06-20-1989 - Workshop
JUNE 20, 1989
Mayor David Mitchum called the Workshop to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Edgewater
Library. He stated the purpose was for interview of Louise Miller, an appli-
cant for the City Manager's position.
Mayor David Mitchum
Councilman Dan Hatfield
Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Councilman Russell Gold
Councilman Thomas Fish
City Attorney Jose' Alvarez
Acting City Manager Susan Wadsworth
Lieutenant William Britain
Mayor Mitchum recessed the Workshop at 6:03 p.m. to await the arrival of Ms.
Miller. He called the Workshop back to order at 7:11 p.m. upon her arrival.
Councilman Hatfield reviewed the $35 mi 11 ion dollar capital improvement
program and asked what expertise she could bring. Ms. Miller apologized for
being late and expressed appreciation for rearranging of their schedules. She
stated she's been in three communities and all three have been in different
growth modes and one went to a bond situation and they raised revenues with
a bond issue with the Days Inn Corporation. She added that they raised
capital by annexation and required a large impact fee and bumped up charges
relative to the additional property coming in. She noted that she's not sure
what bonds the City has out, how they stand with reserve funds and what the
capital improvement plans are. She pointed out the most obvious way to raise
funds is to raise taxes, which isn't popular. She added that they used grants
for property improvements and she got extra funds through the Florida Inland
Navigation District and with our waterway, perhaps they could go that way.
She pointed out that several communities have done lease purchasing to get
into heavy projects and extend the payments and get capital improvements done
that way. She said as an alternative it could be impact fees from new
developers if they need sewer lines and roads developed. Councilman Hatfield
explained the City is putting utilities in now.
Councilman Hatfield asked Ms. Miller to explain her management style, what
she feels she'd do the first 30 to 90 days, and if she had a problem with
Council coming in to talk with her. Ms. Miller replied that's an easier way
to function and as an appointed person working with elected officials, she'd
think Counci 1 wou 1d be sens it ive to the community that elected them. She
noted that the administrator has to administer the policies that are set by
Council and communication is critical. She said they had weekly packets
because of the Sunshine Laws. She noted that traditionally every day
operations come under the Manager and Council doesn't interfere in that area
but she's not familiar with our Charter. Councilman Hatfield asked what she'd
like to do when she first comes in for the first 30 to 90 days. Ms. Miller
replied she'd find out more about the City, such as finances, and she's not
familiar with the last Manager or how the continuity of management has been
maintained. She added that she'll review the contracts, franchises, purch-
asing practices, collections of taxes, garbage bills, and the status of the
monies coming in. She said she'd like to hear Council's goals and see what
big projects they have in mind and where they are now. She commented on the
need for newly elected officials to be aware of their responsibilities and
ethics rules. She said she'd touch base with the media to be sure they have
good communications because lack of communications can be as harmful as bad
communications. She added that can be accomplished with an open door policy.
Councilman Hatfield asked if she could do their bidding in a situation with
the County, State, or other municipality even if she disagrees with what they
have to say, such as going to the County Council if Council felt it wasn't to
the City's benefit. Ms. Miller explained her previous experiences along this
line when she was in Dade County and at State agencies.
Councilman Hatfield asked the City Manager's role to the boards and comm-
ittees. Ms. Miller replied that traditionally boards are advisory and they
make recommendations and people who are really interested should be put on the
boards. She added they need a pipe line to the Council through the Manager.
Councilman Hatfield asked if they should corne through the Manager. Ms. Miller
replied yes, as it wouldn't bypass the Manager's input and if Council goes
directly to the Committee, they may not be aware of certain technical
information. Councilman Hatfield asked if she would meet with the boards. Ms.
Miller replied yes, she thinks the Manager should be involved.
Councilman Hatfield asked what training programs for employees she'd
recommend. Ms. Miller replied it's good to look within the staff to start
with as long as you have a nucleus to work with as experience will usually
lend a lot and she's gone to local community colleges for programs they have
available. She added that City Managers have professional organizations with
courses that can be shared also. She noted she was Secretary and President
of the Dade County Manager's Association and they were networking and that
premise would apply to all personnel.
Councilman Hatfield asked her most important or strong points and weaknesses
she'll bring to the City. Ms. Miller replied quality of performance is her
strong point and she likes to have a finished product. She said she has a lot
of self-respect so if she puts her name to it, it will be good. She added
that she thinks of herself as a fair person and has been in management and in
non-management and has been involved in labor negotiations and reprimands.
Councilwoman Bennington requested a synopsis of her professional experience
and asked what she's doing now and in between the periods on her resume. Ms.
Miller replied she's living in Atlanta and is working in a family business and
it's not a career business. She noted that it allows time to corne for inter-
views and see where she wants to settle down. She pointed out she's main-
tained her membership in the Florida City Managers Association and ICMA. She
reviewed her prior experience in Ba1 Harbor for three years with an annual
renewa 1 of her contract. She stated her educat i on and interact i on and
strengths are in the public sector. She said that prior to that she'd worked
in Miami Springs for 3 or 4 years and was hired as an Assistant to the City
Manager, then became Assistant Manager, and when the City Manager was arrested
overnight she became the Manager the next day and she realized she was doing
the same things she was doing as an Assistant. Councilwoman Bennington asked
the difference between Assistant City Manager and Assistant to the City
Manager. Ms. Miller replied it's about $7,000 and the position was created
when she got there and when she proved her work it was put in the budget and
it became an official position. She added that she enjoyed the responsibility
and exposure in the position. Councilwoman Bennington asked how long she was
in that position. Ms. Miller replied about 10 months, and prior to that she
worked in a community in South Miami for the City Manager and went back to
school and got her degree in Public Administration and became City Clerk and
then later got her Masters in Public Administration.
Councilwoman Bennington asked what she feels is the City Manager's most
important role. Ms. Miller replied the City Manager would be at the top in
a pyramid and it takes a lot of coordinating and she's a generalist. She said
if the departments are functioning all right the City Manager can direct the
efforts and take care of coordinating the system, including Council and being
responsive to them. She said she'd have staff meetings to have a complete
picture and the Manager needs to coordinate.
Councilwoman Bennington asked how she'd handle an irate citizen who'd been to
see her severa 1 times and had ca 11 ed Counc i1 and comp 1 a i ned about Code
violations that weren't enforced. Ms. Miller replied she'd try to take the
heat off Council and work with the person and look to the source of what will
control it and what laws would apply. Councilwoman Bennington referred to an
Council Workshop Minutes
June 20, 1989
instance in the Planning and Zoning Department when the Code Enforcement
Officer was being badgered by a resident. Ms. Miller noted she'd tell them
to seek legal counselor have an officer around, if necessary, and if claims
are ungrounded you have to hold your ground and explain ordinances and rules.
Councilwoman Bennington asked if and how she'd respond if a board through
their review process came up with various Code violations from a department
and gave the City Manager information citing those violations. Ms. Miller
replied she'd talk to the Department Head and find out if there's a mis-
interpretation and then go from there and if there's an error, you have to do
what you have to do.
Councilwoman Bennington stated there's a Merit pay system and a union and
there are some conflicts and asked how they could work together in unison.
Ms. Miller asked if it's regarding salary. Councilwoman Bennington explained
that with the merit system youlre evaluated once a year and get a raise based
on your merit and the union represents them in negotiations. She added that
the union has a standard grievance procedure and the Merit Board was set up
long before the union came in and they have a grievance procedure. Ms. Miller
replied that one group of employees was covered by unions and others were not
so there were two sets of controls. Councilwoman Bennington explained the
merit system covers union employees. Ms. Miller replied she doesn't like to
work with a house divided and the closer you can get one to the other will
provide more harmony and labor relations have to be addressed. She stated
that staff should work together to deliver services.
Councilman Fish asked what kind of homework or research she'd done on the City
prior to applying for the position. Ms. Miller replied she got a copy of the
budget and was pleased to see it's a polished looking budget and they'd
received the accounting recognition. She asked what happened to the last
City Manager. Councilman Fish replied held declined the permanent position.
Councilman Fish asked for a description of a proper balance between employee
freedoms and management control. Ms. Miller replied balance is the key and
employees need to know their work matters and to be motivated by allowing
participation and the Manager should be sensitive to that so the employee
isn't isolated. She asked the staff size. Councilman Hatfield replied 130.
Ms. Miller stated she chose to stay in local governments of less than 50,000
because she enjoys interaction instead of the layers of bureaucracy.
Councilman Fish asked her experience with large construction projects. Ms.
Miller reviewed the procedures they'd used for bidding out and using con-
tractors with input of staff. She said she hadn't participated on the site
but they did put in a jogging path. She explained the cities where she was
involved didn't have major construction projects on the board but were
planning for it and putting money away. She added it could be done with key
people such as engineers and attorneys and she would rely on their expertise.
Councilman Fish asked how she thought interpersonal conflicts are dealt with
best. Ms. Miller replied face to face.
Councilman Fish asked what aspects interest her most. Ms. Miller replied size
of the community and location and not being in the hub of heavy traffic. She
commented on the nice approach to the City. She added the salary is realistic
and fair. She said her families are in Florida and Georgia and this is a nice
Councilman Fish asked what aspects concern her most. Ms. Miller replied she
doesn't have any real concerns and there's nothing that's a flag jumping at
her. She added she'd like to know more about finances of the City and indebt-
edness, plus character of the Council and if it's compatible and all going
the same direction.
Councilman Fish asked if she'd be comfortable jumping into $35 million dollars
of water, sewer and paving. Ms. Miller replied she'd sit by the edge to see
what they've done and if it's not started, she'd like to be in on planning.
Council Workshop Minutes
June 20, 1989
Councilman Fish asked if an employee comes to her with a suggestion that would
save the City thousands of dollars but the suggestion wasn1t presented to the
supervisor, how would she handle it. Ms. Miller replied she wouldn't want to
lose the idea and it probably should go through the supervisor and she'd
direct the employee back because they have to protect the integrity of the
Department Head and it1s undermining to bypass.
Councilman Fish asked how she'd handle a situation where a complaint was filed
that an employee treated someone badly and after reviewing the employee's
record it's found the employee was here 19 years and there were no other
complaints within the last 18 months but there had been in the past. Ms.
Miller replied she'd listen to the employee and he'd have to deny or explain
it and 19 years of services doesn't preclude if there's misbehavior or a
Councilman Fish asked how she views the chain of communication in a munici-
pality. Ms. Miller replied it would have to be a two-way communication and
it can be written memos or workshops but you have to remember the Sunshine Law
and it would go from the City Manager to staff by staff meetings and visib-
ility by being out of the office in the field, as best recommendations usually
come from people who are doing it. She added the Manager should communicate
with the media and the Homeowners Associations and the community. She
explained a program when local school students came to City Hall to see how
it's run.
Councilman Fish asked what kinds of decisions she1d delegate to others. Ms.
Miller replied she delegates and then it comes back to her such as with a
subject where she isn't the expert and she lets the expert make the decision.
She added that she needs to know what the decision is and how it fits the
entire picture such as having financial implications.
Councilman Hatfield asked about employees coming directly to Council and
Council going to employees. Ms. Miller replied she doesn't think that's right
and it undermines the Manager, especially when you have procedures set up and
Department Heads in place. Councilman Hatfield asked if she has a problem
with Council talking with Department Heads with her permission. Ms. Miller
replied she has no problem, but she has a problem when doors are closed and
the Manager's not there because he has to be a part of the team and know
what1s going on. Councilman Hatfield noted they socialize with certain
employees they grew up with and asked if she objects to that. Ms. Miller
replied they have to have confidence that it's getting done and there's a
difference between getting an update but she'd be uncomfortable if things were
going on and bypassing her just as a Department Head would if the employee
went to see the City Manager.
Mayor Mitchum requested an overview of the Manager and Council form of govern-
ment. Ms. Miller replied the form of government is where the elected
offi cia 1 s make the po 1 ic ies and the City Manager comes in to he 1 p them
understand how it1s going to be done and to find the money for it even though
it mi ght take another year's budget or ra is i ng taxes. She added it's a
partnership with officials setting the policies and the Manager shouldn't be
a yes person. She stated she has good ideas and she hoped Council would be
receptive to her and respect for the experience a professional Manager would
have. She pointed out her experience is in the public sector and a Manager
shouldn't embarrass the City with his actions.
Mayor Mitchum asked if her relationships with employees were traditionally
good during her career. Ms. Miller replied it's been traditionally good but
the last position was not as she came into a City after a Manager was there
17 years and was hired by one Mayor and at the end of his tenure he resigned
and she was left with new officials who perceived her as that Mayor's person
and it was hard to make the transition. She added she'd cleaned house on a
lot of things that had rolled along for 17 years and a lot of things weren't
right. She pointed out she documented it properly and unemployment insurance
was denied because of that. She said she didn't have the support of her
employees and the ones that did support her weren't addressed by the news-
papers and at the end of the contract, she left. Mayor Mitchum asked why she
left the last job. Ms. Miller replied it was an annual contract and Council
had her evaluated among the employees and it's difficult to have subordinates
evaluate you when they have no idea what is going on.
Council Workshop Minutes
June 20, 1989
Councilman Hatfield asked what questions she had for Council. Ms. Miller
asked if there's an Interim or Acting until they get settled. Mayor Mitchum
replied yes.
Councilman Hatfield asked if she'd want a contract and if there's anything
particular they should know. Ms. Miller replied she doesn't have any unusual
requests but she'd hope to have open communication or evaluations and would
like to see the Charter to see responsibilities of the Manager and what is
proposed. Counc ilwoman Benn i ngton exp 1 a i ned the powers and dut i es are by
ordinance and the act that established the position is a Charter provision.
Ms. Miller asked if it's unusual. Councilwoman Bennington replied itls
administrative. Mayor Mitchum explained it's a strong Manager form of
government. Mayor Mitchum and Councilwoman Bennington explained the proposed
change for concurrence of Council regarding appointments of Department Heads.
Ms. Miller questioned why Ordinance 88-0-11 was an emergency ordinance. Mayor
Mitchum explained there was a voter referendum in February last year which
passed 4 to 1 for a City Manager and they created the ordinance to address the
problem at that time and took care of it. Ms. Miller stated she believes in
the City Manager form of government and they need someone full time and with
authority and who can coordinate. She added that with the growing mode and
liability and responsibilities it would be scary not to have a Manager.
Counc i lwoman Benn i ngton exp 1 a i ned the pr i or Managers and referendums regard i ng
the position.
Mayor Mitchum explained that Councilwoman Bennington is on the Charter Review
Committee and they plan a revision and bringing on a permanent City Manager
and putting sewer in a subdivision that has needed it for 30 years. He added
that Edgewater will be a good spot on someone's resume.
Ms. Miller asked if they'd applied for grants. Mayor Mitchum explained they
are pursuing a State revolving fund program for wastewater. Ms. Miller
pointed out she was successful in obtaining grants in some areas and if you
have to pay a small percentage for someone to lobby, thatls one way to do it.
Mayor Mitchum noted the Library was built with a grant and Rotary Park has a
Mayor Mitchum stated that whoever is selected, their relations with Council
will be tremendously advantageous. Ms. Miller stated it1s exciting to see a
middle-aged Council because she can sense the vitality.
Ms. Miller distributed a list of references for Council and noted it's a cross
section of people she's worked with and she wanted them to understand how
she's interacted. Ms. Miller stated she's not married and has two children,
one in college and one in the Washington area so she's fairly free to relocate
and is independent and can pick and choose. She added that she'd be delighted
to have the opportunity to work with them.
Mayor Mitchum and Councilman Fish thanked her for coming.
Mayor Mitchum suggested a motion to adjourn. Councilman Fish so moved.
Councilman Hatfield seconded the motion. Workshop was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
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Council Workshop Minutes
June 20, 1989
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Appr ved this /7 day of
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Council Workshop Minutes
June 20, 1989