2001-O-74 .... ..", ORDINANCE NO. 2001-0-74 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 21, THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY MODIFYING ARTICLE IX (APPLICATION PROCEDURES), PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FORAN EFFECTIVE DATE, ADOPTION AND CODIFICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has made the following determinations: WHEREAS, Chapter 163.3202, Florida Statutes requires adoption of a unified Land Development Code which contains all regulations related to the development ofland in the City; and WHEREAS, on July 10, 2000, City Council adopted Chapter 21, known as the Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, upon enactment, it was determined by City Council and Staff that any scrivener's errors would be corrected by amending specific Articles contained in the Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, upon review, Article IX (Application Procedures) should be amended at this time to correct outstanding scrivener's errors and to modify other outstanding issues in an effort to provide consistency between the Land Development Code and the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the People of the City of Edge water, Florida: Shuck tluough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2001-0-74 v .....", PART A. AMEND CHAPTER 21 (LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE), BY AMENDING ARTICLE IX (APPLICATION PROCEDURES) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEW ATER, FLORIDA. Article IX (Application Procedures) of Chapter 21 (Land Development Code) of the City of Edge water, Florida, adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. 2000-0-12 is hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. PART B. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PART C. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or circumstance. PART D. CODIFICATION. Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections ofthis ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts B through F shall not be codified. StItlck t111otl~h passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2001-0-74 2 '-" ,."., PART E. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take place upon adoption. PARTF. ADOPTION. After Motion by Councilwoman Lichter and Second by Councilman Vincenzi, the vote on the first reading of this ordinance held on November 5, 2001, was as follows: AYE NAY Mayor Donald A. Schmidt X Councilman James P. Brown X Councilman Dennis A. Vincenzi X Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes ABSENT Councilwoman Judy Lichter X After Motion by ~v-l-. (1.... and Second by ~.~ . ~4 the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: AYE NAY Mayor Donald A. Schmidt -J- -+- -1- T- Councilman James P. Brown Councilman Dennis A. Vincenzi Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes Councilwoman Judy Lichter Stlth~k tluongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2001-0-74 3 0 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 4 day of 4-5L 2002. For the use and reliance only by the City of Edgewater, Florida. Approved as to form and legality by: Scott A. Cookson, Esquire City Attorney Foley & Lardner Shack Hrmagi passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2001-0-74 CITY COUNCIL OF THE C F-E GEWATER, FLORIDA Ry. /�q Donald A. Schmidt Mayor Rabin Legal Assistant Approved by the City Council of the City of Edgewater at a meeting held on this f, day of 2002 under Agenda Item o. '-" w ARTICLE IX APPLICA TION PROCEDURES SECTION 21-90 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 21-90.01 - General Requirements ..... ................. ............... ............ ....... ......... ...... ......... IX-I 21-90.02 - Application Notice Requirements .............................................................. IX-2 21-90.03 - Application Fee Schedule ........................................................................... IX-3 SECTION 21-91 - ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS (ZONING) 21-91.01 - General Provisions ..................................................................................... IX _ 3 21-91.02 - Comprehensive Plan Consistency .............................................................. IX-3 21-91.03 - Procedures .................................................................................................. IX _ 3 21-91.04 - Decision Criteria ........................................................................................ IX-4 21 91.05 - Appr 0 v al Dxpil atiolI ................................................................................... IX -4 21-91.06~ - Rehearings ................................................................................................ IX-4 21-91.01.6. - Appeals ..................................................................................................... IX-4 SECTION 21-92 - CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS 21-92.01 - Intent.. ............... ......... ................. ......... ...... ........................ ................ ......... IX-4 21-92.02 - Comprehensive Plan Consistency .............................................................. IX-4 21-92.03 - Procedures ........................... ...... ....... .... ......................... .................. ........... IX-5 21-92.04 - Decision Criteria ........................................................................................ IX _ 5 21-92.05 - Authority .................................................................................................... IX-6 21-92.06 - Approval Expiration ............... ................. ..................................... .............. IX-6 21-92.07 - Reconsideration .......................................................................................... IX-6 21-92.08 - Appeals ....................................................................................................... IX-6 SECTION 21-93 - SITE PLAN REVIEW 21-93.01 - Intent........................................................................................................... IX-6 21-93.02 - Comprehensive Plan Consistency .............................................................. IX-7 21-93.03 - Procedures .................................................................................................. IX-7 21-93.04 - Authol ity .................................................................................................... IX -7 21-93.051- Approval Expiration ................................................................................. IX-8 21-93 .06~ - Reconsideration ........................................................................................ IX-8 21-93.01.Q- Appeals ...................................................................................................... IX-8 SECTION 21-94 - LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENTS 21-94.01 - General Provisions ..................................................................................... IX-8 21-94.02 - Comprehensive Plan Consistency.............................................................. IX-9 21-94.03 - Procedures .................................................................................................. IX-9 21-94.04 - Approval Expiration ................................................................................... IX-9 21-94.05 - Reconsideration ...................................................................................... .. IX-I 0 21-94.06 - Appeals .................................................................................................... . IX-I 0 Article IX -1- Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) ...... ....,; SECTION 21-95 - SMALL SCALE PLAN AMENDMENTS 21-95.01 - General Provisions ................................................................................... IX-1O 21-95.02 - Criteria For Determination ....................................................................... IX-1O 21-95.03 - Procedures .............................................................................................. .. IX-II 21-95.04 - Approval Criteria ...................................................................................... IX-12 21-95.05 - Approval Expiration ................................................................................. IX -12 21-95.06 - Reconsideration ........................................................................................ IX -12 21-95.07 - Appeals ..................................................................................................... IX -12 SECTION 21-96 - OTHER PLAN AMENDMENTS 21-96.01 - General Provision ..................................................................................... IX -12 21-96.02 - Criteria For Determination ....................................................................... IX-12 21-96.03 - Procedures ................................................................................................ IX -13 21-96.04 - Approval Criteria...................................................................................... IX -14 21-96.05 - Approval Expiration ................................................................................. IX-I 4 2 I -96.06 - Reconsideration ........................................................................................ IX -14 21-96.07 - Appeals ..................................................................................................... IX -15 SECTION 21-97 - VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION 21-97.01 - Intent......................................................................................................... IX -15 21-97.0+,2- Criteria For Determination ..................................................................... IX-15 21-97.02- }- Procedures .............................................................................................. IX -15 21-97.03- 1- Plan Amendment and Rezoning of Annexed Property........................... IX-16 SECTION 21-98 - INVOLUNTARY ANNEXATION 21-98.01 - Intent ......................................................................................................... IX -16 21-98.02 Anhcx<rtion PI C1 cqtli~itc~ .......................................................................... IX -17 21 98. OJ PI OGCdtlI c~ ................................................................................................ IX 17 SECTION 21-99 - ABANDONMENTS AND VACATIONS 21-99.01 - Intent......................................................................................................... IX -18 21-99.0+ ,2- Application Requirements ...................................................................... IX -18 21-99.02- }- Procedures .............................................................................................. IX -19 21-99.03- 1- Approval Criteria.................................................................................... IX -19 21-99.04 ~- Decision Effects ..................................................................................... IX _ 20 21-99.05 Q- Appeals ................................................................................................... IX _ 20 SECTION 21-100 - VARIANCES 21-100.01 - General Requirements ............................................................................ IX _ 20 21-100.02 - Procedures .............................................................................................. IX _ 21 2 I -100.03 - Administrative Variance......................................................................... IX _ 21 21-100.04 - COhvc,ntional Non-Administrative Variance .......................................... IX-22 21-100.05 - Expiration ............................................................................................... IX -23 21- I 00.06 - Appeals ................................................................................................... IX _ 23 Article IX -11- Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) '-" '-wi SECTION 21-101 - DEVELOPMENT ZONING AGREEMENTS 21-101.01 - Intent....................................................................................................... IX - 23 21-101.02 - Procedures .............................................................................................. IX - 23 21-101.03 - Zoning Agreement Dxcctltion Requirements ......................................... IX-25 21-10 1.04 - Zoning Agreement CIitclia Execution ...... .................... ......... ................ IX -27 21-101.05 - Amendment and Cancellation ................................................................ IX-29 21-101.06 - Expiration ............................................................................................... IX - 29 21-101.07 - Monitoring .............................................................................................. IX - 30 21-101.08 - COlnpliancc ............................................................................................. IX - 30 SECTION 21-102 -l\fINING EXCAVATION PERMITS 21-102.01 - AtlthoIity General Provisions ................................................................. IX-30 21-102.02 - Application Requirements ...................................................................... IX - 31 21-102.03 - Application PiOCCSS Procedures ............................................................. IX-33 21-102.04 - PCllhit IsstlaiIcc Decision Criteria .......................................................... IX-34 21-102.05 PCllnit Modification ............................................................................... IX J5 21-102.06~ - Suspension of Excavation Permit ......................................................... IX-35 21-102.07 - Rc v OCatiOlI .............................................................................................. IX - 3G SECTION 21-103 - SPECIAL ACTIVITY PERMITS .................................................... IX-37 Sections 21-1~ ~ through 21-119 reserved for future use. Article IX -lll- Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) ....., ....,I ARTICLE IX APPLICA TION PROCEDURES SECTION 21-90 - GENERAL PROCEDURES 21-90.01 - General Requirements a. All properties within subiect to a single application must be contiguous and immediately adjacent to one another or be the subject of separate petitions and filing fees. b. No application shall be accepted unless it is presented on the official forms provided by the City of Edgewater and the appropriate fee is paid. c. The Planning Department shall prepare, and periodically revise, the required forms and instruction packages for each development permit application described in this Article. d. Before an application is scheduled for further consideration, the Planning Department shall determine the application package is complete. e. All applicants for any matter action described herein ~hall be I equil cd to l1a v e at kMt OlIe (I) are encouraged to schedule a pre-application conference with the Technical Review Committee (TRC}. f. No application shall be aeecpt"d fOI Ie view leg,alding, any matt"l d,,~cribed hClein determined to be complete unless the property owner of record in as listed by the V olusia County Property Appraiser's Office, eithcI signs the application, or authorizes {in writing} alIotllcl pel ~01I an agent to act in ~ the applicant's behalf. g. Property surveys, site plans and landscape plans shall be provided at the ~ame a common scale (one inch (1 ") equal~ thil ty feet (30')) (of I" = 30 feet). h. The deadline for filing, any application de5el ibe,d hel Gill 51lall be, a miiIill1ull1 of for ty fi ve, (45) day~ pliol to the Ie,gulally ~ehedukd lIlCcting of tIle filM leview body. The City ~llall not be at fault fm the, applicalIt' ~ failnIe to meet any de,adlilIe de~cIibe,d I1Clein. Any wai vcr of this deadline by mOle, thalI two working da:y~ ~halllequile, City Council approval. h. Dcei~ion~ ide,ntifkd M q Quasi-judicial actions taken with respect to applications shall be supported by competent substantial evidence in w Iitte,lI finding~ of fact. I. Dcei~ion~ identified hcrein as I .Legislative actions taken with respect to applications shall be fairly debatable and supported by reasonable wIittc,n findings of fact. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-I o o If aiI applicant ~ ithdraws an application 01 lequests tabliiIg aftel the ad vel tiselllent 11M been submitted aiId theiI IcilIstates eonsideI<ttion of tile applicatiolI, tile applicant sllall be bilkd fOI aiIy additiOllal ad vGt tisilIg costs. (Moved to Section 21-90.03) 21-90.02 - Application Notice Requirements It is the intent of this Section to provide legal and timely public notice as cady a possibk ill of the application review process and to leduce tIle application plOcessing til1le to the l11axiluUlll extc,nt possibk eOiIsi.stellt w itIl statutory Icquileli1c,lIts. It is also the intent to provide adequate procedural due process to mt the applicant and the public. applicalIts aiId to IcJlcct CUIiGiIt state statutGS and caSG taw. Tile follo wing aApplication notice requirements are based on the minimum requirements found in Chapters 163, 166, 171, 177, Florida Statutes. a. Public notice of all applications for development approval shall be consistent with current state statutes. b. When mailing of notices is required, the notice shall be sent to the applicant and the property owners of record in as listed by the Volusia County Property Appraiser's Office. c. When newspaper advertisements are required, they shall appear in the newspaper of general circulation. Tile City Iesel ve.s tllC rigllt to advcltise iiI othellIewspapcIs MIllay be IICCeSSaly, pi 0 v idcd tile notice. lequile.llIelIts of tllG Ide v alIt state statutes ale Inct. Any 1I0n-kgal ad v C,I tiseIJiclIt sllall il1dude a laYIlIan' s de.sc,Iiption of tIle. subject 11Iattel. The advertisement deseI ibed ill subsectioiI (b) abo ve shall identify the Tax Parcel Identification Number... taken fl0111 tIlG Volusia COUllty Plopelty Applaise.1 's IecOlds, tIlG street address or location and the .!! general description of location of the proposed project. A site location map may be induded required as appropriate. d. PUlsuant to tile. le.quilGllle.nts of CllaptGl 1 GG.041 (Jc), [IS 01 dinance I CqUilCII'lGiIts (01 d. Ad) sllall be no kss tIlan t~o (2) colunIils wide by te.n indlcs (lO") 100lg ill standald sized 01 tabloid ty pe new spapc.r alId tile IIGadlinG iiI tllG ad vGI tiSGIlIGiIt sllall be ill 110 slllalkI tIlaiI 18 point type. T!.G advcltisGIlIelIt shall not bG placGd in tllat pOltiolI of tIlG IlGWSpapCl whGIG kgall10tiees and c1assifiGd ad vGI tiSGllIGlItS appGal. G. ThG advGltisGmGnt dGSGIibGd ill subSGctiol1 (b) abovG shall idGntify thG Tax Parcd IdGntifiGatiolI Nunlbcl takGn f1 onl tile V olusia COUllty PI Ope.l ty Appl aisGI ' s 1 GGOI ds, tIlG str eet addless alld the gCIIGlal location of tllG plojGct. A sitc location IlIap IlIay bG iiIc1udGd as applopliatc. (Moved to c. above) fd. When on-site posting is required, the notice shall be posted in at least one (1) conspicuous site place on the site alId at City Hall. ge. Proof of publication and mailing notices shall be available for public inspection. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX - 2 o o 21-90.03 - Application Fee Schedule The City Council shall adopt by Resolution, development review, advertising and associated fees for administrative charges. If an applicant withdraws an application or requests tabling after the advertisement has been submitted and then reinstates consideration of the application, the applicant shall be billed for any additional advertising costs. SECTION 21-91 - ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS (REZONING) 21-91.01 - General Provisions An amendment to the Official Zoning Map requires adoption of an ordinance by the City Council and aftel following the review and recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board (P&ZB). 21-91.02 - Comprehensive Plan Consistency No application for a change in zoning can be approved unless the proposed zoning is consistent with the Land Use Designation/ Zoning Classification Matrix-;-i:e:-; in Table ill-I. 21-91.03 - Procedures a. The public notice for a parcel rezoning shall be as provided in current Florida Statutes. b. Upon receipt of a complete application and relevant supporting material, the Planning Department will schedule cCllsidel ation of tile applie<ttioil a review by the T ccllnical Re v ic ~ ConJ!uittcG (TRC) TRC. c. * Following review by the TRC, a staff report rcconlnlcndiilg including findings of fact-; iilcIudiilg a dlaft oldiilailcc fOI tIlC ploposed I1lap chailge, and a staff recommendation shall be provided to the P&ZB alld tk applicant. d. * Following review by the P&ZB, astaff report presenting the P&ZB's filldings of fact and a dutft ordinance recommendations a proposed ordinance and a staff recommendation shall be provided to the City Council for consideration aild tIlC applicitilt. c. Aftcr tllc P&Z public hcaliilg aild a leCOllll1lClldation is wade, tllc application w ill be scllcduled fol a filst rcadiilg of tIlC ordinancc beforc tile City Council. If applOvcd at first rcadiilg, a public Ilcaliilg sllall bc scllcduled f'Or tllc i1cxt available City Couilcillllectillg. fe. The decision of the City Council with respect to the rezoning decisioll shall be based on finding~ of fact and the competent public testimony received at the hearing. The Unless otherwise provided, the rezoning ordinance approved by the City Council decision shall be imlJicdiatcIy effective immediately upon adoption of the ordinance. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX - 3 u (.) 21-91.04 - Decision Criteria In order to be approve d, tile, e, valuation of a rezoning application, as e, v idcnccd in the ~ I iUcn the City Council must make a findings of fact that the rezoning:: sllall dWIOltstI ate tIle pI oposed Iezolting ~ a. Is consistent with all the relevant Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan; b. Meets the Concurrency Management System requirements described in Article XI; and c. Is compatible with hmd existing and proposed uses in the adjacent area. 21-91.85 - Applolal Exphation A Ie,2:oltiltg shall be pellualteltt ultkss dlaltged pursuant to tIle, plOeess de,sc,tibcd in tllis Article.. 21-91.06~ - Rehearings A rezoning application denied by the City Council shall not be eligible for re-submission for a period of one (I) year after the date of denial. 21-91.07~ - Appeals An A,appeals fOI <tlty of the decision of the City Council concerning a rezoning decision is to the Circuit Court ilt a lualtlteI altd f01l11 presetibcd by tIle Cour 1. SECTION 21-92 - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 21-92.01 - Intent It is the intent of this section to recognize that certain types of hmd uses are so unique that they and require special consideration altd to provide the staltdaIds by ~llidl sucll uses sllall be evaluated. A Conditional Use Permit (CUP} is a quasi-judicial decision and shall be administered accordingly. Unless specifically stated otherwise in the conditions of approval, the CUP applies to subsequent property owners operating the same business or engaging in the same use. 21-92.02 - Comprehensive Plan Consistency No application for a conditioltal use peIluit CUP can be clGceptcd approved unless it the property is located within a zoning district that is consistent with the Land Use Designation/Zoning Classification Matrix in Table III-I. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedureslLandDevelopmentCode) IX-4 u o 21-92.03 - Procedures a. The public notice for a conditional u~e pellllit CUP shall be as provided in current Florida Statutes. b. Upon receipt of a complete application and relevant supporting material, the Planning Department staff will schedule eomidGlatiolt of tIle applkatiolt a review by the Tedll1kal Rev iew COltllllittee ( TRC). The TRC ~hall evaluate tIle tedlltieal Mpeet~ of the proposed coltditiOllal use peII1'1it altd l1'1ake WI ittGll 1 Ccollllllelldation~. c. AftcI tIIC TRC conlple,tc~ it~ ICcollllllendatioll~ lega!diltg thc coltditiOllal u~c pCllllit, the 111atte! will be ~dledule,d to! con~idcratiOll by tIIC r&z at tllGiI ncxt available, 11Iccting. c. *- Following review by the TRC, a staff report lecol1'1l1'1cltdiltg including findings of fact and a staff recommendation shall be provided to the P&ZB and thc applicaltt. d. The P&ZB shall provide findings of fact regarding their decision to approve, deny, or modify the applicant's request. e. The P&ZB decision shall be final unless appealed to the City Council within fourteen (14) days. 21-92.04 - Decision Criteria In order to be app!oved approve a CUP, the P&ZB must make a finding of fact that the CUP: shaH find tIlat the P!opo~cd coltditional u~e pCllllit i~ eOI1~i~tent with. ga. Is genclally consistent with the applicable land development regulations for the zoning district in which it the property is located; b. Is compatible with hmd existing and proposed uses in the adjacent area; and ac. Meets the Concurrency Management System requirements described in Article XI. c. rlOvidc adGquate laltdscapG buffGliltg f10111 adjaccht u~c~, whc!e apPlOpIiatc, d. rlOvidc~ adcquate 011 ~itG liglltil1g ~hiddcd ft0111 adjacGltt U~G~, w!.G!e applOpriatc, G. rlOvidc~ ~afG aCCG~~ to! pcdc~t1ialt~ altd vcllidc~, both 011 ~itc altd off ~itc, f. rlc~cnt~ ItO opcratioltal ploble,lll~ wllidl could advC1scly afia.t public llcaltll 01 ~afcty, Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-5 u o 21-92.05 - Authority a. TIIG COllditiolIal U5G PGilllit A CUP may set reasonable time limits, renewal conditions, and/or operational restrictions. b. Any appliGabk inlpact fCC5 5hall be dGtGilllincd. eb. In 1ll05t caSGS, a cOlIditiOllal use peInlit sllall 0.150 A CUP may require completion of the site plan review process described in Section 21-93 of this Article. IIOt'VGvGl, tllis lcqui1e111GIIt Illay be t'Vai vGd ~ IIGn a GOlIditiollal use PGllllit is 10eatGd t'V ithill a kgally Gxistillg 5tmGttllC. de. If the applicant agrees to install additional landscaping, reduce/or relocate signage, or make other iIllpIO vGIlIGIIt5 bGllefittilIg performance standards enhancing the appearance and/or public safety on the subject parcel specific idGntifiGd land development requirements may be waived. 21-92.06 - Approval Expiration Unless specifically stated otherwise, a conditiOllal U5G pGlll'lit CUP shall expire one hundred twenty (120) days after tile final action, issued. t:tntess If a building permit or certificate of occupancy has not been issued by that date. 21-92.07 - Reconsideration A denied GOlIditiOllal tlSG pe1111it CUP shall not be eligible for resubmission for a period of one (1) year after the date of final denial bv the P&ZB or by the City CounciL if appealed. 21-92.08 - Appeals An appeal of a decision of the City Council concerning a conditional use permit is to the Circuit Court ilI a lllalInel a..d foWl pIGSGIibGd by tllG COtllt. SECTION 21-93 - SITE PLAN REVIEW 21-93.01 - Intent It is the intent of this section to establish the process and criteria for review of site plans. A site plan for a building of less than 25,000 square feet 01 kss of enclosed useable area is an administrative decision and shall be lCvic~cd granted/denied by the Pla....ing DilcctOl TRC. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-6 u (.) 21-93.02 - Comprehensive Plan Consistency No site plan application can be approved unless it the property is located within a zoning district that is consistent with the Land Use Designation/Zoning Classification Matrix in Table ill-I. 21-93.03 - Procedures a. The applicant shall prepare a conceptual site plan which, at a minimum, identifies the points of access, the amount of impervious surface, the footprint[sl of proposed structures, i! general description of the proposed landscaping, the provides for the proposed use of the parcel, the number of employees and other such matters as are identified in the application material. LiGGnsGd plof'GssiOl,als alG IcquiIGd to pIGpaIG thG concGptual site plalI. b. The Planning Department shall coordinate preparation of a staff report review regarding the proposed conceptual plan addressing the factors described in subsection (a) above and the application material. c. Upon receipt of a complete application and relevant supporting material, the Planning Department staff will schedule considcI ation of tI.c application a review by the T cd,"ical Rcvic~ COI1Illlittcc ( TRC}. Prior to the TRC review, the applicant shall be provided written findings of fact concerning the site plan application. The TRC shall evaluate the technical aspects of the proposed site plan PGlIllit and shall make written finding of fact and may establish conditions for approval. The proposed site plan shall be reviewed for compliance with the Land Development Code requirements. d. rUlsualIt to tl,G IcquiIGlllcIIts of CI,aptcls 471.025, 472.025, 481~J21 and 481.221, Plorida Statutcs, cad, applicable sl,eGt of tl,e site plaII shall be plepaIGd, signed alId scaled by tl,c appropI iate ard,itcGt, lalIdseape aIGhitect, elIgilICGI, 01 SUI veyOI CUIIGlItl)' licGl1sed iI, Plolida. 21-93.64 - Anthol it) a. All proposed devdoplllcnt sl,all be subjcct to tllC site plan Ievicw process desclibed IleleiII, e-xce-pt siI,gle fa111iIy and dupkx Ie-side-I,e-e-S alId tl,e-iI aCCGSSOly USGS, as dGscribe-d iI, Tabk ffi+ bd. Upon satisfactoIY completion of Following review by the TRC Ieview, the applicant for a site plan with a building less than 25,000 square feet of enclosed useable area shall be provided with written findings of fact and shall receive official notification of the site plan action. Said IIotification sl,a11, at a IllilIir1'1U111, prescribe- the specific anlount of GJ.ch lalId use f'Or tI,G si tc. c. No c1lalIge ill the typG or anloulIt of land USGS specif-icd in tllG application r1'1atGlial shall be po mitted w itIlout tllc WI ittGn pellllissiOlJ f10nl tI.c rlalIIIing Dilector. If tile DirectoI Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-7 o o deteIlllihe.s a .signifkalJt ehahgc ih the .specific type 01 amount of land u.se.s ha.s occUlred, 01 i.s propo.sed to oeetll, the applicant .shall be. lequired to le.apply u.sihg the new ilJfoll1latioh a:hd pay ah additional fGe. d. TIIG Dileetol .sllall have tllG autllolity to applOve .site plah ehange.s ~lliclllcduce tllG .stluettllG area: e:- No .site plan .shall be apploved unk.s.s the City chginGGl applOve.s tile .stollll~atCl managehlGht plan 01 tile applicant plovidc,.s a SJR\VMD pc,lnlit fOl tllG pl0jC,Ct. fe. Site plans involving buildings of 25,000 square feet or greater of enclosed usable area shalt requilc, are also subiect to review by the Plal1lling and ZOh1rlg Doald P&ZB and review and consideration by the City Council in additioh to tllc pIOCC.s.s de.scribcd <tho vc.. gt As-built drawings shall be required on all projects requiring site plan approval. 21-93.05~ - Approval Expiration -It Unless specifically stated otherwise, a site plan permit shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the TRC dec1.sioh, uhlc.s.s if a complete building permit application has not been filed bv that date. 21-93.06~ - Reconsideration A denied site plan pCllllit shall not be eligible for resubmission for a period of six (6) months after the date of final denial by the City Council. 21-93.OT~ - Appeals For buildings of less than 25,000 square feet of enclosed usable area, -It i!n applicant may appeal a site plan decision of the Planning DilGCtOl TRC to the City Council. The City Council shall consider the appeal at their next available meeting and shall make findings of fact in its decision. SECTION 21-94 - LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENTS 21-94.01 - General Provisions Any amendment to the text of Chapter 21 of the City Code (Land Development Code) requires adoption of an ordinance by the City Council and after review and recommendation of the P&ZB. Changes to the text may be proposed by any City staff, any advisory board and/or the City Council at any time. {Such changes are a legislative action and shall be so administered - Moved to 21-94.03 b.l. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-8 o o 21-94.02 - Comprehensive Plan Consistency All modifications or text amendments to Chapter 21 shall be consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 21-94.03 - Procedures a. The public notice for a Land Development Code text amendment shall be as provided in current Florida Statutes. b. Such proposed changes are a legislative action alld shall be, so admiilisteled. bc. Upon receipt of a request to change the text of this Chapter, the Planning Department mff will schedule cOilsidGlatioil a review of the proposed change by the TeclliliGal RCvicw COIllllliUc,e ( TRC }. ed. Upon GOltlpktioil of tile TRC Following review of the proposed text change by the TRC, a staff report leGOmmending including findings of fact and a staff recommendation shall be provided to the P&ZB aild any interested paIties. Pliol to the P&Z public healiilg, at wllidl thG application w III bG cOilsidGIGd. de. AftGl tIlG P&Z publiG hGaling and a IGCOIIlIlIe.ndatioll is wade., tile application Following review of the proposed change by the P&ZB, the proposed change will be scheduled for a fiIst Ieadiilg of the OIdiilailce public hearing before the City Council. If applo vcd at the filst lutdiilg" a public heaIil1g will be. scllGdukd fOl tllG nGxt available. City ComIGilIIlGGtiilg,. A staff report presenting the P&ZB's findiilgs of fact recommendations, a draft proposed ordinance, a staff recommendation and the P&ZB minutes, if a v ailabk, shall be provided to the City Council for consideration at the aild tllG applical1t plio! to tile City CouilGil public hearing. C7 (Incorporated in e. above) f. The City Council decision shall be based on findings of fact and the competent public testimony received at the hearing. The City Council decision shall be il1'1111Gdiatdy effective immediately upon adoption of the ordinance. 21-94.04 - Approval Expiration Any text amendments to this Chapter 21 shall be permanent unless chal1gGd pm sual1t to the. pIOCe.SS de.sclibe.d above subsequently amended as provided for in this Section 21-94. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-9 o o 21-94.05 - Reconsideration Text amendments denied by the City Council may be reconsidered at any future date. 21-94.06 - Appeals Any Agppeal~ of the decision ofthe City Council concerning: any text amendment action by the City CotlI.cil is to the Circuit Court ilt a mannCl altd f'OIlJi ple5eIibed by tile COtlI t. SECTION 21-95 - SMALL SCALE PLAN AMENDMENTS 21-95.01 - General Provisions Chapters 163.3184, 163.3187 and 163.3189, Florida Statutes provide for a process to amend the City Comprehensive Plan. III geltCial, tile Plan llla:y oltly be anlended twice pel ealclIdal yeal. The Plan shall be amended by ordinance in the manner provided in Chapter 166.041 and Chapter 163, Part IT, FS. The Legislature created Chapter 163.3187 (c), FS to provide for an abbreviated review of small scale plan amendments. A small scale plan amendment decision is a legislative decision and will be administered accordingly. 21-95.02 - Criteria For Determination PUl5Ualtt to tile lcquiICllleltt5 of Cllaptel 163.3187 (c) rs, a 5hlall 5eale plait alJiendlllelIt i5 only applicable if: All small scale plan amendments may only be adopted under those conditions set forth in & 163.3187(c), Florida Statutes: a. The proposed amendment m involves a use of less than ten (10) acres 01 le55; b. The cumulative acreage of small scale amendments has not exceeded eighty (80) acres in the current calendar year; C. The amendment does not involve the same property granted a dlalIge land use amendment within tl.cla5t twdvc (12) luOl.tJ.S one (1) year; d. The amendment does not involve the same owner's property within two hundred feet (200') of property granted a plan amendment within the prior twcl vC (12) Illonth5 one (1) year; and e. The proposed amendment does not involve a text change to the goals, objectives and policies ofthe Comprehensive Plan, but only proposes a land use change to the Future Land Use Map for a site-specific small-scale development activity. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode ) IX-I 0 o o 21-95.03 - Procedures a. A small scale plan amendment may be initiated by an} applicant, a property owner. the City staff, any advisory board and/or at the direction of the City Council. b. The public notice for a small scale plan amendment shall be as provided in current Florida Statutes. c. Upon receipt of an a complete application;-the and payment of the appropriate fee and thc lele,val1t SUPPOI ting 111atcIial, the Planning Department staff will schedule col1siduation of tllC plOposed cllange a review by the Tcchl1ical Rcv ic~ COlunliucc ( TRC ]. d. Upon colupktiol1 of thc TRC lcvic~ of tllc ploposcd small scale, plan alllcl1dlucnt, a Following review bv the TRC, a staff report ICCOlt1lTIcnding including findings of fact, a dl aft oldinallCC to amend the Comprehensive Plan.. and a small scale plan amendment report and a staff recommendation shall be provided to the P&ZB public !.Garil1g at ~hicll tllc anlcndlllcllt ~ ill bc considclcd. e. The small scale plan amendment report shall at a minimum include~ f!dequate data and analysis to justify the proposed amendment. 2. An cvaluation of tllC effects of tile ploposcd alllCndl11cnt 011 cadi Ele,nlellt of thc COluplcllcl1si vC Plal1. J. All al1alysis of llo~ tllC ploposed alucndliiCl1t is consistcllt ~ith thc Statc Comprchcnsi vC Plal1. 4. All al1alysis of ho\'9 tllC plOp os cd alucl1dl1icnt is cOIIsistcl1t \'9 ith ECPRPC Shategic RcgiOllal Policy Plan. 5. A stIlllnlalY of thc public palticipatiol1 ~hicll 11M oecullcd Icgaldil1g thc plOposcd alllcndment. f. AftCI tile P&Z public Ilcal il1g thc alucndnlcnt ~ ill be scllcdukd fXH a public hcaIil1g bef'Ol c tllC City COUllcil to tr al1snlit tllc anlCndliiCl1t to the PIOI ida Dcpartlucllt of COlulllunit, Affails (DCA). g[ 1\ Following review by the P&ZB, a staff report presenting the Sall1C infolluation dCSGI ibed in subsGctiol1 (d) above the P&ZB recommendation. a proposed ordinance and staff recommendation shall be provided to the City Council for consideration. , al1d allY appliGallt ptiOI to tllc City Council public liGating. Tile City Coul1cil alucl1dlucnt de,cision sllall be base,d on fil1dil1g5 of fact al1d the, public te,StiluOI1Y le,cci vcd at tllis IlcaIing. hg,. The decision of the City Council with respect to the small scale amendment decision shall be effective thirty-one (31) days after its adoption unless appealed by an affected person as defined by Chapter 120.57, FS. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-II (.) <.) 21-95.04 - Approval Criteria In order to approve a small scale plan amendment, the City Council must make the following findings of fact: a. The proposed amendment sl.all be, is consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed amendment IS consistent with the Concurrency Management System requirements in Article XI. c. The proposed amendment is compatible with existing and proposed uses in the adiacent area. 21-95.05 - Approval Expiration ir--sS,mall scale plan amendment~ shall be permanent unless changed ptlI Stlaltt to tl.G plOCCSS de,sclibed in subsequently amended as provided for in this Section. 21-95.06 - Reconsideration All application fOl a A small scale plan amendment denied by the City Council shall not be reconsidered for tl.lee l.tll.dIed sixty-fi ve (JG5) days one (1) year after the date of final denial by the City Council dCl.ial action. 21-95.07 - Appeals An *~ppeals for of the decision of the City Council concerning any final small scale plan amendment dccisioll is to the Division of Administrative Hearings within thirty (30) days of the final decision concerning the small scale amendment adoption. SECTION 21-96 - OTHER PLAN AMENDMENTS 21-96.01 - General Provisions Chapters 163.3184, 163.3187 and 163.3189, Florida Statutes provide for a process to amend the City Comprehensive Plan. In gGI1GIal, tJ.c rial. may ol1ly be, all1Gnded tw icG pGI calclldal YGal. Applications for plan amendments, other than small scale amendments, shall be accepted two (2) times per year. The City Comprehensive Plan shall be amended by ordinance in the manner provided in Chapter 166.041 and Chapter 163, Part II, FS. PQlan *~mendments, other than small scale amendments, are legislative decisions and shall be administered accordingly. 21-96.02 - Criteria For Determination A comprehensive plan amendment is required when it ill vol ves: Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-12 <.) o a. Any change is proposed or required in the boundaries of any portion of the Future Land Use Map. b. Any change is proposed In the text of the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. c. Any parcel is annexed into the City. 21-96.03 - Procedures a. The public notice for other plan amendment~ shall be as provided in current Florida Statutes. b. Upon receipt of an a complete application;-the and payment of the appropriate fee and tllC, Idc,vant 5UppOltil1g 111atuial, the Planning Department staff will schedule cOl15idc,latiolI of tilC, plOp05Cd ellal1gc a review by the TRC. c. UpOh cOlopktiol1 oftllc, TRC IC,vic.w oftllc plal1 amc,l1dnlc,nt, Folllowing review by the TRC. a staff report IGCOllU11C,l1dil1g including findings of fact, a dlaft Oldil1ancc, to amend the Comprehensive Plan" and a plan amendment report and a staff recommendation shall be provided to the P&ZB public. IIGaIillg at ~ lliell tllG al11Gl1dl11GlIt ~ ill bc, con5id(,lc,d. d. The plan amendment report shall at a minimum include*"^" ~dequate data and analysis to justify the proposed amendment. 2. All G valuation of tllC, c.ffCCt5 of tllC, plOposcd al11c,l1dl11Cl1t 011 caell 12lo11Gnt of tilC, C0l11pldlGI15i vc, Plan. J. An anal}5i5 of Ilow tl.c. plOp05C,d al 11c,ndl 11Cl1t i5 col15i5tcllt Witll tl.c. Statc, Conlplc,hc,115i vc, Plan. 4. An al1al)'5i5 of llow tl.c. plOp05Cd al11Cl1dl11el1t i5 COl15i5tcnt ~ itll 12CPRPC Strategic, RGgiol1al Polic,y Plan. 5. A 5Ul11111aly of tl.c. public, palticipation wllicll lla5 OCWIlc,d Ic,galdillg tile pl0p05Gd al11 c, 11 dl(1(, 11 t. e. AftC,1 tllC, P&Z public Ilearil1g al1d a leC0l11111GI1datiol1 i5 I 11ade, tile al11c,ndnlc,nt will bc Schc,dukd f'Ol a public, llc,aril1g to tlal15111it tllC, aI11c.ndl11C,llt to tllc, PloIida Dc,paltmc.nt of COl1'1l11unity Affail5 (DCA) at tile next availabk l11ec,ting of tile City Coul1cil. e. -it Following review by the P&ZB, a staff report leplc5el1ting tile 5al00 inf'OlI11ation de5cribc,d in 5ubscctiol1 (d) above presenting P&ZB recommendations, a proposed ordinance and staff recommendation shall be provided to the City Council for consideration., al1d al(Y applicant, not k55 tllal1 SCvGn (7) daY5 priOl to tilC, City Council public hc,aril1g. f. DUling The purpose of the first public hearing~ is to allow the City Council111ay decide to tlal15111it to grant/deny transmittal of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment-;-the anlcl1dnlCl1t ICpOl t 511all be tral15111itted to the DCA for review and comments pursuant to the Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-13 o o requirements of Chapter 163, FS, Part II. g. Upon receipt of the DCA comments, the proposed amendment(s) shall be scheduled for the I1cxt available, second public hearing: by City Council fOI a public IICalil1g al1d fil5t Icadil1g of thc adoptiol1 or dil1al1ce to aIi1cl1d consider the €fomprehensi ve P12lan amendment. ffthe City COtlllcil aeccpt5 thc adoptiol1 oldinallCG at fir5t lcading, tllc 5CGOl1d Icadil1gAIGaIil1g whicllllla} includc adoption oftllc oldinancc 51lall bc 5chedule,d fOI tile lIext available, City COtllldlmcGtillg. 1. In their consideration of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment adoption oldinancc, the City Council alllel1dl1lellt dcci5i0l1 shall dilcctly address any objections provided by the DCA and shall consider any recommendations and comments provided by the DCA. Their The City Council's decision shall be based on findings of fact and the public testimony received at this hearing. J. If the City Council deddG5 to adopt~ the comprehensive plan amendment ordinance,-the al1,cndnlcl1t lepOI t and the adopted ordinance and supporting: documentation shall be transmitted to the DCA for their compliance determination pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 163.3184 (1) & (10), FS. k. The comprehensive plan amendment( s) shall be effecti ve twenty-one (21) days after the DCA issues a Determination of in Compliance unless appealed by an affected person as defined by Chapter 120.57, FS. I. Applicatiol15 fOI plal1 amel1dlllent5, othcr tllan 5111a1l5cale, alllel1dment5, 51lall bc acccptcd two (2) tilllG5 pCI yeal. (Moved to 21-96.01) 21-96.04 - Approval Criteria In order to approve a comprehensive plan amendment, the City Council must find that, based on the facts presented, the proposed amendment 51lall be is consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 21-96.05 - Approval Expiration *- Comprehensive plan amendment~ shall be permanent unless changed ptll5Uant to tile plOCC55 dC5clibGd in subsequently amended as provided for in this Section. 21-96.06 - Reconsideration An application fOI A comprehensive plan amendment denied by the City Council shall not be reconsidered fOI tlllGC hundlcd 5ixty-fi vC (JG5) daY5 one (1) year after the date of final denial by the City Council dCl1ial action. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX -14 o o 21-96.07 - Appeals An appeal~ fur of the decision of the City Council concerning a comprehensive plan amendment decision in this section shall be, is to the Division of Administrative Hearings within twenty-one (21) days of the final adoption. SECTION 21-97 - VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION 21-97.01 - Intent The purpose of this section is to establish the process and criteria to voluntarily annex parcels into the City limits. The a voluntary annexation PlOCe,S5 i5 ba5ed oiI shall be in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 171.044, FS. An annexation decision is a legislative action and shall be administered accordingly. 21-97.ot~- Criteria For Determination The owner or owners of real property which is contiguous and reasonably compact to the existing City limits may petition the City for voluntary annexation, if the, fol1o~ illg cOIlditioiI5 alc IIICt. subject to Chapter 171, FS. a. Tile, plOp05ed aniIcxatioiI dOC5 iIot cleate an enclave a5 dcfine,d in Cllaptel 171.031, [IS, aiId b. All of the plOpel ty 0 t\> iIel5 in tile, al ca to be aiIl1exed 5igiI the petitioiI. 21-97.02J- Procedures a. The public notice for a voluntary annexation shall be as provided in Florida Statutes. b. UpOiI levie,~ by the- Following review bv the TRC, the Planning Department shall transmit the annexation report and relevant supporting materials Ie-pOI t aiId a dutft annexatioiI 01 diiIaiIce to the P&ZB for consideration at tllcil iIe,xt a v ailabk IlIeeting. Separate ordinances shall be required for each parcel, or contiguous group of parcels. c. The P&ZB shall conduct a public hearing and shall evaluate whether the proposed annexation meets the criteria as established by Florida Statutes and make any other findings of fact deemed pertinent to a particular parcel. d. UpOiI colllpktion of Following review by the P&ZB action, the Planning Department shall transmit the annexation report, the draft annexation ordinance and -the P&ZB minutes~ available, to the City Council for consideration. a fil5t IcadiiIg of the annexatioiI ordiiIaiIcc at theil iICxt availabk lllcctihg. C. Tllc City COUllci1511all cOiIduct a 5ccond readiiIg and a public IleaIiiIg apPlOxinlatclY tllil ty Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-I5 o o (30) daY5 aftcI tIlC fil5t lcading. fe. The annexation ordinance ~ shall be effective upon adoption by the City Council. 21-97.03 - Plan Amendment and Zoning of Annexed Property a. Pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 171.062(2), the V olusia County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code shall control all development on the parcel until the City amends it~ Comprehensive Plan alid ICZOliC5 tIlG palcd to tIlC rlali a5 dC5ClibGd ili 5ub5CGtioli5 (b) thlough (c) bdow. Tllc City 51lallllavc no authority OvCI tile dGvdoplllcnt of ali alilicxcd palcd ulitil tIlG lcquilGIIIGl1t5 of 5ub5Cetioli5 (b) tIll ougll (c) al c "let. to include the annexed parcel. a. Upon completion of the annexation process, a plan amendment shall be processed pursuant to the requirements of Section 21-95 or 21-96 of this Article for each parcel or contiguous group of parcels, included in the annexation ordinance. b. Upon completion of the plan amendment process, the subject parcels shall be rezoned pursuant to the requirements of Section 21-91 of this Article. c. A plan amendment application resulting from an annexation may be processed simultaneously with the annexation application. However, the plan amendment shall not be effective until the annexation process is completed. d. A rezoning application resulting from an annexation plan amendment may be processed simultaneously with the annexation plan amendment. However, the rezoning shall not be effective until the plan amendment process is complete. e. Pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 171.0413, Chapter 163.3184 and Chapter 166.041, FS, separate ordinances shall be required for the annexation action, the plan amendment action and the zoning action. f. TIIG oldiliJ.IICGS dGscIibGd ill subSGctioli CD lllaybc plOccsscd SilllultJ.licously, but must bc GOlisidcICd ill tilC ordCI dC5cIibcd above. SECTION 21-98 - INVOLUNTARY ANNEXATION 21-98.01 - Intent The purpose of this section is to establish the process and criteria to involuntarily annex parcels into the City limits. The an involuntary annexation plOCCSS is based on shall be in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 171. FS. An annexation decision is a legislative action and shall be administered accordingly. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-16 o o 21-98.92 - Annexation PI el eqnisites PI iOI to eOll!lidGl ation of an} altltexation 01 dinaltee, tile Plaltnillg and De Vdopnleltt Depal tlueltt !ltaff, witll the M!listance of tIle TRC 111elt'lbcl!l, shall plep,ue a leport, as lequiled by Cllaptel 171.042, PS, setting [01 tll tIle plaits to pro v ide Ul ban !lei v ice!) to eadl paled, 01 contiguou!) group of par cd!), to be altltexed. TIle I epO! t !)llall, at a nliniluUl1l, include. a. A nlap 01 1l1apS sllowiltg tile, ple!)eltt and proposed City boundalie!), majol potable watel altd sewel tI<tltsluission line!) altd alty plOpo!led exteltsion tllGleof, the adjaceltt exi!)tiltg laltd use, tIle adjaecIlt Putme Land Use Map dGsigltati0115 and thG adjacGnt z:oltiltg da!lsifications. b. A state,Ineltt eel tifyiltg tIlat tltG prop05Gd alllte,xatioll is IGasonably colltiguotlS to present City Domldal iGs. c. A stateluG11t CGltifyiltg that the, palcd to be anltexed has a dclt!lity of at lea!lt two PUSOIt!l pGl aCIG, 01 11M a dGllSity of one pGlson pGI aCle and at leMt sixty pelGGltt (60%) of thG alGa is !lubdi v ided iltto lots 01 tract!l le!lS tllall fi ve (5) ael GS in size, 01 lics bet ween the existing City lilt'lits altd all area devdoped w itll tlr ban land u!)es or 11M at leMt sixty perce,nt (GO%) of tI.c par cd's bomldary is adjacent to the City liluits and alGa devdoped with mball uses. d. A !ltatel11eltt Gn!lmiltg thG allltexed alea luGGt!l tile levd of !lei vicG stalldalds ill the Capital IluplO v Glueltt Dlelueltt of tIle Compl dlGlt!li ve Plan. e. An altalysis of tIle plOvisiO!I of luulticipal, 5GI vieGs, utilities, projected levenUG!I and costs and tIle stIategic ilupoltaltce to the City. f. UltdelltO eilGUnlstaltees nla} any of tIle actions des'::l ibed in sub!)ectiolts (a) thl ougll (G) I esult ill tI1G Gleation of an eltclavG. g. Altllexation of endaves lua} OCWI by intetloe,al aglGenlent ~ith Volu!lia ComIty, 01 if applOved by sixty pGlGGltt (GO%) of tIle IGgiste,led vOtGIS of an eltclave witll k~er tIlall t~enty-fi vG (25) legistGled votelS. 21-98.03 - rl o,edm es a. The public notice fOl an iltvolulttalY annexation sllall be, as plOvided in Plorida Statutes. b. UpOIt lev iew by the, TRC, tIle Plaltlling DilcctOl shall tlansluit tllG ICpOI t and a dlaft anltexation O!dillance to tIle P&Z f'Ol coltsideratiolt. c. TIle P&Z !lhall conduct a public heating and sllall evaluate w IIe,tIIGl the pi oposed altnexatioll meas tIle ctitGlia de,sctibed ilt tile Plotida Statute!) and luakG allY OtIlGl filtdiltg!l of fact deenJ\~d pel tilteltt to a pal tiGUlal pal eel. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-17 o o d. Upon C0l11ple.tion of the P&Z actioiI, tIle PlaiIiIiiIg Dilectol 511.111 tlan5111it tllc aiIiIcxation ICpOlt, tllc dlaft OIdiiIance and the P&Z nlinutcs, if available, to tIlC City Council [01 a fil5t lcading of the aiIiIexatioiI OIdinallce at tllcil Ilext available. IIIGGtiiIg. Co Sepalate ordiiIance5 511.111 bG Icquiled [01 Gaell pal cd, 01 cOiItiguou5 glOup of palcd5. f. TIIG City Council 5hall COiIdtlct a 5CCOiId lC<tding alid a public IlcaliiIg apPloximatdy tllilty (30) day5 aftel the f115t leading. g. Thc annexatioli ordiiIalice 511.111 bcconlc cffccti vC tCiI (10) daY5 aftCl an anlicxatioll rcfCIClldtllll, if apploved by tIlC rcgistCIcd votel5 in thG alea to bc aiIiIcxcd. iI. If thc plOp05Gd alilKxation alca i5 gleatcl than fi vC pGICCiIt (5%) of tIlC City land area, a dtlal IcfClCndtlll1 by botIl tIlC vOtCH iiI thc alGa to be abiIcxcd and City vOtCI5 sllall bc IcqtlilGd. I. The IcfCIClldtlm 511.111 be Ildd at thc ncxt Icgulal dectiob day, 01 no 500iICl tIlaiI tllil ty (30) days aftGI tIlC ordiiIaiICC adoption, iftllc City CouiIcil dccidc5 to COiIdtlGt a 5pccial aniIcxatioll lcfCIClldtll11. TIIC lcfcrcndunl 511.111 Otl1Cl ~ i5C COlopl} ~ itIl tllc IcqtlilClIICllt5 of Cllaptcl 171.0413 (2), (3), (4), (5) and (G), PS. SECTION 21-99 - ABANDONMENTS AND VACATIONS 21-99.01 - Intent The purpose of this section is intended to establish the process and criteria for vacatiiIg, 01 abandoning and vacating public rights-of -way, easements and plats. CllaptGI 1 G3, Pal t II, Cllaptcl 177, PIOl ida Stattltcs, and tile City Cllaptcl Abandonments and vacations are a legislative action~ and shall be administered accordingly. 21-99.Of~ - Application Requirements An application must be submitted by an adiacent owner of record or the owner of a platted parcel. the application shall include: a. A recent boundary survey showing the area to be abandoned and the adjacent parcels. b. A legal description of the area to be abandoned including the Tax Parcel Identification number. c. Letters of applOval support or opposition from the adjacent property owners of record. d. Letters of applOval support or opposition from the affected utility companies and adjacent governments as may be applicable. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-18 o u (,. Otllu applOpriatG inf'Ollllation as Ilia)! be deJilied in tile applicatioli package. fe. A statement of the reason for the request. f. An applicalit sllall be an adjaccnt plOpClty owncr(s) of Iccold 01 tllC OWliCI(1\) of the plat 01 right-or-way to be vacatcd. 21-99.02~ - Procedures a. The applicant shall complete the application provided in the instruction package and pay the application fee. b. The public notice for an abandonment and vacation shall be as provided in current Florida Statutes. c. The complete application package shall be submitted to the Tcdillical RCview CornIlliUGc {TRC} for review and comments. d. Following review of the TRC. !he Planning Department mff shall prepare written findings of fact which at a minimum addresses: 1. The consistency with the Comprehensive Plan's Objectives and Policies. 2. The effects, if any, on any planned or programmed expenditures of any public agency. 3. An assessment of the effects on adjacent property. 4. A description of the adjacent land uses, zoning and site development criteria. 5. Any other appropriate information. 6. The certification that the current taxes have been paid. e. Upon cOlllpletion oftllc TRC rcv icw, t The application. findings of fact and staff report will be transmitted to the P&ZB for a public hearing and a recommendation. f. The P&ZB recommendation including the staff report and staff recommendation will be transmitted to the City Council f'Ol cOlisidclatioli at tllCil liCxt available I1ICCtilig. g. The City Council action shall be by Ordinance in the manner provided by Chapter 166, FS. h. Volusia County shall be furnished with a certified noticc of tiIc Pilial OldcI copy of the Ordinance describing the final order in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 177.101 (4), FS. 21-99.031,- Approval Criteria In oldel to approvc an abalidolilllclit leqtlcst, t The City Council must make the following findings Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX -19 u o of fact to approve an abandonment and vacation: a. The proposed abandonment and vacation is substantially consistent with the Objeeti ves and Policies in the Comprehensive Plan's Obiectives and Policies. b. The proposed abandonment and vacation will not affect the ownership or conferment access of persons owning adjacent property. c. Other matters of concern applicable to the specific area involved. 21-99.04S.- Decision Effects If the City Council approves the abandonment and vacation, ownership of the abandoned area reverts to the adjacent property owners of record in equal plOpOl tiolti'i accordance with State Statutes or as defined bv the V olusia County Property Appraiser. 21-99.05~- Appeals Appeals of abandonment and vacation decisions by the City Council shall be to the Circuit Court-in a luannel and [Ol1u pleselibed by tlJ\~, COtllt. SECTION 21-100 - VARIANCES The intent purpose of this section is to establish the process and criteria to allow a modification of the strict application of the Article III - Permitted, Conditional and Accessory Uses; Article IV - Resource Protection Standards and Article V - Project Design Standards requirements under limited conditions. This section also establishes criteria whereby an applicant can appeal code interpretations made by the staff. Variance decisions are quasi-judicial in nature and shall be administered accordingly. Appeals of administrative decisions are legislative in nature and shall be administered accordingly. 21-100.01 - General Requirements a. No valialtee sllall be ploeessed ulttil alty existiltg City Code violatiolts, llOt Idated to the subject vaIialtce, ale cOllected. b. UltdCl no GiICUll:lstaltces will citllel a cOIlVelltiollal, 01 adnlinistrati ve, vaIialtce applicatioll be accepted unless tile plOposed use is consistent witll tile COInpldleltsi ve Plan altd is pel mitted by tIle zoltiltg distIiet ilt ~ llicll it is located. c. No valialtce application sllall be accepted f'Ol alty luattel OthCl tllall a luodifieatiolt in lot alea, stl ucttlle lleigllt, yald setback, parking 01 tlee sllade point lequileluelits. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX - 20 o o d. A v1uiance sllall 1I0t be glalItcd fOl any chalIge in tile Lcvd-of-Sel vice standalds descIibed in Al tide XI, 01 fOl any dlange ilI any Goal, Objceti ve 01 rolicy in thc ConlplchGllsi v c rial!. a. The variance application shall be consistent with the current Comprehensive Plan and zoning district. Variance applications inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan shall require a comprehensive plan amendment. Variance applications inconsistent with the zoning district shall require a rezoning application. eb. Economic hardship shall not be sufficient justification to grant a variance. fc. No building pCl nlit, sigll pGIIlIit, llew development permit. occupational license or Certificate of Occupancy, shall be issued for any property that is subject to a variance, until the process is completed. 21-100.02 - Procedures a. All applicants for a variance shall schedule a preapplication meeting with the Planning and DGvdopnlGlIt Department~to discuss the requirements and possible schedule. The staff will determine whether an administrative variance, or a COli velItiolIal non-administrative variance, is appropriate based on the specific conditions of the applicant's property; b. The staff will provide an applicant with a current copy of the necessary forms and instructions for either an administrative variance, or a COlI vel1tiol1al non-administrative variance, as may be appropriate. c. At a minimum, the variance application shall include: I. The signature of the property owner, or his authorized agent; 2. A copy of a recent survey of the subject property, signed and sealed by a surveyor licensed in the State of Florida; 3. The tax parcel identification number from the Volusia County Property Appraiser; 4. A site plan, as may be appropriate; 5. Any other material deemed necessary by the staff PlOy ided it is deseIibed in tIle applicatiOll instmctiollS; and 6. Payment of the appropriate application fees as established by Resolution. 21-100.03 - Administrative Variance a. Upon receipt of a completed application for an administrative variance, the Planning and DcvdopIllent DcpaltlllCl1t Director/Building Official may grant a variance only in the following situations: 1. The variance involves real property materially affected by any governmental public utility or road improvement, or condemnation actions; or Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX - 21 Q o 2. The variance requests a reduction in the number of required parking spaces of ten percent (10%) or less: or 3. The variance involves site dimensions of less than one (1) foot. b. In determining whether to grant an administrative variance, the PBB Planning Director/Building Official shall make the following findings of fact: 1. That there is no alternative available to allow reasonable use of the property; and/or 2. That granting of the p,lIking variance will not result in parking in the public right-of- way or an easement; and/or 3. That granting of the variance will not result in a use which is incompatible with adjacent properties. c. The administrative variance decision shall be transmitted in writing to the applicant within thirty (30) days of receipt of the application. d. An applicant, or an adjacent property owner, may appeal an administrative variance decision to the P&ZB provided it is filed within fourteen (14) days of the date, oftll(, approval action by the Planning Director/Building Official on the administrative variance application. A separate application and fee shall be required for such an appeal. e. The administrative variance may prescribe a reasonable time limit within which the action for the variance is required shall begin, be completed, or both. 21-100.04 - COlllentional Non-Administrative Variance a. A WII v ('i1tioilal non-administrative variance application shall cOlllpkt(, tI.c applicatiOII plO v ide,d by be completed by the applicant and submitted to the Planning Departmentand pay tile, f(,e establislled by Resolution. b. Public notice regarding the COil v ('i1tiOIlal non-administrative variance application shall be provided in accordance with current Florida Statutes. de. Upon receipt of the completed application. the Planning and De, vdopllleilt Department staff shall supply a ~ litten staff provide a staff report and recommendation to the rlamlillg aild ZOIling Doald P&ZB. and the applicant no latol than ten (10) days pliOl to a legulaIly selleduled Illccting. cd. In order to grant a non-administrative variance, the rlaillJilJg and ZOllillg Doald P&ZB shall make the following findings of fact: 1. That granting of the proposed variance will ill1pklllelJt specifically identified policies alJd objccti ves ilJ is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan; 2. That granting of the proposed variance will not result in creating or continuing a use Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX - 22 o o of eithel a 5tructure, the lalld, 01 a cOlllbillation of land and 5tlUGttllC, which is not compatible with adjacent hmd uses in the area; 3. That granting of the proposed variance is the minimum action available to permit reasonable use of the property; 4. That the physical characteristics of the subject site are unique to t!Jc 5peeific 5itc and not present on adjacent sites; and 5. That the circumstances creating the need for a the variance are not the result of actions by the applicant, or actions proposed by the applicant. e. The P&ZB may prescribe appropriate conditions for any variance and may prescribe a time limit for application of the variance. 21-100.05 - Expiration Unless specifically stated otherwise, all f! variance~ shall expire two (2) years after final action, unless a building permit or certificate of occupancy has been issued. 21-100.06 - Appeals Appeals of P&ZB variance decisions shall be made to the City Council in a manner and form required by the City Council. SECTION 21-101 - DEVELOPMENT ZONING AGREEMENTS 21-101.01 - Intent Tllc ptll p05C It is the intent of this Cllaptcl Section ~ to set forth the procedures and requirements necessary for the City to consider and enter into dCvclopl1'1ellt zoning agreements. usually in accordance with planned residentiaL business or industrial developments. that. It i5 t!Jc ftllt!Jcr illtcnt of tlli5 CllaptGI to encourage a 5tIOllg COllllllitlllGllt to COlllplchell5i vC and capital facilitic5 planning Cll5UlC tIlG pro v i5ioll of adequatc public facilitiG5 fOI de vclopnlellt conCUlicllt \'9 itll thc illlpacts of dGvcloplllGnt, encourage the efficient use of resources, and reduce the economic cost of development. 21-101.02 - Procedures a. All applicatioll f'Ol a dGvcloplJiGllt A zoning agreement application may only be submitted by the owner, the owner's designated agent or any other person having a contractual interest in the parcel of land proposed forthe development agIeelllent. b. All application f'Or a developnlent agrcclllcllt 511.111 bG fikd with t!Jc Planllillg DGpal tlllcnt acconlpallicd by a llolircJulidabk fee as G5tabli51lGd by RG5olution. Upon receipt of a completed application. the appropriate fee. and required supporting materiaL the Planning Department will schedule a meeting for review of the proposed zoning agreement. and Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedureslLandDevelopmentCode) IX - 23 u o COhlnlCht by thG appropriatc City 5taff. c. TIIG applicatioh 511all bG ih 5t1dl f'011u ahd 511all cOhtaih 5tlch infOlnlatioh alld dOCtlluGhtation M 511all bc prc50ibcd frohl thuG to tinlG, btlt 511all cohtain at kMt tIIG follo~ihg. 1. Applicaht'5 naluG, addlG55 and tckpllonc htllilbcI. 2. A copy oftIlc lu05t ICCCht decd lccordcd in tlte Ptlblic ReCOld5 of V 0ltl5ia Cotlnty fOl tIlG plOpel ty tlhdGl COh5idGlatioh. J. A 5tlr vcy ccrtified ~ itIlih onc (1) ycal of tllc filing of tile applicatioll a5 leflectihg all iluplOvGluent5 and cOhditioh5 Oh tllC piOpClty. 4. A 5tatel11eht of the ihtehded devdoprJ1ellt of plOpel ty 5 If the proposed development requires site plan approval, the applicant shall submit a 5ite plan an application meeting the requirements of Section 21-93. 6d. If the proposed development requires prdiminalY rccord subdivision plat and coh5truction plan approval, the applicant shall submit a pldil11hlalY lecold plat ahd COh5tr tlction plah5 an application meeting the requirements of Article Xli. 7. Vlitllin fi vG (5) t'Volking daY5 aftGI all application fOl a dGvdopnleht agrGement i5 5tlbruitted, tllC Plahhing Dcpar tlucnt 511all dCtClluihC W IICtIlCl tIlG application i5 cOlupktG. 8. If tIlG Plahhihg Depal tnleht deterh1inc5 that the application i5 hot conlpkte, tllC applicaht 511all bG 50 notified in ~riting ~itIlih fivc (5) daY5 of tllc application'5 dcficiencie5. No ftll thGl action on tllG applicatioh tlhk55 tllG dcficiGllcic5 arc r Gluedicd. ~ If the proposed development requires rezoning of the property, the applicant shall submit an application meeting the requirements of Section 21-91. f. Public notice for the P&ZB public hearing regarding the proposed zoning agreement shall be as provided in accordance with Florida Statutes. 9. ~7itllilt 1 0 ~Olkiltg daY5 aftGl tile Planning DGpal tluehtdGtelluiltG5 tllat an application f'Ol a dGvdopluGnt agleelueht i5 c0l11pkte, tllG Plahltihg DGpaltl11Cltt shall 111akG a rCCOIJ1nlendation to the P&Z at tlteil hext availabk lueGtihg. &. Upon legal review, staff recommendations. and public notice requirements the zoning agreement application shall be scheduled for the next available P&ZB meeting. 10. If the proposed devc10pluGht IcqtlilCS sitc plall apploval or prelimiltary record plat altd coIt5tmctioh plan5 appiOval, tile applicatioh 5hall be snbluittGd to tIIG TRC f'Ol IGvic~ aftGr deteInlihing tllat tile application i5 cOlupktG. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX - 24 u o 11. Tllc TRC 5halllcvic~ tllc application alid plOvidc it51CGOllllllclidation ~itllili fiftccn (15) ~Olking day5. Thc lCv icw of tllc TRC 511all bc linlitcd to a lceollllllclidatioli a5 to wllctIlcl tk 5itc plali 01 plclili1inary lceOld plat alid GOli5tlUGtion plans nlGct tIlC nliliinlUllllcquilcnlclit5 oftlli5 Code. Tllc TRC Ilia)' al50 lllakc lCGOllIllIClidatiolls 011 5itc layout and dC5ign fcatUlcs. 12. \YitIlin tCli (10) days aftCl tllc Plaliliilig Dcpal tlllClit Iccd v cs thc ICCOllll1iClidation flOll1 tk TRC Icgalding tIlC site plan 01 plclilllillalj IGCOld plat and colistlUction plali5, tile Plaliliing Dcpal tlilCl.t 511all lC v ic,\lv tIlC applicatioli, lllakc a leCOhilllcndation and SUblllit tile applicatioh to tIlC P&Z f'Ol ICvicw at tIldl ncxt a v ail able nlcGtilig. 13. Public noticc rol thc P&Z public IlcaIing Icgarding tllc plOposcd dcvcloplllClit aglccnlclit 5hall bc a5 plovided ili accordaliCC witIl Hodda Statutcs. -Mh. Upon cOlllpletion of it5 ddibclatioli5, t The P&ZB shall issuc its wriUcli consider the zoning agreement at a public hearing and make a decision within tcn (10) days recommending approval or denial of the dCvclopuKlit zoning agreement to the City Council al.d tIlG applicalit. t5h Upon lccdpt of Following the P&ZB rccollllllcndatioli public hearing, a public hearing regarding the proposed dCvclopnlcnt zoning agreement shall be scheduled for the next available City Council meeting in compliance with the notice requirements in accordance with Florida Statutes. +61 \Yithin a lcasonable thllc of tIlC conclusioli of thc public IlcaIing, tIhe City Council shall either grant, grant with amendments, or deny the application for a dCvcloplllCllt zoning agreement. IT Notificatioli by thc City Clerk of thc City Coulicil's decision sllall bc lllailed to all pal tics and Within ten (10) days after the City Council executes the zoning agreement, a copy shall be provided to the developer/owner and the Planning Department. 21-101.03 - Zonin!! Agreement Execution Requirements a. A devclopnlcnt aglccnlelit sllall bc cxecutcd by all pClsons llavilig legal 01 equitable title ill tllc subjcGt plOpelty, ilieludilig tllc fee Silllple OWliCl and aliY llloltgagccs, UlileSS tk City AttOlliCY applovcS tIlC cxceutioli ofthc dcvcloplllClit aglcclllcnt w itIlout tIlC neccssity of such joilidu 01 Suboldinatioli based on a dctcilllination tllat tllc substantial ilitelcsts of tllc City willliot bc advclsely affcctcd tllelcby. A dcvc10pmclit agleement is detellllincd to bc a legislati vC act of thc City ili tllc fUltllclaliec of its POWCIS to plali, wnc and rcgulatc dc vc10plllClit w itIlin its boundar ics and, as SUell, sllall bc SUPCliOl to tllc lights of cxistilig li10ltgagccs, lieli holdclS 01 OtllCl pCIsons witIl a legal 01 equitable ilitCICSt in tIle subjcct plOpCl t)' alid tIlC dc vc10plllCllt agl eelllelit, and tIle obligatiolis and Icspolisibilitics alisilig Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX - 25 l Q (J tllGIGtllidGl on tllG plOpGlty O~liGI ~llall be. ~upGIiol to tIlG rigllt~ of ~aid llloltgagcc~ or liGn holdGI~ alld ~llallliot be. ~ubjGct to f'OIGdo~mG ulidcl thG tCllil~ ofnlortgagc~ 01licn5 clitcrcd into 01 lu:oldGd pi iOI to tIlG cxcGtltion alid IGcoldation of tllG dcvcloplucnt aglGGluCllt. b. In thc Gvcnt that the 5tat(, and fcdcralla~5 alG Gnact(,d aftcr tllC CXCCUtiOli of a dcvclopluClit aglCGlue,nt ~ l.id. al e, applic,abk to alid Plecludc tllG pal tiG5 compliallCG ~ itll thc tCI li15 of tllC dGvclopluClit agICGlue,lit, ~udl aglGGlllGllt ~llall be, modified 01 IGvoked M i~ liece5~alY to cOluply ~itll thG rdGv<l:nt 5t<l:t(, 01 f'CdGlalla~5, 5uclllllodificatioli OllGvOcatioli to takc placc only an(,l public IIGarilig5 pm5uant to tl.G IGquilCmGnt~ of Plorida Statutc5. c. Vlitllin f'Qm tCGl1 (14) d<l:y5 aftGI thc City Coulicil GXccutG~ tllc dG v dopluelit agleelucnt, tllG aglCGlucnt ~llall bG IGcolded ili tile, Public, Re,cold~ of Volu5ia Comity. A COpy of thG IGCOlde,d agl CGlucnt 5ha1l5ubluittcd to tllG StatG ofPlor ida Depal tluClit of COlulilUliity Affail5 ~ithin fomtCGli (14) day~ af1GI tllG aglGeInClit i5 lecorded. a. A zoning agreement shall. at a minimum. address the following: I. A plat or legal description including acreage of the land subject to the agreement and the names of legal and equitable owners. 2. The duration of the agreement. 3. The development uses permitted on the land including: a) The current or proposed zoning designation of the property. b) Minimum lot size and density or intensity. c) Minimum square footage of buildings. d) Minimum yard sizes/setbacks. e) On and off-site road and signalization improvements. f) A description of any reservations or dedications of land for public purposes. g) Stormwater retention. h) The future land use designation of the property. i) A description of public facilities that will service the development. including who shall provide such facilities. the date any new public facilities. if needed. will be constructed. and a schedule to assure public facilities are available concurrent with the impact of the development. Any public facilities to be designated and/or constructed by the developer shall be in compliance with all applicable federal. state. and local standards to ensure the quality of the public facilities. The standards shall include. but not be limited to. guarantees of performance and quality. and project controls (including scheduling. quality control. and quality assurance). j) Consistency of development with the Comprehensive Plan. k) A description of all local. state. federal. or other development permits. 1) Applicable impact fee schedule. m) Development requirements such as: Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX - 26 Q (.) 1) Any required Comprehensive Plan Amendment. 2) Any required rezoning. 3) Any required permits by the City, Florida Department of Environmental Protection. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Johns River Water Management District. United States Environmental Protection Agency and any other governmental approvals. 4) Any required subdivision plat approval. 5) Any final development order authorizing construction in accordance with the provisions of the Concurrency Management System requirement of Article XI. 6) Site plan approval 7) Homeowners Association (if applicable) 8) Health, safety and welfare requirement 9) Appeals 10) Performance guarantees 11) Binding effect 12) Recording 13) Period review 14) Applicable law 15) Time of the essence 16) Agreement/amendment 17) Further documentation 18) Specific performance 19) Attorney's fees 20) Counterparts 21 ) Captions 22) Severability n. The zoning agreement shall specifically provide that all development permits shall be obtained at the sole cost of the applicant/property owner, and that in the event that any such development permits are not received, no further development of the property shall be allowed until such time as the City Council has reviewed the matter and determined whether or not to terminate the zoning agreement, or to modify it in a manner consistent with the public interest and the Comprehensive Plan. 21-101.04 - Zoning Agreement C.iteria Execution a. A dc-vdoplllC-l1t aglc-c-lllC-l1t sllall, at a IlIiliililUIII, ilidudc- tIlC- follow il1g. 1. A le,gal dc-scIiption of tIlC lal1d subjcct to tllc dcvdopl11Cl1t aglcclllcnt and tk Ilames of tllc le,gal al1d equitable, OWliClS. 2. Thc dUlation of thc dcvcloplllClIt agleclllCl1t wllicll sllallliot cxce-cd tcn (10) yeaIs J. Tllc dcvdopnlcl1t uscs pCIlllitted on tllc land il1dudil1g population dCl1sitics, building Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedureslLandDevelopmentCode) IX - 2 7 o o ihtGhsitiGS and height. 4. TIIG futtlIG lahd USG dGsighatioh of tllG pI OpGI t}. 5. TIIG ctlIlcnt zohihg dGsignation of tI.c plOpGlty. G. A sitG plall 01 pldil.oihalY plat indic,atillg pllases if applicable. 7. A dcscliption of public, facilitiGS tllat will so viCG thG dGvelOpluCht, ihdudihg wllo sllall plO v idG SUGh facilitic,s, tIIG date any nGW public facilities, if hccdcd, will bc cOhstltlctcd, ahd a !Kllcdule to asstlIe public facilitic,s ale av ailabk COIICUIIGllt w itIl tIle ilupaet of the developl.ocnt. Ahy public facilities to be dGsigllated and/ol cohstltlcted by tI.c developo shall bG ill cOlupliahce with all applicabk fedGlal, state and local standalds to GIlStllG tIIG quality of tIle public facilitiGs. TIle stahdalds sllall ihclude, but IIOt be liluitGd to, gualantces of pelfOl111ahCG ahd quality, and plOject COhtlOIs (ihcluding selledulihg, quality eOhtlols, and qualit} MStlI ahces ). 8. A descIiptioh of ah)' IGSGI vatiohS 01 dedications ofland fOI public, pm pOSGs. 9. AhY otllel ihft)l!uatioh necessalY fOI leview M dGtGlluihGd by tile City. b. A description of all local devdopluGht pG1111its approvcd 01 heeded to bG applovGd f'Ol tIIG devclopluent of tIIG lahd specifiGally, to ihclude at least tI.c f'Ollowihg. 1. AhY lequiled ConlPlehensi ve Plan alilGhdluehts. 2. AllY lequiled IGZOlling. J. AhY lequilGd SUbhlissioli to the RPC 01 to tI.c DCA. 4. AhY IGquilGd pG1111its by tIIG Hodda DGpartl.oeht of Un v ilonnlental PlOtection, tI.c U.S. Alluy COI ps ofUhgineGIS, thG St. JOllhS Ri vel 'vVatc.r Mahagel.oeht Distlict, tile UhitGd States UnvilOhluGhtal Plotectioll AgGlICy ahd any othel govelnluehtal apPlOvals. 5. AhY IcquilCd subdi vision plat apploval. G. Ah)' final dGvdopme,nt oldel autIlorizing COhStlUCtioll ill aceoldancG w itIl tile plO v isions of tllc ConCUIIChCy MahagCl11eht Systcl.o IGquilel11chts of Al tick XI. 7. SitG plan apploval and aglGGme,nt that ih the GvGht that a sitG plah is IGquilGd by this CodG, all tIle, IcquilGl11ents of the site, plan plOCGSS shall bG mGt pliol to dGvdopluGllt. c. T!.c devclopl.oeht aglceluent sllall specifically plovide tllat all local developluent pelmits 511a11 be. obtained at the sole cost of tile applical1tJptopCtty OWllCI alld, tllat in tllc e.vCl.t tllat ahY SUell local de velOpluGht PGlluits ale hot rGcd vcd, no ftlI tIICI dG v elopl.ocnt of the plOpCl ty shall bc allowGd ulltil SUell tiluG as tIIG City Councillla5 leviewcd tile luattGI al1d dCtClluihGd ~IICtIICI or not to telminate tile dcvelopluent aglGGlhent, 01 to luodify it ih a luallllGI consistent WitIl tllc public il1terest and tIIG C0111plChcnsi ve Plal1. d. A fihdihg tllat tile dcvclopluel1t pel witted 01 ploposed ill tIIC dGvelOpluCl1t aglcclucnt is COllSistGl1t w itIl tIIG COluprehcnsi ve Plan. c. A findil1g tIlat tIIC de,vdopnlellt pelmitted 01 plopoSGd il1 tile dcvelOpluCl1t aglcclucnt is cOhsistel1t wi tll tllis Code. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX - 28 o Q f. A statcIlIe-iIt iiIdicating that failurc of thc de-v dopnlcnt agl e-CIlICiIt to addre~~ a pal ticulal PCllliit, GOiIdition, tGi 111 01 Ic~tliction sllall not Idic vC tllc applicaiItfpl opcr t} ow iIer of tllc ncccs~ity of conlply iiIg with the- la~ go veliIiiIg said pCllllittiiIg I cquil CI11CiItS, cOiIditions, teilus or I cstIictiohS, ahd tllat aiI} lllattcr 01 tlliiIg r equil ed to bc dOiIC undcr cxistiiIg 01 dir.ar.e,e,s of tIle, City of Ddgcw ate I sllall iIOt be, otlle,r wise, c1ll1ciIded, 11I0dificd 01 ~ ai vcd uiIkss SUdl modifkatioll, c1lucndlucnt or ~ ai vcr is cxprcssly pi 0 v idcd f'Ol ir. tile dc vdOplllCr.t agtCCli1cnt with spccific lefclcncc to tllc Codc pIOv isiollS so wai ved, 11Iodified 01 alllciIded. g. Such e,oiIditions, te,llllS, IcstlictioiIs, 01 other lequire,ll1e,nts dGtGIlllir.cd to bc neccssalY by tllc City of DdgcwatcI for tllc public lie-aWl, safcty, or ~dfc1IC of its citiLens. a. A zoning agreement shall be executed by all persons having legal or equitable title in the subiect property. including the fee simple owner and any mortgagees, unless the City Attornev approves the execution of the zoning agreement without the necessity of such ioinder or subordination based on a determination that the substantial interests of the City will not be adversely affected thereby. A zoning agreement is determined to be a legislative act of the City in the furtherance of its powers to plan, zone and regulate development within its boundaries. b. In the event that the state and federal laws are enacted after the execution of a zoning agreement which are applicable to and preclude the parties compliance with the terms of the zoning agreement, such agreement shall be modified or revoked as it is necessary to comply with the relevant state or federal laws. 21-101.05 - Amendment and Cancellation a. A de-vdoprllciIt zoning agreement may be amended or canceled by written mutual consent of the parties to the agreement or by their successors in interest. Prior to amending a de-vdopmcr.t zoning agreement, ~ public hearings shall be held ptllsuar.t to tllc Icquilw1cr.ts of PlOI ida Statutes by the City Council with due public notice. b. If the zoning agreement is amended, canceled, modified, extended, or revoked, notice of such action shall be recorded in the Volusia Courlty Public Records arid SUell recorded iIotiee shall be subI11itted to tJ.c Dcpar tlllent of COlunlunity Affair s provided to the applicant/owner with a copy to the Planning Department. 21-101.06 - Expiration a. The term of a dGvdopmcnt zoning agreement may be for any period mutually acceptable to all parties, cxe,ept that it sllall not cxceed teiI (l0) yeal s. b. A dGvdopl11cnt zoning agreement may be extended by mutual consent of the parties subject to ~ public hearings pursuar.t to tllC IcquilClllGr.tS of Plol ida Statutes before the City Council. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-29 Q o 21-101.07 - Monitoring a. The City shall periodically review the development subject to the dGvdopn.Gltt zoning agreement t~d vC (12) luontl.5 aftcI thc dfccti vC date of thc aglccll1Gltt to determine if there has been good faith compliance with the terms of the agreement. POI cael. annual rCvic~ conductcd dUl iltg ycal 5 5ix tld otlgh tCI. (G - 10) of a dc v dopn.cltt agl ccn.Gltt, tl.c 1 C v ic~ 51.all be, ilIcorpol atcd ilItO a ~ rittCIt lCpOI t w I.iel. 51.all bc 5ubmittcd to tI.e pal tiC5 altd tl.c Plorida Dcpaltr1'lcltt of COlul1.tlnity Affail5. b. TI.c City 51.all bcgin thc ICvicw procc55 by giviltg notiGG to tl.G dGvdopCI tI.at tI.c City ilIteltd5 to undcI takc a pcr iodic rcv icw of tI.c dc v dopmcl.t aglCGluCltt. b. If the City makes a finding that there has been a failure to comply with the terms of the zoning agreement, a public hearing shall be conducted. If the City Council determines evidence that the developer has not complied in good faith with the terms and conditions of the zoning agreement, the agreement may be modified or revoked. 21-101.08 - Compliance a. Ifthc City filId5 alId dctcIn.inc5 that tI.c dCvdope,r hM cOl1.plicd ilt good faith ~itl. tI.c tCII115 and coltditiolt5 of thc dc vdopn.cltt agl CCluCltt dUl iltg tl.c pCI iod ultdCI I c v ic~, tl.c I C v icw fOI that pGliod i5 cOI.dtldGd. b. Iftl.G City luakG5 a pldiluiltalj filtdil.g tl.at tl.GIG l.a5 bGGII a failUlG to COI/lply ~itl. tI.c tCllu5 of thc dCvdopmcnt agrcclucltt, public I.Gariltg5 51.all bG coltductGd ptll5tl<l:ltt to tI.c Icquil cmclIt5 of Hor ida StattltG5 at ~ I.id. tiluG tl.G dG v dopcl ~ ill bG MkGd to dGl1.on5tratc good faitl. cOlupliancG ~itI. tI.G tGlh15 of tl.G dGvdopll1Gltt aglccn.cht. If thc City COUl.cil filtd5 alId dGtclluinG5 Olt thG ba5i5 of 5ubMalttial con/pe,tGnt c v idcncc tl.at tl.c dcvdopcI l.a5 Itot complicd ilt good faitI. ~ itI. tl.G te,r1115 and condition5 of thc de, v dopn.cltt agrccl1'lcltt dUlilIg tl.c pcriod Ul.dGlle,vie,~, the, City Council Il.a)' luodify or rcvokc tl.c agrcclucltt. C. Alty palt)' or alty aggrie,vcd 01 advcIsdy affcctcd pCl501t a5 ddincd ilt Scctiolt 163.3215(2), PloIida Statutes, luay fiIe alI action fOI il1jUl.etive Idief il1 tl.e Cileuit COUlt f'Ol Volusia COUl1ty to enfolcc tl.e tellu5 of a devdoplucltt agleehleltt 01 to cI.allcl.ge cOlupliance of tl.e dc vdOplue,ht agleclueht w itl. tl.c pi 0 v i5ioh5 of tl.i5 CI.aptGI and Scction5 163.3220 tl.lougl. 163.3243, Hodda Stattlte5. SECTION 21-102 - MINING EXCA V A TION PERMITS 21-102.01 - Authority General Provisions a. ]Jxcept a5 pro v idcd below, hO 11Iinihg 01 e ,Excavation operation~ shall not be conducted within the City without a pc-ll1.it applo vcd approval by the City Council. The terms "Iuiltil.g " and "excavation operation" inc1ude~ any operation that elItail5 involves the excavation or Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedureslLandDevelopmentCode) IX-30 Q () removal of earth in excess of one hundred (100) cubic yards. bfh Notwithstanding: the forgoing, the following activities shall not reqUIre a lllllilllg an excavation permit: 1. Installing utilities (see Section 21-51 - Right-of-Way Utilization Permits). 2. Installing foundations for any building or other structure, or undertaking any approved development authorized by site plan approval, conditional use pGI !llit, Right-of-Way Utilization Permits, preliminary plat and construction plan approval, building permit, development PGllllit order or stormwater permit. 3. Diggil1g Construction of drainage or mosquito control ditches and canals by authorized units and agencies of government (see Section 21-54 - Right-of-Way Utilization Permits). b. Mil1ilig pGmlit5 atltIloriLed by tIle City COtll1cil and i55tled priO! to tllc effecti v(, date of this Codc 511all colllply with tIlC lcqtlilGl11Gnt5 of tIli5 Section. 21-102.02 - Application Requirements a-:An application for a lllil1il1g an excavation permit shall be submitted to the Planning Department PB after a preapplication conference. At a minimum, the application shall contain an operational statement, a lllil1il1g ( an excavation} plan and a reclamation plan as described below. b:-a. An operational statement shall, at a lllil1illltllll, illdtlde. be provided to include a description of the proposed operational practices that, at a minimum, address the following: 1. TI,G nalllG5 alld btl5ilte55 addlG55C5 of all appliGant5. 2. PlOof of OWl1Gl511ip of tIlG plOpClty to bc nlincd. 3:-.1. The purpose of the lllil1ing excavation operation and size of the area to be mined excavated 4:2. A timetable or schedule for lllilting excavation activities, from commencement of operations through completion of reclamation. 5-:-3. The proposed days and hours of operation, including maintenance and service of equipment. 6:-4. The method of extraction and processing, including disposition of overburden or top soils as well as the type of excavation equipment to-be being used. 9-:5. The location and estimated annual output of machinery or equipment to be used in any screening, crushing, or processing operation for materials mixed or excavated on the site. 8. A rGGGlit plOpe-rty 5t1l vG'J. b. Tllc opcrational plan 511all also il1dtldc a dcscIiption of tIlC plOpoSGd opclatioltal plaGticGs tIlat, at a loinil1'l.tll1l, addle-ss tIlG isstlCS dGscIibGd below. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedureslLandDevelopmcntCode) IX-3l c.) o +:6. Mitigation of noise, dust, air contaminants, and vibration. 2::7. Prevention of undue damage to public streets and roads or creation of a traffic hazard... including the posting of a bond for street repair. :r:-8. Protection of the existing drainage system capacity from project surface water discharges. 4:-9. Prevention of pollution of the groundwater resources. 5:-lQ,. Any other information identified at the preapplication conference as necessary for the reasonable review of the proposed nlinillg excavation operation. cb. The lllining excavation plan shall be submitted at a scale no snlallel tllall olle illcll (1 ") equals fifty fGct (50'), mlkss tile rDD detcilllill(1) a 1)111alkl 1)cak to bc applopIiatc alld shall, at a millimunl, illdude the itGllls deseIibed bdo~. in accordance with Section 21-93 (Site Plan). In addition, the plan shall include: 1. TIK nOI tII point, scale, and date of the plall. 2. Tile location of tllG plOpGlty to bG lllilled by kgal dG5CliptiOll alld sheet addlGSS, if any:- J. Tile bomldalY linGS alld dilllGllSions of tIIG plOpGl ty. 4:-.1. The extent of the area to be excavated, with dimensions showing property line setbacks, corner locations, required berm and swale~, and phase boundaries. 5:-2. A typical cross-section showing the slope and grade of excavation side slopes, berm and swales. 6:-3. Processing, storage, and ponding or water detention areas. 7. rlOposcd fGllCiIlg, gatcs, palkillg alld OtllGl safety fcatmGs. 8. Any OtIIGl illfoll1latioll identified in tI.c pleapplieatioll collfcl GllCC. 4. Ground water depth. 5. Ground water flow. 6. Traffic pattern / flow lavout. de. The A reclamation plan plus a performance bond in an amount determined by the City shall ddilleatG plOeeduIGS l1ecc1)salY to assure that, upon eompletiol1 of tllG nlil1illg aeti v ity, the plOpCl ty's SUI faeG w ill be kft il1 a 1)uitabk col1ditiol1. The I edanlatiol1 plal1 sllall il1dudc. be submitted as part of the application. At a minimum, the plan shall include: I. A statement of planned reclamation, including the methods to accomplish reclamation as well as the phasing and timing of reclamation. 2. The method of disposing of any equipment or structure used in the excavation operation. z...l. A plan setting forth the final grade of the excavation, any water features included in the reclamation, proposed methods to prevent stagnation and pollution, landscaping or vegetative planning, and areas of cut or fill. J. If excavation i1) to bG aeconlplished in phascs, the alea, extent, al1d applOxilllatG tinlil1g of each phasc 4. TIlc lllCtIlOd of disposil1g of al1Y cquiplllcnt 01 stlUetUlc u1)Gd il1 tllG lllilling opclatiol1. 5. AI1Y othel il1foilllation idel1tificd il1 tile pleapplication cOl1fGlcl1ee. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-32 o o 21-102.03 - Application PIocess Procedures a. Vhthin tGn (10) workil1g days aftGI tllG appliGation lias been sublllittGd, tk rDD sllall ad vise tllC applical1t of al1) deficiencics tIlat IIIUSt bc addressed befole fmtllCl review cal1 occm, 01 tl ahSlliit tile application package to tile City Ehgilieel for re view. b. An applicatiol1 sllall be deelucd to be COlupletC ohly if all of the lequiled sublJ'1ittals desClibed ih Sectioli 21-102.02 ale included. Go TIle City Eligineel shallllave fifteen (15) ~olkiIlg dayS il1 which to levie~ tk subluitted applicatioh fOI cOlllpliancc ~itIl plovisioliS of thc Code. d. litllG City EligincGl detelll1ines tIlat thc applicatioll docs not COlllply witIl tIlG provisioliS of this Code, the applical1t sllall be notified in ~ritihg of the cited deficielicies and tllat hO fm tIlCI ICv iew of tllc application shall take place uhtil tile cited defieiellcie5 ale addresscd. e. Aftel tIlC City EligiheGl dctennines tIlat tIlC applicatiol1 eOlllplics with the provisiohS oftllis Code, tile City Engineel shall issuc a ICpOlt alld ICColllulcndatiol1 to tk r&z fOI a public Ilearihg at tIldr next a v ail able IlIcaing. f. Tile r&Z public heal il1g 110ticc sllall be as pi 0 v ided in PloIida Statutes. g. In IC v ic~ iug tIlC application, tIlC r&Z sllall eonsidGl tile leeOlillllehdations of tile City Ehgincel ahd al1Y testinloliY presehted dmihg tile public IleaIil1g al1d make a recolllllleudatioll as to ~ 11I~.tllel tile appliGatioh is consistcnt w itIl tIlC pi 0 v isioliS of this Code and ahY OtIlGI applicable 01 dihahces. II. Dpol1 cOlllp1ction of theil deliber ations legal dil1g tile plOposed PGllllit, tile r&Z sllall tJ al1s1llit its rCe0111111ehdatiou to the City Council al1d tIlC applicant. I. The City Coul1cil shall col1sidel tile. ploposed lilil1ing pellllit at a public IleaIing held at its liext available nlceting. J. Public 110tice. of tI,e. City COUlle.il pe.Illlit IlcaIing sIlall be. III e.onlpIial1ce. ~itII tIle lequile.nlents of PloIida Statutes. k. Tile City Council shall con5ider tile lCCOlllllle.l1dations of tIlG City Engineer, thG r&Z IGGOIUIIle.ndatioh and ahy tC5timony ple5e.nted during tile public IIGaIing and detcIlllil1e w hetIlel the applicatioh is e0l1Si5tel1t w itIl tile plO v isiol1s of Scctiol1 21-102.04. 1. Pollowing applOval of an application by the City Coul1cil, tile rDD sllall issue a IlIil1illg pellllit UpOI1 tile applicant fmnisllil1g a pClfollllal1CG bond 01 otllcl secmit), apploved as to legal f01ll1 and 5ufficicncy by tile City Attollicy, to assul e cOlilpliance ~ itIl tk lequilGlIIGllts of the llliliil1g plali alid 1 cclalllatioli plali. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX - 33 o o nl. Tllc aIt'lOulit of thc bOlld, 01 othcl 5CCUIity, 5ball bc 5Gt by thc City Council UpOli Iccommclidation by thc City Dll~iliCCI fOI an aIlloulit not le55 than one hUlldlcd fifteen pelcGl1t (115%) of tIlC C05t of IcclaIllatioli. Ii. Thc bOlid, 01 otllcl sccudty, 5hall bc IdcltScd by tIlC City Coulicil olil} upon a ICCOllllllclidation by thc City DligiliccI tIlat all cOliditioli5, and Icc1alllatioli5 llavc bCGII fulfillcd. Tbc pCllllit 51la1l5ct fOIth aliY cOlldition, lilllitatioli, 01 IcquilClllclit City COUllcil, alid 51lall take effect pellilit i5 i55ucd. o. No Iliiliin~ may eomlllCliee tllitil a pell1lit i5 i55tled alid all Iegulation5 and conditioli5 of tbat pellllit ha v e beeli Iliet. p. TIle pCllllit apploval 5hall <ltltOlllatieally tClllliliatc if ali applicalit fails to p05t thc lequilcd pGl rollllancc bond 01 OtIlO 5eeUl it} alid obtaili a mining pellllit w ithili onc (1) ycal of tile date of apploval by tIlC City Council. q. A lililiilig pellllit "lay be i55ued fOI all} pCliod II0t to exceed ten (10) yeal5. Upon receiving a completed application and relevant supporting material. the Planning Department will schedule a review by the TRC. The TRC shall evaluate the technical aspects of the proposed plan. The Planning Department shall issue a report and recommendation to the P&ZB for a public hearing. 21-102.04 - Pelmit Issuance Decision Criteria. AppIoval of a IlIinilig pell1lit applieatioli 5hall be gIanted by tIlC City Council, only iftk appliealit del 110 Ii st1 atcs tIlC follo w ilig. a. The P&ZB shall consider the following criteria: b. e. d. e. f. g. 11. I. .L Consistency with this €ode; Article and the Comprehensive Plan, alid otllel applicable OldinanCC5. Whether the proposed IlIiliin~ excavation operation will not have an undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, parking, utility facilities, and or other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. Whether reasonable steps have been taken to minimize noise, dust, air contaminants and vibration. Whether the proposed IlIiliilig excavation operation will not 0 v el bUI deli discharge to the existing drainage system. Whether reasonable steps have been taken to prevent undue pollution of surface and underground water, and to prevent undue alteration of the water table. TIle plOp05Cd l11ining opoation will bc ananged alid coliduetcd 50 a5 not to ilitClfCIC ulilea50liably with tIlC dcvc10pIIIClit and U5C of liei~llbOling plOpCIty. Whether the proposed l11inilig excavation operation will not cause undue damage to public streets and roads, and/or will not create a traffic hazard. Whether the reclamation plan is adequate to ensure that the property will be properly reclaimed upon completion of IlIiliili~ the excavation operations. 2. ~ 4. 5. 6. 7. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX-34 o o b. The P&ZB. after reviewing the application at the public hearing. shall make a recommendation to the City Council. c. The City Council shall conduct a public hearing to consider the proposed excavation permit and either approve. approve with conditions. or deny the application. d. The applicant shall provide a performance bond or other security. approved by the City Attorney. to assure compliance with the requirements of the excavation and reclamation plans. e. The amount of the performance bond or other securitv shall be set bv the City Council upon recommendation by the City Manager for an amount not less than one hundred ten percent (110%) of the cost of reclamation. f. The bond or other security shall be released by the City Council only upon a recommendation by the City Manager that all conditions and reclamations have been fulfilled. The permit shall set forth any condition. limitation. or requirement bv the City Council. and shall take effect when the permit is issued. g. The applicant shall provide a maintenance bond to restore any damage to local streets or roads. h. No excavation may commence until a Development Order is issued. 1. The permit approval shall terminate if an applicant fails to post the required performance bond or other security and obtain an excavation permit within one (1) year of the date of approval by the City Council. 21-182.85 - PelIuit Modification a. Any sigliificant change in lCliliing opClations, tllc luiliilig plali, or the rcclamation plali, and any extelision in tl.e luiliiI.g pelli1it appl 0 v .11 per iod slla11 be ili aeeor daliee w itl. a new luir.ilig pe.lluit application eOlifolluilig w itll alld appiO ved undel tllis Code. b. AliY lcduction ili nliliing operatiolis, ilicludilig but not liluitcd to a rcductioll ili lloms of opcratioli, a rcduction inruiliilig plan arca, or a lcduction ili tile se.opc of opcratiolis sllall bc de.clucd to bc liOt sigliificant. 21-102.0~ - Suspension of Mining Excavation Permit a. TIle City Clerk sllall suspelid aliY nlining pelluit issued ulider this Code upon dCtClluiliilig tIlat tile pelluittce lias failed to lucet aliY requirenlelit of tllis Code, or lias deviated substalitially fiOnl or dislegarded tile tell uS and cOliditiolis of tile. pClluit in a ll1aliliel tlIat poses ali ilunlcdiatc dange.l to tIle public llealtll, safety alid wclfale. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedureslLandDevelopmentCode) IX-35 iF o o a. The City Manager or his designee shall have the authority to suspend any excavation permit issued under this Section upon a determination that the permittee has failed to meet any requirements of this Section or has deviated substantially from or disregarded the terms and conditions of the permit. b. No luiniiIg excavation operation shall be conducted following suspension of a luiiIiiIg an excavation permit until the City Dn~iiIeer Manager determines that the permittee is in full compliance with the requirements of tlli5 Code and the terms and conditions of the luinin~ excavation permit and reinstates that the permit. c. Unle55 the City DI1~iiIeCl 11M previou51y rciiI5tated tile pc,rmit, t Ihe permittee under any suspended luiiIing excavation permit shall be pi 0 v ided afforded the opportunity to have a hearing at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. d. The City Clerk shall notify the permittee of the date, time and location of such hearing when he/she imposes the suspension. e. At the hearing, the City Council shall consider the evidence presented and shall: 1. Confirm the suspension, in which event luiiIill~ excavation operations shall not be reactivated until the City DngiiIc,c,r Manager determines that the permittee is in full compliance with the requirements of tlli5 Code and the terms and conditions of the permit and reinstates the permit; or 3-:-2. Rescind the suspension and direct the reinstatement of the permit: or 2-:-.1. Confirm the suspension and initiate proceedings to revoke the permit-;-or . 21-182.07 - Relocation a. The City CouiIcil 511alllcvokc any lliiiIin~ pelluit i55ued undcI tlli5 Codc UpOiI dctcIl11iniiIg that thc per luittee 11.15. 1. Pailed to mect aiIY lequircluciJt oftlli5 Code 01 any othcll ule or regulation govcliIing thc pc,Inlittcd l11ihiiIg OpCI atioiI5. 2. DCviated 5ub5tantially fl0111 or di5lc~alded tllc teIlll5 and cOlldition5 of tile 111iiIiiIg per ruit. J. Mi55tatcd, 111isrcprc5clltcd, or witllhcld 111aterial facts in the penuit application b. Upon recommcndatiOll of tllc City DiJ~iiJCCl 01 upon its own r/iotion, tIIC City Council shall iiIitiatc proceedin~5 to revoke a nlinil1g pCllllit by 5c11cduling a public IleariiIg on the nlattcr and dil ecting tI.c City DhgiiIeer to rliake a I cpor t. c. TI.c pelluittee 5hall bc plovided, by ccrtified iIlail, 110ticc iiIdicatiiIg tIIC date, ti111C aiId 10catioiI of a IleariiIg on tllG proposed rcvocatiol1. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedureslLandDevelopmentCode) IX-36 , . .., (.) o d. At the hut! ilig on tile plop05ed I e v OGttiOli, tile City CouIieil sllall colisidel the tc.stilllony, subnlittals, alid inf'OIlllatioh p!eselited, alid tile 1 epo! t of tk City cligilieel, alid shall dc.tCllllilie ~ 1 Ictl ICl there e.xists al(Y gl oUlid f'Or 1 e. v okillg the llliliing pClli1i t sllalll cqnil e sudl additioliallepol ts to Illakc. its dcteInliliatiol1 as it deellls liCCe.SS,l.1 y. e. \Vitllili a lcasoliabk tillie., tile City Coulicil sllall de.tell1lilie ~hcthel to levoke tile llliliilig per miL Notificatioli of the. decisioli of the Council shall be lllaikd to tile pCIlllittcG. SECTION 21-103 - SPECIAL ACTIVITY PERMITS See Article ill, Section 21-37. Sections 21-1031 through 21-119 reserved for future use. Rev. 05/02 (PoliciesProcedures/LandDevelopmentCode) IX - 3 7