96-O-07 ...... ...., ORDINANCE NO. 96-0-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 16 (TAXATION) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, IN REFERENCE TO PUBLIC SERVICE TAXES AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 166.231, FLORIDA STATUTES; DELETING EXISTING SECTIONS 16-1 (ELECTRICITY, METERED OR BOTTLED GAS, FUEL OIL, LOCAL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH TAX LEVY; EXEMPTION OF POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS), SECTION 16-2 (SAME COLLECTION AND PAYMENT BY UTILITY AND PURCHASES), SECTION 16-3 (SAME - BASIS AND COMPUTATION), SECTION 16-4 (SAME - MONTHLY REPORTS AND PAYMENT), SECTION 16-5 (SAME - RECORDS, INSPECTION) AND SECTION 16-6 (SAME - DISPOSITION OF FUNDS) AND CREATING NEW SECTIONS 16-1 (DEFINITIONS), SECTION 16-2 (TAXES IMPOSED - ELECTRICITY, METERED OR BOTTLED GAS, FUEL OIL, TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES), SECTION 16-3 (COLLECTION; LIABILITY OF SELLER ), SECTION 16-4 (RECORDS OF PURCHASES; INSPECTION), SECTION 16-5 (EXEMPTIONS), SECTION 16-6 (COMPUTATION OF TAX), SECTION 16-7 (SCOPE OF TAX) AND SECTION 16-8 (OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND ADOPTION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens of Edgewater to update Chapter 16 of the Code of Ordinances in reference to the public service taxing options authorized by Section 166.231, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the People of the City of Edgewater, Florida: PART A. AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 16 (TAXATION) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. Chapter 16 is amended to read as follows: SeC!. Hi-I. E1ectrioity, metered or hott1ed gas, fuel oil, local telephone and telegraph tax - Levy J e][emption of politioal subdivisions. (a) There io hereby le~Jied by the city on each purchaoe ~iithin the city, of electricity, metered or bottled gao (natural, liquefied petroleum or manufactured), fuel oil and local telephone and telegraph oer....~ice a tUJC equal to ten (10) per cent of each payment received by the oeller of ouch utility oervice from the purchaoer of ouch utility oer.~ice, uhich talC ohall in mrery caoe be collected from the purchaoer and paid by ouch purchaoer for the uoe of the city to the oeller of ouch utility oervice at the time of the purchaoer'o paying to the oeller the charge made by the oeller for ouch utility oervice, but not leoo often than monthly. Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 1 '-" ...., (b) The united Stateo of America, the State of Florida, and political oubdi vioiono and the agencieo thereof are hereby Clcempted from the payment of ouch talCeo. (c) Purchaoeo by any recognized church for uoe Clccluoi vely for church purpooeo are CJcempt. Sao. 16-2. Same Co11eotion and payment hy utility and purchases. (a) It ohall be the duty of every oeller of electricity, fuel oil, metered or bottled gao (natural, liquefied petroleum or manufactured), and local telephone and telegraph oerJice ~d th reopect of ~Ii'hich talc io hereby levied to collect from the purchaoer for the uoe of the city the talC hereby levied, ouch collection to be made at the time of collecting the oelling price charged in connection ~d th each tranoaction, and to report and pay over monthly to the city clerk of the city, all ouch talCeo. (b) It ohall be unlmiful for any oeller to collect the price of any ouch purchaoe of electricity, fuel oil, metered or bottled gao (natural, liquefied petroleum or manufactured), and local telephone and telegraph oervice in reopect of ~ihich the talC io hereby levied without at the oame time collecting the tax hereby levied in reopect of ouch purchaoeo. (c) Any oeller failing to collect ouch talC, at the time of collecting the price of any ouch purchaoe, ohall be liable to the oaid city for the amount of ouch talC, in like manner ao if the oame had been actually paid to the oeller. If any purchaoer ohall fail, neglect or refuoe to pay to the oeller the talC hereby impooed, ao hereby required, the oeller ohall have and io hereby veoted ~Ii'ith the right to immediately diocontinue further oervice to ouch purchaoer until the talC hao been paid in full. (d) Any purchaoer willfully failing or refuoing to pay ouch taltcO and any oeller -;iolating the provioiono hereof, or any officer, agent or employee of any oeller, violating the provioiono hereof, ohall be oubject to the penaltieo provided by oection 1 8. Sec. 16-3. Samo - Basis and computation. Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 2 '-" ..""" (a) The tax hereby levied ohall apply to all purchaoeo of electricity, fuel oil, metered or bottled gaa (n~tural, liquefied petroleum or manufactured), and local telephone and telegraph oer~ice, ~ihether delivered through the medium of a meter or other meaaurinl;J device, or othendoe, to premiaeo located in the city. (b) In all caaeo 'iiihere the oeller of electricity, fuel oil, metered or bottled gao (natural, liquefied petroleum or m~nufactured), and local telephone and telegraph aer~ice, collecta the price thereof at monthly or ahorter perioda, the t~x hereby levied may be computed OR the aggregate amount of purchaaea by each conoumer during auch period, provided that the amount of tax to be collected ahall be the neareat 'ihole cent to the amount computed. Soc. 16-4. Same - Iloat:h1y roport:s aad paymeat:. The tax hereby imposed ahall be paid by the aeller to the city clerk monthly in the manner following. on or before the fifteenth day of each month, the oeller ahall report, in writing, under oath, to the city clerk, an itemized liat of all purchaoera of electricity, cable tele\.~iaion aer\.~ice, metered or bottled gaa (natural, liquefied petroleum or manufactured), and local telephone and telegraph oervice, aa the caoe may be, in the city, gi~inl;J in each inatance the amount paid to ouch aeller by each conaumer for the preceding month, together with all amounta paid for electricity, cable telmriaion aer\.~ice, metered or bottled g~a (natural, liquefied petroleum or manufactured), and local telephone and telegraph oer.rice, uoed during the preceding montho, ~ihich ~iCre unpaid at the time of rendering previoua reporta, and aaid aeller, at the reapecti~e timea of rendering auch monthly reporta, ahall in each auch caae pay to the city clerk the amount ahmm to be due the city by oaid report, and the city clerk ohall iaoue a receipt therefor. Soc. 16-5. Same records, iaspoct:ioa. Each aeller of electricity, cable televiaion oervice, metered or bottled gao (natural, liquefied petroleum or manufactured), and local telephone and telegraph oervice, in reopect to purchaaeo on Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 3 '-' ...." "ihich a ta]t io hereby levied, ohall keep complete recorda ohmdng all purchaoeo within the city of ouch electricity, cable televioion oervice, metered or bottled go.o (natural, liquefied petroleum or JRanufactured), and local telephone and telegraph oervice, "ihich recorda ohall OhO~i the price charged upon each purohaoe, the date thereof, and the date of payment thereof, and ohall at all reaoonable timeo be open for inopection by the duly authorized agento of oaid city, ..iho ohall ha~Je authority to make ouch tranocripto thereof 0.0 the may deoire. Soc. Hi-fi. Same - DispositioB of fUBaS. 1\11 moneyo accruing from the ta]t hereby levied ohall be depooited in the city treaoury by the city clerk in the oame manner 0.0 other taJtco, and the city council io hereby authorized to appropriate and mtpend oaid tmteo for any municipal purpooeo. 16-l. 16-2. 16-3. 16-4. 16-5. 16-6. 16-7. 16-8. Definitions. Tax imposed: rate. Collection: liability of seller Records of purchases: inspection. Exemptions. Computation of tax when paid monthly Scope of tax. Occupational license. Sec. 16-1. Definitions. As used in this Chapter: Electronic transfer means the use of the Automated Clearinq House (the nACHnl, or other electronic transfer system approved on a case by case basis, to send the taxes collected directly from the seller's bank to the bank desiqnated by the city to receive such transfer. Interstate, as applied to telecommunication services, means oriqinatinq in the State of Florida but not terminatinG in this state, or terminatinq in this state but not oriqinatinq in this state. Local telephone service means: .D!l The access to a local telephone system, and the privileqe Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 4 '-' """'" of telephonic-quality communication with substantially all persons havinq telephone or radio telephone stations constitutinq a part of such local telephone system: or LQl Any facility or service provided in connection with a service described in paraqraph (a). Local telephone service does not include any service which is a toll telephone service, private communication service, cellular mobile telephone or telecommunication service, specialized mobile radio, or paqers and paginq service, includinq but not limited to beepers and any other form of mobile and portable one-way or two- way communication, or teletypewriter or computer exchanqe service. Private communication service means: l.ll A communication service furnished to a subscriber or user that entitles the subscriber or user to exclusive or priority use of a communication channel or qroups of channels, or to the use of an intercommunication system for the subscriber's stations, reqardless of whether such channel, qroups of channels, or intercommunication system may be connected through switchinq with local telephone service, teletypewriter or computer exchanqe service, or toll telephone service: LQl switchinq capacity, extension lines, and stations, or other associated services which are provided in connection with, and which are necessary or unique to the use of channels or systems described in paraqraph (a): or iQl The channel mileage which connects a telephone station located outside a local telephone system area with a central office in such local telephone system. Remit, remittance and remittinq, for purposes of the tax imposed bv this Chapter, mean the sendinq by the seller and the receipt bv the City of all taxes levied and collected ~ursuant to this Chapter. Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 5 .~ ..... Seller means a person, firm, corporation, or other leqal entity who sells directly to the consumer. Telecommunication service means: .ill Local telephone service, toll telephone service, teleqram or teleqraph service, teletypewriter or computer exchanqe service, or private communication service: or 1Ql Cellular mobile telephone or telecommunication service, specialized mobile radio, and paqers and paqing service, includinq but not limited to "beepers" and any other form of mobile and portable one-way or two-way communication, but does not include services or equipment incidental to telecommunication services enumerated in this paraqraph such as maintenance of customer premises equipment, whether owned by the customer or not, or equipment sales or rental for which charqes are separately stated, itemized, or described on the bill, invoice, or other tanqible evidence of the provision of such service. Teletvpewriter or computer exchanqe service means the access from a teletypewriter, telephone, computer, or other data station of which such station is a part, and the privileqe of intercommunication by such station with substantially all persons havinq teletypewriter, telephone, computer, or other data stations constitutinq a part of the same teletypewriter or computer exchanqe system, to which the subscriber or user is entitled upon payment of a charqe or charqes, whether such charge or charqes are determined as a flat periodic amount, on the basis of distance and elapsed transmission time, or some other method. Teletypewriter or computer exchanqe service does not include local telephone service or toll telephone service. Toll telephone service means: .ill A telephonic-quality communication for which there is a toll charqe which varies in amount with the distance and elapsed Struok through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 6 'w' .."" transmission time of each individual communication: or ill A service which entitles the subscriber or user, upon the payment of a periodic charqe which is determined as a flat amount or upon the basis of total elapsed transmission time, to the privileqe of an unlimited number of telephonic communications to or from all or a substantial portion of the persons havinq telephone or radio telephone stations in a specified area which is outside the local telephone system area in which the station provided with this service is located. Toll telephone service includes interstate and intrastate wide-area telephone service charqes. Sec. 16-2. Taxes imposed - electricitv, metered or bottled qas, fuel oil, telecommunication services. ~ The tax previous Iv imposed pursuant to former Section 16-1 of the Code of Ordinances on each purchase of electricity and metered or bottled qas (natural liquefied petroleum qas or manufactured) in the corporate limits of the city in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the payments received bv the seller of the service from the purchaser for the purchase of the service shall continue in effect. ill The tax previous Iv imposed pursuant to former Section 16- 1 of the Code of Ordinances on fuel oil in the amount of four cents ($0.04) per qallon shall remain in effect. iQl Effective Februarv 1, 1997, a tax is hereby imposed and levied upon the purchase of telephone communication service which oriqinates and terminates in the State of Florida, at a rate of seven percent (7%) of the total amount charqed for any telecommunication service provided wi thin the ci tv or, if the location of the telecommunication service provided cannot be determined, the total amount billed for such telecommunication service to a telephone or telephone number, a telecommunication number or device, or customer's billing address located within the municipality excluding public telephone charges collected on site, charqes for any foreiqn exchanqe service or any private line Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 7 "-'" 'WI service except when such services are used or sold as a substitute for any telephone company switched service or dedicated facility bv which a telephone company provides a communication path, access charqes, and any customer access line charqes paid to a local telephone companv. Telecommunication service as defined in Section 203.012(5) (b), Florida Statutes, shall be taxed only on the monthly recurrinq customer service charges excluding variable usaqe charqes. The tax previousl v imposed bv former Section 16 -1 of the Code of Ordinances on ?urchases of local telephone and teleqraph services in the amount of ten percent (10%) shall remain in effect throuqh Januarv 31, 1997. Sec. 16-3. Collection: liability of seller ~ Pursuant to Section 166.231, Florida Statutes, it shall be the duty of every seller of electricity, metered or bottled qas (natural liquefied petroleum qas or manufactured), water service, telecommunications service or fuel oil to collect from the purchaser at the time of payment for such service any tax imposed and levied pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. The seller shall then report and pay over to the Finance Director of the City on or before the twentieth day of each calendar month all such taxes imposed and levied pursuant to the Chapter for the precedinq calendar month, whether or not such taxes were collected from the purchaser bv the seller. In the event the twentieth day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or ho1idav, the time shall be extended to the next business day followinq the Saturday, Sunday or holiday. The date of receipt of such taxes bv the City will be the date post- marked bv the U. S. Postal Service, the day received bv the Finance Director or if bv electronic transfer, the date received bv the bank as indicated on the bank statement. The Finance Director is authorized to prescribe the forms on which the reports shall be made. (b) It shall be unlawful for a seller to collect the purchase price of electricitv, metered or bottled qas, water service, Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 8 ,.., ..", telecommunications service or fuel oil without collecting, reportinq, and pavinq over to the City the tax imposed and levied pursuant to this Chapter. ~ If a seller fails to pay the tax within the time required, there shall be added to the tax a penalty in the amount of ten percent (10%) for the first thirty days or fraction thereof, plus an additional five percent (5%) for each additional thirty days or fraction thereof durinq the time which the failure continues. ill For the purpose of compensatinq the seller of telecommunications service, the seller shall be allowed one percent (1%) of the amount of the tax collected and due to the city in the form of a deduction from the amount collected for remittance. The deduction shall be allowed as compensation for the keepinq of records and for the collection and remittance of the tax. Sec. 16-4. Records of purchases: inspection. 1& Each seller of electricitv, metered or bottled qas (natural, liquefied, petroleum qas or manufactured), water service, telecommunication service or fuel oil shall keep complete records showinq all purchases in the City of the service, which records shall show the purchase price, the date of purchase, and the date of payment. The records shall be kept open for inspection bv the duly authorized aqents of the City durinq business hours on all business days. The duly authorized agents of the City shall have the right, power and authority to audit, examine, and make transcripts of any and all business and/or sales records includinq those records stored on computer software or otherwise kept bv electronic means, in any way pertaininq to the sale, within the city limits durinq such times as they may desire. l..Ql Sellers of telecommunication services taxable pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter shall provide to the City upon sixty (60) days notice, access to all applicable records for such telecommunications service. However, any information received by Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 9 '-" "-' the City in connection with such audit is confidential and exempt from the provisions of Section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes. iQl Records not located within the municipal limits of the City must be furnished by the seller to the City within fourteen (14) days of written demand except for telecommunication service which must be qiven sixty (60) days notice. Should the seller fail to comply with the written demand, the City may authorize an agent or officer of the City to conduct an audit at the location where the records are maintained, at the seller's expense. Sec. 16-5. Exemptions. The followinq are exempt from payment of the tax levied and imposed pursuant to this Chapter: isl The united States, the State of Florida and political subdivisions and aqencies thereof. (b) Purchases by any recoqnized church for use exclusively for church purposes. (c) The purchase of natural qas or fuel oil by a public or private utility, either for resale or for use as fuel in the qeneration of electricity, or for the purchase of fuel oil or kerosene for use as an aircraft enqine fuel or propellant or for use in internal combustion enqines. l.Ql Purchases of local telephone service or other telecommunication services for use l.n the conduct of a telecommunication service for hire or otherwise for resale. 19l Sales of bottled water. Sec. 16-6. Computation of tax. The tax imposed and levied pursuant to the Chapter may be computed on the aqqreqate amount of purchase durinq the monthly period, provided that the amount of the tax to be collected shall be the nearest whole cent to the amount computed. Sec. 16-7. Scope of tax. The purchase upon which a tax is imposed and levied pursuant Struok through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 10 . . ~ ..., to this Chapter shall embrace and include any part of the transaction of purchase occurring in the City, whether it is the enterinq into of a contract for the purpose of the utility service, the payment of the charqes or the use of lines, poles, pipes, wires or the streets for the transmission or delivery of the service. Sec. 16-8. Occupational license. The City Clerk shall refuse to issue an occupational license to an applicant or to renew the same if the tax levied and imposed pursuant to this Chapter apl)licable to the business has become delinquent or remains unpaid. PART B. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PART C. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property or circumstance. PART D. CODIFICATION. Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts B through F shall not be codified. PART E. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. PART F. ADOPTION. After Motion by Councilman Mitchum and second by Councilman Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 11 Hays, the vote on the first reading of this ordinance held on August 19, 1996, was as follows: Mayor Jack H. Hayman, Sr. ABSTAIN Councilman Danny K. Hatfield ABSENT Councilwoman Louise A. Martin AYE Councilman Mike Hays AYE Councilman David L. Mitchum AYE After Motion by Councilwoman Martin and Second by Councilman Hays, the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: Mayor Jack H. Hayman, Sr. ABSTAIN Councilman Danny K. Hatfield AYE Councilwoman Louise A. Martin AYE Councilman Mike Hays AYE Councilman David L. Mitchum AYE PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 9th day of September, 1996. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA .,La" l ack H. Hayma¢, Sr. ayor (APPROVED FOR FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Crista A. Sto y City Attorney StFue'�--t.,-thFeugh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-07 12