93-O-18 ....... """ ORDINANCE NO. 93-0-18 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ARTICLE II (COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS) OF CHAPTER 2 (ADMINISTRATION) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR ADOPTION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. As the result of the adoption of the new City Charter in 1992, certain sections of Article II. Council Proceedings of Chapter 2. Administration of the Code of Ordinances now conflict with or duplicate provisions of the Charter. 2. Section 3.11(b) of the Charter authorizes the City Council to determine its own rules and order of business except that the agenda for regular council meetings shall include "Citizen Comments" at the beginning and directly prior to adjournment. 3. The establishment of council proceedings through an ordinance limits the authority of the City Council to adjust these procedures to serve the best interests of the public. 4. Section 166.041(1) (b), Florida Statutes defines "resolution" as an expression of a governing body concerning matters of administration, an expression of a temporary character, or a provision for the disposition of a particular item of the administrative business of the governing body. 4. Article II of Chapter 2 should be repealed in its entirety and Council proceedings consistent with the Charter and current practices of the City reestablished in a resolution. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the People of the City of Edgewater, Florida: PART A. REPEALING ARTICLE II (COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS) OF CHAPTER 2 (ADMINISTRATION) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA Article II is repealed in its entirety: SectioB 2-20. Roqular meetiBq times. The city council ahall hold regular city council mcctinga on Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 93-0-18 1 .... ..." the firot Uonday and thc third Uonday of each month at 7100 p.m. If the firot or third Monday fallo on a holiday recognized by the oity, then the regular meeting ohall be either oanceled or reocheduled aD determined by the city oounoil. Soctiea 2-21. Heetiaq places. 1\11 regular meetingo of the council ohall be held in the counoil chaHlbero at city hall, oOHlHlUnity center building or ohuffle board club houoe or any other plaoe deoignated by the mayor. Sectioa 2-22. Special meetiaqs. The mayor, vice mayor or acting mayor ohall eall apecial meetingo of the counoil __ihenever, ln hiD opinion, the publio buaineoa may require it. Whene~.rer a apeoial meeting ohall be oalled, a oummono or a notioe in ~iriting oigned by the mayor, ~Jice mayor or aoting mayor ahall be aerved upon eaoh member of the oouncil either in peroon or by notioe left at hia plaoe of reoidenoe, otating the date and hour of the meeting and the purpooe for __ihioh Elueh meeting ia oalled, and no buaineoo ohall be tranaaoted thereat, except auoh ao io otated in the notioe. Soctioa 2-23. Opoa te public, aotice to media of moetiaqs. 1\11 oity oounoil meetinga ohall be open to the publio. It ohall be the duty of the oity olerk to ao far ao praotioable notify the preoa and other media of forthcoming oity oounoil mcetinga, informal or formal. Sectiea 2-24. presidiaq officer. (a) The preoiding offioer of the counoil ahall be the mayor (or v ioe mayor or aoting mayor, ~iho ohall be eleoted annually at the firot meeting in November, by the Hlembero, from their memberahip) . (b) The preaiding offioer ohall preaerve at riot order and decorum at all regular and apecial meetingo of the oouncil. He ahall atate every queation ooming before the oounoil, announoe the deoioion of the oounoil on all aubjeoto and deoide all queotiono of order, oubjeot hmiC~;'er to an appeal to the oounoil, in ~ihich event, Struok through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 93-0-18 2 '-' ...., a lRajority vote of the council ohall gm,.crn and concluoively deterlRine ouch queotion of order. He ohall 70te on all queotiono. He ohall oign all ordinanceo and reoolutiono adopted by the council during hio preoenoe. In the event of hio aboenoe, the 7ioe lRayor or acting lRayor ohall oign ordinanoeo or reoolutiono aD they are adopted. (0) The lRayor, or v.ice lRayor or aoting lRayor ohall take the ohair preoioely at the hour appointed for the lReeting, and ohall immediately call the oounoil to order. (d) Upon the arri7al of the mayor or vice mayor, the acting mayor ohall immediately relinquioh the ohair upon the oonoluoion of the buoineoo immediately before the council. The vice mayor ohall relinquioh the ohair in the oalRe manner upon arri7al of the lRayor. SootieR 2-26. Roll oall. Before prooeeding ..dth the buoineoo of the oouncil, the oity clerk or hio deputy ohall call the roll of the lRembero, and the nalReo of thooe preoent ohall be entered in the minuteo. SootioR 2-2'. Ordor of BusiRoss. Promptly at the hour oct by ordinance on the day of each regular meeting, the membero of the oouncil, the oity olerk, oity attorney and mayor, vioe mayor or aoting mayor, ohall take their regular otationo in the ohambero, and the buoineoo of the oouncil ohall be taken up for oonoideration and diopooition in the follo..dng orders (1) Call to order, roll call, in7ooation, pledge of allegianoe. (2) hpproval of minuteo. (3) Citizen oolftlftento. (4) Conoent agenda. Itemo on the oonoent agenda arc defined ao routine nature that do not warrant detailed dioouooion or indi7idual aotion by the oounoil, therefore, all itemo remaining on the conoent agenda ohall be appro7ed and adopted by a oingle motion, oeoond, and ..rote by the city oouncil. Itemo on the oonoent agenda arc not oubjeot to diocuooion. One of the lRoot baoio ruleo of a conoent Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 93-0-18 3 ...... ....., agend~ io th~t ~ny member of the city council m~y remove any item from the conoent agenda oimply by verbal requeot at the city council meeting. Removing an item from the conoent agenda 'iliOuld not require a motion, oecond, or a vote ; it 'iliOuld oimply be a unilateral requeot of an individual councilmember. (5) New bUDineoo. (6) Ordin~nceo, public hearing, and reoolutiono. Firot reading. Second reading. (7) Unfiniohed buoineoo. (8) Council/officero reporto. City attorney. City manager. City council. (9) Queotiono from preoo. (10) Citizen commento. (11) 1\.djourn. Unleoo a reuding of the minuteo of a council meeting io requeoted by a member of the council, ouch minuteD may be approved without reading, if the clerk haD previouoly oubmitted to euch councilman a copy of the minuteD. Soa~iOB 2-27. Ru10s of doha~e. (a) preaiding offioer may debate and vote. The mayor, vice mayor or ~cting mayor, ohall have a voice and vote in the proceedingo, but oh~ll have no veto power, oubject only to ouch limitationo of debateD aD are by theoe ruleD impooed on all membero and ohall not be deprived of any of the righto and privilegeo of a councilman by reaoon of hiD aeting ao the preoiding officer. (b) Cetting the floor, improper referenoea. E'\~ery member, mayor, councilmen, city attorney and city manager deoiring to Dpeak ohall be recognized by the preoiding officer firot, except that any member, once recognized, may join in a free CJeahange of ideaD and opiniono 'iid th other membero 'il1Ti thout interruption f rom the ch~ir. 1\.11 peroono 00 recognized ohall confine themoelveo to the queotion under deb~te, avoiding all peroonalitieo and indecorouD language, and irrelevant mattero. (c) Interruptiona. 1\. member once recognized ohall not be interrupted when opeaking unleDD it be to call him to order, or aD Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 93-0-18 4 ..,. ..." herein othendoe provided. If u member, 'ihile, opeuldng, be called to order, he ohall ceuoe opeaking until the queotion of order be determined, and if in order, he ohull be permitted to proceed. (d) Privilege of aloaing debate. The councilmun mo~ing the udopting of un ordinunce or reoolution ohull huve the privilege of clooing the debate. (c) lfotioR to reaoI'1Oider. h motion to reconoider uny uction tultcn by the council muY be mude only on the duy ouch uction \lUO tul{en. It may be made either immediutely during the oume oeooion, or ut u receooed or udjourned oeooion thereof. Such motion muot be mude by one of the prevuiling oide, but muY be oeconded by uny member, und muY be mude ut uny time und huve precedence over ull other motiono or ~ihile u member huo the floor 1 it ohull be debatuble. Nothing herein ohull be conotrued to pre"Jent uny member of the council from muking or remuldng the oume or uny other motion ut u ouboequent meeting of the council. (f) Rem.1r!ca of ao/mailmenl ~fhen cntered in minuteD. h councilmun muY requeot, through the preoiding officer, the privilege of having un ubotract of hiD otutement on any oubject under conoideration by the council entered in the minuteD. If the council conoento thereof, ouch otatelRent ohall be entered in the minuteD. (g) B}'nopaiD of deb.1tcl ~~.hen cntcred in minuteD. The clerk muY be directed by the preoiding officer, ~iith the conoent of the council, to enter in the minuteD u oynopoio of the diocuooion on uny queotion coming regulurly before the council. SootiOR 2-28. AddrossiRq the couRcil-PermissioR. hny peroon deoiring to addreoo the council ohull firot oecure thc permiooion of the preoiding officer 00 to do; pro~ided, hmi'C".er, that under the follmdng heudingo of buoineoo, unleoo the the council 'iithout oecuring ouch prior permiooionl preoiding officer ruleD othendoe, uny qualified peroon muY uddreoo ( 1 ) rlri tten communicationD. Intereoted purtieo or authorized repreoentutiv.eo muY uddreoo the council by ~iritten Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 93-0-18 5 their 'W ..""" communicationo in regard to mattero then under conoideration. (2) Or.]1 aommunia.]tiono. 'l'aJcpayero or reoidento of the city, or their authorized legal repreoentatiy.yeo may addreoa the council by oral communioationa on any matter concerning the oity'a buaineaa, or any matter over ~lhich the council haa control I prmrided hmieyyyer, that preference ahall be giYJen to thoae peraona who may have notified the city clerk in ad~anoe of their deaire to apea]t in order that the oame may appear on the agenda of the couneil. (3) Re.]ding of proteat, eta. Intereated peraona or their authorized repreaentativea may addreaa the oouncil by reading of proteata, petitiona or communicationa relating to zoning, ~mter, amlOr and atreet proceedinga, hearinga on proteota, appeala and petitiona, or oimilar mattero in regard to mattero then under oonaideration. hfter a motion ia made by the eouneil, no peraon ahall addreaa the oouncil without firat aeouring the permiaaion of the counoil 00 to do. SootiOB 2-29. Samo-procedare. Eaoh peraon addreaaing the counoil ahall atep up to the counoil table, ahall give hia name and addreaa in an audible tone of voioe for the reoord, and unleaa further time ia granted by the counoil, ohall limit hia addrea a to three (3) minutea. hll remarko ahall be addreaaed to the council aa a body and not to any member thereof. No peraon, other than a member of the council and the peraon hayyying the floor ahall be permitted to enter into any diaouaaion, either directly or through a member of the counoil, ~dthout the permiaoion of the preaiding officer. No queotion ahall be aaked a oounoilman meoept through the pre aiding offioer. SoctiOB 2-30. Dooorum. (a) While the oounoil io in aeaaion the membera muat preaerve order and deoorum, and a member ahall neither by oonveroation or other~liae, delay or interrupt the prooeedingo or the peace of the councilor diaturb any member ~lhile opeaking or refuoe to obey the Struok through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 93-0-18 6 ~ ..." ordero of the councilor ito preoiding officer, mmept 0.0 othenlioe herein provided. (b) l\ny peroon malting peroonal, impertinent, or olanderouo remarko or ~iho ohall become boioterouo ~ihile addreooing the council ohall forth~iith, by the preoiding officer, be b~rred from further ~udience before the council, unleoo permiooion to continue be gr~nted by a majority vote of the council. BeetioD 2-31. ROBert's Rules of Order. Robert'o Ruleo of Order, ~o revioed from time to time, are hereby deoignated and eotabliohed 0.0 oupplementary ruleD of procedure to govern the conduct of meetingo of the city council, when o~id Robert'o Ruleo of Order ~re not in conflict with ~ny ch~rter provioion or ordinance of the city. BectioD 2-23. Leqislative procedure. (a) Prior approval. All ordinanceo, reoolutiono, or contract documento ohall be approved by the city ~ttorney or hio ~uthori3ed repreoentative prior to preoentation to the city council. (b) Introducing for paooage or approval. Ordinanceo, reoolutiono and other mattero or oubjecto requiring action by the council muot be introduced ~nd oponoored by a member of the council, except that the mayor may preoent ordinanceo, reoolutiono and other mattero or oubjecto to the council, and any councilman may aooume oponoorohip thereof by moving th~t ouch ordinanceo, reoolutiono, m~ttero or oubjecto be adopted; other~iioe, they ohall not be conoidered. (c) Compliance idth atatutea required. No ordinance ohall be en~cted by the city council that io not in ~ccordance with Section 166.041 of Florid~ Statuteo dealing with procedureo for ~doption of ordinanceo and reoolutiono. (d) Ordinancea requirementa. No ordinance ohall rel~te to more th~n one oubject, which ohall be elearly expreooed in ito title, and no ordinance, or oection thereof, ohall be amended or repe~led unleoo the nmi ordinance cont~ino the title of the ordin~nce or oection ~mcnded or repealed, and ~ihen practicable all Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 93-0-18 7 '- ...., ordin.:mceo oh.:l.ll be introduced n.o .:l.lRendmento to eJdoting ordinn.nceo or oectiono thereof. Sootios 2-33. Adioarsmcst. 1':.. lRotion to n.dj ourn ohn.ll n.hmyo be in order n.nd decided ~d thout debn.te. Scotios 2-34. Rcsor~cd. Scotioss 2 3S - 2-4S. RcsorJcd. PART B. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PART C. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or circumstance. PART D. CODIFICATION. Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to " section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts B through F shall not be codified. PART E. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. PART F. ADOPTION. After Motion by Councilman Hays and Second by Councilwoman Martin the vote on the first reading of this ordinance held on December 20, 1993, was as follows: Mayor Jack H. Hayman, Sr. AYE Councilman Kirk Jones AYE Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 93-0-18 8 Councilwoman Louise A. Martin AYE Councilman Mike Hays AYE Councilman David L. Mitchum AYE After Motion by Councilman Hays and Second by Councilman Jones, the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: Mayor Jack H. Hayman, Sr. AYE Councilman Kirk Jones AYE Councilwoman Louise A. Martin AYE Councilman Mike Hays AYE Councilman David L. Mitchum AYE yc PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 24th day of January, 199f. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA By: Jack H y n, Sr. Mayo APPROVED FOR FORM & CORRECTNESS: Kristd A. Storey City Attorney passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 93-0-18 9