06-27-2002 - Special Joint w/Port Orange & New Smyrna Beach SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING
JUNE 27, 2002
was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Edgewater Mayor Donald Schmidt.
Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation — Silent Prayer
Mayor Schmidt asked everyone to introduce themselves. The following
individuals were in attendance, some of whom arrived following the meeting
having been called to order:
Port Orange
Councilman Buzzy Windle
Councilwoman Mary Martin
Councilman Allen Green
Vice Mayor John Jackson
Mayor Dorothy L. Hukill
Kenneth W. Parker, City Manager
Margaret T. Roberts, City Attorney
William A. Cade, Jr., CIA Director
Mike Ertz, Fire Chief
Kenny Burgman, Administration Commander
Glenda Leftwich, Recording Secretary
Councilman James Brown
Mayor Don Schmidt
Kenneth Hooper, City Manager
Tracey Barlow, Fire Chief
New Smyrna Beach
Commissioner Aretha Bell
Commissioner Jim Hathaway
Commissioner Larry Sweet
Commissioner Bill Rogers
Special City Council Meeting Minutes
June 27, 2002
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Mayor James Vandergrifft
Frank Roberts, City Manager
4. Update on CIA
William Cade, Jr., CIA Director, gave a progress report and provided copies of a
summary document regarding the project and elements that brought us to where
we are. Mr. Cade thanked everyone involved in having the vision and courage to
put public safety first and to put local politics aside when they made the decision
to consolidate communications and commit to fiscal resources. Everyone present
is to be commended for their willingness to share governmental authority.
Personnel policies regarding rules and regulations are being released to staff.
Personnel pay and benefits has been an issue and that package has been sent
out. CAD software has been installed and there has been some training on how
to enter data. The process of entering officers, truck numbers, etc. has begun.
Some of the buildings in Edgewater and New Smyrna have been wired so that
data can be entered remotely to the server located in Port Orange. The 10%
audit should be soon. Mr. Cade is in a continual process of trying to build
relationships with some of the other providers. He gave an overview of recent
meetings he has attended. Today he met with the 911 Committee for Volusia
County and explained some of the changes and how 911 calls will be handled.
That Committee has agreed they will change to the national standard and this will
be to ask "where is your emergency" rather than "what is your emergency ". That
will cause the caller to focus on the location of the problem. They will then ask
what number the caller is calling from and then ask them to tell exactly what is
happening. The next step is to complete the customer service guidelines. Those
are formal protocols so that every call for service can be handled consistently for
all participating cities. That will become a standard of performance that everyone
can depend on. That will give a measurable performance standard and can be
evaluated. Work is ongoing with the County regarding radios and that is about
75% complete. The hardware has not physically been moved yet. A plan is
being worked out now to move that incrementally. Along with telephone changes
there have been issues with the Florida Criminal History Information Center to be
resolved. Position descriptions and weekly call review process will be done in
the next couple of weeks. Mr. Cade said they intend to provide to all the
incumbents who wish to join in the consolidate effort a nationally certified training
program during August and September. Mr. Cade is also following up with
vendors closely to be certain they do not keep us waiting for deliveries. CAD is
scheduled to be cut over just after Labor Day. Mr. Hooper asked if we will still
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June 27, 2002
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meet the October 1 schedule. Mr. Cade said if CAD is cut over and the radios
installed it is really a matter of just tweaking.
Mr. Roberts said New Smyrna did the impact bargaining this morning with the
teamsters and it was a very congenial session. It appears that at this point all of
their employees will convert over. There may be two or three who remain with
the City and contract with the CIA because of their pension arrangements.
5. Explore Other Options, Such as First Response and Others as Presented
by City Council
Mr. Parker said one of the items that has been discussed among City Managers
and Fire Chiefs, and preliminarily with Mayors, is the concept of how to integrate
a fire and rescue service between the three cities. Mr. Parker said he has asked
his staff to look at how an integrated system would look. Maps are being worked
on. Probably the first tier responders will not change significantly, meaning the
first units that are the closest within your community. As all cities expand and
come closer together those items may change, i.e., our Fire Station 4 may be
closest to where the new ranch project is being built. In some cases, a New
Smyrna Station may eventually be closer to some of the Stanaki Property in Port
Orange. There would be similar instances between Edgewater and New Smyrna
Beach. Where there will be some overlaps will be what is called second in units
on a fire call whereby it may be closer for a New Smyrna or Port Orange or a
New Smyrna and Edgewater to be the second in on a fire call.
Mike Ertz, Fire Chief, Port Orange, and Ken Burgman, Administrative
Commander, handed out sample color coded maps showing how some of those
items could work. They gave an overview of what is proposed responding to
individual questions raised by those present. Some of the concerns raised by
Council Members included who is in charge on a first due in calf, unified training
for all, zones, bonding, protection of different areas, and how equipment can
effectively be moved around to cover all areas through use of the CAD system.
Chief Ertz said that mutual aid will not change. There will be computers in the
fire engines that will tie back into the CAD system. These should be up and
operating no later than January. Mr. Roberts discussed bonding that has been
approved for a new fire station in New Smyrna.
Mayor Schmidt asked the status of a rough draft of a resolution related to first
response. Mr. Hooper said the City Managers had put that on hold until this
group met. Ms. Roberts said there were several items that need to be clarified
but did not take those steps until they saw what Council's feeling was going to
be. if they wish it to move forward she will do so. Mr. Roberts said they support
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June 27, 2002
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the first response concept. They believe it will provide an enhanced level of
service. They want to talk more about unified training. Mr. Parker pointed out one
of the questions that always comes up in these types of discussions is what doe
each entity bring to the table and how does it impact each others tax payers.
Each of the groups are bringing equity in equipment and personnel to the table.
The equipment is similar in what their capacities are. The people that are on the
units are trained and trained at the same level, there are the same numbers on
the units, same controls, etc. All entities are bringing to the table assets that will
benefit the collective body. Regardless of the number of fire stations that each
City has the system will be collectively strengthened. Mr. Roberts said that New
Smyrna Beach is in the position of being called for first response to more than
one jurisdiction but also stand to benefit from that situation because of having
systems on both sides of them who can first respond if necessary. The
consolidated dispatch will play a strong roll in this situation with regard to being
able to identify assets and their location and personnel. Mr. Roberts feels all
cities should consider the component of the transportation linkages and pay
close attention to this issue so that they will be in a position to be able to move
assets back and forth between the jurisdictions. Regarding unified training, the
City of New Smyrna Beach will be budgeting for their share of a position in this
next budget cycle to develop a training director position. This would be someone
who could oversee all of the training needs for all three of the agencies. This
individual would be responsible for new training, training in labor issues, sexual
harassment, certification, re- certifications, etc. They want to be able to
accomplish the fact that employees are all receiving the same type of training so
that when they are in a position when given a particular situation in another
jurisdiction there is a comparable level of training and experience. Also, they
want to be able to expand abilities to train. City Commissioner Hathaway asked
to what degree, if any, there might be with regard to breakdown with who is in
command on any given call. Mr. Parker said that already occurs when
responding under mutual aide. There has already been some joint training done.
Fire Chief Ertz gave an overview of what has been done in this area. There is a
lot of interaction of this nature now. Mr. Hooper said there is already a great deal
of interaction. In talking to the Chiefs they feel they will work better with this
system. Councilman Jackson does not feel this will be a problem.
Mayor Schmidt asked Chief Barlow to speak regarding the 2 -in 2 -out
requirement. Chief Barlow said it is essentially a state law now. Some cities,
including Edgewater, have applied for a six -month exemption. The law requires
that anytime you have two firefighters enter a structure there have to be two
personnel on the outside to stand buy for safety. He gave an overview of how
these type calls can be covered. Mr. Roberts said there are some exemptions to
the law, i.e., life safety. Mayor Schmidt asked about County staffing for this law.
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Chief Barlow said his experience in working with the County over the years, as
resources become available they address these types of issues with staffing.
Mayor Hukill what the minimum staffing is for the three cities. Chief Barlow said it
varies. Edgewater has two on each apparatus. New Smyrna Beach has some
with two and some with three, and Port Orange maintains a minimum of three.
Mr. Roberts said they are going to three at all stations. Mayor Hukill led a
discussion regarding overtime costs to maintain minimum staffing and the
sharing of true costs. Consensus was additional information can be provided on
this item and it can be re- evaluated at a later date. Mayor Hukill would like to see
it written into the Agreement that this issue can be looked at annually and
readjusted, if appropriate. Mr. Hooper said that would be considered when
deciding where to locate other stations. Mayor Hukill said staff should be able to
map out exactly where calls are coming from. Councilman Green led a
discussion regarding roadway locations and the need for planning. Mr. Hooper
and Mr. Roberts said that the issue of transportation arteries has already been
considered and discussed by City Managers. Mayor Vandergrifft said the issue of
a bypass with Volusia County that would have been a natural link between Port
Orange and New Smyrna Beach has died. This Agency should make an effort to
try to get that issue reconsidered. Councilwoman Martin said she spoke to Mary
Ann Connors regarding that issue and she was totally unaware of it. The School
Board is concerned that the County Council's opinion seems to be that let the
developer develop it since it is all on their land. They are looking at the fact that
the developer to use it does not have to use the same quality and would not
necessarily have to connect. Discussion followed regarding the need to make
certain that all County Council Members had the full information on this issue.
Mayor Hukill asked if this Board should do something jointly. Mr. Roberts said
their City Commission would not be meeting in July. Ms. Roberts said if the City
Council of Port Orange wants to get something done and they were not meeting
she would recommend they delegate the authority to the City Manager, etc., to
develop the resolution.
Mayor Hukill said with regard to the Tri -Data Draft that came out, is there
anything that the City Managers can see that would change the direction this
Agency is headed, and does it also provides the opportunity to begin looking
beyond the cities now involved. Mr. Parker said he has recommended exactly
that to the Port Orange City Council. The Study and other items happening in
the public safety sector presents opportunities for this group to look at how to
form additional partnerships. Mr. Parker recommends that those opportunities be
explored and the issue be discussed at the elected and administrative levels.
One example is Port Orange interconnection with the New Smyrna Beach
Utilities System. Mr. Hooper said there could be a fee established for partners to
come in with an ability to amend. Ms. Roberts said terms will have to be decided
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June 27, 2002
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on. Mayor Hukill's concern is the Tri -Data Study references regional dispatch
centers, which we already have. It would be appropriate for this Agency to be a
model for others. Mr. Roberts agrees this Agency needs to take the lead and sit
down and talk with other jurisdictions. Mr. Hooper said the only problem he sees .
is if the County goes regional, would we receive some revenue rebates. Mr.
Cade said it is good that this Agency was recognized in the Tri -Data Study. The
design of this Agency allows for flexibility.
Mayor Dorothy L.'Hukill
1 2/1/J
K: neth W. Parker, City Manager