11-27-1989 - Special
NOVEMBER 27, 1989
Mayor Mitchum called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center.
He stated the purpose was to meet with the Charter Review Committee to review
the proposed Charter.
Mayor David Mitchum
Councilman Dan Hatfi~ld
Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Councilman Russell Gold
Councilman Thomas Fish
City Attorney Jose' Alvarez
City Manager Elly Johnson
Acting City Manager Fred Munoz
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Arrived 7:12 pm
Charter Review Committee
Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Dominick Fazzone
Mary Martin
Jack Hayman
Arrived 7:03 pm
Mayor Mitchum suggested Councilwoman Bennington handle this meeting since she
was Chairman of the Charter Review Committee.
Councilwoman Bennington stated they were given information tonight and the draft
they1d received wasn't the latest. Mayor Mitchum asked what the changes were.
Councilwoman Bennington explained two year terms and two year staggered terms
in 3.03 and there are four options. She noted that on page 9, transition
ordinances, the last sentence was struck out which gives Council the option to
remove the transition schedule from the Charter. She added that instead of the
term Council men, they changed it to Council member.
Councilman Fish asked about qualifications for electors or persons running for
Council as now it's a requirement to be a property owner within the City limits
and he feels it's important to have a vested interest in the community. He
suggested they provide it in the revised Charter. Mr. Fazzone explained they
had it originally but thought every citizen of Edgewater that voted should have
a right to run for office whether or not hels a property owner. Councilman Fish
asked how they'd determine who's a resident, if it's an Edgewater address, or
what. City Clerk Wadsworth rep 1 i ed it wou 1 d be a reg i stered voter. Mayor
Mitchum pointed out for taxing purposes they set the millage rate and determine
what people will pay in taxes, and one problem they could have is someone who
doesn't pay anything in taxes dictating what you're going to pay, but if you have
a fixed interest, the vote to raise a millage rate will be raising your own
taxes also. He suggested they should have a full vested interest. Councilman
Gold noted a renter contributes to the cost of running the City and if it's the
landlord and his taxes are raised, he'll pass it on to the renter. Councilman
Fish stated held like to include that to run for elected office you must be a
property owner. Mr. Fazzone asked the City Attorney if legally they have the
right to deprive renters the right to run for office. City Attorney Alvarez
reolied it's like the old free hold reouirement and helll review it to include
Mr. Hayman stated they debated about property ownership but the cost in the
housing industry is going up and a segment of society can no longer afford
housing. He added that if it's limited to owning property some well qualified
people won1t be able to seek office. He suggested Council think about this
before they vote to restrict the qualifications for running and holding office
to real property owners in the City as they may be doing a great disservice and
may be open to a class action suit down the road. Councilman Fish requested the
City Attorney to research this and bring it back.
Councilman Fish questioned Section 3.09(a) which allows meetings to be called
by the Mayor, majority of the members, or City Manager. He asked if they should
give the City Manager the right to call a special meeting. Mr. Hayman explained
they took that from one of the model codes and didn't debate it a great deal.
Councilwoman Bennington stated it fit in with the City Manager form of
government, the City Manager is always around, and if the Mayor couldn't be
there, the City Manager could be. Mayor Mitchum pointed out that if he and the
Vice Mayor were out of town, then it would fall on the Acting Mayor, which is
the correct step, and he doesn't think the City Manager should be able to call
special meetings of Council. Councilman Fish suggested it be mayor and vice
mayor then the majority of the City Council could agree to hold a special
meeting. Councilwoman Bennington suggested it be Mayor and Vice Mayor and take
out City Manager. Mayor Mitchum and Councilman Fish agreed.
Councilman Gold questioned Section 3.04, compensation, with the cost of living
adjustment in June of each year, as they've had a lot of comments about the
salaries now and he feels it it's left in and voted on as a whole, it will bring
it down. Mr. Hayman explained they looked at costs to be an elected official
with out of pocket expenses and they don't make anything with what the City pays
them, and took into account the cost of living and inflation and increased
demands on the Council's time. He added that most other cities and governments
have a salary that's adjusted upward or downward based on the current cost of
living. Mr. Fazzone noted this will let them know exactly how much they'll get
and it won't be like the last time when they doubled their salaries by ordinance
and this will be done by referendum. Councilwoman Bennington pointed out they
went one step further and picked the month and what report they'll use by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics. Councilman Hatfield asked if they'd have the right
to vote down the raise if they didn't want it that year or would it be by
ordinance in June. Councilwoman Bennington replied it would be automatic every
June and you could give it back. Councilman Hatfield stated he likes the idea
because it gradually increases instead of a big lump sum, but they may want to
give Council the right to vote on it. Councilwoman Bennington explained they
wanted to take it out of the political arena with Council voting on their own
raises, and they felt if it were tied into the Charter, they1d take it away from
Council and if it were going to be any higher it would have to go to referendum.
Councilman Hatfield stated he still felt it should be voted on for the increase
they1d have. Mr. Fazzone asked if Council should accept or reject or lower it
after the price index comes in. Councilman Hatfield suggested they could use
it as the maximum and Council could vote on it by ordinance. Mayor Mitchum
suggested Council could have the right to approve or reject. Councilwoman
Bennington noted the cap would be the June cost of living index.
Councilman Gold asked about the name change from Council man to Council member
instead of to Commissioner since titles and duties aren't affected. Mr. Fazzone
replied they1re used to Council and they'd have to educate everyone if they
Councilman Hatfield questioned whether Section 2.01, Description of Corporate
Limits, would remain the same when they establish this as the existing Charter.
City Attorney Alvarez explained the Charter doesn't change the boundaries and
those are changed by ordinance.
permission to do this. Councilman Fish asked if the City Manager was involved
in putting this together. Councilwoman Bennington replied it was two City
Managers. Councilman Fish asked their feelings and if they were in favor.
Councilwoman Bennington replied yes and it gives Council the right to talk to
employees but not to direct them. She noted that if it's independent information
instead of acting as a Council as a whole, a Council member could go to the City
Manager and say he wants to talk with the employee about a certain project.
Mayor Mitchum pointed out that at the end it says IIbe made to and through the
city manager..1I and it should be at the top and clearer because they can't
undermine the office.
Mr. Hayman stated they have a Charter and normally down from the Charter is an
Administrative Code with a set of rules for doing business in house, and when
they looked at this they concluded they can't deny a Council member from doing
his job and when you get to the point of collecting information you ask for
surveys or go to the library or ask the City Clerk, and the interference of
Council on day to day operations must go through one person and they decided to
list it as an Administrative Code or standard operating procedures in house.
Mayor Mitchum expressed concern with the phrase lIexcept for the purpose of
inquiries and investigations,..1I After brief discussion, Councilman Fish
suggested they strike the word lIinvestigationsll. Mayor Mitchum agreed.
Councilwoman Bennington stated a lot of this charter was taken from the model
charter and it was written to be a skeleton of the City and they tired not to
bog it down with a lot of unnecessary binding things that are subject to change
and they hoped this would be the frame work for the next 10 to 15 years. She
added that other elements of the Admi n i strat i ve Code wou 1 d be changed by
ordinance as the City grows but basics would stay unless it was something major.
She added that rather than locking in voting districts they put it as every 10
years after the census they1d automatically redistrict to keep up with
population. Councilman Fish agreed.
Mr. Fazzone noted the present charter had 143 sections at one time and items and
parts were added that weren't always in the right place and some are obsolete
or shou 1 d be hand 1 ed by ord i nance. Counc ilwoman Benn i ngton added that some
sections are covered by State Statutes.
Mayor Mitchum stated page 5, Section 4.02, Acting City Manager, has the letter
filed by the Manager to delegate an Act i ng Manager dur i ng his absence or
disability could be revoked by Council and they could appoint someone else by
calling a special meeting to appoint and approve. He disagreed that Council
approval would be needed if the Manager were out of town a day or a week but if
it were a prolonged absence then Council could make a decision. Councilman Fish
asked if it has to be pinned down specifically. Councilman Hatfield said he
likes the idea and it could be a one time thing until they decide to appoint an
Assistant City Manager. There was discussion about the appointment. Council-
woman Bennington said they can fill in by ordinance if Council wants to vote on
an Acting City Manager if the City Manager is going to be out of town for an
extended period of time. Councilman Fish agreed it could be done by ordinance
and not put anything too specific in the charter. Mr. Hayman pointed out it's
another area in the Administrative Code and standard operating procedure and they
shouldn't tie it down too specifically in this charter so there1s no room for
flexibility. It was agreed to deal with this by ordinance.
Councilman Hatfield asked if with Sections 4.03, City Clerk, and 4.04, City
Attorney, it would be proper for them to go through the City Manager. Council-
woman Bennington replied the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk work
directly for the Council and they can ask them for anything.
Councilman Gold asked if Section 3.09, Procedures, (b), will include citizen
comments on the aaenda direct 1 v orior to ilnn hpforp thpv -'lrl inllrn MY' !-I;wm;an
Councilman Hatfield stated he felt Section 5.03 (5) regarding candidates paying
a qualifying fee of $25.00 is a good idea. Councilwoman Bennington pointed out
they had recommendations regarding the sign ordinance to limit size and posting
a bond they could get back when it's verified all the signs are down, but decided
not to put it in the Charter
Councilman Hatfield, Mayor Mitchum, and Councilman Fish agreed they did an
excellent job.
Councilwoman Bennington explained the four options for terms of office, noting
they recommended March for the election, but November election is listed for an
option. She pointed out they came up with 8 different combinations the voters
could decide on. Mr. Fazzone stated this will be confusing for the voters and
they should cut it down to something reasonable to clarify it. He suggested they
give the voters 3 options and they should vote for one: 1) Should the elections
for City Council be held in November and have 2 year terms as in the old
Charter?, 2) Should the elections be staggered with not all Council members to
be elected at the same time and held in March for 2 year terms?, and 3) Should
the elections be staggered and held in March for 3 year terms? He suggested
they consider these 3 options rather than 8 options. Councilman Hatfield agreed
it doesn1t have to be 8 options and it could be a November-March option regard-
less of the other sections and the terms should be separate. He suggested they
have 4 opt ions as the people shou ld have a right to vote on it as a vi ab le
option. Councilman Fish agreed they shouldn't bombard them with 8 choices.
Councilwoman Bennington explained this was just to show what they could come up
with and when Council decides theylll run full page ads and explain it. She
added the committee felt March was in the best interest because of the general
elections in November when a lot of people don't bother to get to their local
level where the people have the most control over their government and in March
the majority of people are in town. Mayor Mitchum stated a lot of issues bring
people out in November that wouldn't come out in March. Councilman Hatfield
pointed out a lot of people won't go to the polls to vote because of long lines
in November. Mayor Mitchum agreed. Councilman Fish stated it should be a March-
November issue.
Mr. Fazzone stated they're trying to put together a charter that will reflect
what people want. He noted there are remarks they'll get 45-50% more in November
than will come to vote in March. Councilwoman Bennington pointed out a local
election is where the people have the most power and they want them to exercise
their option to vote and they can decide if they want to have it in November.
She noted the draft addresses it as March and it would have to be changed if it
were November.
Mr. Hayman expressed appreciation and gratitude to Council for the opportunity
to help the City government. He said they're anxious to see them look at the
internal working procedures and nail it down with an Administrative Code or
standard operating procedure, which is the next step if this Charter is approved.
He pointed out they need people knowledgeable in political science. He commended
their chairperson and the City Attorney and Mr. Fazzone.
Mr. Fazzone expressed appreciation to the committee, especially Gigi Bennington,
Jack Hayman, and Mary Martin, for the time they spent and patience they had.
He added they received input and advice from the City Attorney, City Manager,
and City Clerk. He thanked Council for giving them the opportunity to perform
this job.
Councilwoman Bennington stated they've geared the referendum toward a March 13th
date and Katherine Odham has to have this 90 days prior to the election which
puts it at January 19. She pointed out the County may have a 1 cent sales tax
referendum on March 23rd and New Smvrna Rp.arh ha~ thp.ir npnpr~l plprtinn th~n
There was a brief review of suggested changes: property owner - City Attorney
will bring back an answer; compensation - changed to read IIcompensation may be
adjusted by ordinance in June of each year not to exceed the consumer price
index...II; interference with administration - lIinvestigationsll to be stricken
and to read 1I..inquiries and gathering information..II, meetings - changed to read
1I...0n the call of the mayor, or vice mayor, or majority of the members and,..1I
and striking the words IICity Managerll. It was decided to leave Acting City
Manager alone.
Councilwoman Bennington moved they direct the City Attorney to make the necessary
changes they discussed tonight and bring the draft for the December 4th meeting.
Councilman Hatfield seconded the motion. There was discussion about public
hearings and it was agreed to hold a public hearing for the 18th for first
reading. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Mitchum clarified there will be a draft proposal on the 4th, first reading
and public hearing on the 18th, and second and final reading and public hearing
on January 15th.
Councilman Hatfield moved they adjourn. Councilman Fish seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
ApRroved th is /?' day of
~ , 1981-.