96-O-03 'w' ..."", ORDINANCE NO. 96-0-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE II (PURCHASE AND SALE PROCEDURE) OF CHAPTER 9 (FINANCE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; AMENDING SECTION 9-20 (DEFINITIONS) TO PROVIDE FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF PURCHASING REGULATIONS BY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL; DELETING SECTION 9-21 (PURPOSE), SECTION 9-22 (FORMAL CONTRACT PROCEDURE - BIDDING REQUIRED; EXCEPTIONS), SECTION 9-23 (SAME NOTICE; RECEIVING AND OPENING OF BIDS), SECTION 9-24 (SAME AWARD OF CONTRACT), SECTION 9-25 (PURCHASES BY NEGOTIATION AUTHORIZED), SECTION 9-26 (SAME - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS), SECTION 9-27 (SAME - CIRCUMSTANCES PERMITTING) AND SECTION 9-28 (APPROVAL OF OBLIGATIONS EXCEEDING TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR ADOPTION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewate:r, l:oY:ida, has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens of Edgewater to establish purchasing regulations by resolution of the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the People of the City of Edgewater, Florida: PART A. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 9-20 (DEFINITIONS) OF ARTICLE II (PURCHASE AND SALE PROCEDURE), CHAPTER 9 (FINANCE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. Section 9-20 is amended to read as follows: Section 9-20. Purchasinq Requlations DofiBitioBS. Purchasing requlations shall be established by resolution of the City Council and shall be bindinq on the City Council and all aqencies, boards, committee, departments, and employees responsible to the City Council. 1\0 uoed in thio artiole, the term "oontril:otual oerJioeo" ohall mean and inolude all telephone, gao, ..mter, eleotrio light and pmmr oervioe, tmml and oleaning oervice, inouranoe, leaoeo and oonoeooiono, demolition of buildingo, rental, repair or maintenance of equipment, maohinery, and other oity o..ined property, and other like oerJioeo. The term "oervioeo" ohall not inolude profeooional oer..~ioeo "ihioh are unique in their nature and not oubject to competition. PART B. DELETION OF SECTION 9-21 (PURPOSE) OF ARTICLE II (PURCHASE AND SALE PROCEDURE), CHAPTER 9 (FINANCE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. Section 9-21 is deleted: struok through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-03 1 '-'" ..., SootiOR 9-21. Purpose. The purpooe of thio urticle io to preocribe the m.:mner in ~ihich the city ohull control the purchaoe of materialo, oupplieo, equipment, und certuin contractuul oerviceo of the city, and the oale of oboolete property. PART C. DELETION OF SECTION 9-22 (FORMAL CONTRACT PROCEDURE- BIDDING REQUIRED; EXCEPTIONS) OF ARTICLE II (PURCHASE AND SALE PROCEDURE), CHAPTER 9 (FINANCE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. Section 9-22 is deleted: Seotioa 9-22. Formal ooatraot prooedure-Siddia! requires, exoeptioas. It io the intent of the city to utili3e competitive bidding for contructuul oerviceo ~ihenever poooible. Therefore, all oupplieo, equipment, and contractual oerviceo, elccept UO othendoe provided herein, ..ihen the eotimated coot thereof ohall Clcceed three thouound dollaro ($3,000.00) ohall be purchuoed by formul, ..iritten contruct und/or purchuoe order from the loweot und beot reoponoible bidder after due notice inyyyiting propooala, provided, hmiever, the city council ohall hay.ye the authority to "l1aiy.ye Clrecution of formal contract in caoeo 'ihere it deemo it adYJioable to do 00. 1\11 oaleo of peroonal property (except trade in peroonul property) ~ihich huo become oboolete and unuoable, ~ihen the eotimated .Jalue ohull enceed three thouound dollaro ($3,000.00), ohull be uccompliohed by formal contruct to the hig-heot reoponoible bidder, ufter due notice inviting propooulo huo been publiohed uo required by la'Wi. Purchuoeo of oupplieo, equipment und contructuul oerviceo from a oingle oource may Be elccepted from bit requiremento upon certificution by the city council otuting the conditiono and circumotanceo requiring the purchaoe. Thio certificution ohull oet forth the purpooe und need und uhy the item io the only one that ~l7ill produce the deoired reoul to. PART D. DELETION OF SECTION 9-23 (SAME - NOTICE; RECEIVING AND OPENING OF BIDS) OF ARTICLE II (PURCHASE AND SALE PROCEDURE), CHAPTER 9 (FINANCE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. Section 9-23 is deleted: Sootioa 9-23. Same - Rotioe, reoeivia! aad opoaia! of hids. (a) PNblic~tion of notice, Notice inviting bido ohall be publiohed once in ut leaot one official ne~iopaper haYJing generul dictribution in the city and at leaot fiYJe (5) ~iorldng dayo preceding the laot duy oet for the receipt of propooulo. (b) Scope of Floticc, The ne'Wiopuper notice required herein ohall include u generul dcccription of the urticleo to be purchuoed or oold, ohull otute where bid blunlto und opecificutiono may be cecured, and the time und place for opening bidc. (c) Bidders' list, The city ohall alco oolicit cealed bidc from ull reoponoible proopective oupplicro uho huve requeoted their name 0 to be added to u "biddero' liot" ~ihich the city ohall maintain, by oending thcH!. a copy of auch ne'Wiopaper notice or ouch other notice ao will acquaint them with the propoocd purchaoc or oule. In uny cuce, invitationo oent to the vendoro on the biddero' liot ohull be limited to commoditieo thut ure oimilur in charucter und ordinarily hundled by the trade group to which the invitationo ure cent. Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-03 2 ~ ....." (d) Bid dcpooito, When deemed neoeooary by the oity, bid depooito ohall be preooribed in the publio notioeo inviting bido. Unouooeooful biddero ohall be entitled to return of ourety ~ihero the oity hao required ouoh. A ouooeooful bidder ohall forfeit any ourety required by the city upon failure on hio part to enter a contract ~d thin ten (10) dayo after the a~iard. (e) Sealed bida, Bido ohall be oubmitted oealed to the city and ohall be identified ao bide on the outoide of the envelope. (f) OpeRiRg' Bido ohall be opened in public at the time and place otated in the public noticeo and ohall be ~dtneooed and certified. (g) TabulatioR' A tabulation of all bide received ohall be made and ohall be available for public inopection. PART E. DELETION OF SECTION 9-24 (SAME - AWARD OF CONTRACT) OF ARTICLE II (PURCHASE AND SALE PROCEDURE), CHAPTER 9 (FINANCE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. Section 9-24 is deleted: SeetieR 9-2t. Same - ~'ard ef eeRtraet. (a) Lmtl-Cot .::lRd beot bidder, All contracto, ~l7hen the oum io three thouoand dollaro ($3,000.00) or leoo, ohall be mmrded by the city cler]c to the 10~ieot and beot bidder. All contracto, ~ihen the oum io in exceoo of three thouoand dollaro ($3,000.00) ohall be a~mrded by the city cOUIwil to the Iml7eot and beot bidder. In determining the loweot and beot bidder, in addition to prioe, there ohall be oonoidered the following. (1) 'rhe ability, capacity and okill of the bidder to perform the contract. (2) Whether the bidder can perform the contract ~iithin the time opecified, without delay or interferenceo. (3) 'rhe character, integrity, reputation, experience and efficiency of the bidder. (4) 'rhe quality of performance of previouo contracto. judgment, ( 5 ) 'rhe previouo and mdoting compliance by the bidder with lawo and ordinanceo relating to the contract. ({;) 'rhe oufficiency of the financial reoourceo and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the oervice. (7) 'rhe quality, availability and adaptability of the oupplieo, or oontraotual DerviceD to the partioular uoe required. (8) 'rhe ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and oervice for the UDe of the oubject of the oontract. (b) Aith1rd to other th'::lR lmK:ot bidder, When the a~mrd of a oontract io not gi...en to the Immot bidder, a full and oomplete otatement of the reaoon for placing the oontract eloewhere ohall be prepared by the city clerk and approved by the city council. (c) Tie bido, Award of all tie bide ohall be made by the city council. Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-03 3 ..... ....", PART F. DELETION OF SECTION 9-25 (PURCHASES BY NEGOTIATION - AUTHORIZED) OF ARTICLE II (PURCHASE AND SALE PROCEDURE), CHAPTER 9 (FINANCE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. Section 9-25 is deleted: Seotiea 9-26. Purohases hy aegetiatieas - Autherimed. It io the intent of the city to utilize formal contract procedureo aD oet out in oectiono 9 22, 9 23 and 9 24. HmiOver, purchaoeo of contractual oerviceo by negotiation io a recognized method of purchaoin~ and may be utilized ~ihen certain requiremento h.:r:e been met. PART G. DELETION OF SECTION 9-26 (SAME GENERAL REQUIREMENTS) OF ARTICLE II (PURCHASE AND SALE PROCEDURE), CHAPTER 9 (FINANCE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. Section 9-26 is deleted: Seotiea 9-26. Same - Ceaeral re~airemeats. (a) No purcha.oe in exceoo of three thouoand dollaro ($3, OOg. (0) ohall Be made by negotiation if the uoe of forma.l adve:t~oin~ io ,feaoiblc and practicable under the eJeioting condltlono and Clrcumotanceo. (b) No contract ohall be entered into aD a reoult of negotiation unleoo or until the following requiremento have been oatiofiedl ( 1) 'Phe contemplated purchaoe comeo ~d thin one of the circumotanceo permitting negotiation aD oct forth in oection 9 27. (2) hny neceooary determinationo and findingo ha~e been made by the city council. (3) 'Phe proopecti...e contractor haD been determined to be reoponoible. (c) Whenm,.er contractual oer:iceo arc to be procured by negotiation, propooalo ohall be oolicited from the maximum number of qualified oourceo, including omall buoineoo concerno, conoiotent ~dth the nature of and requiremento for the oupplieo or oer:iceo to be procured, to the end that the procurement 'ildll be m;];de to the beot ad~antage of the city, price and other factoro conoidered. Propooalo ohall be oupported by otatemento and analyoeo of eotimated cooto or other evidence of reaoonable priceD and by ouch information concerning other ~ital mattero aD io deemed neceooary. (d) Negotiated purchaoeo ohall be on a competitive baoio to the maJdmum practical extent. PART H. DELETION OF SECTION 9-27 (SAME CIRCUMSTANCES PERMITTING) OF ARTICLE II (PURCHASE AND SALE PROCEDURE), CHAPTER 9 (FINANCE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. Section 9-27 is deleted: Seotioa 9-27. Same - Circumstaaoes permittiag. Purchaoeo may be effected by negotiation under anyone of the following exceptionol (1) Public exigcnoy, Purchaoco and contracto may be negotiated 'ildthout formal advertioing if the public CJdgency 'ildll Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-03 4 .,. ~ not admit of the delay incident to advertioing. In order for thio authority to be uoed, the need muot be compelling and of unuoual urgency, ao when the city would be oeriouoly injured, financially or othendoe, if the property or oerviceo to be purchaoed or contracted for 'Il'ere not furniohed by a certain time, and ~ihen they could not be procured by that time by meano or formal advertioing. Thio applieo irreopecti7e of ~ihether that urgency could or ohould hm:"e been foreoeen. For Clmmple, thio authority may be uoed 'ihen property or oer7iceo are needed at once becauoe of a fire, flood, explooion or other dioaoter. (2) Pl:Irchaaco not in cxccoo of $3,000.00, Purchaoeo and contracto may be negotiated ,dthout formal advertioing if the aggregate amount in70l7ed doeo not exceed three thouoand dollaro ($3,000.00) . Co~etitive purchasing ohall be utilized to the maldmum Clctent poooible e'Jen if the purchaoe doeo not enceed three thouoand dollaro ($3,000.00). (3) Personal or profesoional acrviccs, Purchaoeo and contracto may be negotiated without formal advertioing if for peroonal or profeooional oerviceo. Thio authority ohall be uoed only when all of the following conditiono have been oatiofiedl (a) If peroonal oer7iceo, they are required to be performed by an indi7idual contractor in peroon (not by a concern), if professional oerviceo, they may be performed either by an individual contractor in peroon or a concern, (b) The oer..."iceo arc a profeooional nature, or are to be performed under city oupervioion and paid for on a time baoio. (4) Impr~cticable to oecure competition by formal ~d'?ertioing' Purchaoeo and contracto may be negotiated ~dthout formal adv-ertioing if for property or oerviceo for 'ihich it io i~racticable to oecure competition. The follmdng are illuotrati'Je of circumotanceo ~dth reopect to ~ihich thio authority may be uoedl (a) When property or oerviceo can be obtained from only one peroon or firm. (b) When co~etition io precluded becauoe of the exiotence of patent righto, copyrighto, oecret proceooeo, control of baoic ra~i material, or oimilar circumotanceo. (c) When bido have been oolicited purouant to formal advertioing and no reoponoive bid hao been received from a reoponoible bidder. (d) When bide have been oolici ted purouant to requiremento of formal advertioing and the reoponoi':e or bide do not ao':er the quantitati'Je requiremento of invitation for bido, in which caoe, negotiation permitted for the remaining requiremento. the bid the io (e) When the conte~lated procurement io for electric pmiCr or energy, gao (natural or manufactured), water, or other utility ocrvicco or 'ihen the conte~lated procurement io for conotruction of a part of a utility oyotem and it would not be practicable to allow a contractor other than the utility company itoelf to ~iOrJ{ upon the oyotem. (f) When the contemplated procurement io for nonperoonal ocr:icco in connection ..d th the inotallation, or oerJicing of equipment of technical or opecialized nature. technical aooembly, a highly Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-03 5 ~ ....". (g) When the contemplated procurement involvea maintenance, repair, alteration, or inapection and the exact nature or amount of the ..mrk to be done ia not knmm. (h) When it ia impoaaible to draft for any in~itation for bida, adequate apecificationa or any other adequately detailed deacription of the required property or aerJicea. PART I. DELETION OF SECTION 9-28 (APPROVAL OF OBLIGATIONS EXCEEDING TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS) OF ARTICLE II (PURCHASE AND SALE PROCEDURE), CHAPTER 9 (FINANCE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. Section 9-28 is deleted: Sootioa 9-28. Appre~al of ohligatioas exceodiag t~IO thousaad dellars. (a) No ilppointi ve board or member thereof, department or member thereof, or any elective board or body which ia included in the city' a budget, or member thereof, ahall millee any expenditure or incur any bill for ~ihich the city ..muld be liable for payment in exceaa of two thouailnd dollara (62,000.00) without firat obtaining approval of the city council. (b) Thia aection ahall not apply to the city council, nor ahall the proviaiona of thia aection apply to the Edgmiater library board. PART J. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PART K. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or circumstance. PART L. CODIFICATION. Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts J through N shall not be codified. Struck throu~h passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-03 6 PART M. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. PART N. ADOPTION. After Motion by Councilman Hays and Second by Councilman Mitchum, the vote on the first reading of this ordinance held on April 1, 1996, was as follows: Mayor Jack H. Hayman, Sr. AYE Councilman Danny K. Hatfield AYE Councilwoman Louise A. Martin AYE Councilman Mike Hays AYE Councilman David L. Mitchum AYE After Motion by Councilman Hatfield and Second by Councilman Hays, the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: Mayor Jack H. Hayman, Sr. AYE Councilman Danny K. Hatfield AYE Councilwoman Louise A. Martin AYE Councilman Mike Hays AYE Councilman David L. Mitchum AYE PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 15th day of April, 1996. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORID/A By: Jack E. Hay pan, S Mayor /J APPROVED FOR FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Krista A. Stor City Attorney Struck thFeugA passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 96-0-03 7