94-O-18 -- " ~ . '-'" ...... ORDINANCE NO. 94-0-18 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I (GENERAL) OF CHAPTER 11 (OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES, TAXES, AND REGULATIONS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; AMENDING SECTION 11-2 (LICENSE REQUIRED; ISSUANCE, FOOD ESTABLISHMENT CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL; HOME OCCUPATION) TO REFLECT CURRENT ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES; AMENDING SECTION 11-3 (TERM OF LICENSE; PRORATION OF TAX; DELINQUENCY CHARGES) TO ACHIEVE COMPLIANCE WITH STATE LAW REGARDING THE DATES OF SALE, PENALTIES AND CIVIL ACTIONS; AMENDING SECTION 11-4 (LICENSE LIMITS; TRANSFER; TRANSFER FEE; NO REBATE) BY INCREASING THE TRANSFER FEES TO ACHIEVE COMPLIANCE WITH STATE LAW; AMENDING SECTION 11-8 (LICENSE TAX SCHEDULE) PURSUANT TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE EQUITY STUDY COMMISSION TO REVISE THE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE RATE STRUCTURE BY RECLASSIFYING CERTAIN BUSINESSES, PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR ADOPTION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. The Equity Study Commission was established in accordance with Section 205.0535(2), Florida Statutes. 2. The Equity Study Commission recommended a revised classification system and rate structure for occupational license taxes which would amend Section 11-8 (Schedule of License Taxes) of the Code of Ordinances. 3. The revised classification system and rate structure is more equitable than the existing classification system and rate structure. 4. It is necessary to amend Sections 11-2 (License required; issuance, food establishment construction approval; home occupation license approval), 11-3 (Term of license; proration of tax, delinquency charges), and 11-4 (License limits, transfer; transfer fee; no rebate) of Chapter 11 to reflect the current administrative practices of the City and to achieve compliance with state law. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the People of the City of Edgewater, Florida: PART A. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11-2 (LICENSE REQUIRED; Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 1 - , . ~ , , ....... ..",,; ISSUANCE, FOOD ESTABLISHMENT CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL; HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE) OF ARTICLE I (GENERAL) OF CHAPTER 11 (OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES, TAXES AND REGULATIONS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA Section 11-2 is amended to read as follows: Section 11-2. License required; issuance, constractioa approval; home approval. food ostaBlishmeat oecapatioa lieoaso It shall be unlawful for any person described in section 11-1 to engage in or manage any business, profession or occupation in the city unless he holds a current occupational license to do so, which license shall be issued by the city clerk after the city clerk, with the concurrence of the building official, hao determined that the ioouance of oaid occupational licenoe ~iill be in conformity 'ljdth the zoning ordinanceo of the city, and upon payment of the license tax required therefor. Provided, hO~iever, no licenoe for a buaineoo relating to the oale, proceooing, oerving or canning of fooda, the buildinl!J to houae emme beinl!J under conatruction, ahall be ~ranted until the plana for conotruction thereof have been approved by the county health department and the city council. Provided further, the application for licenoeo for home occupation HRlot be appro...ed by the city cler]( and ohall be revie'ljiCd each year by the city cler]( prior to renmml of oaid home occupational licenoe. PART B. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11-3 (TERM OF LICENSE; PRORATION OF TAX, DELINQUENCY CHARGES) OF ARTICLE I (GENERAL) OF CHAPTER 11 (OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES, TAXES AND REGULATIONS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA Section 11-3 is amended to read as follows: Section 11-3. Term of license; proration of tax; delinquency charges. ~ All licenses shall be sold by the city clerk beqinning Auqust first of each year, are due and payable on or before No licenoe ohall be iooucd for more than one year, and all licenoeo ohall e}cpire on September thirtieth of each year, and shall expire on September thirtieth of the succeedinq year. If September thirtieth falls on a weekend or holiday, the tax is due and payable on or before the first workinq day followinq September thirtieth e}ccept struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 2 '. ....... ,...., ao othcndoc prm.~idcd by lmi. For each license obtained for any new business, occupation or profession after April first of each year, one-half of the applicable annual occupational license tax shall be paid. Licenses which are not renewed on or before the expiration date may be reinstated thereafter upon payment by the holder of the license of the applicable license tax plus a delinquency charge in the amount of ten (10) per cent of such tax for the first month of delinquency, five (5) per cent each month of additional delinquency, up to a maximum of twenty-five (25) per cent or ao othcniioe authorized by otatute. A new license shall not be issued to any person for the privilege of engaging in or managing the same business, profession or occupation except upon payment of all past due license taxes and delinquency charges applicable thereto. iQl Any person who enqaqes or manaqes any business, occupation or profession without first obtaininq an occupational license, if required, is also subiect to a penalty of twenty-five (25) percent of the license due. iQl Any person who enqages in any business, occupation or profession covered by this chapter, who does not pay the required occupational license tax within one hundred fifty days after the initial notice of tax due, and who does not obtain the required occupational license is subiect to civil actions and penalties, includinq court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, additional administrative costs incurred as a result of collection efforts and a penalty of up to two hundred fifty dollars. PART C. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11-4 (LICENSE LIMITS, TRANSFER; TRANSFER FEE; NO REBATE) OF ARTICLE I (GENERAL) OF CHAPTER 11 (OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES, TAXES AND REGULATIONS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA section 11-4 is amended to read as follows: Section 11-4. License limits; transfer fee; no rebate. Any occupational license issued shall be good only for the particular business, profession or occupation and at the particular place of business designated in the license and only for the struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 3 ...... .....", person to whom the license was issued. Provided, however, all business licenses may be transferred to a new owner upon a bona fide sale of the business upon payment of a transfer fee of UP to ten percent of the annual license tax, but not less than three dollars ($3.00) nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) ~ dollaro and fifty cento ($2.50) or 0.0 othendoe required by otatute and presentation of evidence of the sale and the original license~ ~QPon written request and presentation of the original license, any license may be transferred from one location to another location in the city upon payment of a transfer fee of UP to ten percent of the annual license tax, but not less than three dollars ($3.00) nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) t~m dollaro and fifty cento ($2.50) or 0.0 otherwioe required by otatute. Each such license transfer shall be made within thirty (30) days after such sale or removal; otherwise the license involved shall become null and void and of no effect. No portion of any occupational license tax shall be rebated unless such license tax was collected in error. PART D. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11-8 (LICENSE TAX SCHEDULE) OF ARTICLE I (GENERAL) OF CHAPTER 11 (OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES, TAXES AND REGULATIONS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA Section 11-8 is amended to read as follows: Section 11-8. License tax schedule. The amount of the occupational license tax hereby levied for the privilege of engaging in or managing any business, profession or occupation within the city, pursuant to section 11-1 is set forth in the following schedule. Whenever any business, profession or occupation shall fall into more than one of the classifications contained in this schedule, the person engaging therein shall be required to pay the tax required for each classification. The following annual, except as otherwise stated, designated license taxes shall be paid to the city by persons, engaging in or managing or transacting the following businesses, occupations or profession within the city: Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 4 ..... ....", 1 ) Abstract~ or Title Company, L~nd title ,mrranty or oecurity company $75.00 $81.00 2) Accommodations for rent, apartments, motels, motor courts, cottages, hotels, boardinghouses a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 1 to 2 rental units 3 to ~ 1Q rental units .e. 11 to ~ 20 rental units U II to ~ 30 rental units U 1.1 to J..G. 40 rental units 31 to 40 rental unito Each additional unit E~ch additional unit 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 20.00 nlc 13.00 19.00 31. 00 50.00 69.00 10.00 License must be taken out for all rental units whether used or unused. (Does not permit dining room without restaurant license) . ^dvertioero Addressinq, mailinq or duplicatinq 3) 4) Advertisinq Aqencv or Trade Inducement Company a) b) c) d) e) Each peroon advertioing on the otreeto in any manner (ellcept thooe paying a merchant'o ~icen~e or o~heniioe otated and provided for 1.n th1.o oect1.on) hdvertioing by ooliciting (muot get permit from police department) ^dvertioing by airplane Diotributing advertioing bulletino or handbillo, not connected \dth licenoed buoineoo (muot get permit from police department) Billboard See building official 4 5) Agents or Agencies a) b) c) Advertioing agento Collection Aqency 75.00 Soliciting buoineoo for out of city enterprioeo 'ihere dioplay roomo are maintained and merchandioe kept on hand ao oampleo for dioplay purpooeo only 1 provided, hmiever, that the occupational tall hereby impooed ohall not apply to eotabliohmento regularly and continuouoly engaged in the oale of merchandioe cuotomarily carried on hand ao part of the regular otock of ouch eotabliohmento Credit reportinq Claimo and collectiono other than bankero and Imi}Tero Bookinq aqents Credit reporting and mercantile Employment Booking agento Private detective, detective agency (must reqister with police department) Employment Travel aqents Equipment Security agency Private detective or detective agency regioter with police department) Mortqaqe Broker 11 Each additional Ii Stocks and bonds 50.00 50.00 d) 50.00 e) f) g) h) 75.00 25.00 75.00 35.00 60.00 31.00 nlc 31.00 63.00 125.00 375.00 63.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 63.00 i) j) k) 1) Trailer oaleo agency Other Tra~Jel agento Uuoic P~rcel packing (delivery, oee item (47)) 40.00 31.00 125.00 50.00 31.00 Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 5 11I.) n) ~ ....... ...., tiail order Bond (oee item (24)) Vehicleo ~utomobile buoineool 31.00 31.00 1) ~gencieo or peroono engaged in the oale of automobileo, trucko or tractoro provided that automobile agencieo licenoed under provioionc of thio ochedule arc permitted to conduct a repair ohop, including upholotering, painting metal body and fender otraightening; and to carry in otock repair parte in oecondhand carc by ouch agency; provided that the entire operation io conducted from one location. ~n eJrtra licence io required for auto "recker oervice. e3.00 2) For each additional location for calc of care taken in ellchange on oale of new caro by ouch agency under the foregoing para~raph. 31.00 3) Secondhand agency or peroon engaged in trading, buying and oelling oecondhand automobileo, trucko or tractoro, for each location. 44.00 p) Other 31.00 6) Alcoholic beverages, spirits, beer and wine (under state supervision), state license required nlc 11 l\.mbulance cervice (not connected ,lith hoopital or funeral home) e3.00 Ambulance service (not connected with hospital or funeral home) 70.00 II Animals a) b) Eli c) Ql d) e) tl Ql 9) Hocpital, otate licence required Kennel, otate licenoe required Kennel, state license required Boarding, otate licence required Boardinq, state license required Riding academiec (moved to Private Schools) Crooming Groominq Pet sittinq e3.00 e3.00 65.00 e3.00 65.00 31. 00 25.00 35.00 25.00 ~nim~l clinico (no outdoor boarding), otate licenoe required e3.00 10) ~nimal mrhibi tion, animal, bird, reptile, f ioh, etc., "here a fee io ch~rged for offering accepted I a) b) Permanently baoed in the city Not permanently located in the city per ~'eek (with Council ~pproval) 19.00 94.00 31.00 11) ~rchery range 35.00 -2l Archerv ranqe 1Ql Armored car service a) Eli b) Ql One .Jehicle 1 - 3 vehicles Each additional vehicle Each additional vehicle 31.00 50.00 13.00 15.00 Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 6 , . . ......... ..."" 13) l\rlRD dealer, handling thoDe lmmm aD concealed weaponD, alone or in conjunction with any other bUDineDD (aD defined in Chapter 790 Florida StatuteD) 31.00 111 Arms dealer, handlinq those known as concealed weapons, alone or in coniunction with any other business (as defined in Chapter 790 Florida statutes) 50.00 14) ^uctioneer, each perDon 31.00 1ll Auctioneer 35.00 15) ^uction Dhope and flea lRarltete 435.00 1ll Auction shops 75.00 ill Automotive: .tl Sales II New Cars il Used Cars .tl 1 - 10 cars Ql 11- 50 cars Ql 51 - 100 cars Ql 101 and over 125.00 25.00 35.00 50.00 85.00 Definition - MOTOR VEHICLE means any automobile, truck, bus, recreation vehicle, motorcycle, motor scooter, or other motor powered vehicle, but does not include trailers, mobile homes, travel trailers, or trailer coaches without independent motive power. Ql MINOR REPAIR SERVICE includes repairinq and chanqinq tires: lubricatinq vehicles: cleaninq, adiustinq, and replacinq spark plugs: changing oil and air filters: replacinq, adiustinq, repairinq, or servicinq hoses and air filters: chanqinq or otherwise servicinq the coolant, automatic door lamp switch, battery, battery qround cable, battery hold-down strap, battery positive cable, batterv-to-starter relay cable, oil filter, fan an alternator drive belts, fuses, headlamp foot dimmer, horns, iqnition coil output wire, liqht bulbs and headlamps, ornamental accessories, power steerinq pump belt, wheels, except aliqnment, windshield washer tank, and wiper blades: any other minor service, which may be performed bv persons without the skills and knowledqe required of motor vehicle mechanics and helpers which the Department of Aqricul ture and Consumers Services has designated bv rule to be a minor repair service. State reqistration required 70.00 Ql MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR SHOP means any person who, for compensation, engaqes or attempts to enqage in the repair of motor vehicles owned bv other persons and includes, but is not limited to: motor vehicle and recreation vehicle dealers: qaraqes: service stations: self-employed individuals: truck stops: paint and bodv shops: brake, muffler, or transmission shops, and shops doinq upholstery or qlass work. 70.00 Anv person who enqaqes soleI v in the maintenance or repair of the coach portion of a recreation vehicle is not a motor vehicle repair shop. Ql MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR means all maintenance of modification and repairs to motor vehicles, diaqnostic work incident thereto, including, but and and not struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 7 ti tl '-" ,...., limited to, the rebuildinq or restorinq of rebuilt vehicles, body work, paintinq, warranty work, and other work customarily undertaken by motor vehicle repair shops. 35.00 Pumps (Gas, kerosene, diesel) II 1 - 4 pumps Ii each additional pump 25.00 5.00 Auto Machine Shop 40.00 ~ ^uto paint and body ohop (oee item (91c)) ~ Auto oalvage (oee item (109)) 100.00 121 Auto salvaqe 40.00 1Ql ^irplane oervice Aviation service a) b) Flying inotructiono (moved to Private Schools) Carrying paooengero and/or freight and charging a fee 31.00 31. 00 III Ball, concerts, parades, carnivals, circus, exhibitions (fees set by Council) (special activities) 25.00 14.1 Bando and orcheotrao (oeo item (106)) ~ Barbershop and beauty ohopo cosmetoloqy(retail sales must have separate licenses), state license required a) tl b) Ql. c) ~ ti tl One operator One owner operator Each additi~nal operator Each additional operator Bootblack Shoe shine stand (in ohop only) Manicurist & nail sculpture, pedicurist Tanninq salons Other 25.00 40.00 13.00 25.00 nlc 25.00 25.00 25.00 l-6-t Bicycleo for rent (not in connection ~dth other buoinooo) 13.00 121 Bicycles for rent (not 1n connection with other business) 25.00 lQl Billiards, pool, electronic games, etc. a) b) Ql. c) 1 to 10 machines 11 to 25 machineo 11 to 25 machines Each additional machine 25.00 50.00 40.00 10.00 18) Blueprinting, photootat, etc. (not in connection with other buoineoo) 31.00 2ll Boats, ferry and sightseeing, used wholly or in part as ferry sightseeing boats, each boat with passenger capacity a follows: a) tl b) Ql. c) Ql Not to eKceed 10 peroono Not to exceed 10 persons More than 10 not ~o eKceed 50 More than 10 not to exceed 50 More than 50 peroono More than 50 persons 31. 00 35.00 44.00 50.00 63.00 75.00 peroono persons Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 8 ..... ...., (Does not permit dining room without restaurant license) 211 Boats for hire: a) Canoes, rowboats, motor boards, inboard or outboard: 1) 2 ) 3) 1 to 10 boats 11 to 25 boats Each additional boat 25.00 50.00 10.00 b) Fishing, cruising and/or charter: 1 ) 11 2) .il One boat One boat Eaoh additional boat Each additional boat 31.00 35.00 10.00 25.00 ~ Boat houoeo or boat yardo (lweping or otoring) (Move to Storaqe Warehouses) 19.00 24) Bondo, oriminal or bail, (Bondsman, state license required) (Move to Professional) *1+ Bottling 'IIiorko, bottling or diotilling 'IImter or ooft drinko III Bottlinq works, bottlinq or distillinq water or soft drinks 2ll Bowling lanes, skee ball, etc. a) II b) III Eaoh agent or agenoy Each a~enc~ Eaoh o-mpa-y Each aqent 125.00 75.00 13.00 25.00 31. 00 50.00 a) 1 to 5 laneo 31. 00 II 1 to 16 lanes 50.00 b) 6 to 10 laneo 35.00 c) 11 to 20 laneo 50.00 d) Eaoh additional lane 10.00 III Each additional lane 5.00 (Restaurant needs additional license) ~ Broadcasting stations, radio and telo7ioion 63.00 II III tl Cable Radio Television 125.00 125.00 125.00 ~ Brokero (Move to aqent) 63.00 a) b) stooko and bondo (Move to Aqent) preoiouo metal (oee Ordinanoe No. 80 0 81, Codo oootion 11 46 ot oog.) (Movo to Merohant Retail or Wholeoale) Other Real ootate (oee item 86)) 63.00 63.00 c) d) 31.00 29) Buo otationo 50.00 ~ Buo terminal (Move to Transportation) lQl Cabinet Shop (Manufacturer & Installation) (not to exceed 3 employees) (Over 3 employees, see Manufacturer) (Installer must have insurance) 50.00 struok through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 9 .' '-" ..., -3-lt Canvaooero (Dee oection 11 26 Ed13mmter Code, muot get permit from police department) (Move to Solicitor) ft-/-e llL Car wash a) & b) !U. c) d) Q.l 1 to 3 bayo 1 to 4 ba;s 4 to 6 ba-~o 5 to 7 bays Each additional bay Car laundry (cleaning and poliohing only) Car detailing & window tintinq (cleaninq and polishinq) 25.00 30.00 50.00 60.00 10.00 25.00 35.00 25) Carpet and rug cleaning (not connected with licenoed laundrieo) 19.00 2JU Carpet and rug cleaninq (not connected 'ildth licenoed laundrieo) 35.00 31. 00 ~ Caterer oervice (Move to Restaurants) ~ Cemetery loto, (operated for profit) 63.00 75.00 11l Cemetery lots, (operated for profit) 36) Chauffeuro or motor vehicleo for hire (muot get permit from police department) each ~ehicle (Move to Transportation) 19.00 37) Children/o nuroery or day care, otate licenoe required (Move to Private Schools) 19.00 27) Citruo fruit ohippero, place 'ilihere ordero for fruit are taken and filled or ohipped (excluding packing houoeo) 19.00 lQl citrus fruit shippers, place where orders for fruit are taken and filled or shipped (excludinq packinq houses) 25.00 111 Cleaning, pressing and dyeing (boiler inspection certificate must be presented) a) Along or \lith other buoineoo 31.00 b) Cleaning and preooing pick up otation 19.00 & Cleaning and pressinq pick up station 35.00 b) Self service 1) 1 to 10 machineD 20.00 II 1 to 10 machines 25.00 2) 11 to 25 machines 35.00 3) 26 to 50 machines 50.00 4 ) Each additional machine 10.00 II Each additional machine 5.00 1ll Coin-operated machine or devices a) & b) b) Diotributoro Distributors Privately miRed machineo, each Each machine, see billiards, item (20) for amounts 31.00 50.00 6.00 30) Cold otorage planto, for general uoe of the public ,dth or 'ildthout lockero 31. 00 lJl Communication Sites Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 10 .tl Ql tl "-" ---' commercial Cellular Other 125.00 125.00 125.00 50.00 l!l Computer Software Services (Desiqninq Proqrams) ~ Concrete mixing plants a) .tl b) Ql One TJehicle 1 to 5 trucks Each additional truck Each additional truck 125.00 150.00 31.00 25.00 Jll Contractors, general or subcontractors bonds required a) .tl b) Ql c) tl d) e) Ceneral, otate licenoe required General, state license required Reoidential, otate licenoe required Residential, state license required Builder, ot;te licenoe required Builder, state license required Electrical, state license required 1 ) Uaoter II Master 2) Journeyman Plumbing, state license required 1) Uaoter II Master 2) Journeyman Mechanical, state license required 1) Haoter II Master 2) Journeyman Pool, state license required Subcontractoro 63.00 70.00 63.00 70.00 63.00 70.00 44.00 50.00 25.00 f) 44.00 50.00 25.00 ~4.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 31. 00 g) h) Subcontractors 35.00 1) Aluminum conotruction 2) Carpentero (framing, finiohing, door and ..l7indO'iiI7 inotallation) 3) Driveo and otreet 4) Fenceo 5) Flooring (tile and marble) 6) Crading, land clearing and filling 7) Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, otate licenoe required 8) HouoemoT..Tero 9) Inoulationo 10) Landocaping 11) Uarine conotruction 12) Uaoon and concrete 13) Paintero 14) Plaotero, otucco, drywall 15) Refrigeration, otate licenoe required 16) Roofing and oheet metal, otate licenoe required 17) Septic tank 18) Well drillero 19) Other -1l Alarm Systems -1l Aluminum Installers -1l Asphalt Maintenance ~ Awninq (All Types and/or Storm Shutters) ---2.l Cabinetry -ll Carpentry -1l Concrete, Stone, Brick Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 11 "-' ....." -ll Dredqinq -ll Electrical 1Ql Elevators/Escalators Installation and Maintenance III Fence Installation III Fire Sprinkler System 1ll Floor Sandinq and Finishinq l!l Foundation or General Excavatinq 121 Garaqe Doors 1Ql Gas Pipe Installation 1ll Glass and Glazinq ~ Heatinq, Air conditioninq or ventilation 121 Home maintenance and repair Any occupation that limits itself to cleaninq, minor repairs, replacement, and qeneral maintenance of a nature that does not entail work concerning the structure of a buildinq mechanical, electrical, plumbinq, qas, heatinq, ventilation, air conditioninq, roofinq, or any other function normally considered construction. Home maintenance and repair shall include, but not be limited to: minor repair of the interior and/or exterior of a dwellinq: paintinq: caulkinq: minor repairs to windows and doors: and m i nor r e p air s to mechanical equipment, consistinq of the replacement simple air filters and the cleaninq of interior or exterior units by washinq or compressed air blowinq. Minor repairs to plumbinq consistinq of the replacement of fixtures beyond the last manual shut-off valve shall be allowed. Hot water heater replacement, installation of new lines or additional fixtures, sewer or septic tank work, or qas pipinq shall not be authorized. No structural repairs, new additions, roofinq, or foundation work of any kind is per m i t t e d . Addinq, chanqinq, and/or removinq refriqerant, weldinq, pipe fittinq, and duct work is prohibited. No electrical work except the replacement of lamps and bulbs is authorized. House Movinq and Demolition Installation of prefabricated items, such antenna, siqns, etc. Insulation Irriqation Land Clearinq Landscape Lawn (Sprinkler Installers) Masonrv Mobile Home Set-Up Painters and Paperhanqers parkinq Lot Stripinq Paving and Gradinq Pier/Docks/Seawalls Plasterers, drywall, hardcoat, stucco, lather Plumbers Pressure Cleaninq Roofinq and/or Sheet Metal and Tinsmith Sandblastinq Satellite Steel, prefab Structural Steel Swimminq Pool ~ Installation Ql Service TV Cable Wirinq as 2Ql n.l ill III l.il lit lQl III 2JU III lQl l.ll III 2ll .Jll ~ 1ll TIl 2ti Jll !QJ.. !1l ill Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 12 ... ..... "'-' 44t Con~aleocent and nuroing homeD (not oanitariumo), otate licenoe required (Move to Hospitals) a) b) ill Tile, Terrazzo, Marble and Granite !!l Tree Surqery i2l Truckinq and Bulldozing !Ql Well Drillers !ll Windows and Steel Sash rn.. Other Up to 20 bedo Over 20 bedo, each 63.00 1.00 Licenoe muot be ta]wn out for all bedo 'ihcther uoed or unuoed 45) Credit bureauo, our~eying, reporting and collecting 46) Dairieo a) b) One "Jehicle Each additional vehicle Jll Delivery Services a) II b) One ";ehicle One vehicle Each additional truck 63.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 25.00 10.00 ~ Distributors and Home Party Sales Fullerbrush, Amway, etc) {Avon, TUP{lerware, 25.00 ~ Entertainment (Bands, orchestras, etc.) !Ql Exterminators, spray service, state license required a) II b) One vehicle One vehicle Each additional truck ill Financial inotitutiono or companieo a) II b) Ql c) tl Banks and trust companies Banks and trust companies Building and loan aooociationo Buildinq and loan associations Finance and diocount companieo, liquidating accounto, whether purchaoed or not Finance and discount companies, liquidatinq accounts, whether purchased or not Honey lendero, CJrccpt banko or bankero whooe buoineoo conoioto of or including taking, buying or oelling aooignmento of ..mgeo or commiooiono earned or to be earned, etc. Money lenders, except banks or bankers whose business consists of or includinq takinq, buyinq or sellinq assiqnments of waqes or commissions earned or to be earned, etc. reroonal finance companieo Personal finance companies d) Q.l e) II 42) Fortune tellero, mind rcadero, gypoico and other nomadic people (oee Scctiono 11 21 through 11 25) Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 13 25.00 63.00 75.00 10.00 125.00 130.00 125.00 130.00 125.00 130.00 125.00 130.00 125.00 130.00 813.00 .. "-'" .~ ill Fortune tellers, mind readers, gypsies and other nomadic people (see sections 11-21 throuqh 11-25) 75.00 each ~ Fruit, vegetable and farm produce otando (permanent otructure), health permit (Move to Merchant retail) 31.00 -9-2-t Fruit, ~y~egetable and f louer packing houoe, health permit (Move to Merchant - retail) 31.00 ill Funeral Chapel 75.00 38) Funeral homeo, including embalmer or undertaker and ambulance, otate licenoe required 63.00 !!l Funeral homes, includinq embalmer or undertaker and ambulance, state license required 100.00 39) Furniture packero, ohippero and/or otorage 63.00 ~ Furniture packers, movinq and/or storaqe 63.00 II fD- 1 - 2 trucks Each additional truck 75.00 25.00 31.00 .s.9+ Garage and otorage and parldng for ~J'ehicleo (Move to Storaqe) 40) Garbage Refuqe hauling and recvclinq, for profit, (by authority of the city council feeo aloo determined by council) (Move to Refuqe) !Ql Gas companies, state license required a) b) fD- c) tl Distributing through pipe lines, natural gas (includes one truck) (franchised or other devised by city council) Bottle gao, ~iholeoale merchant licenoe required Bottle ~as, wholesale merchant license required Bottle -ao~ retail merchant licenoe required Bottle qas, retail merchant license required method 100.00 31. 00 50.00 31.00 50.00 !ll Gas contractors, installing container, piping (includes one vehicle), state license required a) II b) Not connected with other buoineoo Not connected with other business When connected with other business 63.00 75.00 50.00 ~ Gasoline, fuel oil, and other petroleum products, resident or non resident (includes one vehicle) a) b) Wholesale Retail 125.00 31.00 .!tl nachine and General repairs. The follmdng machine and repair agency, permitted to carry stocks or parts necessary to be used in making repairs in shop hereby licensed, however, if any portion of such stock is sold in any manner, a merchant's license is required. Machine Shop & Weldinq (not workinq on automotive) 35.00 Employing including owner and operator a) II Not to Clcaeed 3 employeeo (aooemblage) Not to exceed 3 employees (assemblaqe) 31. 00 35.00 Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 14 b) !D- c) d) .2Ql Golf II !D- tl ........ ~ Not eJcceeding 8 employeeo Not exceedinq 8 employees More than 8 employees, not exceeding 20 employees More than 20 employees 44.00 50.00 125.00 190.00 31. 00 Drivinq ranqes or practice courses Course 1.1 9 holes 2.1 18 holes Miniature qolf 50.00 75.00 125.00 35.00 31. 00 CoIf, miniature 61) 62) .lll. ~ 19.00 25.00 Creaoe and oil oalvage collectiono Hazardous materials Health clubo fitness centers 50.00 64) Hoopitalo and oanitarium, operated for profit, otate licenoe required ~ Hospitals, sanitariums, nursinq homes, and conqreqate livinq, operated for profit, state license required a) II b) Q.l tl Ql Up to 20 bedo 1 - 5 beds Each additional bed 6 - 12 beds 13 - 20 beds Each additional bed 63.00 35.00 1.00 70.00 100.00 5.00 License must be taken out for all beds whether used or unused 6S) Houoecleaning enterprioeo, (including window cleaning domeotic help excepted) 31.00 .2.!l Housecleaninq and ianitorial services enterprioeo, (includinq window cleaninq domestic help excepted) 35.00 ~ Insurance adjustor company a) II b) Q.l Company ~dth one adjuotor compan~ with one adiustor Each a ditional adjuotor Each additional adiustor 63.00 75.00 19.00 25.00 ~ Insurance companies (see also section 11-20, City Code) for the purpose of taxation, insurance companies are classified and defined as follows: a) Casualty and liability insurance, only on annual, semiannual, or quarterly premium basis and: 1) Bonds, including fidelity, court contracts and surety bonds and financial guarantees. 2) Burglary insurance, including residences, bank stock, bonds and securities, safe burglary and holdup and messenger robbery. 3) Liability insurance, including employers, public and automobile liability for personal injury, property damage and collision 4) Plate glass insurance. 5) Workman's compensation insurance issued to struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 15 '-' .""" employers or labor. 6) Accident and health insurance only on annual, semiannual, or quarterly premium basis. b) Fire insurance companies, writing policies of insurance against hazards of fire, tornado and windstorms, used and occupancy, profits, rent, leasehold insurance, insurrections, riot and civil commotion, sprinkler, leakage, rain, fire, theft, automobile collisions; and marine cargoes and bills; and rail, mail express shipments; against fire, collisions, stranding, sinking. c) Industrial insurance companies, (including funeral benefits associations or companies) writing life and or accident and health, insurance and funeral benefits on a weekly, bimonthly or monthly premium paying basis. d) Insurance agency, any person who represents or otherwise acts as agent for an insurance company as defined and or classified in this subsection or classification of insurance companies, or which operates or maintains an office or place of business in the city shall be deemed to constitute and operate an insurance agency. Fees to be paid by the company, includes representation by each agent 1) II 2) .il 3) 11 4 ) .ti 5) .ll Caaualty and liability companiea Casualty and liability companies Fire inaurance companiea Fire insurance companies Induatrial inaurance and funeral benefita aaaociation or company Industrial insurance and funeral benefits association or company Life inaurance company Life insurance company Each additional agent Each additional aqent 31.00 35.00 31.00 35.00 31. 00 35.00 31.00 35.00 13.00 25.00 68) Laboratoriea, acientific and induatrial inveatigation, if not connected with licenaee'a manufacturing enterpriaea 94.00 221 Laboratories. scientific and industrial investiqation. if not connected with licensee's manufacturing enterprises 125.00 ~ Lawn service and care a) b) II Cardener Lml7n Care Gardener and/or Lawn Care 6.00 6.00 25.00 70) Linen aupply a) b) Plant (includea one vehicle) Each additional truck 25.00 10.00 22l Manufacturers. The following businesses are classified as manufacturers and each person engaged in the operation of such business in the manner described are required to cover this operation by taking out a manufacturer's license as follows: Factory, permitted to manufacture and sell the products manufactured, employees include owner and operators actively Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 16 ~ ...." engaged in such business. a) Ell b) Ql c) d) Not to elcceed 3 employeeo (aooemblage) Not to exceed 3 employees (assemblaqe) llot Clcceeding 8 employeeo Not exceeding 8 employees More than 8 employees, not exceeding 20 employees More than 20 employees 31.00 35.00 44.00 50.00 125.00 190.00 73) Ueato and meat producto, packinghouoeo or otorage e3.00 QQl l1eato and Meat, fish & ?oultrv products, packinqhouses or storage 75.00 Qll Merchandise Mart (flea market) Owner operator Ell Ql tl Ql Up to 4 spaces 5 - 10 spaces 11 - 20 spaces Each additional 75.00 100.00 150.00 10.00 Qll Merchants - Retail, provided license shall permit but one location when average stock of goods carried is as follows: a) Ell b) Ql c) tl d) Ql e) f) II 9.1 9.1 hi il Stock up to 81,000.00 Stock UP to $1,000.00 Stock from 81,001.00 to $5,000.00 Stock from $1,001.00 to $5,000.00 Stock from 85,001.00 to 810,000.00 Stock from $5,001.00 to $10,000.00 Stock from 810,001.00 to 830,000.00 Stock from $10,001.00 to $30,000.00 Stock from $30,001.00 to $50,000.00 Stock from 850,001.00 and over Stock from $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 Stock from $100,001.00 and over Preciouo metal (See Ordinance No. 80 11 4e et oeq) Fruit, veqetable & otructure) (health Fruit, veqetable & 13.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 44.00 50.00 e3.00 75.00 125.00 250.00 150.00 175.00 Section o 81, Code farm produce otando (permanent permit) flmier pacldnq houoe (heal th permit) QJl Merchants Jobbing wholesaling, provided license shall permit but one location when average stock of goods carried is as follows: a) Stock up to 81,000.00 Ell Stock UP to $1,000.00 b) Stock from 81,001.00 to $10,000.00 Ql Stock from $1,001.00 to $10,000.00 c) Stoc]{ from 810,001.00 to 830,000.00 tl Stock from $10,001.00 to $30,000.00 d) Stock from 830,001.00 to 875,000.00 !ll Stock from $30,001.00 to $75,000.00 e) Stock from $75,001.00 and over ti Stock from $75,001.00 and over 31. 00 35.00 44.00 50.00 e3.00 75.00 94.00 100.00 125.00 135.00 76) Herchanto vendoro, engaged in the oale of goodo or merchandioe (muot get permit from police department) (See merchanto, item (74) or (75)) 76.1 Heooenger oery~ice (oee item (107)) Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 17 ...... ~ Q!l Museums, historical, for profit (permission and fees set by council) Q2l Newspaper publishers: 75.00 a) b) D;1ily Weekly, etc. 63.00 31.00 QQl Parking lots, for profit a) .tl b) !ll c) tl d) f) 1 to 10 caro 1 to 10 cars 11 to 60 caro 11 to 60 cars 61 to 100 caro 61 to 100 cars 101 cars and over Parking loto adjacent to commercial 0.0 permitted uoe. 13.00 25.00 63.00 75.00 94.00 100.00 125.00 250.00 80) pmmbroltcro, not tranoferablc 150.00 Qll Pawnbrokers, not transferable Each pawnbroker or money broker shall keep a complete and true record of all transactions showing from whom the ~ was taken or purchased and to whom sold, which shall at all ti.mas be subject to inspection by the police department to the city, one copy of daily records being delivered to the police department. Violations of this subsection shall be punished by fine or imprisonment. 81) Preciouo metal 'iiiho1eoale and retail (See section 11-27 and 11-28, City Code.) (See oectiono 11 46 through 11 53 of the City Code) (See merchanto, item (74) or (75)) a) b) l\lone l\ddition to other licenoe 50.00 31.00 19.00 ~ Printing business 50.00 Q2l Private & social clubs 13.00 83) Pri~ate ochoolo (religiouo, inotitutiono elccmpt) 25.00 1Ql Private schools (reliqious, institutions exempt) (Children'o nuroery or day care, oee item (37) a ) l\rt b) Beauty c) Buoineoo d) Dancing e) Karate f) Kindergarten g) Trade h) Huoic i) Other .tl Art Color Studio !ll Automobile & Truck Drivinq tl Business Ql Cosmetoloqy tl Dancinq II Dramatic Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 18 ..... '..- 91 Flyinq instructions hi Kinderqarten, Nursery, or Day Care (State license required) il Martial Arts il Model or Charm kl Music (Piano. voice, instruments) 11 Ridinq School or academy ml Trade !ll Other 84t rrofeooional 11l Professional 44.00 75.00 The following professional practitioners are classed as professional and each person engaged in the practice of any such profession is required to cover this practice by taking out a professional license as follows: (Other county and state license compliance required if applicable) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) il k) 1) m) n) 0) p) q) r) s) t) u) v) w) x) y) z) aa) bb) cc) dd) ee) ff) gg) hh) ii) jj) kk) ll.l Accountants, bookkeepers Artists Acupuncturists, state license required Architects Astronomers Attorneys, state license required Auditors, state license required Chemists, state license required Clinic labs, state license required Computer Consultant Drafting Dentistry, state license required Embalmers, state license required Engineers, state license required Engravers, embossing, lithographs Homeopathic or drugless physicians Income tax, tax consultant Interior decorators, designers Masseur, state license required Medical doctors, state license required Naprapaths, state license required Opticians, state license required Optometrists Osteopathic physicians, state license required Pharmacists (exempt F.S. 205.196), state required Physicians, state license required Photographers pilot Podiatrists, state license required Private instructors Secretary Security (must register with police department) Therapists Tree surgeons veterinarian, state license required Taxidermist, state license required Bondsman (state license required) 11 Each aqency il Each aqent All other professions III Real estate or rental agency, state license required a) & b) with one peroon deoignated ao broker with one person desiqnated as broker Each additional oaleoperoon Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 19 license 75.00 25.00 75.00 31.00 35.00 13.00 ....... ..."., Ql Each additional salesperson 25.00 (No license issued until state registration certificate is presented. ) 111 Recording studios 50.00 1!l Carbage Refuqe hauling and recvclinq, for profit, (by authority of the city council fees also determined by council) B9) Rent all 35.00 l2l Rent all (equipment & video) 50.00 lQl Restaurant, cafe and other public eating places, where food is served in connection with or separate from other business according to seating capacity. a) 0 to 50 oeato aloo carry out 31. 00 II 0 to 50 seats also carry out 50.00 b) 51 to 100 oeato 50.00 Ql 51 to 100 seats 75.00 c) 101 oeato and m,~er 63.00 tl 101 seats and over 85.00 Ql Caterer service 35.00 Health permit certificate required. BB) Rinko ~ Rinks 63.00 75.00 90) Sm~ millo lJU. Saw mills 63.00 75.00 91) ~utolRoti7e oervice a) ~ype h buoincoo primarily engaged in ocrvicing motor vehicleo but limited to the oale of fuel, lubricanto, and other acceooory producto neceooary to the operation of motor ~ehicleo, but not including the mechanical or body repair or the oale of motor vehicleo 1) 2) Up to 2 gaooline pumpo Each additional pump 13.00 6.00 b) ~ype B upholotering and oervicing of automotive vehicleo, \~hich include the oale of fuel lubricanto, and other producto neceooary to the operation of motor vehicleo; including the oale and inotallation of acceooorieo, tireo, batterieo, minor engine tuneupo, wheel balancing, and alignment, brake oervice but not including mechanical or body repair or the oale of motor vehicleo 1) 2) Up to 2 gaooline pumpo Each additional pump 13.00 6.00 c) Paint and body ohop 25.00 III Service II Ql tl Mail Order Parcel packinq Telephone answerinq services 35.00 35.00 35.00 Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 20 ~ tl II ill- .... 'wtttII Telemarketinq Housesittinq Chimney Sweeper Other 35.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 ~ Shooting galleries 50.00 Must be arranged and located as to be entirely safe and not a nuisance to adjoining property and approved by the city council and the police department. ~ Shows, carnivals, parades, concerts (ace balla, item (16)) (fees set by council) !!ll. Solicitors a) For magazines or periodicals (see section 11-26 City Code) (each solicitor required to register with the police department and receive a registration and identification card signed by the police chief) 25.00 b) Going from house to house soliciting business, (each solicitor required to register with the police department and receive a registration and identification card signed by the police chief) 25.00 Ql Canvassers (See Section 11~26, Edqewater Code, must get permit from City) 25.00 63.00 111) Storage \mrehouaeo 75.00 ~ Storaqe warehousinq 110) S\dBHRing poola (public) !Hl Swimming pools (public) 108) Telegram companiea ill Telegram companies 97) Telephone companieo !!Ql Telephone companies 1U.l Theaters ~ Ql a) ~ b) Ql c) Ql d) f!l 25.00 Boat houses or boat yards (keepinq or storinq) Garage & storage and parkinq for all types of vehicles 35.00 31.00 35.00 31.00 50.00 n/c 50.00 Up to 500 aeata Up to 500 seats 501 to 1,000 aeata 501 to 1,000 seats O~er 1,001 oeata Over 1,001 seats Driye ino Drive-ins 63.00 60.00 94.00 75.00 125.00 100.00 63.00 75.00 (If merchandise is sold, merchants license is required) ~ Trailers or mobile home parks or camps a) ~ b) Ql c) 1 to 9 trailer apnceo 1 to 9 trailer spaces 10 to 20 trailer apacea 10 to 20 trailer spaces 21 or more trailer apacea 31.00 35.00 44.00 50.00 56.00 Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 21 . .....- ..",." "., ' . f ill- 21 or more trailer spaces 75.00 Sales 125.00 ~ Transportation ill. Chauffeurs, taxis, limousines or motor vehicles for hire (must qet permit from police department.) each vehicle 11 1 to 5 vehicles 50.00 II 6 to 10 vehicle 75.00 11 Each additional vehicle 5.00 Ql Wrecker service 11 II One vehicle Each additional vehicle 35.00 5.00 95. 1 S~dH\Hl.ing poolo (public, Dee item (111)) 95.2 storage ~mrehouoe (Dee item 112) 95.3 Telegram companieD (Dee item 109)) 96) Telephone anmli'Cring oervieeo (Move to service) 31.00 2Ql Trucking companies (Freiqht) ill. a) b) Each truck One truc]{ Each additional truck 25.00 13.00 13.00 99) Televioion (Cable T.V. companieD) n/c 100) Trading otampo 31.00 1\11 peroono Delling trade otampo or other to]{eno to peroono to be iooued in connection with tokeno which may be redeemed by delivery of caoh peroon property and prizeD or premiumo. 102) Trucko and vehicleo doing buoineoo, either wholeoale or retail by delivery to be rented, or proceooed or oerviced goodo and merchandioe, (except opecifically termed aD an ncceooory to a permitted uoe) (Move to Transportation) a) b) vehicle 13.00 Each T aJri 1) 2) 3) 1 to 5 vehicleo 6 to 10 vehicleo Each additional vehicle 25.00 50.00 10.00 211 Unclassified 103) utility oervice 50.00 nlc .2.ll utilities 125.00 104) Vendoro, conceooion mobile, health permit required 26.00 2Jl Vendors, concession mobile, health permit required 35.00 105) Wrecker, tmi/' truck (Move to Transportation) a) b) One vehicle Each additional vehicle 31. 00 10.00 105.1 Vehicle automobile buoineoo (Dee item (4)) Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 22 - , ..... "-'" . 106) Bundo und orchcotrao 13.00 107) Ucoocngcr ocrvicc 13.00 109) huto oal~ugc 63.00 PART E. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PART F. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or circumstance. PART G. CODIFICATION. Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts E through I shall not be codified. PART H. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. PART I. ADOPTION. After Motion by Councilwoman Martin and Second by Councilman Hays, the vote on the first reading of this ordinance held on June 6, 1994, was as follows: Mayor Jack H. Hayman, Sr. AYE Councilman Kirk Jones AYE Councilwoman Louise A. Martin AYE Councilman Mike Hays AYE Councilman David L. Mitchum AYE Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 23 After Motion by Councilwoman Martin and Second by Councilman Jones, the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: Mayor Jack H. Hayman, Sr. AYE Councilman Kirk Jones AYE Councilwoman Louise A. Martin AYE Councilman Mike Hays AYE Councilman David L. Mitchum ABSENT PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 1994. ATTEST; p fix;. � pt6aac w. � ti:ln „S C niS A CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEE9W�ATER, FLORIDA By:� Jack f H yman, Sr. Mayo APPROVED FOR FORM AMD CORRECTNESS: 1 r1q vista A. Storey City Attorney StFuek threug: passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 94-0-18 24