ORDINANCE NO. 2001-0-77
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has made the following
WHEREAS, Chapter 19.5 (Vehicles for Hire) of the Code of Ordinances was enacted in
June of 1980; and
WHEREAS, in order to update the Code with respect to Vehicles for Hire, the City desires
to adopt this ordinance to enact a new Chapter 19.5 relating to Vehicles for Hire.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the City Council of the City of
Edgewater, Florida:
Chapter 19.5 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby repealed in its entirety and a new Chapter 19.5
is hereby adopted:
Chapter 19-5
Sec. 19.5-1. Defillitioll~.
POi the pmp05e of this altide, the follo!;'Ving !;'VOIds and pmases shall have the meanings Iespceti vdy
ascribed to them.
StI tick tIll otlgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
:~~,!~~~. :: 1~~,1~1~~~t~ of public eonvenle,nce and, llccess,ity. issue~ the by the city council,
attthonztng th" holdel thel cof to conduct a taxwtb busllless w Ithlll the CIty.
~' ~~~~~. ~l~~si~~ ~~~~~IS t~e ~li v,ing of a taxicab on t~lC stleets, alley 5, 01 public places of the city
tn seateh of, or scheltll1g prospect! ve passcngC,15 fol hue,
~~'1...11l< uffici.l docal ;..nGd by tl>e Ghicf of p<>!i<e rot taGh taxicab atttho.i"d by a GG~;t';:e
: ~~l~~~ e~~~~lll~l~ce ~ll~ nee('s~lty. The taxIcab must be ptoPGlly outfitted, painted .11 5
tnspeetJon berolc, a decal ma, be Issued.
Dlive/. One ~ho dlives a taxicab.
~~~r~~'~~e~~ll~'t. The vvtitten mrthotity glantcd by the chid of police pmsuant to the plovisions of
this alticle to any pelson to dlive a taxicab upon the public st1eets of the city.
fIoIde/. The person 01 GOl pOtation to whom a certificate has bcen issucd tllldel this article.
f!~c_~fa!i~~ai iic~me. T~le ,license. issucd pmsuant to Chaptel 11 of this Code fol the ptllpose of
can) lllg on a busllless IiVlthm the CIty.
~~e~~t~~~ Any indi:idual who physically dlives a vehicle fol hire upon, ovel 01 along the
thoroughfares of the CIty.
Taxicab. Any motol-dliven vehicle fOl the t1ansportation of passengers fOI hile and which is
~~~l~te~~ithin the city, except cars licensed follental without dri vel, motor buses opCIated by the
city 01 othel taxing authority 01 ptllsuarrt to a flarlGhise mrthotizing the opc-ration therGOf and
vehicle,s opelated pmsualrt the.le.tO, 01 celtificates from the. public service commission.
Taximetel. A me.ter inst1nmeIrt 01 device attae.hed to a taxicab vvhie.h meaStlle.s mechanically the
distance. arId the liVaiting time. upon IiVhie.h the fare is based,
To dlire a tax;cab. To be. plrysie.ally in e.Olrtl01 of a taxicab whethel 01 not such taxicab be in
~~~i?n, whens~eh taxicab is being uscd for, 01 is available, olleady to be used for, the carrying of
passengers fOl hue.
To ope/ate om 01 mOle taxlcabJ. To cause taxie.abs whic.h ate undel one.'s ownelship 01 e.ontlOl to
be opelate,d, withe,l by hil1lsdf or by someone mlder his direction or supel vision, fOI the pm pose, of
carry ing passengels fOl hile within the, city.
TV aiting time. The, time when a taxie,ab is not in motion flom the time of acceptance of a passengel
01 passe,ngels to the time of discharge, but dOe,SllOt include arry time that the taxicab is not in motion
if due to arry cause, othel than the lequest, act 01 fault of a passengGl 01 passengels.
Stmek thlOUgh passages are deleted,
Underlined passages are added.
Sec. 19.5-2. DI i~el, opel atol di8tillgni5hed.
The same pGlSOn may be both an OpCHrtOI and a dli vel.
~ ~ ~~ f"'~o,lt i, ~Otll =1 Opel aful and a ill i ,el, he lllo,t pO"'" the qnalifiedlion' b: ~f :;
~;~; ~ : e~~i; I,I~ '~I be sub; eet to all of Ole plO, j,ju~'" of thi,.'" tide 1 d1tliltg to - ';0
and shall be subject to all ofth, provIsIons oftlus altIck Iclatmg to dllvCIS.
Sec. 19.5-4. U5e of taxicab5 101 pm p05e5 of pi 05titntioll.
~ i~ ~~l::~:r ~~~c: ~~~ ~~i~-CI 01 opcrat01 of a taxicab opcratcd in thc city to pelluit any peIson
:~ ~.~~P; 01 It,~. ,,,.11 t.lAicab Ii>. the ptu pose of pI o <titldion, Ie ""ne,,, 0, as'ign":,~, ';,', ~ ~%;~
~ ~~ ~~~p~~, ~I ~ o~~ orL~:e to dllect, tak, 01 tiansport any other pcrson r h I tV
~~~I~::~~~b:~ ~~~~. t~ b~l~{,vc that the ~tI1p~SC of such ditecting, taking or tiansporting is [01 the
ptupose ofPIOstltutwn, lc~dncss 01 asslgnatlo11.
Sec. 19.5-5.
~e.-~~~~s and dl i~el5 to I epol t 5U5pidoU5 peHon, tbings, etc. to police
depal tluent.
Sec. 19.5-6. Occnpatiollallken5es I eqniI cd 101 bU5ine55.
Sec. 19.5-7. Ck ni5ing pi ohibited.
~~~i~~s ;~~~~ I~~t cruis~ the stleets or road"Vays of the ciry in search of passengers of [01 the
ptlIp05C of sohCltmg bUSiness.
Sec. 19.5-8. ~..vbell Cl ui5illg, pick-up and dischal ge of p.l55e.ngel ~ pel nlitted.
~t ~~ ti_~l~ t~~t th, bus sy stem pIO v iding bus scr v ice tfuoughout the city fails to opelate 01 in the
cvent that a general elllelgency SItuatIon eXIsts ~Ithm the CIty, the CIty councIl shall havc the
authority to suspend the prohibitions against cruising and lest1ictio11S OIl Iecci ving arId dischalging
Stl tlck tlu otlgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
passengels contained in this artide.
Sec. 19.5-9. Condition, maintenance, iI15pectioll of ta~kab~.
(a) All taAic,<'tbs shall be kept in a dc,an, sallital) alld safc medIalIical c,ondition, at all times.
~~~ E~h ~~ ",.1;ch hM a d~eal shall be in'pecl<d in accolJaae< ",ith Ch;~: J;: ~~'~~
=~,- ~ : a~~ ll1,!>CCltOn ,taU"n of the Flouda Dcpa. tIhent of I h ~:;;; of, t;~-;:
~~ ':.~?'ck~. Pluof uf 'uCCG"ful. cOdlpktion ofthc inspectiun ,hall be gi, :'~ ~~ ~~~c; ':
~~~ ~~~l~~ ~l;;~. ~:l~ f~l~~ ~pelatillg a taxKab that hM not bec,ll illspected as c tl1 d a
shaH be In violation of thIS Code.
See. 19.5-18. Identification of taxicab~, decals.
~ ~t ~~all b~ ~~la~ful f01 alry pason to dtive a taxicab npon the shcets ofthc city unless the
~~ ~~ :~I~ o~~l:atol thaeof, 01 the trade name undel which the taxicab is opelated, shall be
~o~~ieuo"'ly painted incontIMting eolOI' on botl, liont dOO1' of each ,chick in kttcl~~: ~~
:!~~~~ ~~~~ s: l~d~~~ 1~1 heIght. Uaeh vc,hlde should also contaill thc busilless addlCss and t 1 1 e
nttlnbel ~f the opcratol.
~ E:",h. ce~ tifi";,ate holda ">all "50 a eolO1 "heroe 10, hi, ,chid" ,ufficient to di,tingui'~:~:~
:~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~f. ~~~ ~tha certificate holders operatmg ill the CIty and suffielcnt to dISh I
~~~~ ~ ~fu.~ ~i,:ab' ofth< '''''10 wtificatc holdel opelating in an a1ea "itl,in a ten (10) mile
=~~~ ~:~~ ~~ ~:~~s. Color schemes ill eXlstenCc, M of the date of thIS chapter shall be appr 0 v cd
~~~~~~d they .mec,t t~e lcqUl1elnelrts of thIS sectIon. The dud ofpohec, shall approve COlO1 schelllcs
pUlsualrt to tlus scctlon.
~~ ~~~~ a eGltifieatc, holda hM acquilcd a vehicle to be used as a taxicab, hM it painted,
~~~~~ted with a taximeter, inspeetcd by the police departmclrt, submitted the requilCd insurance
~~~~~~e; and paid the 1 eq uir cd occnpationallicensc fees, thG chid of policG, npon pay ment of a tcn-
doll at fee may Issue a deGal cmthOllZlllg the vdude to be opGlated npon the Clt, st1Gets. No vGhlde
may be U5cd as a taxicab without a dGcal. Vv'henever a vehicle, is tladed, wlecked 01 ceases to
opelatG as a taxicab, thG chief of police 5hall cause thG decal to be lemo ved.
Sec.19.5-11. Daily lllanifest.
~~) Dadl taAicab dri vGl shall maintain a daily manifest npon which all trips ale lecOldcd,
~~~~l~g ti~l~: and plaGe of 01 igin, the dcstination alId thG anlount of fat G. Comple,ted dally mamfc,5ts
~~~ ~~ ret~~ed to the operator by thc dli vcr at the conclusion OHIis tour of duty. The opelatol and
~~ivG~ ;hall make available, the malIifests to reprGsGntatives of the c,hief ofpolicG npon dGmand. Thc
forllls fol Gach manifGst shall be fmnishcd to the dri vGI b, the operatol alld shall be of a chataeter
appr 0 v Gd by the Ghief of police.
Stltrck thlough passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
~) . ;;:;~:l. ~~~~:~"'; of~~li< con ,enienee o.,d n=~~ ~r;:;~:: :~"::re
~~:,~~:~~:~ h~: ~~~l:::~~ ~I ~~~ the e.,kuda. y Cd! PI~i~}:: ~;~: ~~~ ~;;:::
~~~1m1Ifests shall be made avatlabk to the chId of pollcc 01 1 1 1
See. 19.5-12. OpeIatoH to 1 epol t cbange in ,ebide!l.
~~~~:e~":: ~e~~r.,:ro!.'osc'.to ehauge an, molo, ~cl~elc med ~~. ~~~~~P~'::::hAi~
=~:: ~~~H :~o~~~ t~~ ~h~~ofpollce!p vlllg the lllfounafJon reI 1 .
taxiGab shall be sold, tladcd, 01 abandoned ~ith a taxicab decal thercon.
Sec. 19.5-13. ~:~..~e:~ll~ ~~~ ~s!lu.an~e of deuls rOI tu.kabs to be opel ated by pellllittees.
license nUlltbel~ to be dIsplayed.
~ p~~~r: l.~~dir~~ a ?:llnit to operate a cui:ain number Of!c1Xica~s nlust kcep that Humber oft~icabs
:: ~~~ e~~!. "!'~" the ",""hel of 'u<h I""reaL, I' ,educed L~= o~::::~ :
~~~::~~~. :~~v'~~~, l:~~ver, that the chId of polIce may, 1111115 dl 11, r tt I
:;:~:~u~ I~ ~~ ~.:~>to~. ~ di,eMtin.e upe,atioll of ono 01 ",Ok ta.ie,L, fu, . ~~:re: PC::~~
::::; ~ ~ ::~ ~Oll~UM 01 olhe, good 'CMM.'I. Deedl, ,hall be ,emo ;~';;;;; ~=:
= itdi,'~Odlin.c:.?p'-'alium as hetehy pGlnu!ted. A failure 10 OpCld!< th =;u~ ~ :~~:~
~'~~ hy ~ e",';tt'e"k of con , cmenec aud neee,,,!, ,hall, cAeepl to th~ ~;.;;;!~ =~:
:~2,~1~!S ~Gr11_li~ed by the tenns ofthrs section, be grounds for the levoGatio he' t, .
~h"k 01 111 part.
Sec. 19.5-14. Decal and unmbel aMigument.
:.~~ et,icf:'!, Police, .pOl< p" =nI of the plc<elibcd fee ,hall "..ign "=rubel and ~~~:~~o~~~~
=~~~1~Z:,~ ~~,x~ab and each numbel shall be COllSPlcuously dIsplayed on the !Cal
assIgned vehrcle.
Sec. 19.5-15. Pltblk Habilit] insntance 1 eqniI ed.
~~ ~~ ~~~~n S~~~~CIate 01 dri ve a tID..icab 01 permit the same to bG dli vGn 01 operated on the
~'C~ o~th~"~l}..unk55 ale Owller. 01 ope,,,!o,. ale,c~f ,hllll filS! h",e p~oetlled M,d fil~ ~~ ~o
~:; ~I~~ : ~'':';:l:'.:: nr.slb=~ polre} O( pohe,CS, the tenn, IlI1d eOud,tron, a!Gleof ,h. I ';;;;;;;:
~:~~~~~~l :~~ all ~~r.~o~s sltffurng rnJury, loss or damage to person 01 to plopelty by reason
opelatlon of allY taAleab.
~ ~;~ ~~Ir~':="e polic:y ,""II be of ful", and ,ub,!""ee .ppto ,cd hy th~ eii ::'::;'
:2 '~~~ ~~ ~A~:~~d ~~ -;::, ill>~ancc eomp"'" atltI,Oli""d!ll do bn<iJle", in the ~~.::::;i~:
:~: ~~ : ~ ~~ ~~f ~ot Ie", tho., !wenty-Ii 'C thoU5o.,d doll"" ($25.000~;::;;;; ::
death to allY one person, fifty thousand dollals ($50,000.00) fol injury or death to al 1 tl
StI nck tIll c.ng,h passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
~ :~',;; ~::~l~ p<>I~ ,?aJl CQ,dait, a p.o, i,lo" ..holch} o,cry oumpany ~A~C:~ :;
::~: ~:l ~~~~. i~c~ to D~f:. tho cit)' dak inwliw,g a leMt thirty (30) day .
alteratIon, modIficatIon or GMIGellatlon of such polIcy IS to bccomc cffGcti ve.
~? t:~ ~o~~ ~h~ll},; i~"'od tM pel ate a t>xiGab Illtit d CbB cn! Ii.hili!) i",w <Ill:;:: ~~~} ~ :;:;~
:: :t ~:;; ~~~: ~d ::,h"o of tho owna Cl OJ>Clate! of5beh bIG"" l<> ploemo ,~;;.:p ;;1; ~
:~ the ~~ dOll at alll1~",;s a Olulen! liability inMllaHOO poliGJ in tllG pellal'b": ~~~~';;::~;~
::.~:~s ~I ~~ l~ ~~~~~0~1 ~I suspensIon of the OpCIc:tlO1 ' s decal and occupatIOI I s
ci!) eklk, 101 ,boh l.l>.i~ab, and tho wtificau of cClhenic"co and Dooe"it) ill whole 01 ;" pa.[.
Sec. 19.5-16. Taximetel lequhed.
Se.19.5-17. Rates, fales and dlalges f\)l taxicabs Gelleully.
Thc HitCS, fates and dlMges to be chMged by taxicabs by vilt~G of MId pmsUMlt to mctels [01 the
transportation ofpas5engers shall be as follo~s.
~~ ~:I~~ ($0.50) fO! the first one-sixth of mile 01 part thCleof MId ten cents ($0.10) fO!
~~~~~.a~ditional oIlc-si~th mile 01 patt thG~CO~, plus t~el1ty-five cents ($0.25) fOI each
addItIonal passengCl gOlllg to the same destmatIOn.
:rifty cents ($0.50) f01 the fiISt one minute of ~aiting time 01 any PM't thClcof, plus tell cents
Shtick thlOUgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
~~~.1 ~~'\~~- ~~~~ additional one minut(, waitin~ ~ime: A maximum charge of ten dollar s
E$iO.(0) shall be:, made ful each one hom of waltmg tune.
~~e fol~~l~~ ~~~x}~llmll chalge mlt} be:, made fOf the t1ansportation of baggage.
El1 Bne dollal ($1.00) fOf rootlockCls.
(2) Two dollals ($2.00) fOf t1unks.
~~ tile e,eld. ta".;c.b wi1lhn the IDedtUug ofthi, chapter .hall de,uc tv ,et ""Mo 011;:<:,;:::
~~ ~o~~~l~t~ ~~~~ge to be made Ul th(, CalIIage of a passengCl betw(,en allY t~o (2) I 1 e
~~,,~~ ~~~ ~e~~u~~ ~OI~ltS, thm al1~ in that event such a charge .shall ~(, computed upOll the
baSIS C')fthe lates he!CIn set fOlth Ul palagraph (1) and (2) of thIS sectIOn.
The time rol ~hich a taxicab shall duuge for its ser v ice shall begin with the alIi val of such
taxicab at the place to which it has been called.
IIoml, lates ~ithin the Git, limits shall be ten dollars ($10.00) pcl homo
Sec. 19.5-18. Sanle-Posting.
~~~~s s.l~a!~ ~~ ~~~tcd ~ld in ty pc 5uffiGientl, large so that thq maJ be !Cad by pas5mgCls while
sIttrng 111 the scats plO v tdcd rol passmgcl s.
Sec. 19.5-19. Additional passengel s I esh ided.
::.~~i~~~t~a~ ~~~~!~~clS, 01 glOupS tiding, ma, be permitted onlJ a5 directed by the pa5ScngCl filSt
engaging a taxICab.
See. 19.5-29. .Maximum nUibbel ofpas~ellgels.
No taxicab shall be opelated whell there ale mOle than thlee (J) pCISOllS in the front scat tholeof, nOI
when thele ale more pCHOllS theldn than fOf which sueh taxicab Wa5 designed and equipped.
Sec.. 19.5-21. hsuanc.e of fa. e I ec.eipts upon I eqnest, contents.
~ ~~a,ll b: th; ~trt~ of each drivel to give a receipt fOI fares vvhcllteqnested b, aUJ pa5SGllgC1,
~~~~i1~~ t~c f~e collected, the pOUlt of dcpal tme and alIi val and the numbel of passengCls camed
and 111cluded In such fare.
~~~~~ ~hallllot 1eceive 01 disehalge passe,llgCls ill the stIeet 01 road~cry except at the ext1eme
right-hand side 01 the roadwlt} nealest the sidewalk 01 side, of lOad w c1y , except upon one-wcry
StI tIck till otlgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
s11 eets.
Sec. 19.5-23. Collecting fal to~, pick-up 01 di~cbal ging pa~~engel ~ w IIile cab in motion.
~~ ~::~vel shall collect fdlcs, makc changc, take on 01 discharge passengers vvhile his tro..icab is in
Sec. 19.5-24. Rtoflasal to take passengtok s.
:; ~~;: ~:: ~:~ ~ ::~pt ";'y p~'chgCI Eot llan'1'M"tio,l withiu tho ci; li~' ~f:: ~~
:~ ~:c:. P::;'~O~g.ri~ ~tk v, d;i,mdoly olSucl1 pt ~po'cd hip i, c , id<ntly fir ill '0 j, 1--n
~~~~e~ ~ ~~ltC~V\11Se conba1) to the tC11US oftlus a1tidc, but au) dIlver may lequlIc that thc fale
be patd In advalKe.
Sec. 19.5-25. '.VlIel e passengtol s to I ide.
See 19.5-26. Place of bnsintoss.
Sec. 19.5-27. Renting litohides 01 bOlStoS, in~b.UllCe pi el toquisite to issuance of license.
~~ ~~ttp~~ll~lliecnse shall be issued by the city to an) peIson fuI engaging in the business of
:~:!1g motor v_d~iclcs: !hotO' 'CoutClS Ot hm,c, bnIc,^ ,uch "pplicant rot 'tKh occap1ttion~ ;~~":
~:ll ~:~u~ ~ ~~b~~ 1;~~lIty arId pI opel t) da111age mSUlarIee polIcy of not less tha11 tw t _ v
~~~~~ ~lla,'_ ($25,000.00) KlI i,Jl1l) 01 dc1tt:h to "'" onc pc15011, fifl, thOh''''~_ ~:::'
~~~,~~.oe) fo. In]",) 01 dc1tt:h to 01' pOlSon' can,cd by a.., onc "wdcut, and tcn thou,.. ~ ~v:;;;:'
~~~~,~O~.O~!,~~amagc to pI opel ty lesultmg flom anyone accident and each of these polIc e 1 11
Icmain in full fOlce arId shall be undiminished dUling the effective peliod of 1mch insmanee. A
~~ti~~~e of such insmance shall be filed ~ith the city delk. The lapsing 01 carIcdlation of such
insUlance shall automatIcally ca11cd 01 suspend stIe,h oce,npatlon hce,nse theletofole, lssucd.
It shall be unlawful fOl arl} pel son to chi ve a taxicab fOl hile in the ciry unless stich person shall have
Stltlck thH'>ugh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
filSt obtained f10Ill the chief ofpolicc a taxicab dtivCl'S pcunit.
Sec. 19.5-29. Qualificatioll5.
==~:l::: :c:~~ ~~"~t1Sl~ in tl" eOtluty I'm noli", than ,ix (6) ~~~'t~ ~::~=~
&~~;:,~ _~'~::..~~: r.~ ':' ~,~li<~ati~n ~l . <hi., c, " j.>Glmit 'ad being eightc - . __
(')1 (')ve1 may make appheat1(,)t1: t(') tIlG clud of pollee rol a taxICab du vel's peIllllt.
Sec. 19.5-38. Fh.geJ pi illt5 aud photogl apbs of applicants.
~;~~ ~~~~~.: ~C~~l~~,",ll~ shall cause, finge~plintillg and photoglaphillg of applieallts fOI a dli vCl' S
pemut an:d shall kGe}l these on file III then office.
See. 19.5-31. Itll'estigatioll.
~:~ ~~i.~f ~:~~~~e,~h~~l.~~s~ all illvesti~at~on to be ~nadc ~o det~Illline fitness o,fthc applie.u:t rol
~ ::;,::1 '::1::~:: ~'artn.'le. Cno,MI"" "I' Cllthe' ,n,,,hmg ll"".l huPI~ ;:: :l~; ~
~~ :i~l~o,j<"fl~w'.?, vliliMhee' ,haIl be gI"~,d, l<> derry . pClaJt. The eh. . ~ ~~;~~ :~:l
~~~~t1:~~~~~ ~ ~~1fulln te.st to applIcants on the plO v ISI011S oftlus ehaptCl and of the tlaf 0 I ,
la\lVs, mles and lCgulabons.
See. 19.5-32. Ph, sica} examination aud I epol t pi el equisites to issuAnce.
(b) The I GpOlt of the pIt} sicia11 shall be submitted ~ ith the application EOl a dIi v Cl' S peullit.
(e) The chid of police may Plesclibe fOHns 011 \lV hich such I CPO!ts shall be. submitte.d,
Sec. 19.5-33. Police I toCOI d of applicant.
:::r ~ i~ ~ .. w:i "",~ ~,,;r Inil ,hall fuuJ,h the dud "I' police. ,tateme"I mldoL ""th ~ c:;:;
~~;,~~.?ot II,~ ~~p1k'"rt i,~, e,01 bc<,~ o"lniet<d <>f a fdotry vI o"'~,i<ted "I' dli,ing ;'~~~~~L
","hlele wh,k hado tho dtfltKOnc<. "f ado_A,clllh,g ltqu<>1 01 Jtu.', and, If '0, UK ,,,,,,,, '~~:'::~
~I :~ ~ ~t"I' ofe,,:", ,ueh Cm' "ell"h. It ,hall bc In,l. ..fal fu, '"' J petS"n 10 full;~ :'
false inflHnlation in elfl)! SUGh S\lVOlll state.mcnt and shall be glounds EOl de.nial of a dIi vel'S 1 it.
Shtlck tluotlgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
Sec. 19.4-34. Application fee~.
Application f01 a dIivel's peIluit shall be accoInpmlied by a fee ofte11 dollms ($10.00).
Sec. 19.5-35. Issnanee and contents of pellllits.
~~~:'~~~: ~,~~~~O! of polioy ift],o ,applicant fu, a <hi,o,'. P<lb~:::: b;:~~::; g:1
:~:=~~~ ~~. aM ';"'<<"0' snffiucnt kIlO wlcdgo "flho pto, 1~~ ~': ::r:;:
: t~.~ ~:;~~ ~1.~~:~, ,la :,"" rolc. and 10gulaliM' of tho oit; .. hcn thc appl~;;;:; ,';;':;; ~e~::::;
~ ::O;'''~:' ~~ ~I~, to :~SIIe In ,,,ch pOlSon a rnhu 'p<mut, ..Iud ;:;;;:;; ~,;~ :~
l'.';~~ ~~Z ~:~ ~ ~",ll bUh tho '''''HC, add,o.., 'CA, eolct, ago, ,ignal",e, .;-;;:, Z~~::::~
~~~ ~~otogtaph mId fingelpIlnts oft11e applicant. Applicant shall have a vah 1 I '
See. 19.5-36. Dnution, I enen-al of peHuits.
~l~ dri~o,~, po,;",it" ,haIl o>pilo on Soptcmbu 30 of oach omend.. yo..., tudo" 'Mnu .'~o~~
~:::'~~I:~, a1:~ s~~~ ~b: lene~abk ttpon applicatIon ~lt1un thIrty (30) dzry s of eXPU 1 d
~~!~~l~ll::L~~ ~ fce of.fi ve dollal s ($5..00), pl0 v iding the applicallt has 110t bee11 con v ieted of an offrnse
enUlllelated In sectIon 19.5-40 dUU11g thc past t~dvc (12) Inonths.
See. 19.5-37. Reqtah ing Uhf pllOtOguphs of dl it eH, is~nance of neh peHllit~.
~: ~I:f ~:~~~i~~ n;a! ~~~le ne~ phvtoglaphs be submitted of any dlivCI, and a ne~ pelmit
:~~~ to ~' <hi <<01 be... ing He" phMugt ."b., as often '" the chief of police h,ay dCle!",!,,, that
5tteh prveedure 15 necessary In OldCl to Idket ehallges In the appealance In 5tIGh du vel.
See. 19.5-38. AUel ing, defacing, etc.
~t i~ ~~11~~1 to ~ilfully altcI, deface, oblitelate of dest10y a tro..ieab dlivel's peuuit 01 cause the
came to be alteled, defaced, oblitelatcd 01 desttoyed.
Sec. 19.5-39. Di~plaJ' displayillg pelIuit otbek tball dlil'el 's.
~v~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~hl~~ ~1 hile opelated in the cit} shall have hi5 taxicab dIi vcl 's pelluit displayed
~:",l: ~Ok ~, a oons;,;C"01l' plac~ '0'" tc be ob,ched oMil, by oach P",WlgCI. Tho,e ,hall
~~~ ~e ~lsplay cd In any v dude an) du v eI' 5 pellntt othel than the one rol the du v cl of such v dude,
~~t s~all thCle be d15played 1ll ally v duck anytlung ~hlch may easily be confused ~lth such du vcl '5
StI nck d1l ongh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
See. 19.5-46. Suspension 01 I nocation, glounds, pi ocedul e.
;;: ~~ ~~ ~ ..lGil}h.JI ha 'c tllCI iglrt< to SuSpcod 01 I c, okc an} taxicab ~~;' ' ~ pC~c'~ j~,:~
~~ ~~~ .:htef of pohe,y If, uponlllvesttgatlOll, the e0U11.:Il shall find that the ho 0 s hi'
(1) ~~~~ :iolated any provisions of this Code ofOldinan"es, state laliV, 01 e,ity ordinane,c,
Illk or regulation, or the, visions of this chapte,1 IiVhich has a be,aring on the hold"l '5
fitness as a tro...kab dIi v el,
(2) IIas bee,n con v kted of a fdony,
(J) IIas bee,ll COIl v kt"d of dti v ing a motor v"hick IiVhik uudel the, influw"e. of e.ithcr
intoxie.ating liquol 01 dmgs'
(4) IIas be.e.n con v ie.ted of Ie.ckless dri v ing,
(5) If such pelSOll is suffering fioIn a contagious or eonHllunicabk dise,ase. 01 defect 01
~~ ~~l~~IIe.ctcd impairllle.nt, of v isioll 01 he.aling 01 other uncone.ctcd phy sical
Impanme.nt, 01
(6) If it is dete.unincd thG holder is not a person of good moral chala"te.1 and fitness.
(b) Dd01e a taxicab dri'\iGl's PGlmit may be suspende.d 011e,vokcd, notice, of inte.ntion thclcof
shall be sel ve.d upon the, holdo by the chid of polieG Githo by re.gisteled mail addle.sscd to him at
~~l~ a~~(,s~ ~:his application 01 by pe.n;~nalso vieG: Th notice shall state. the gl?ullds up?n ~hich
tt 15 pl0p05Cd to levoke 01 suspend thG du vel's pomlt, and IiVhwand IiVhere. the. ory councIlliVlll act
~:~ ~1.~~ -,~~t,~r; ~~~ t~le. n~tice must b~ gi v~ll at kast t"n (1 0) d~ 5 b~fole. such he.aling, notice by
regt5tered mall be.ll1g GOlls1deled as berng given IiVhen the ktt"l IS maIled.
~~) ~t ~h~ ~l~al ing thG permit holdo shall be gi v en all opportunity to be heal d IiV ithel in po son
or by eounsd 01 both.
~~ ~~~ e~~~~~:police. shall have the light to suspend any dIive.r's permit ~mbject to a"tion by
::c ~i~~ ~~~~~~!~ ~ut any SUGh 5uspGl1sioll by the chief of police. sl1all11ot bG fOl mOle than a poiod
oftluec (J) weeks.
See. 19.5-41. DI i~eu to I epol t change ill I esideuce.
~ ~~I~~1 of a taxicab dli vel'S pGlmit shalllepol t to the, chid of police. any e,hange. of his lcsidcncc
01 employmGnt within tell (10) e,akndar days aftel making such charlge. ofre.sidwec.
StI tick tIll otlg,h passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
Sec. 19.5-42. RequiI ed.
~ t;~5~',5~1 O","alL 0, pel",;t. ta...ic.b owned OJ eonbolkd by hitn l<> be o~:~~;' ~~~h~;
::~:~~ ~~~~ ~~-:! ~,d ~"ch...~ the ''''ne p.."ngct 01 pa;,5<ngCJ5 "1>011 th ;c~~~'';;;
with0ut having fiI5t obtained a certificate of con v enkllGe and necessity flom the cit 1 . .
Sec. 19.5-43. Applkatioll.
(1) The name ohile applicant.
(2) !~~e, ~~~P?scd plac~ of business within the city of the applicant and the proposed location of
any depots 01 tellnmak
(4) If applicant is an individual, his Iesidence addnss.
(5) :~:he ~pplieant5 ate COPattt~"IS, th" nanKS and lesidenee addresses of each eOpatttlcl, and
the nanK of the cOpatlnelshlp.
(6) ~~ ~~ ~p~li~ant is a. COl pOIation, the applic.nion shall set ful th thc name of the, COl pOl.nion
and th" Iesldellce, duect01s.
(7) Thc bade namc which will be used in design.ning the taxicabs and the taxicab bnsine5s of
the applicant.
(8) A SWOlll financial st.ncmCllt of thG appliGant plGpand by a eeltified public accountant,
including the amomrt of all unpaid judgments against the applicant and the natUIe of the
tIansactions 01 aGts giving lisc to stlehjudgGment5.
(9) The expclicllCC ofthc applicant in th" ttatlspol1.nion ofpas5GllgcH.
Shtick tluCltlgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
~~li~~::.ed COIOl scheme 01 insignia to be used to designate thG v Ghick 01 v Ghidcs of the
Such fm thCl info11llation M the cit} coulldlmlry IGquile.
See. 19.5-44. Pbblk Ileal illg upon applkatioll.
:: ~j~ ~~tl~~~~ ~I ~d~. ~Clic he..;ng on 'wlieaUun' lOt . now WI;hOat< Ie:;: by ::C~
~~Ie I 1'::"C.....h1~IY, the hl,1 10gtJ.. muting in Apt il Mil Octoho, of each y c... ~ ~.; ;: ::~;
::::. :~:~ ~ g{;"n ~ tt:~ applIGrol1 Md ,hall co publr5hcil onoe n, " ..,e,,,p" <-~; ~l;:;
~':"~~: ~' ~~. o~ at ~ast ten (10) day' pIlO! loll.< !'uhlIG hem.n.g. Any mtGle'~~ ~:~~' ~;~~
~!~ .~~t~ the ett) eonned a mGnlOlanduUl In support of 01 III OppOSitIOn to the S
See. 19.4-45. Detel mination of neeessitJ, issballce.
~:~~l~ ~!~ ~~~cil finds that fU~l{,l t.axiGab ~G~ vice in the city is lequilcd by th: public COIl v~llienee
~~ ~~S~l~~ ~ld t~l~ the applIcant IS fit, t'\idlIng an able to pelf 01111 such publIc tlall5portatIOll and
~ c;o~~m ~o ~ plO, ;'iol1.<. of thi, .. tiok "uJ tl,o wk, plOmulgatcil by tho ohiof of polioe, thGll the
~t~ ~lc~~ shall Issue a certificate statmg the name and addlcss of the applIcant, the, lltl111bel of
~~e' ~~o, i'~d tlllckl the WtihOat< ...d tho datc of j'=ucG, otho. w i,e, tho apPlicaU: ~I
bc denied. In making the above findings, the city coundlshall talG into eonsidelation the, I I
~:t~i~ al~~ in opClation, t'\ihethel existing ttallspoltatioll is adequate to meet the public need,
~~~ ~1 ~~~~!~ e~~~~ of inCl.e,Med SCl v iGe onloeal tt affie conditions, and the chmactn, expc!ience and
tespollslbllIty of the applIcant.
Sec. 19.5-46. Oceupatiouallieellse fees.
See. 19.5-47. Ti ansfel of eel tificates.
~ ~ ~~i5e~~ o~~~blie conve,11iencG and nece,ssity shall not be sold, Msigned, 1ll00tgagcd 01
oth':l wis'C tl ansf'Cll cd, nor may COl pOL ate 0 t'\i nCl ship 01 managGmeut be changed t'\i ithotlt the consent
St! tlck tIll otlgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
of dt} council.
;:.. lt~~ of a certificate hc,clorolC ;,,,,<'<1 ,MIl file =lavv1ieatiun with ~;;;:)
~~'C~~ i~~ ~l~c siU_llG manllel. as an Oliginal application, CXGGpt that thc nc~ pClin. 11
be matkcd "tTansfcI certificate."
Thc oIiginal certificate shall be attached to the application.,
A copy of the agleenlent to tJ.a1l5fel the Cel tificate shall .1150 bc attaehcd to the
Thc pC150n to whom such tIansfcl GGrtificate is issued shall, in addition to the
acccptance of the cCltificate also agIee in wIiting to be:, lesponsiblc WI all then
cxisting cngagcnlCuts and obligations ofthc tJ.allSfclOI.
Sec. 19.5-48. AdjbStllleut ofl'ehide~.
'!' any pCi50n holdulS a ee,tifieatc ,hall dc,ilC to h.,e t!.c ''''"e ""lendcd '0 .. to ia~~: 0,
~c,~c":'" the ","nbc! of lM,eab, ..h,ch w'"" be 0 vClated Ihe! e""del, thc pt 0, ",on, of 'celt;; ;-~J
~l~~~~~ ~O-~~ ~~lall be follo~cd in dK SatHe mannC! as if such pClson woc apply ing WI a cc i e
and not .111 amendment theI cof.
Sec. 19.5-49. Adjnshu.eut of fees.
~~ I~~ ~ ~1~~ ~erti.~catc. I equiIes a high~I dty ~cctlpati~nalliccn5e ~an was paid by th~ applicant
:.~ ~~~ ~~~sc !:~r l~ ~llleh the new GGrtIficatc IS c.[fectl vC, the applIcant shall be IequlIcd to pay
thc diffcIence betwcen the atllount which is Iequiled fOl the ncw ccrtificate and the amount which
the applicant has paid the city WI an occtlpationlicense undel his old ccrtificate.
~~:. ~~ ~l:: l:~~:~~~ifieate IequiIes a 10WCl city ocetlpationallicense tha11 paid by the applicant
uncleI Ius old cCltlfieate, thC!e shall be no lebMe offces.
Sec. 19.5-50. SUI} eude. iug and canceliug.
:;:~~l~i~~~e ~1~1~~ may voluntaIily SU1lendcl his certificate. UpOllSU1lWdGI the chief of police
::~l~ ~~:~~~ ~n~?;c ~~ causc to be lelllOved the decals and numbels hom taxicabs COvGlcd by the
sutrcndeH:.d ccrtificate.
StI tick till ongh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
Sec. 19.5-51. Sta~pellsiou Aud I evocation of eel tifkate~.
~~l~~~~~~:l~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~e l'1ovision of this alticle ma} be revoked or stlspcnded by thc city
conned rfthe holder thereof has.
Viol.:rted any oft:hc Plovision of this chapteI.
Discontintled opclc:rtions as a taxicab opCIator ful tilirt} (JO) day s or more.
[ailed to seetlie and maintain a cmrent occtlpationalliccnse.
railed to maintain a valid dceal on any taxicab.
r ailed to pr 0 v idc r cgtllal alId efficicnt sel v ice.
=~~~ p~] ~n:~ j~~~11lents \'Vhich may be in effect and \'Vhich may have beenlcndered by
~1! ~~~1~ cr! competent jmisdiction against sm:h opcrator beccttls(, of injm1cs to person 01
propelt) inflicted or c.cttlsed in the ciry by alry taxicab o\'Vned or opCIated at the timc ofstlch
injmies by the cCItificate holdcI.
~l~~~~~aged or failed to takc plOpel plecaution to prevcrrt the dli vcrs of Stlch opelatm flom
v iolating the telms of this chaptel 01 the traffic. code.
'Violated allY ordinances of the city, provisions of this Code ofOldinallces 01 the la\'Vs of the
United States or the state, thc violations of \'Vhich reflect tlnfavorably on the fitness of the
holder to Offel ptlbic t1allspoltation.
Upon death of the holdcr of a ccrtificate of con v cnicncc alld ncccssity, the eel tificate shall
be lcvokcd by thc city clClk.
Upon thc dissolution or bankrtlpt", of an individtlal, partncrship m colpmation to \l'vhOlll a
::~~~ate of ptlblic con v cniencc and ncc.essity has bc.cn isstled, the city clcrk of thc city shall
catlse the certIficate to bc rev oked, plO vld11lg the CIty cOtlneIl has not atlth01l.l:ed the tl ansfel
of thc CCI tific.ate Plior to Stlcll dissolution or bci11:L ttptc.y.
~:~e!l~c.l a cCItific.atc of con vwicnc.c. alld nec.essity is issued in the llanlG oft\'Vo (2) pel sons
and one of such pel sons dIGS, the Stli v Iv or IS attthoul:ed to 1 eqtlGst t1 ansfel of the CCI trficate
to the sm vivm'snalnc pmStlallt to section 19.5-4J.
railed to comply \'Vith stlbsection (2), (J) 01 (4). Prim to suspension 01 IGvocation, the
holder shall be gi v en notic.e by the city clerk of the ploposed action to be takCll alId shall
havG all oppmttlnity to be heard the city eomlci!.
StI tick thlongh passages are deleted.
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OJ) Pailed to maintain a placc ofbtl5inc55 ~ithin thc city.
Sec. 19.5-1. Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter. the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
Cruisinz. The driving of a taxicab on the streets. alleys. or public places of the city in search of. or
soliciting prospective passengers for hire.
Driver. One who drives a taxicab.
Driver's vermit. The written authority granted by the City pursuant to the provisions of this chapter
to any person to drive a taxicab upon the public streets of the city.
Occupational license. The license issued pursuant to chapter 11 of this Code for the purpose of
carrying on a business within the city.
Operator. The owner of a taxicab business or the responsible agent for the owner of a taxicab
Taxicab. Any motor-driven vehicle for the transportation of passengers for hire and which is
operated within the city. except cars licensed for rental without driver. motor buses operated by the
city or other taxing authority or pursuant to a franchise authorizing the operation thereof and
vehicles operated pursuant thereto. or certificates from the public service commission.
Taximeter. A meter instrument or device attached to a taxicab which measures mechanically the
distance and the waiting time upon which the fare is based.
To drive a taxicab. To be physically in control of a taxicab whether or not such taxicab be in
motion. when such taxicab is being used for. or is available or ready to be used for. the carrying of
passengers for hire.
To overate one or more taxicabs. To cause taxicabs which are under one's ownership or control to
be operated. either by themselves or by someone under their direction or supervision. for the puroose
of carrying passengers for hire within the city.
Wailing time. The time when a taxicab is not in motion from the time of acceptance of a passenger
or passengers to the time of discharge of the passenger or passengers. but does not include any time
that the taxicab is not in motion if due to any cause other than the request. act or fault of a passenger
or passengers.
Shtick tluOtlgh passages are deleted.
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Sec. 19.5-2. Driver. operator distin~uished.
Nothing herein shall be construed as preventing the same person from being both an operator and
a driver.
Sec. 19.5-3. Requirements where same person is both operator and driver.
If the same person is both an operator and a driver. that person must possess the qualifications both
of an operator and a driver. The person shall be subiect to all of the provisions of this chapter
relating to operators and shall be subiect to all of the provisions of this chapter relating to drivers.
Sec. 19.5-4. Use of taxicabs for purposes of prostitution.
It is unlawful for either the driver or operator of a taxicab operated in the citv to permit any person
to occupv or use such taxicab for the purpose of prostitution. lewdness. assignation or the
commission of some other illegal activity. or to direct. take. or transport. or to offer or agree to
direct. take or transport any other person with knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that the
purpose of such directing. taking or transporting is for the purpose of prostitution. lewdness.
assignation or the commission of some other illegal activity.
Sec. 19.5-5. Operators and drivers to report suspicious person. thines. etc. to police
In return for the privilege of operating taxicabs on city streets. every person holding a driver's
permit shall report promptly to the police department any suspicious person. thing. or act whom or
which he or she may observe. regardless of whether or not such person. thing or act observed occurs
inside or outside of the observer's taxicab.
Sec. 19.5-6. Occupational licenses required for business.
It is unlawful for any person to engage in the business of operating a taxicab within the city limits
without first having obtained an occupational license from the city clerk as required by Chapter 11
of this Code.
Sec. 19.5-7. Cruisin~ prohibited.
Subiect to Section 19.5-8 below. it shall be unlawful for a taxicab to engage in cruising.
Sec. 19.5-8. When cruisine. pick-up and dischar~e of passen~ers {)ermitted.
At any time that the bus system providing bus service throughout the city fails to operate or in the
Stltlck tluongh passages are deleted.
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event that a general emergency situation exists within the city, the city council shall have the
authorit to sus end the rohibition a ainst cruisin and the restrictions on receivin and
discharging passengers contained in this chapter.
Sec. 19.5-9. Condition. maintenance. inspection of taxicabs.
W All taxicabs shall be kept in a clean, sanitary and safe mechanical condition, at all times.
fQ2 Every vehicle operating under this chapter shall be inspected in accordance with the state
vehicle inspection laws. Additional inspections for any purpose may be required at any time,
and may include an inspection by the Chief of Police.
19. Every vehicle operating under this chapter shall be registered in accordance with current
state and county laws.
Sec. 19.5-10. Daily manifest.
W Each taxicab shall maintain a daily manifest upon which all trips are recorded, showing time
and place of origin, the destination and the amount of fare. Completed daily manifests shall
be returned to the operator by the driver at the conclusion the driver's day. The operator and
driver shall make available the manifests to the City. The forms for each manifest shall be
furnished to the driver by the operator and shall be of a character approved by the City.
fQ2 Every holder of an occupational license shall retain and preserve all driver manifests in a
safe place for at least the calendar year preceding the current calendar year. Such manifests
shall be made available to the City upon request.
Sec.19.5-11 Operators to report chan~e in vehicles.
Whenever an operator proposes to change any motor vehicle used in the operation of the taxicab
business the operator shall report to the City giving the information required in the application for
an occupational license.
Sec. 19.5-12 Public liability insurance required.
W No person shall operate or drive a taxicab or permit the same to be driven or operated on the
streets of the city unless operator shall first have procured and filed with the city clerk a
liability insurance policy or policies: the terms and conditions thereof shall provide
protection for all persons suffering iniury, loss or damage to person or to property by reason
of the operation of any taxicab.
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@ Every such insurance policy or certificate of insurance shall be of a form and substance
approved by the city clerk and shall be executed by an insurance company or companies
authorized to do business in the state and acceptable to the city clerk and shall be in the
penal sum of $1 00.000.00 for each iniury. or death to a person caused by one accident; in
the penal sum of $300.000.00 for each iniury or death of all persons caused bv one accident:
and in the penal sum of$IO.OOO.OO for damage to property resulting from an~ one accident;
and each of the penal sums shall remain in full force and shall be undiminished during the
effective period of the insurance.
W Every such insurance policy shall contain a provision whereby every companv executing the
same shall obligate itself to notify the city clerk in writing a least thirty (30) days before any
alteration. modification or cancellation of such policy is to become effective.
Sec.19.5-13 Taximeter required.
All taxicabs operated under the authority of this chapter shall be equipped with taximeters fastened
in front of the passengers. visible to them at all times. both day and night. After sundown. the face
ofthe taximeter shall be illuminated. The taximeter shall be operated mechanically by a mechanism
of standard design and construction. driven either from the transmission or from one of the front
wheels by a flexible and permanently attached driving mechanism. They shall be sealed at all points
and connections which. if manipulated. would affect their correct reading and recording. Each
taximeter shall have thereon a flag to denote when the vehicle is employed and when it is not
employed: and it shall be the duty of the driver to throw the flag of such taximeter into a non-
recording position at the termination of each triJ? All metering devices shall be calibrated once
every six months to determine their accuracy: and in the event of a patent defect. such meter shall
be calibrated immediately and a certificate of the calibration shall be furnished to the City
identifying the vehicle on which the meter is attached.
Sec. 19.5-14. Rates - Posting.
Rates shall be posted and in type sufficiently large so that they may be read by passengers while
sitting in the seats provided for passengers.
Sec. 19.5-15. Additional passengers restricted.
Additional passengers. or groups riding. mav be allowed only as directed by the passenger first
engaging the taxicab.
Sec. 19.5-16. Maximum number of passengers.
StI tIck thl <'Itlgh passages are deleted.
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No taxicab shall be operated when there are more than three (3) persons in the front seat thereof, nor
when there are more persons therein than for which such taxicab was designed and equipped and
in which there are a sufficient number of seat belts.
Sec. 19.5-17. Issuance of fare receipts upon request: contents.
Sec. 19.5-18. Pick-up and discharee ofpasseneers I!enerally.
Taxicabs shall not receive or discharge passengers in the street or roadway except at the extreme
right-hand side or the roadway nearest the sidewalk or side of roadway.
Sec. 19.5-19. Collectine fares. pick-up or dischareinl! passeneers while cab in motion.
No driver shall collect fares. make change or take on or discharge passengers while his taxicab is
in motion.
Sec. 19.5-20. Refusal to take passeneers.
No driver shall refuse to accept any passenger for transportation within the city limits of the city
unless such passenger is drunk or disorderly or such proposed trip is evidently for illegal or immoral
purposes or otherwise contrary to the terms of this chapter, nothing herein shall prevent a driver
from requiring that the fare be paid in advance.
Sec. 19.5-21 Where passeneers to ride.
No operator or driver of any taxicab shall permit any passenger to ride in any place in or on his
taxicab except on the regular seats of such taxicab.
Sec. 19.5-22. Place of business.
All taxicab businesses shall be required to maintain a place of business within the city from which
to conduct their operations. The place of business shall be in a permanent structure and shall be
located in a zoning district within the city where such use is permitted and shall meet all
requirements set forth in the City's Land Development Code.
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Sec. 19.5-23. Required.
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a taxicab in the city unless such person shall have first
obtained from the City, a taxicab driver's permit.
Sec. 19.5-24. Qualifications.
Any person who has resided continuously in the county for not less than six (6) months immediately
preceding the making of an application for a driver's permit and being eighteen (18) years of age
or over may make application to the City for a taxicab driver's permit.
Sec. 19.5-25. Fin~erprints and photo!!:raphs of apvlicants.
The police department shall cause fingerprinting and photographing of applicants for a driver's
permit and shall keep these on file in their office.
Sec. 19.5-26. Investi~ation.
The Chief of Police shall cause an investigation to be made to determine fitness of the applicant for
a permit required by this chapter. Conviction of crimes involving moral turpitude and being a
habitual violator of laws or ordinances shall be grounds to deny a permit.
In addition, the applicant will provide the following:
ill A copy of a valid Florida Driver's license (Class D), as well as a list of anv out of state
Driver's Licenses held in the past 11 years.
.Qi} A report from a physician practicing and maintaining an office in the county to determine
whether or not such applicant has any defect or impairment of vision or hearing or other
physical impairment which would render him or her incapable of driving a motor vehicle
(0 A coPy of the results from a drug screening performed bv from a licensed laboratory
operating within the county.
@ A copv of the applicant's driving record for the past 11 years.
Sec. 19.4-27. Application fees.
An application for a driver's permit shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
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Sec. 19.5-28. Issuance and contents of permits.
Based on the application and documents required for submission, it shall be the duty of the Chief
of Police to determine if the applicant for a driver's permit be a person of good moral character and
fitness and possesses sufficient knowledge of the provisions of this chapter and of the traffic
ordinance, laws, rules and regulations of the city when the applicant has complied with the
provisions of this chapter. The City shall issue to such person a driver's permit. which permit shall
be signed by the city clerk and shall bear the name, address of employer, sex, color, age, signature,
recent profile and full face photograph and fingerprints of the applicant.
Sec. 19.5-29. Duration. renewal of permits.
All driver's permits shall expire on September 30 of each calendar year, unless sooner revoked or
suspended, and shall be renewable upon application within thirty (30) days of expiration and
payment of a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), provided the applicant has not been convicted of
an offense enumerated in section 19.5-33 during the past twelve (12) months.
Sec. 19.5-30. Requirine: new photo~raphs of drivers; issuance of new {)ermits.
The Chief of Police may require new photographs be submitted of any driver, and a new permit
issued to such driver bearing new photographs, as often as the Chief of Police may determine that
such procedure is necessary in order to reflect changes in the appearance in such driver.
Sec. 19.5-31. Alterin~. defacing. etc.
It is unlawful to wilfully alter, deface, obliterate of destroy a taxicab driver's permit or cause the
same to be altered, defaced, obliterated or destroyed.
Sec. 19.5-32. Display; displayine: permit other than driver's {)ermit.
Every driver of a vehicle for hire operated in the city shall have his taxicab driver's permit displayed
in such vehicle in a conspicuous place so as to be observed easily by each passenger. There shall
not be displayed in any vehicle any driver's permit other than the one for the driver of such vehicle,
nor shall there be displayed in any vehicle anything which may easily be confused with such driver's
Sec. 19.5-33. Suspension or revocation; ~rounds; procedure.
ill The city council shall have the rights to suspend or revoke any taxicab driver's permit issued
by the City if, upon investigation, the council finds that the holder of such driver's permit:
Stltlck thle.tlSh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
L Has violated anv provisions of this Code of Ordinances, state law, or city
ordinance, rule or regulation, or the provisions of this chapter which has a
bearing on the holder's fitness as a taxicab driver;
2. Has been convicted of a felony;
~ Has been convicted of driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of
either intoxicating liquor or drugs;
4. Has been convicted of reckless driving;
~ If such person is suffering from a contagious or communicable disease or
defect or an uncorrected impairment of vision or hearing or other uncorrected
physical impairment; or
6. If it is determined that the holder is not a person of good moral character and
(Q) Before a taxicab driver's permit may be suspended or revoked, notice of intention thereof
shall be served upon the holder by the City either by registered mail addressed to him at the
address on his application or by personal service. The notice shall state the grounds upon
which it is proposed to revoke or suspend the driver's permit and when and where the city
council will act upon the matter, and the notice must be given at least ten (10) days before
such hearing, notice by registered mail being considered as being given when the letter is
(0 At the hearing the permit holder shall be given an opportunity to be heard whether in person
or by counselor both.
@ The City shall have the right to suspend any driver's permit subiect to action bv the city
counciL but anv such suspension bv the City shall not be for more than a period of three (3)
Sec. 19.5-34. Drivers to report chanee in residence.
A holder of a taxicab driver's permit shall report to the City anv change in residence or employment
within ten (10) calendar days after making such change.
All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance,
are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict.
StI tlck tIll otlgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional,
inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions ofthis ordinance. If this
ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or
circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or
Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of
Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to "section", "article", or other
appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish
such intention; provided, however, that Parts B through F shall not be codified.
This Ordinance shall take place upon adoption.
After Motion by Councilman Vincenzi and Second by Councilman Brown, the vote on the
first reading of this ordinance held on December 3, 2001, was as follows:
Mayor Donald A. Schmidt X
Councilman James P. Brown X
Councilman Dennis A. Vincenzi X
Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes X
Councilwoman Judy Lichter X
Stmck through passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
AfterMotionby andSecondby C—^-4—' /'tom--" ,
the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows:
Mayor Donald A. Schmidt
Councilman James P. Brown
Councilman Demos A. Vincenzi
Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes
Councilwoman Judy Lichter
PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 17 day of n• - , 2001.
For the use and reliance only by the City of
Edgewater, Florida. Approved as to form and
legality by:
Scott A. Cookson, Esquire
City Attorney
Foley & Lardner
SWekihrongl passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
Donald A. Schmidt
_� . njT
Robin L. Matusick
Legal Assistant
Approved by the City Council of the City of
Edgewater jkt a meeting held on this / 7
day of 2001 under
Agenda Item No. C " O J.