MAY 25, 1995
7:00 P.M.
Tonya Elliott, Board Coordinator called to order the Regular Meeting
of the Construction Regulation Board on Thursday, May 25, 1995, at
7:06 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room.
Members present were Michael Bosse, Robert Howard, Gary Madole, Les
Ogram (arrived at 7:10 p.m.), and Nancy Swiney. Woody Tindall and
Lester Yarnell were recorded absent. Also present were Robert Dunn,
Building Official, Mark P. Karet, Director of Community Development,
Krista Storey, City Attorney, Bill Vola, Fire Chief, and Tonya Elliott,
Board Coordinator.
None at this time.
None at this time.
1) Discussion of Board's Role -
Mr. Dunn began by saying there are
several general areas the Board will be in charge of and briefly
explained them referring to Section 304 of the Edgewater Land
Development Code. He expanded on the Board's role in exercising
disciplinary control over locally licensed contractors. Mr. Dunn then
welcomed everyone to the Board and turned the meeting over to Ms. Storey.
2) Discussion of Legal Issues -
Ms. Storey introduced herself to
the Board, and began by saying that in the State of Florida Boards
are governed by the "Sunshine Law" which means that all the Boards
business must be transacted in an open meeting with the public and
press being duly informed and notified of the meeting. Ms. Storey
then explained other legal issues such as when a meeting can be called,
the importance of not discussing any issue that has the potential of
coming before the Board, and the public records issue. Ms. Storey
continued by saying that in terms of the new roles of the Board,
sometimes the Board will be administrative making recommendations to
City Council, and other times when the Board is hearing disciplinary
actions of contractors the Board will be considered quasi-judicial.
Ms. Swiney asked if they are immune from personal liability for any
actions taken. Ms. Storey said yes as long as they stay within the
guidelines set for the Board. Ms. Storey then addressed conflict of
3) Discussion of By-laws -
Ms. Storey said she took the liberty
of doing a first draft of By-laws for the Board to review and make
changes at a later date as long as they are not inconsistent with the
current Land Development Code.
Construction Regulation Board
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May 25, 1995
4) Election of Officers -
Mr. Karet suggested the members introduce
themselves and give their background. He then gave the background
for Mr. Yarnell. Mr. Dunn referred the members to section 304.03 of
the Land Development Code which outlines the responsibilities of the
Chairman and Vice Chairman. Each member then gave a brief history
of their background.
Ms. Swiney nominated Mr. Howard for the position on Chairman. Seconded
by Mr. Bosse. Mr. Ogram moved the nominations for chairman be closed.
Seconded by Ms. Swiney. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Chairman Howard then opened the floor for nominations for the position
of Vice Chairman. Mr. Ogram nominated Ms. Swiney. Ms. Swiney said
she would like to decline at this time since she really was not sure
of what she was doing just yet. Chairman Howard asked her to reconsider,
that he thought she was qualified. Mr. Bosse seconded the nomination.
Mr. Ogram moved the nominations be closed. Seconded by Mr. Bosse.
Ms. Swiney accepted. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
5) & 6) Review of Unified Building Code (UBC) and Interlocal
Agreement -
Chairman Howard asked Mr. Karet if the Board needed to
take action tonight or just review the UBC and Interlocal Agreement.
Mr. Karet said it was just for the Board to review at this time and
asked to give some introduction. He explained that City Council is
anxious for the Board to get formed to deal with two situations. First,
there was no appeals board under current regulations and Council wants
to move forward with the demolition of some buildings that may require
an appeals process. The second situation deals with what was before
the Board at this time, referring to items 5 & 6 on the agenda which
are related matters. Mr. Karet said that the issues are county wide
and if the Interlocal Agreement is adopted would basically put the
UBC into effect. Mr. Karet briefly explained how the UBC came about
and the purpose behind it. He said the UBC is an item of urgency for
most other local governments, but it is not for the City because the
codes that are required by the State of Florida have already been
adopted. Mr. Karet said there are pros and cons in regards to the
issues, that Staff has not taken a stand yet, and there would be
discussion at length with the Board at a later date.
There was some discussion on how the UBC and Interlocal Agreement would
affect the adoption of amendments by local governments, and the terms
"Unified" or "Uniform" Building Code.
Chairman Howard asked Mr. Karet if this was a pressing issue, or if
it could wait until the next scheduled meeting in July. Mr. Karet
said that would be fine. Chairman Howard asked if anyone had questions,
and said he was looking forward to working with the Board and Staff.
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May 25, 1995
There being no other business to come before the Board, a motion to
adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by,
Tonya Elliott, Board Coordinator