied they ran six full fields last year every night of the week. He reviewed the games and how many nights played on the different fields. Mayor Mitchum asked if they can all go on Whistle Stop Park. Mr. Corder replied no because of age groups and they took the youngest group too late in the evenings for their games. Mr. Johnson said they had seven new teams this year. Mr. Corder stated the last two years they jumped about 7 each year. Mayor Mitchum asked if they can use the School Board land next year. Mr. Johnson said all they're doing on the 26 acres is the maintenance building and ballfield. Mayor Mitchum asked if they have to have that. Mr. Johnson explained they don't have space for people and have to operate out of the back of City Hall. Councilmember Bennington asked if they go with Florida League. Mr. Johnson said they could develop the whole complex and pay it back. Councilmember Bennington asked when they'd know anything. Mr. Johnson replied before October and when they get the master plan and Council agrees with the concept, they'll go to LDRA for approval and then go to a leasing corporation 2 Council Workshop Minutes August 9, 1990 IIW' ..., Parks & Recreation (Continued) for financing. Councilman Fish asked when a basic plan will be ready for them. Mr. Johnson replied the first or second meeting in September, they've been waiting for clearance from the State and can't sign the final papers until it's received. He explained they're looking at a picnic area, playground equipment in one corner, the maintenance facility, four ballfields, two smaller and two larger, racquetball courts, an outdoor basket- ball court, an exercise path, and in the future a gymnasium building with class- room and office space with restroom facility, an exercise area, and possibly a pool and shuffleboard in the future. He added parking will be included also. He said the center of the fields would be a two story concession stand with P.A. box upstairs. Councilman Gold asked how many acres do they need per 1,000. Mr. Corder replied by 1995 they should be up to 84 and the 26 acres will put us close to that. Councilman Fish stated $48,000 is a lot but they can wait and see what they get back with the proposal from Florida League. Councilman Hatfield commented on crowded conditions in City Hall. Mr. Corder pointed out the facility will help because he has people and equipment scattered everywhere and they'll move out there and have a temporary office until they build the gym. Councilmember Bennington asked if they need the amount all at one time if they approve the River Walk for the Port Authority. Mr. Johnson replied they have to have it budgeted and available when we accept the grant the same as they did this year for the pier which they're getting bids on now. Councilman Fish asked if.the money's received as we start the project. Mr. Johnson replied it1s a reimbursement as we spend the money which has been no problem. Councilmember Bennington asked about the chipper. Mr. Corder replied when they clear the 26 acres they want to chip it up and make our own mulch and use it for the 26 acres and then sell it to Carl Overstreet to give it to the people in the City. Mr. Johnson pointed out the mulch at Whistle Stop worked out very well. Councilmember Bennington asked if mulch purchasing is included in operating supplies. Mr. Corder replied yes and it would be minimal because of the price and the only other place he'd need it is on a new site in large quantities and he could make his own. Councilmember Bennington suggested it would be a good service to offer the citizens for mulch they can pick up. Mayor Mitchum asked about tournament fees. Mr. Corder replied it's for All Stars to send our kids to other towns for tournaments. Mayor Mitchum asked if it's recouped. Mr. Corder replied no, unless we have a tournament of our own and collect from other cities. He pointed out they can't play the tournaments unless they're sanctioned and they1re representing the City and the area. Mr. Johnson explained if they don't go to the tournament, they don't pay and this year they had two tourna- ments. Mr. Corder briefly reviewed the two this year. Councilmember Bennington stated if they take revenue created from registration fees and money they're taking from impact fees for development, his budget is $370,000 that will come from other funding than recreation. Mr. Corder asked if it includes the River Walk. Councilmember Bennington replied yes. Police budget was reviewed. Mr. Johnson stated the budget is $110,000 more this year and the largest is salaries and projected salary increases. He said with Council1s decision to stay with the 12 hour shifts, the overtime will be created, and health insurance is a large amount, and they keep increasing vehicles to take older cars off the road, with some at 100,000 miles. Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker noted there are four. Mr. Johnson stated they need to put a roof on the Police station this year as they tried to repair several leaks and weren't very successful. He stated the Humane Society is at $15,000, the same as last year, it's worked out very well, and they may have a problem with gas. Councilmember Bennington asked why they don't have motorcycle vehicles. Mr. Johnson said he believes in them but it's not cheap when you purchase the vehicle and equip it plus there's one person on one bike, you can't have more, and they require special training. He said liability insurance isn1t as high as they thought but in rainy weather you have to pull them off and use a car. He added they can1t haul anyone to the station if there's a problem but they're great to get around in traffic and you get to an accident in a hurry. He said in time they'll have to look at it for traffic enforcement. Councilmember Bennington suggested when they go with the CIP and improvements with streets and all sub- divisions have sidewalks, including, hopefully, all of Florida Shores, perhaps they should have beat officers. Chief Schumaker said it might be useful in a large shopping complex or mall and they're generally well received in the area they're working but this City isn't physically compatible to be effective now. 3 Council Workshop Minutes August 9, 1990 '-' ..... Police (Continued) Mr. Johnson stated they'll have another slot for a Lieutenant who will handle operational and one administrative and they shifted one to CID to have the narcotics position. He said they're not asking for additional personnel and response time is excellent and solving of crimes is one of the best in the State. He reviewed some of the items previously purchased. He said salaries are pending increases with PBA which has a full contract. Councilmember Bennington asked if they've considered a narcotics dog to help or for patrol. Mr. Johnson replied they didn't discuss it. Councilman Hatfield asked about using someone elseIs. Mr. Johnson replied they could get support from the Sheriff's department but now they need a narcotics officer. Mayor Mitchum asked where the new evidence building would be. Mr. Johnson replied the present building is next to the drying beds of the sewer plant and the new one is behind CarlIs and GatesI office. Mr. Overstreet explained it's the northwest corner of Public Works. Mr. Johnson pointed out there won't be land there with the new sewer plant. Councilmember Bennington asked about the $1,300 under maintenance and repair for the detectives' copier. Lt. William Britain said it's a maintenance contract for the older machine for the detectives. Councilmember Bennington said itIs not worth running. Lt. Britain said it's $7,000 for a new one. Mr. Johnson explained it does function and gives them copying ability when the building is shut down. Councilmember Bennington asked about miscellaneous repairs for $2,210. Mr. Johnson replied it's any repairs in the building, air conditioner, or anything. Mayor Mitchum asked how they arrived at that figure. Mr. Johnson replied it's based on what they spent, some are too small or too old to have ma intenance agreements. Counc ilmember Benn ington asked about repa int i ng for $1,000. Chief Schumaker said the building functions 24 hours a day and traffic equates to 4 or 5 years and it's showing signs of disrepair and corners are chipped. He said there's a positive impact as you walk in if itIs well kept and maintained. He pointed out it will be a lot easier to paint now as opposed to having serious problems, and the water stains and cracks will be repaired. Councilmember Bennington asked about the roofing estimate. Chief Schumaker explained the hole that occurred with an emergency repair that was guaranteed just one year. He said a problem is the sheet metal is deteriorating and leaking into the roof system and is starting to destroy roof tiles. He said they were told it would be about $3,000 for a new roof based on the cost for the Community Center. Councilman Hatfield asked how long it will be guaranteed. Chief Schumaker said the original plan was to hook the two buildings using plywood with gravel and cement and it didn't hold up. Mayor Mitchum asked about communication services, page 73, for additional car phone and fax phone. Chief Schumaker explained the Lieutenant's car has a cellular phone and four detectives have cellular and the fax is the expense of their system which they got free from a Daytona Beach attorney who felt it was cost effective to donate it and we forward our DUI arrests over the phone to his office to prepare his defense and he pays for each report so there won't be a conflict of not charging him. Mr. Johnson said the $9,000 is the telephone lines for the radio phone. Chief Schumaker explained they established a new radio tower on the water tower in the Shores and have dedicated phone lines that come back to the base station behind the communications center. He explained the distance capability. Mayor Mitchum asked if cellular phones versus regular phones is because of privacy. Chief Schumaker said cellular doesn't charge us from the vehicle back to the station. Mr. Johnson stated it doesn't cost as much as the radio unit. Mayor Mitchum asked about radios. Chief Schumaker replied the detectives have the inexpensive transmitters and radios but for certain investigations the cellular are better than radios and they aren't monitored. Mayor Mitchum asked if they can be monitored. Chief Schumaker replied it would be more difficult. Mayor Mitchum asked about the duplication. Mr. Johnson replied they used the cheapest radio they could get. Chief Schumaker further explained the distance capabilities. Councilmember Bennington asked if there's a charge if the station calls the officer. Chief Schumaker repl ied yes. Councilman Fish asked how much of the $9,000 is for radio lines and how much for phone lines. Lt. Britain replied it's about $50 a month for the phones for 120 minutes of free radio time per phone. He said they got a quote of about $50 a month and it's so much a quarter mile for the new radio system and it's a dedicated open line seven days a week. 4 Council Workshop Minutes August 9, 1990 -...., ...." Police (Continued) Mayor Mitchum asked about $4,000 for the detectives lease car under rentals and leases. Mr. Johnson replied they change cars periodically. Chief Schumaker explained every 30 days they can turn the car over and change the profile of the narcotics officer and he'll have a walkie talkie but no radio. Mayor Mitchum asked about a cellular. Chief Schumaker replied maybe a portable. Councilmember Bennington asked if they have a cleaning service now and we furnish supplies. Chief Schumaker replied yes, since they moved into the new building. Mr. Johnson stated within the next two years there will be an expenditure for radio equipment from the County and it will be County-wide because of communi- cation problems and frequencies and they1re trying to look at most economical way to finance it and Chief Schumaker and Chief Vola will work with the Sheriff1s Department on the 800 Megahertz Committee. Councilmember Bennington asked about the two typewriters under equipment and machinery. Mr. Johnson said it's the Lieutenants. office. Lt. Britain said he has the old IBM. Chief Schumaker explained the detectives have a 15 year old one and most of their work deals with forms instead of data processing. Mayor Mitchum called a recess at 8:19 p.m. He called the workshop back to order at 8:26 p.m. Public Works budget was reviewed. Mr. Johnson stated the budget last year was $671,765 and proposed is $638,299 with no additional personnel. He said personal miscellaneous costs are based on contract negotiations and they don't use over- time unless there.s an emergency such as with a flooding situation or hurricane. He stated other contractual services is $110,000 and they don1t have any projects in mind but possibly Silver Ridge but they1re asking it be left in the account because they have to come up with one-third of Turgot. Councilman Fish asked about their workers comp compared to the City Engineer. Mr. Johnson replied they got the standard rate from the State. Councilmember Bennington asked about Eaton Road and others. Mr. Johnson replied they're part of the Community Development Block Grant and it's around $61,000 this year and they're resurfacing those streets and it will be about a two year project. Councilmember Bennington asked if part of the resurfacing is Turgot and Silver Ridge. Mr. Johnson replied they'd first use it on Turgot and then go to Silver Ridge. He explained the reason for India Palm was the base was coming up and would have lost the whole road and they did it reasonably. He added they'll have to work on gas, oil and diesel. Councilman Fish asked if Roy Gibson is exterminating. Public Works Director Carl Overstreet replied yes. Mr. Johnson noted FEC is the other one. Councilman Hatfield asked why the budget dropped, did they shift some people. Mr. Johnson said they had a capital item with a large dump truck and there's a payment in here. Mr. Overstreet said they lost one from building maintenance to DOT. Mr. Johnson noted people left or retired and the new people are at a lower rate. Mayor Mitchum asked about the $3,000 on page 96. Mr. Johnson repl ied it's telephone service for the building and garage area and it's at the point they need to look at another line. Councilmember Bennington asked if printing and binding on page 97 is for paper and copier supplies. Mr. Overstreet replied it's the duplicating machine and the contract for it, and the pro rate share for forms from City Hall. Council- member Bennington asked about Copytronics and Councilman Fish noted it's listed twice. Mr. Johnson replied one is the maintenance contract and the other is supplies. Councilmember Bennington asked about legal ads. Mr. Overstreet replied he has to pay to say City Ha 11 wi 11 be closed and they won't pick up garbage when there's a holiday. Mr. Johnson said it's for physicals and any legal ads. Councilmember Bennington asked if they redo physicals when they transfer. Mr. Johnson explained if it1s over six months, they're required to take a drug test and can't transfer until it comes back negative. 5 Council Workshop Minutes August 9, 1990 ..., ...... Public Works (Continued) Mayor Mitchum asked if on page 98, machinery and equipment, is for dump trucks. Mr. Overstreet replied yes, and they have 108 pieces of rolling stock and they have differences in vehicles and air conditioner recovery which must meet ecology requirements. There was brief discussion about coffee expenses and Gator Ade. Councilmember Bennington asked about safety equipment. Mr. Overstreet said it's glass, heavy leather gloves, and the bargaining agreement calls for up to $65 for shoes for each man per year. Mr. Johnson added they have reflective vests. Special Road Maintenance budget was reviewed. Mr. Johnson stated this increased because they need a heavy piece of equipment and want to buy it over the next 3 or 4 years but have to expense it the first year according to the auditors. Mayor Mitchum asked if it's a tractor. Mr. Overstreet replied they borrowed a flail mower from the County the first time and have been using a bush hog which is very slow. He said they need a flail mower that won't throw things out onto the roads. Councilman Gold asked where they'd use the machinery if the contract isn1t renewed with the State. Mr. Overstreet replied he could use it allover the City because it has three mower segments that can be used individually or with others and it can be used for any right of way and along the lakes and along 30th where it's wider. There was discussion about the various manufacturers of that equipment. Mr. Johnson stated they haven't heard from the State on the beautification grant but the men stay busy. Councilman Gold asked bout repairs that are being taken care of at Fat Bob's. Mr. Overstreet said they just do patching of potholes and maintaining rights of way but don1t do anything major. Mr. Johnson stated they1re putting in a left turn lane at Marion which was planned a couple of years ago. Mr. Overstreet noted the State contracted it out. Councilmember Bennington stated the mower is $45,000 with $9,000 down. Mr. Munoz stated proceeds from long term debt washes it out. Councilmember Bennington said out of pocket is $9,000. Mr. Munoz agreed. Councilmember Bennington stated the increased amount is basically long term debt. Library budget was reviewed. Mr. Johnson explained this went up because the pro rata share of increase based on square footage is cost related to it. Council- member Bennington asked about the roof. Mr. Johnson replied they're working through peop 1 e who bu i It the bu il ding. He exp 1 a i ned the roof i ng contractor didn't pay the people he bought materials from so the warranty wasn't valid and there's a possible lawsuit involved. He added theylll have to ask Council for a repair if they don't do it. He stated expenses are basically the same and they replaced some of the plants that froze and repaired the sprinkler system. Civil Defense budget was reviewed. Mr. Johnson stated it's his recommendation and the recommendation from the insurance consultant they name the City Manager as Civil Defense Director and the Police and Fire Chiefs would be co-directors. He said they're updating the Civil Defense Plan and the County wants it a part of the entire area. Councilman Fish asked about pagers for $2,700 and for department heads. Fire Chief Bill Vola replied the telephone pagers are three State-wide telephone pagers for the City Manager, Fire Chief, and Police Chief as the three Civil Defense Coordinating officers and they'll cover the entire State area. Councilmember Bennington asked about local pagers. Chief Vola replied they're for department heads. He explained instances when contact could be made. Mr. Johnson stated travel and per diem is for State training courses for Civil Defense workers and the present director has been going to these meetings. Councilmember Bennington asked about FEMA. Mr. Johnson replied it's books. Mayor Mitchum noted it appears to be cheaper to leave it as it is now. Mr. Johnson stated they don't have an updated active plan and it was brought up at a meeting in Daytona Beach that one problem is communications in getting the people to the site and having volunteer organizations to work with us. Councilmember Bennington asked how the telephone pagers work and Chief Vola explained the process. She asked if the three would have them and Chief Vola replied the three would be responsible to have them on or to have notified the other two he'll be away, but if he1s in the State, helll be reached. Council- member Bennington asked if the local pagers for department heads will work on a local level and Chief Vola replied yes. Councilman Fish asked what instance he foresees to calling them in. Chief Vola replied they need to be involved if it's a significant incident. Mr. Johnson referred to a hurricane event when he was in Cocoa Beach. 6 Council Workshop Minutes August 9, 1990 '-' ..."" C;v;l Defense (Continued) Mayor Mitchum asked about walkie talkies. Mr. Johnson replied it's disaster relief and some need replaced because they're about 15 years old and some came through State Surplus. Mayor Mitchum asked if $600 is a new one. Mr. Johnson repl ied yes. Mayor Mitchum asked how many they have now. Chief Schumaker replied about 12 or 13 in the Police Department. Mayor Mitchum suggested they could borrow one. Mr. Johnson pointed out all will be used and volunteers and employees would be called out and union contracts are null and void. Councilman Gold said it's an insurance policy. F;re budget was reviewed. Mr. Johnson stated last year they included a Chief, Lieutenant, Inspector, and three firefighters/paramedics and this year they're asking to add six. He explained the schedule is to go to three people on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He stated the 1 argest part i sn' t fire protection, but for rescue work and volunteers will still supplement this and are a vital part that provides excellent support. He explained they'd have a 10 hour and 14 hour shift with an A, B, and C shift and off three days. Chief Vola further explained i'ts three days and three nights and three off. Mr. Johnson stated there are physicals and certifications for EMT's and paramedics and for a volunteer training program. He pointed out our full time firefighters are coming from the volunteers. Chief Vola reviewed the function of a Jacobs brake. Mayor Mitchum asked if it affects the life expectancy of the engine. Chief Vola replied no. Chief Vola stated they need to do extensive renovation and repairs to both buildings and there's scaffolding and other equipment they don't have to do the repair work. Councilmember Bennington asked for a detail on the renovations. Chief Vola explained a roof is needed and both need repaired and maintained. Councilman Gold questioned providing hepatitis and blood screening and pulmonary and stress tests to this department when they don't provide that for Police or other departments. Mr. Johnson stated they're required by State law. Councilman Gold stated the Fire Department gets privileges over others. Mr. Johnson said it's rescue personnel. Councilman Gold stated he doesn't think they should provide $3,000 for promotional activities at the school. He asked if it's the school responsibility and not the Fire Department. Chief Vola replied no. Councilman Gold stated he questions feasibility of building it up so soon, since starting up the department was criticized by some people. He suggested they could settle with two employees. Mr. Johnson said they're not building up that fast and they're talking about a bare minimum of three people on a shift. He said if they want to man it, they need to have coverage there. Councilman Gold pointed out it's just been in effect one year and the budget is tripled. Mayor Mitchum suggested they go with four instead of six new positions. Councilman Fish stated the intent was to provide fire and emergency medical during the days between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. and augment the rest with volunteer which was serving fine but it was getting to be a strain on some of them. He added with salaries, schooling and workers comp, that's a large increase. Councilman Fish stated the volunteer fire and rescue department has served the City well and will continue to do so and the overall response is good, and it's quite a jump in a short period of time. Mr. Johnson asked about when volunteers are working on their job and cannot be contacted at their homes. He reviewed a couple of incidents with no response because volunteers were in a situation they couldn't get there. He said theylll need volunteers for several years to come to provide services and to supplement. There was discussion about County equipment that can only be operated by a certified EMT and the amount of hours and money for continuing education and recertifications. Mayor Mitchum recommended four new positions, noting they went from a non-paid department to $700,000 in two years. Councilman Hatfield suggested they discuss a time table to go to a 100% paid fire department in the near future because they need guidelines. Mayor Mitchum referred to the growth in the Police Department. Councilmember Bennington suggested they get the buildings done since they're in serious need of repair and then put the men in instead of hitting all at one time. Chief Vola said he doesn't foresee a 100% paid department within the next ten years but the level of services the volunteers have been asked to provide for a number of years with the number of medical calls they have is a serious impact on these people's personal lives and first response needs to be severed from them to a base career department such as having patrol reserve officers to augment an existing force. 7 Council Workshop Minutes August 9, 1990 . . ......... --.' ,', . Fire (Continued) Councilman Gold asked how many volunteers were lost last year. Chief Vola didn't have the figure. Councilman Gold stated that was proposed when it started because they were having trouble maintaining the volunteers because of work schedules. Chief Vola said they didn1t lose any volunteers and those they have are very dedicated and have been here awhile and the problem is the number of volunteers is falling off because the community doesnlt evolve around the volunteer fire department like they do in the northeast. He added usually fire- fighting is a young personls job. Mayor Mitchum again proposed four. Councilman Gold proposed two. Councilmember Bennington stated when they went into it last year they didn't communicate how they want it to grow and she'd looked at two or three a year to get to the point to have everything and itls up to date. She said if they didn't have to repair the building and get it ready to go full time, then maybe they could handle more. Mayor Mitchum asked the cost per man for equipment with salaries and schooling. There was brief discussion about costs associated with the positions. Mayor Mitchum pointed out they buy air packs every year. Mr. Johnson explained they have to be updated and several purchased years ago donlt meet standards. Mayor Mitchum said they provide uniforms and work clothes and a clothing allowance. Chief Vola said they provide start up uniforms the first year and after that they1re responsible to purchase and replace and maintain equipment and uniforms themselves. He added the first year it's a capital expenditure and after that there's a uniform allowance. Councilmember Bennington asked for a total cost per man for everything. Mr. Munoz said for salaries, workers comp, FICA, pension, plus life insurance is $22,465, which includes hospitalization but not uniforms. Councilmember Bennington asked what turn out consists of. Chief Vola replied it's protective clothing, bunker pants and coats. Mayor Mitchum asked about travel and per diem. Chief Vola explained they apply to the National Fire Academy the same as FBI and it doesn't cost anything for tuition but is $125 for room and board and the Federal government picks up the tab for travel. Mayor Mitchum asked about the University of Cincinnati. Mr. Johnson replied it's an educational requirement for the Chief and he signs an agreement helll stay here nine months or pay it back. Mayor Mitchum asked who will have cellular telephones. Chief Vola replied he has one because they don't' have the quality of communication services that would be needed for something such as gas leaks and they share the radio frequency with the Police Department, which has caused problems for both. Mayor Mitchum and Chief Vola continued discussion of planned radio and pager uses. Councilman Fish asked how many pagers they'll get for $3,000. Chief Vola replied 10. Councilmember Bennington asked about general operating supplies for $3,000 on page 84. Chief Vola explained it1s whatever equipment needs to be replaced, nozzles, hoses, etc., and it1s based on current expenditures. Councilmember Bennington asked about miscellaneous education for $2,500. Chief Vola replied it's basically DBCC and fire inspectors program and degree programs, and they also have a package training program, one from National Fire Protection Associ- ation for the fire fighters and one from a private college that produces training programs with videos which the department's used the past two years. Councilman Hatfield pointed out therels training of volunteers and full time employees combined. Councilmember Bennington said if they went with six paid firemen she'd hope some of the volunteers would be the ones considered for the paid slots and they'd reduce the volunteer capacity. Chief Vola agreed it would reduce the number 'but held hope to recruit new members. There was brief discussion about the age group of families in the area. Mr. George Barlow said a full time paid department with three men cannot handle it and they have to have a full time fully paid with 60 to 70 people on the payroll. He said they've been fortunate to have dedicated volunteers but the City is growing to the point that it's beyond what volunteers can handle and it's to supplement them on nights when they can get their sleep to get up the next morning to go to their jobs. Councilmember Bennington asked if it's a fireproof file cabinet. Chief Vola replied it's required by the State. 8 Council Workshop Minutes August 9, 1990 ..... , Fire (Continued) Mayor Mitchum asked about the cascade system. Mr. Johnson replied it refills the air packs. Mayor Mitchum asked if the radio base station is a replacement. Mr. Johnson replied they1re trying to get a frequency that's not tied into the Police Department and having to share. Mayor Mitchum asked about the pick up truck. Mr. Johnson replied it's to replace the old truck and car. Mayor Mitchum asked what the truck will be used for. Mr. Johnson replied for the fire inspector and to carry gear. Councilmember Bennington asked what they1re using now. Chief Vola replied a police car with over 200,000 miles. Mayor Mitchum asked about the four door cab for engine 1. Mr. Johnson replied future guidelines require closing it in and he can only do one at a time. Mr. Johnson stated they'll get figures for two or four personnel with other adjustments. It was agreed to come back on Wednesday as scheduled. Buildina budget was reviewed. Mr. Johnson stated last year's budget was $154,145 and this year is $158,075 with the largest part pertaining to contract negotiations and workers compo He explained the transfers of locations of staff if Council approves the building for Parks and Recreation and renovations for his office to be moved. Councilmember Bennington asked if the fire inspector will be with the rest of the inspectors. Mr. Johnson replied he works out of the office and has his bunker gear in his vehicle and has a pager. Councilmember Bennington said he's basically at City Hall. Mr. Johnson said they are all being cross trained to do regular inspections and going through fire inspections and they hope to have everyone trained within 18 months. Councilman Hatfield moved to adjourn. Councilman Fish seconded the motion. Workshop was adjourned at 9:56 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser ~ r ./~ ' ,r/,. _.(~ , .,;-......,! \ COONCILMAN - ZONE FOUR -~ ,'._- ATTEST: L-/~ CITY CLERKI Appr 'led this 11 , 199 9 Council Workshop Minutes August 9, 1990