96-O-04 ..... ...." ORDINANCE NO. 96-0-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE I (IN GENERAL) OF CHAPTER 2 (ADMINISTRATION) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; DELETING SECTION 2-1 (CITY MANAGER- CREATION OF OFFICE), SECTION 2-4 (SAME-POWERS AND DUTIES), SECTION 2-5 (COUNCIL NOT TO INTERFERE WITH APPOINTMENT OR REMOVALS), SECTION 2-6 (EMERGENCIES) AND SECTION 2-8 (CITY MANAGER; COMPENSATION); RENUMBERING AND AMENDING SECTION 2-2 (SAME-APPOINTMENT) TO ADDRESS ONLY PROHIBITIONS REGARDING THE APPOINTMENT OF A COUNCILMEMBER AS CITY MANAGER; RENUMBERING AND AMENDING SECTION 2-3 (SAME-REMOVAL); RENUMBERING SECTION 2-7 (CITY MANAGER; BOND), SECTION 2-9 (OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER; VACANCY), AND SECTION 2-10 (DISHONORED CHECK POLICY); ADDING A NEW SECTION 2-5 TO PROVIDE FOR THE SIGNING OF CERTAIN CONTRACTS, AGREEMENTS AND LEASES BY THE CITY MANAGER; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR ADOPTION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. Section 4.02(11) of the City Charter authorizes the City Manager to sign contracts, agreements, and leases to the extent authorized by ordinance. 2. In order to increase the efficiency of city operations in regards to the procurement of items and services which are routine in nature, necessary for the day to day business operations of the Ci ty and wi thin the budget approved by the City Council, it is appropriate that the City Council establish guidelines for execution of contracts, agreements, and leases by the City Manager. 3. Placement of these guidelines in the Code of Ordinances within Article I (General) of Chapter 2 (Administration) is appropriate. 4. Certain sections of Article I are redundant and/or in conflict with the current City Charter and other ordinances recently enacted by the City Council. 5. In addition, to establishing guidelines for the signing of contracts, agreements and leases by the City Manager , it is appropriate that the remainder of Article I be updated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the People of the City of Edgewater, Florida: straok through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-04 1 'w' ,.""" PART A. AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE I (IN GENERAL) OF CHAPTER 2 (ADMINISTRATION) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. Article I is amended to read as follows: See. 2-1. City maBager-CreatiaB af affiea. The office of the city manager io hereby created. Sec. 2-!~. Same-Appointment of counci1member as city manaqer prohibited. The city manager ohall be appointed by majority ~ote of the city council for an indefinite term. The manager ohall be chooen by the council on the baoio of Clrecuti~Je and adminiotrative qualificationo ~dth opecial reference to actual mrperience in or lmmfledge of accepted practice in reopect to the dutieo of the office hereinafter oet forth. At the time of thio appointment, the appointee need not be a reoident of the city or otate, but ~iithin oix montho of ouch appointment, he/ohe ohall eotablioh and maintain reoidency ~d thin the corporate limi to of the city. No councilmember shall be appointed city manager receive ouch appointment during the term for which the councilmember manager shall have been elected nor within one year after the expiration of the councilmember's term. Sec. 2-1~. Same.Remova1 of city manaqer The city council may remove the city manager at any time by a majority vote of its members. If requested by the manager, a public hearing shall be granted by the council within thirty (30) days following notice of removal. During the interim the council may suspend the manager from duty, but shall continue the manager's salary and, if the removal becomes final, shall pay said salary for three (3) calendar months following the final removal date unless such removal is for cause. In the event of removal for cause, the council shall have no obliqation to pay any severance. The term "for cause" shall be deemed to include: willful violation of the provisions of the ci tv manaqer' s employment agreement or law: willful disregard of a clear, direct order, request or policy of the City: habitual druq use: or conviction of any crime involvinq Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-04 2 ....... .""., moral turpitude or relatinq to official duties. The benefits described in this section would be eligible to the manager upon completion of his initial six-months probationary period. See. 2-t. Same-P~lers aDd duties. The oity manager ohall be the ohief adminiotrati~e offioer of the oity, may head one or more departmento, and ohall be reoponoible to the oity oounoil for the proper adminiotration of all affairo of the oity. To that end, the manager ohall have po~#er and ohall be required tOI ( l) l\ppoint and, ~lhen neoeooary for the good of the oer.~ioeo, ouopend or remove all offioero and employeeo of the oity meoept 0.0 othendoe prmrided by the oi ty oharter or lm..- and meoept authorizing the head of a department or offioe to appoint, ouopend, or remove oubordinateo in ouoh department. (2) Prepare the budget annually and oubmit it to the oounoil together ~dth a meooage deooribing the important featureo and be reoponoible for i to adminiotration after adoption. (3) Prepare and oubmit to eh oounoil 0.0 of the end of the fiooal year a oomplete report on the finanoeo and adminiotrativc aotivitiea of the oity for the preoeding year. (4) Keep oounoil ad~:ioed of the finanoial oondition and future Rcedo of the oity, and make ouoh reooHllRendationo 0.0 may be deemed deoirable. (5) Reoommend to the governing body a otandard oohedule of pay for eaoh appointi~e offioe and pooition in the oity oery~ioe, inoluding minimum, intermediate and malcimum rateo. ( 6 ) ReooHlHlend to the gmmrninlj body (from time to time), adoption of ouoh meaoureo 0.0 may be deemed neoeooary or enpedient for the health, oafety or "\1elfare of the oommunity or for the impro~ement of adminiotrative oerJioeo. Struok through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-04 3 W' .." t++ Conoolidate or aombine offiaeo, pooitiono, departmento, or unito under hio/her juriodiation, ,..-ith the apprmral of the aity aounail. The aity manager may be the aating head of one or more departmento. (8) l\.ttend all meetingo of the aity aounail unleoo mmuoed therefrom and take part in the dioauooion of all mattero aoming before the aounail. The manager ohall be entitled to notiae of all regular and opeaial meeting 00 the aounail. (9) Supervioe the purahaoe of all materialo, oupplieo, and equipment for 'ihiah fundo arc prm,7ided in the budget, let aontraato neaeooary for operation or maintenanae of aity oendaeo for amounto up to an inaluding tmi thouoand dollaro ($2,00.00), reaeive oealed bido for purahaoeo or aontraato in exaeoo of three thouoand dollaro ($3,00.00) and preoent them to aounail for approval, and advioe the aounail on the advantageD or dioadvantageo of aontraat and bid propooalo. No purahaoe ohall be made, aontraat let or obligation inaurred for any item or oer~iae whiah exaeedo the current budget appropriation without a oupplemental appropriation by the aounail. No aontraat in exaeoo of three thouoand dollaro ($3000.00) and no aontraat for aonotruation ohall be let exaept by the aity aounail. The manager may iooue ruleD governing purahaoing proaedureo ~iithin the adminiotrati~e organization ao the aounail ohall approve. (10) See that all 1avo and ordinanaeo are duly enforced. (11) Inveotigate the affairo of the aity or any department or di7y7ioion thereof. Inveotigate all aomplainto in relation to mattero concerting the adminiotration of the government of the city, and in regard to oervice maintained by the publia utilitieo in the city, and oee that all franahioeo, permito, and pri~ilegeo granted by the city are faithfully oboerved. Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-04 4 '-'" ..." (12) Devote hio/her entire time to the diooharge of all offioial dutieo. (13) The oity mana~er, or in hio abcenoe, the olerk or aoting olerk, ohall draw and oign vouohero upon depooitorieo, ~ihioh vouohero ohall be oounteroigned by the mayor or vioe mayor, or by the aoting mayor in the event of their aboenoe or dicability, and keep, or oauoe to be kept, a true and aoourate aooount of oame. (14) Sign all lioenoeo iocued by the oity, and iooue reoeipto for all monieo paid to the oity, and depooit oaid monieo in the proper depooitorieo on the firot banking day after reoeipt. The oity manager may delegate the recponoibilitieo of thio cubparagraph to an appropriate oity employee. ( 15) Be reoponcible for the performanoe and cuper_-icion of all dutieo of a finanoe direotor_ The oity manager may delegate the reoponoibilitiec of thio oubparagraph to an appropriate oity employee. (16) Sign oontraoto on behalf of the oity to the C)ctent authorized by ordinanoe. (17) Perform cuoh other dutieo ac may be required by the oounoil, not inoonoiotent with the oi ty oharter, la'ili or ordinanoeo. Sec _ 2-6. Cellaoil aet te iaterfere ldth appeiatmeat er reme.v"'als. Neither the councilor any of ito memberc ohall direct or requeot the appointment of any percon to, or removal from, office by the city manager or any of the manager'o oubordinateo, or in any manner take part in the appointment or remo\.yal of officero an employeeo in the adminiotratiYv"'e oer.-ioeo of the oity. EJccept for the purpooe of inquiry, the oounoil and ito membero chall deal "ith the adminiotrative oervice Golely through the city manager and neither the council nor any member thereof ohall gi.....e ordero to any cubordinateo of the city manager, either publicly or privately. Soc. 2-6. Emorgoaoies. Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-04 5 '-" ...., In oaoe of aooident, dioaoter, or other oiroumotanoeo oreatin~ a publio emer~enoy, the oi ty manager may mmrd oontraoto and make purohaoeo for the purpooeo of meeting oaid emergenoy; but the manager ohall file promptly ~dth the oounoil a oertifioate ohmdng ouoh emergenoy and the neoeooity for ouoh notion, together "ith an itemi3ed aooount of all expenditureo. Sec. 2-l+. City manager; bond. The city manager shall furnish a surety bond to be approved by the council, said bond to be conditioned on the faithful performance of all the manager's duties. The premium of the bond shall be paid by the city. See. 2-8. City lIaBager, eempeBoatieB. The oity manager ohall reoeive ouoh oompenoation 0.0 the oounoil ohall file from time to time by ordinanoe or reoolution. Sec. 2-!9. Office of the city manager; vacancy. Any vacancy in the office of city manager shall be temporarily filled within a reasonable time after the effective date of such vacancy, but no longer than ninety (90) days after the effective date of such vacancy. Sec. 2-5. City manaqer authorized to siqn certain contracts, aqreements and leases. (a) Intent. The intent of this section is to increase the efficiency of city operations in reqards to the procurement of items and services which are routine in nature and within the budqet approved by the city council. This section shall not be interpreted to deleqate any of the policymakinq authority of the city council, but is intended to facilitate the day to day business operations of the city. (b) Criteria. Pursuant to Section 4.02(11) of the city charter, the city manaqer is authorized to siqn contracts, aqreements, and leases which meet the followinq criteria: ill The annual cost of the item or service is five thousand dollars ($5000.00) or less. Struok through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-04 6 '-"" ,..." ill The term of the contract, aqreement or lease is five (5) years or less. ill Any required expenditure has been included within the approved budqet of the department requestinq authorization for the item or service. i!l The contract, aqreement or lease has been approved as to leqal form and correctness by the city attorney. (c) Procedure. The requested contract, aqreement or lease shall be submitted to the city attorney for review. Upon approval by the city attorney for legal form and correctness, the city attorney shall submit the document to the city manaqer for review. Upon approval by the city manaqer, the document shall be returned to the city attorney for appropriate processinq. In the discretion of the city manaqer, any contract, aqreement or lease may be submitted to the city council for consideration. Sec. 2-~~. Dishonored check policy. (a) Pursuant to Section 166.251, Florida Statutes, there shall be collected as a service fee for the collection of any dishonored check, draft or other order, for the payment of money to an official or agency of the City of Edgewater, the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00) or five (5) percent per cent of the face amount of the check, draft or order, whichever is greater. This service fee shall be in addition to all other penalties imposed by law. (b) All customers consumers opening up new accounts shall be advised of the foregoing service fee. All existing customers oonoumcro will be advised of any ~ increased fee with their next water bill. PART C. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PART D. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or Struok through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-04 7 .,-" """" declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or circumstance. PART E. CODIFICATION. Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts C through G shall not be codified. PART F. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. PART G. ADOPTION. After Motion by Councilman Hatfield and Second by Councilwoman Martin, the vote on the first reading of this ordinance held on June 17, 1996, was as follows: Mayor Jack H. Hayman, Sr. AYE Councilman Danny K. Hatfield AYE Councilwoman Louise A. Martin AYE Councilman Mike Hays AYE Councilman David L. Mitchum AYE After Motion by Councilman Mitchum and second by Councilwoman Martin, the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: Mayor Jack H. Hayman, Sr. AYE Councilman Danny K. Hatfield AYE Councilwoman Louise A. Martin AYE Councilman Mike Hays ABSENT Councilman David L. Mitchum AYE PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 1st day of July, 1996. Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-04 8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA Hy• 1 i ack H. Hayman r. yor APPROVED F R FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Rr to A. Store City Attorney Struele thEaug: passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-04