91-O-2 '-' '7(JO ''"'0'/ (7 'x fj 6 ;'$ f.i.l- ;; () . il~. ~ . .... ORDINANCE NO. 91-0-2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 19, UTILITIES AND SERVICES OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, BY PROVIDING FOR SCHEDULED INCREASES IN WATER RATES EACH YEAR FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS BEGINNING JUNE 1, 1991 THROUGH OCTOBER 1, 1994; SCHEDULED INCREASES IN WASTEWATER RATES FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS BEGINNING WITH JUNE 1, 1991 THROUGH OCTOBER 1, 1994; INCREASE IN WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE FROM ONE THOUSAND ( $1 , 000 . 00 ) DOLLARS TO ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE ($1,425.00) DOLLARS, PER EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL UNIT; INCREASE IN CUSTOMER DEPOSITS FROM THIRTY ($30.00) DOLLARS FOR COMBINED SERVICES TO FORTY- FIVE ($45.00) DOLLARS EACH (TOTAL NINETY ($90.00) DOLLARS) FOR COMBINED UTILITY SERVICES) APPLICABLE TO NEW RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS, AND FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS DEPOSIT TO BE TWO TIMES AVERAGE MONTHLY BILL; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Chapter 19, Utilities and Services, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, be amended as follows: * The City ohull require u utility depooi t in the umount of thirty ($30.00) dollars pluo u ten ($10.00) dollar oer7ice charge before 'later or Deuer oerv.ice(o) are initiuted to uny equil,.ulent Ii "'7ing unit in the city. Guch depooi t ohall be made by the property Olmer and the bill for utility scr7iceD ohull be in the property mffier' 0 name at ull timeD a:ad ohall remain ui th the city without interect. For tranDferring u deposit from un existing mffier to nell mIRer on the Dame account, a fi"l..e ($5.00) dollur tranofer fee ohall be charged. TheDe monieD Dhull be inveoted ana the income derived therefrom be uced in the operation of the "~ und oeuer oyotem thereby helpi:ag to ]tOep the rateD for Duid oervice to a minim. No refund checko on depooitD ohull be iooued for an umount leoo than one ($1.00) dollur. *Deleted language has been lined through and new lanquaqe underscored. ..... .."", The city shall require a utility deposit and a service charqe before water or sewer service(s) are initiated to any equivalent livinq unit in the city. The utility deposits and service charqes required before the initiation of service are: Utility Deposits: Residential Service Water Service Only Sewer Service Only $45.00 $45.00 $90.00 Water and Sewer Service Non-Residential Service 2 Times Averaqe Monthlv Bill, But Not Less Than Residential Deposit Service Charqe $10.00 Such deposit shall be made bv the property owner and the bill for utility services shall be in the property owner's name at all times and shall remain with the City without interest. For customers who have paid a deposit and were receivinq service prior to June 1, 1991, and which have been disconnected for nonpaYment of utility bills, the city may request an additional or increased deposit equal to the amount shown above as a prerequisite to the re-institution of service. For transferrinq a deposit from an existinq owner to new owner on the same account, a five ($5.00) dollar transfer fee shall be charaed. These monies shall be invested and the income derived therefrom be used in the operation of the water and sewer system thereby helpinq to keep the rates for said service to a minimum. No refund checks on deposits shall be issued for an amount less than one ($1.00) dollar. ARTICLE II. WATER Sec. 19-14. Meter rates - minimum The following meter rates shall be applied to all retail quantities of water as shown by monthly meter readings to have been delivered: (a) Potable water system. 2 Ord. No. 91-0-2 ...... ...., (1) Inside city limits. Monthly Usage (gallons) ~ 2,000 ~alloRs or leoo, minimam....... ....... .... .$5.85 Exceoo of 2,000 ~alloR6, per 1,000 galloRs.......$2.05 Each monthly bill ohall bo reRdorcd for an amouRt of not leso thaR fi.v"e dollars and ei~hty fi7e cento ($5.85) uhich ohall allo\{ tho uoe of t,i'O thouoaRd (2,000) ~allono of ,rotor per mORth. Rate for Bills Rendered On And After Oct.1 Oct.1 Oct.1 1991 1992 1993 June 1 1991 Oct.1 1994 2,000 qallons or less, minimum $6.50 $7.20 $7.90 $8.55 $9.30 Excess of 2,000 qallons, per 1,000 qallons $2.19 $2.34 $2.51 $2.73 $2.96 Each monthly bill shall be rendered for an amount of not less than the minimum bill referred to above in this section which shall allow the use of two thousand (2,000) qallons of water per month, (2) Outside city limits. The charge for water usage outside the city limits shall be in an amount equal to the equivalent rate for corresponding water usage inside the city limits plus a twenty- five (25%) percent surcharge as allowed by applicable state statues. (b) Raw water system outside city limits only. (1) Monthly usage (gallons) ~ 2,000 gallono or minimum.......... .... ..... ..$1.02 Exceoo of 2,000 ~allono, per 1,000 gallono...$ .13 Each mORthly bill ohall be rendered for aR amount of not leoo than one dollar and tuo ccnto ($1.02) uhich ohall allml the uoe of tuo thousand (2,000) qallono of ,m.ter per month. Rate for Bills Rendered On and After Oct.1 Oct.1 Oct.1 1991 1992 1993 June 1 1991 Oct.1 1994 2,000 qallons or less minimum $1.12 $1. 23 $1. 36 $1.49 $1. 64 3 Ord. 91-0-2 '-'" ....., Excess of 2,000 qallons per 1,000 qallons SO.38 SO.39 SO.40 SO.41 SO.43 Each monthly bill shall be rendered for an amount of not less than minimum bill referenced above in this section which shall allow the use of two thousand (2,000) qallons of water per month. Sect. 19-15. Same - Multiple Minimum Charges. (a) !!inimum cftar<Je \fflere meter in13tallation serv-eo more than one equivalent reoidential unit. Each meter inotallation oer7ing more than ORe equi7alent reoidential unit ohall be allolled to uoe tuo thouoand (2,000) qallono per unit per mORth under the minimUHl char<Je of five dollaro and eighty fi~e cento ($5.85) for the firot unit and five dollaro and thirty five cents ($5.35) for each additional unit ser7cd from a single meter inoide the city. All lffiter uDed in excess of tlffi thouoand (2,000) <Jallono per unit per month ohall be at the rate of tuo dollaro and five cento ($2.05) per one thousand (1,000) gallono. ~ Minimum charqe where a sinqle water meter installation serves multi-residential units. A multi-residential unit includes residential dwellinqs of 2 or more units and includes townhouses, apartments, duplexes, condominiums and mobile home parks, all of which are served bv a sinqle water meter. Each meter installation servinq multi-residential units shall be allowed to use two thousand (2,000) qallons per unit per month. The monthly usaqe charqe for potable water inside the city limits for multi- residential units is: For Unit of Billinq Rate for Bills Rendered On And After June 1 Oct.1 Oct.1 Oct.1 Oct.1 1991 1991 1992 1993 1994 S6.50 S7.20 $7.90 $8.55 $9.30 Each Additional Unit Served by a Sinqle Meter $6.00 $6.70 $7.40 S8.05 $8.80 Excess of 2,000 Gallons per unit, per 1,000 Gallons $2.19 $2.34 $2.51 S2.73 $2.96 (c) Commercial rate. Commercial, induotrial and Der7ice accounts shall not be oubject to the multiple minimum charge, 4 Ord. 91-0-2 ...... ....", except aD Bet forth in oubparaqraph (3) belo\1. In lieu of the multiple minimum. (1) Inflido of the city limi to the coHllftercial rate \fill be fi.y.e dollars and eighty fi70 cento ($5.85) for tho firDt t\m thouoand (2,000) qallono concmmed per month and tuo dollaro and fi7e cento ($2.05) por one thouDand (1,000) gallono uoed in onceBS of tuo thouBa:a.d (2,000) gallonD per month. (2) Outoido the city limito, the commercial rate ohall be in an amount equal to the equi......alent rate for correoponding \later uoaqe inoide the city limito pluo a t\lenty fi"'y"'e (25~) percent Durcharge aD alloued by applicable otate otatuteo. ( 3 ) CoHllftorcial, induBtrial or Dery"'ico accou:a.to in areao oerJed by privately O\med \later utilizing the city \mter oYDtem or Der7iceo ohall be Dubject to a minimum chargo for each oeparate cOHlH\ercial unit uhother O\mer or renter occupied or 7acant. .DD.. Non-residential Rate. Commercial, industrial and service accounts shall not be subiect to the multiple minimum charqe, except as set forth in subparaqraph (3) below. In lieu of the multiple minimum: ill Inside of the city limits the non-residential rate will be used under the proposed schedule of charqes: 2,000 Gallons or Less, Minimum Rate for Bills Rendered On And After Oct.1 Oct.1 1991 1992 Oct.1 1993 June 1 1991 $6.50 $7.20 $7.90 $8.55 Oct.1 1994 $9.30 Excess of 2,000 Gallons, Per 1,000 Gallons $2.19 $2.34 $2.51 $2.73 $2.96 III Outside the city limits, the non-residential rate shall be in an amount equal to the equivalent rate for correspondinq water usaqe inside the city limits plus a twenty-five (25%) per- cent surcharqe as allowed by applicable state statutes. ill Non-residential, industrial or service accounts in areas served by privately owned water systems utilizinq the city water system or services shall be subiect to a minimum charqe for each separate non-residential unit whether owner or renter occupied or vacant. 5 Ord. 91-0-2 ',", ~ ...", ARTICLE III. SEWERS Sec. 19-35. Schedule of monthly charges. The following sewer service charges shall be based on water consumption as determined by the monthly water meter readings. (a)(1) Inside city limits Monthly Metered Water Usage (gallons) f::euer rate 2,000 galloRo or leao, minimum.....................$7.2S Exceoo of 2,000 galloRo, per 1,000 gallono.........$2.60 Each monthly bill ohall be rendered for aR amount of Rot leos thaR seven dollars and tventy five ceRto ($7.25). 2,000 qallons or less minimum I Rate for Bills Rendered On and After June 1 Oct.1 Oct.1 Oct.1 Oct.1 1991 1991 1992 1993 1994 $8.10 $8.65 $9.05 $9.55 $9.55 Excess if 2,000 qallons, per 1, 000 qallons $2.65 $2.79 $2.99 $3.18 $3.18 Each monthly bill shall be rendered for an amount of not less than the minimum bill referred to above in this section which shall allow wastewater service of two thousand (2,000) qallons of metered water service per month. f5t ill Outside city limits. Charges outside the city ohall bo iR an amount equal to the equivalent charqe for a correopondiRg connection inoido the eity limito pluo a t\leRty five (2S'e) percent ourcharge aD alloucd by applicable otate otatutes. The charqe for wastewater service outside the ci tv limits shall be in an amount equal to the equivalent rate for corres- pondinq wastewater usaqe inside the city limits plus a twenty-five (25%) percent surcharqe as allowed bv applicable state statutes. (b) Multiple Minimum Charges. (1) ]{inimum oe",ler oerJiee chargee "here "'later meter iRotallation oer.Teo more than ORe equi-y-alent reoideRtial uRit. Each uater meter iRotallatioR oery-ing more thaR one oquivaloRt rooidential unit ohall be chargod a oever oery-ice charge for tvo thouoand (2,000) gallono per uRit per month under the miRimum 6 Ord. 91-0-2 ~ ...., caargc of DC.JCn dollaro and t\lcnty fi.v.c ccnto ($7. 2S) for tac firot unit and C3ix dol larD and oc.v.enty five cento ($6.75) for each additional unit oervod from 0. oingle \mter motor inDido tRO city. All montaly \later metcred iR excess of tuo thousand (2,000) gallono per uRit por month ohall bo char~cd a OO\lcr aorvice charge at the rate of t\ro dollara and aixty centa ($2.60) per one tRouoand (1,000) galloRo. ill Minimum sewer service charqe where a sinqle water meter installation serves multi-residential units. A multi-residential unit includes residential dwellinqs of 2 or more units and includes townhouses, apartments, duplexes, condominiums and mobile home parks, all of which are served by a sinqle water meter. Each meter installation servinq multi-residential units shall be allowed to use two thousand (2,000) qallons per unit per month. The monthly wastewater service charqe based on metered potable water inside the city limits for multi-residential units is: For Unit of Billinq Each Additional Unit Served by a Sinqle Water Meter June 1 1991 $8.10 Rate for Bills Rendered On And After Oct.1 Oct.1 1991 1992 Oct.1 1993 $8.65 $9.05 $9.55 Oct.1 1994 $9.55 $7.60 $8.15 $8.55 $9.05 $9.05 Excess of 2,000 Gallons per 1,000 Gallons $2.65 $2.79 $2.99 $3.18 $3.18 ill Non-residential Rate. Commercial, industrial and service accounts shall not be subiect to the mul tiole minimum charqe, except as set forth in subparaqraph (3) below. In lieu of the multiple minimum: gl Inside of the city limits the non-residential rate will be based on metered water usaqe under the proposed schedule of charqes: 2,000 qallons or less, minimum June 1 1991 $8.10 Rate for Bills Rendered On And After Oct.1 Oct.1 1991 1992 Oct.1 1993 $8.65 $9.05 $9.55 Oct.1 1994 $9.55 7 Ord. 91-0-2 . . ....... ...., Excess of 2,000 qallons, per 1,000 qallons $2.65 $2.79 $2.99 $3.18 $3.18 ill Outside-of-the-citv Monthlv Multiple Minimum Charqe. The outside-of-the-citv month Iv multiple minimum charqe shall be in an amount equal to the equivalent rate for sewer service charqes inside the city limits plus a twenty-five (25%) percent surcharqe as allowed bv applicable state statutes. ~ Non-residential industrial or service accounts in areas served bv private Iv owned wastewater systems utilizinq the city system or services shall be subiect to a minimum charqe for each separate non-residential unit whether owner or renter occupied or vacant. ARTICLE IV. IMPACT FEES FOR MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES EXTENSION Sec. 19-42. Impact fee establishment and fee schedule. (a) For each equivalent residential unit connected to the system: Water service impact fee Sewer service impact fee $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,425.00 $2,425.00 Total for both services (c) For each equivalent residential unit with prior service connected to the sewer system only: Sewer service impact fee $1,000.00 $1,425.00 (9) For each equi7alent reoidential unit connected to the oystem outoide the city: Ra" \lilter oer.rice impact feo.................. .$240.00 19l For all parcels located within Florida Shores for which a special assessment is in effect and beinq levied for the purpose of the construction of a portion of the wastewater system treatment plant, effluent reuse system, and a sanitary sewer collection system, such customers will not be imposed an impact fee for the cost of financinq the extension of the wastewater system. All other wastewater customers connectinq to the wastewater system which are outside of the special assessment area within Florida Shores shall be subiect to the wastewater impact fee. All customers will be responsible for the paYment of the water system 8 Ord. 91-0-2 ", " '- "...,. impact fee. lhl For Each eauivalent residential unit connected to the system outside the city: Raw water service impact fee $240.00 Sec. 19-43. Imposing fee; method of payment. (b) The methods of fee payment are as follows: (1) Water and sewer connection inside city limits. For each E.R.U. constructed, a fee of tuo thouoand dollaro ($2,000.00) two thousand four hundred twenty-five dollars ($2,425.00) will be paid. . . . . ( 3 ) Sewer connection only inside city limits. For each E.R.U. constructed, a fee of one thouoand dollaro ($1,000.00) one thousand four hundred twenty-five dollars ($1,425.00) will be paid. . . i!l Sewer connections within Florida Shores which are pavina a special assessment for the financina of the expansion of the wastewater system shall not pay a wastewater system impact fee. Water connections within the service area beina assessed will pay a water impact fee for each E.R.U. constructed of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) with the purchase of the buildina permit. f4t ~ Water and sewer connection outside city limits. For any water and sewer connection outside the city limits, payment for the impact fee shall be made in full prior to approval of the application for service. t5t iQl When an extension is made... ~ ill The impact fee is comprised of two (2)...... ~ ~ Raw water connection outside city.... SECTION 2: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances and all resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected. 9 Ord. 91-0-2 SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida and approval as provided by law. This Ordinance was introduced by Councilman cones This Ordinance was read on first reading and passed by a vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and approval as provided by law, at a special meeting of said Council held on the 22 day of April , 199 1. The second reading of this Ordinance to be at a Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, to be held on the 6th day of May , 199 1. ROLL CALL VOTE ON ORDINANCE NO. 91-0-2: FIRST READING: SECOND READING: CCO^/UN ILPER�E TWO COUI ILPERSON - ZONE THREE ..... _ -. COUNCILMAN - rE FOUR ATT ST• CITY CL2AK This Ordinance read and adopted on second reading at a ,Qc�u�a� meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and uthenticated this=_da of /�'a.o , 199L. MAYOR Approved for form: 'Interim City Attorney 10 Ord. 91-0-2