04-26-1989 - Workshop
April 26, 1989
The Workshop of the City Council was called to order by the Vice-Mayor, Russell
Gold at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of meeting with the School Board Facilities
Property Management representatives and the Parks and Recreation Board to discuss
the lease agreement for the recreation area at Edgewater Public School.
ROLL CALL (Council)
Mayor David Mitchum
Councilman Russell Gold
Councilman Dan Hatfield
Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Councilman Thomas Fish
Arrived Later
City Attorney Jose' B. Alvarez
City Manager William Powers
Acting City Clerk S. Wadsworth
Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Arrived Later
Arrived Later
Members present from the Parks and Recreation Board were Harry Montgomery, Kirk Jones,
Lawrence Lanchoney and Jeff Ridgdill. Sue Pezanowski was excused. School Board rep-
resentatives present were Patricia Drago, Director/School Board Facilities Property
Management and Terry Edgell, Director of Facilities Planning. Also present was David
Garrett, Recreation Director/Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Superintendent.
Vice-Mayor Gold recessed the meeting at 7:05 P.M. to await the arrival of the City
Attorney, City Manager and Mayor. Upon their arrival at 7:17 P.M., Mayor Mitchum
called the meeting back to order.
Mayor Mitchum stated that the letter from Ms. Drago to the City had been the subject
of controversy as to its intent. He said he and the City Manager had attended a
previous meeting with the School Board where they discussed the removal of the road
through the ballfield, the School Board's intent on the remaining acreage at the
elementary school, and also a possible new joint agreement with the School Board for the
new school being built on Roberts Road. As a result of this meeting, Ms. Drago stated
she sent the letter, feeling all things considered, it would be a good time to revise
the present agreement and discuss which direction the City was planning to go, where
the School Board was going, and how we could all work together to best meet both of
our needs.
Ms. Drago stated the School Board wished to continue the arrangement and had no prob-
lems with cooperating with the City. She said there were two basic issues; one is
the continued joint usage of the recreation area at the school and the other is the
placement of the permanent structures at the ballfield. The School Board, she said,
has no problem with the continued joint usage, however, the permanent structures
there which include the restrooms, concession stand, and fences do restrict the way
the school directs its programs and they are having to work around us. She felt at
this time it would be appropriate to enter another agreement or amend the present
one so both sides can use the same area. She also stated we could do the same thing
with the new school being built and then there would be open playfields at the north
and south ends of town.
Mayor Mitchum asked for comments from the Recreation Board, as their concern is that
the City would not have time by September of 1990 to develop other areas of recreation.
Mr. Montgomery stated we do not have enough land and the facilities we have now at
the school property and the three proposed fields for Whistle Stop Park may hold us
through next year. He noted we have thirty baseball teams this year and practice
space is a real problem. Mr. Jones added it could take three or four years to develop
the fields at Whistle Stop.
Mayor Mitchum asked if the City could extend the agreement, glvlng the City three
years to acquire and develop other recreation areas. Ms. Drago and Mr. Edgell said
this would be agreeable and before that three years were up, the School Board and
City could meet again, go over the structures, and decide which were problems and
which weren't, and come to an agreement acceptable to both parties, and go forward
from there. They also wanted to include a new joint use agreement on the new school.
Ms. Drago did state that if the school sustained extraordinary growth, they would
have to reserve the right in a new agreement to revisit the issue under those
circumstances. Councilwoman Bennington suggested that the Park Board and the City
Recreation Department keep in touch with the School Board on an ongoing basis so we
can all be informed on the other's plans. Mr. Edgell suggested getting together on
the new joint agreement at the new school, as the site engineers and architects need
to know what is going to be planned there.
The Park and Recreation Board agreed to draft a reV1Slon of the existing agreement,
inserting any new, relative clauses that might be necessary, and to meet again with
the School Board to discuss these revisions.
Councilman Fish moved to adjourn and the meeting ended at 7:48 P.M.
Minutes submitted by
Barb Kowall
Jl ~.
Approved this
day of
-2- Council Workshop
April 26, 1989