March 24, 2011 — Monthly Meeting Minutes
The l'ilarch meeting was held pursuant to public notice at the City of Putt Orange,
City Council Chambers, 1000 City Center Cirde, Port Orange, Florida on March
24, 2011,
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am
A role call was taken with Mayor Allen Green, Commissioners Jack Grasty and
Ted Cooper in attendance. Board Council Margaret Roberts was also present.
The regular minutes of the January meeting were reviewed and accepted with
unanimous approval from the Board.
There were no Public Comments and Correspondence.
There were no comments from the Governing Board Members, City Managers
'yaw and Customer Agency Chiefs.
There was no Committee and Project Reports.
There was no Director's Report.
There was no Attorney's Report
There was no Unfinished Business.
Under New Business Chairman Green stated that we had all met today to trlake
Sure that we got the proper information so that we can make the propef . decision
in regards to consolidating dispatch. Chairman Green also stated that we could
not be driven by the October 1 date, and he wanted to be really dear about that
Also stated was that the Governind Board was willing to work through this and
get the information, and having said that he asked if the County would you like to
speak to that now.
Mr. Cooper said that he would ke to hear the presentation and he welcomed
everyone that attended the meetiiia. He also stated that there had been an awfu,
lot of information . flying around and he . VVaS hOPIng ti3 get a much more tactual
County Manacle( Jim Dinneen 'vs then C;a;led to address the r=ioverniot. r,eatc.1
Mr. Dinneen stated that the consolidation is cur 2 work in progress and that
tne administrative and technical sides were working v‘ntitt k(n; to figure out the
best way to make this transition. VIr. Dinneen stated that every study done has
proven that the most cost effective, safest and the best way to doing this system
are through a consolidated system. It saives money for the tax payers
more cost effective in the long run. The County Council has looked at this for a
long time and what's happened is that the system that we have today is not a
bad system but an evolutionary system. The County Council believed that they
should step up to the plate and make dispatching a county service, which means
they put it under the General Fund, The County currently offers different
opportunities to different cities on a contract basis, and when you're on a contract
basis, you're somewhat limited. The bottom line is that the County has a limited
budget under the General Fund, a declining budget that over the last 3 years is
15 million dollars less. The Sheriff is somewhat limited in what he can offer, so
we handcuffed the Sheriff so to speak, about being able to offer a larger, wider
system. lvAlhat was decided by the County Council was that if consolidation could
happen, we need to get there now. It was decided that the best way to do that
was to work with the different dispatch centers, especially RCC and try to figure
out how we make this transition as smooth as possible. The biggest issues we
have in any consolidation are what happen to the current employees. The
County Manager and the Sheriff has worked on this for a while, and decided that
they wouldn't fill open dispatch positions with the County in the case of
consolidation. Mr.Dinneen stated that if employees of other dispatch centers
could pass the County background check, and if the County can come in iinc with
salaries, these employees would be hirable with the County. Mr. Dinneen stated
that it ivvould take a good '04 of time tco make an orderly transition, so one of tEhe
suggestions that the County thinks is the best is to start the transition hy taking
responsibility for RCC at the end of September. That way, in that period of time
they vvould get to really understand the current employees of RCC.
The County Manager stated that he is very encouraged by the discussions that
he has had with the City Managers. There are two sides though of transition.
One is the technical side, which has to be left up to the technical people, on how
best to transition. There is the administrative side_ which the County Manager
believes there needs to be a formai policy board that relates to consolidation.
The County is the one that ultimately has to be responsible for the consolidation
as they are the ones that have to raise the taxes and be responsible for it. But
on the operational side, you need to have people on an informed basis: to make
sure they can have itiput on h.ow the system runs, so that it makes sense for theti
community. The formal board, as the County Manager sees it, should have slots
built specifically by the community that get dispatch services, so that They ;ivould
have a say on what the operational side of it is Obviously, Mr Dinneen said
they elect to have the Sheriff this So that that formai board would :Eictt.14y
give recommendations through the Sheriff's Ciffi,:e. Nevet forget, that Tri the
chance of another Sheriff being eieuted ns wi ernain a county seri/ice. he
County Manager is looking for suggestions on how the formal policy board would
Now be structured. On the technical side, we ask for, not what we do rod but what
do we think as a group ot communities, would be the best services - vve, ,, can do
through a consolidated system. Mr. Dinneen stated that he received a matrix
from City Manager Barlow and was willing to look at those concerns but what he
really needs is what are everyone's expectations of what ti County (it
After the County looks at the expectations, then they will look at whether or not
They can fit them ..iriider this consolidated system. Mr. Dinneen stated that hft
Council is open to provide the best services possible, The County doesn't want
to limit itself on what they will do or how they will do it under a consolidated
dispatch at this point. The realities of consolidation are the cost. Sometimes
people dispatch things that are not emergency services through the dispatch
center. You may want to continue doing this, but then again, maybe some of
these things can be contracted. if it is thought to be a better way to go. The
County believes that any hopes of doing anything else regionally, has everything
to do with consolidated dispatch service. Once the Council gets the concept of
consolidated dispatch in place, the Council wants to set up as meeting with the
County and all the cities and offer to explain what an independent district is in
regards to Fire Services. That decision would be up to the cities. Mr. Dinneen
also thinks that consolidated dispatch is also crucial to running the ambulance
service. The key to this, is that one should identify where one wants to go, and
the County Council believes that this is their responsibility. There may not be a
cost savings in the first transition year, because there may be some change over
costs, but in the long run, it should be cheaper for citizens, definitely safer
because there would be no handing off of calls. We would like to put into the
model what we don't have today or could make better, that we think we would
like to Jr as a group. This is the cl to do that.
Chairman Green stated that the creation of RCC was proof that we Could WOCK
together and provide the service that was best for our citizens, and we
understand unification, and we have a good working relationship with the
communities and we believe in that cooperation. We are certainly hoping to
consider consolidation and sometimes wish we could have more dialogue before
it got pushed on us like this and there are all the transitional things like quality
service to consider. For the most part, the RCC Board is open, and it's their
responsibility as to what is best for our citizens. But the Board will not accept a
level of service that is less than what we currently have. VVe implemented this
-program because that's what we had to do, to service our communities. ,"\ !on'
as we have open dialogue, as long as we get answers to all the questions we
V'/ will consider. This is not a simple transition, it's a lot more complex
with equipment, etc, as he sees it, and the transition is about 3 -5 - years out
Mr, Grasty agreed and stated that with the fire that occurred the night betore,
everybody was out there fighting that fire. There are no boundaries. 7ight
RCC: is paid through the millage of the cities. }--k, \NW the County ipi?.y
dispatch services, through the millage C 1 1 ungs?
Mr. Dinneen stated that all the 9-1-1 funds collected by the state are used - to fund
dispatch and the (,:oitinty na.s to make ,it) the difference with the Cotioitys
Mr. Grasty stated that he -. the same as Mayor i(.":reen and ‘,.viotild like to see
the bottom line of what this is going cost the cities.
Mr. Dinneen stated that the bottom line is at this time, is that they are opeTi to
looking at what these costs would be. Mr. Dinneen stated that there are some
things that wouldn't be dispatched, such as a building inspection. Thai is not an
emergency. The bottom line is that the Council has to look at how rnuch, and
where the line is drawn on services that should be dispatched. There is no way
that consolidation will cost the cities more money, but it will cost the County
Mr. Grasty stated that he believes the County does a good job of dispatching but
RCC is just as good, and you couldn't find rnuch better, and the officers would tell
you so.
Mr. Dinneen stated that he believes RCC really stepped up to the plate, and he
believes that they do an excellent job.
Alien Green again stated that the Governing Board was open and thinks that
long term, consolidation will occur. That we have obligations to levels of service
but we don't want to be driven, if we're not prepared, to make the right decision.
Commissioner Cooper stated that he was amazed at the letter received by the
cities in December, Mr. Cooper is also ourioeined, though he can look at it as an
opportunity, but he thinks we're also putting the horse before the cart. Right now
discussions are dictating that boards need to be established, to be quite honest.
there needs to be a transition committee now to talk about the issues, to get the
'facts on the table, to be able to present to this committee or to any city what the
costs are, what degrees of services are, can you really handle it, is it a
justification for the new building which is a 27 million dollars expense, But if this
is done wrong, this opportunity will be nothing but a burden on our tax payers
and they'll be paying double taxation for something they are already receiving in
the way of excellent service. What Mr, Cooper would like to see a retraction trorn
the County and the Sheriff's Office to get rid of Einy dates that bia been put forth
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of the negotiating status. Form a transitional committee, get that esablishect ano
iet's start getting with the stats one at a time. There is so much more than
technical., labor and legal obligations and we're not talking about any of that and
i not seeing any future advantages, The County cannot . sell this proposal to
me. When we get a real proposal, let's take a look at it, we are wide open. Mr
Cooper stated that he would like to send a recommendation back to the Count:,
4.w Council recommending that a transition committee be formed asap.
[An Dinneen stated that the process nas aireaoy started en the
administrative side,
Mr. Cooper stated that the Governing !1'J wanted to have a sav in the
Mr. Dinneen stated that it's not about the final destination, it's how yOL1 net there,
and that the County Council will do the right thing. Mr. Dinneen said that not only
is effective and efficient in the long run, but also safer for the citizens.
Mr. Cooper told Mr. Dinneen that we had been running an excellent service for
almost 11 years now, with no problems and it seems that we are offering rnore
services than the County offering us. Mr. Cooper is worried about the operation,
the employees and contractual obligations of RCC. Mr. Cooper stated that he
wants Sheriff Johnson and Director Bubb on the transition committee as special
advisors. Mr, Cooper said that he doesn't see one thing in the proposal that will
save tax payers money.
Mr. Dinneen said that the Board has to tell the County Council what they want,
remembering that the County does not have an unlimited checkbook. Once we
decide to get there, we need to get together to figure out the best way to get
4up, there. We need to lay out the things we'd like to have, and the things we need to
Mr. Cooper agreed with Mr. Dinneen as long as the County was willing to do
away with mandated deadlines and if everything is on the table, we car do this
the right way.
Mr. Dinneen stated that there were two deadlines that could not be ignored. One
is that we always intended to build the communication center and we need to
make sure that we have adequate room, That money is all set aside and the
County is not borrowing money to build it. That building will be built ir ahot 18
months from now. The other thing is, for the Council's sake, the Manager has to
recommend a budget for them. They're decision has to be made as to the cost
of dispatch. Mr. Dinneen is looking for guidance and ideas, because 'ie needs to
bring them back to his COLInCi.
Mi. Cooper said that the cities are up against the same budget deadlines us the
County and we cannot put the horse before the cart, and get back to narcirig a
transitional committee that represents everyone involved RCC, and 6 3i,erific,3
Office need to be very much involved.
Sheriff Johnson addressed Mr. Cooper stating that the committees have aiready
been started which included Mr. Bubb. One ot the things ouqh uo t.he.
meeting was what was ROC looking for.
Mi. Cooper told the Sheriff that we, shouldn't be telling you wnat .dyai it, :oot the
County should be telling us what they're willing to give. The County is the one
who carne to us with the proposal, and the County is doing this a little backwards
Mr. Dinneen started to speak, but Chairman Green stopped him and said that the
County Manager needed to tell us how he wants to approach this. Teli o s
we can be instrumental in creating consolidation. Chairman Green reiterated that
they have to make sure the Governing Board is part of it.
The Sheriff said that the May 1 deadline was to see if you wanted to come on
board on October 1 because it would take the County that long to take care of
all the items, such as the employees, and different things such as run cards for
Board Counsel Margaret Roberts said that it is really important for the County to
know that the RCC staff takes direction from the Governing Board, This Board
has not given them the direction because they have not received what they feel
is a full proposal. RCC is not authorized to spend their resources and time until
the direction is received from the Governing Board. RCC needs the resources
that come from this Board to make it meaningful.
Mr. Dinneen said that as this is difficult issue, he would go to the County Council
ttow about sending out a formal letter to all the cities involved. Mr. Dinneen reiterated
that as long as RCC employees can pass a background check, they have an
nnnnr-ti initv to work for the County
Mr. Cooper said, forget the money issues here right now we're talking about a
life safety issue. If we lose one person because we screw up here today, or
tomorrow the lawsuit wifl far exceed any thin dimes we might have saved. That
is only thing we should be looking at. At this time we still do not have all the
facts, and that should not be. The citizens want us save money, but not at the
cost of someone's life.
The Sheriff said that they have done consolidation before, and ttbiat takes c
lot of
guess work out of it. As for the employees, he understands their worry about the
future. The County needs these employees and wants them. We don't want to
put people in the streets, and all they have to do is pass our background chock
and we will take them and give them 2 chance. The sheriff s that one if the
options would be for the County to work out of the RCC center.
Mr. Cooper asked about redundancy in the system if consolidation is done The
Sheriff said that they are planning on keeping their old center for training, which
will be all set up, and it can be used for special events or training but it will
always be ready to go at a moments notice. The real truth is that the outi
achieve consolidation a lot quicker than you think we can.
Mr. Cooper said that speed is not his priority. Safety is,
Mr. Grasty asked Mr. Dinneen if anything has been cut out of the plans for the
new facility' a S yet, tylr, Dinneen explained 4 .,hat the new L'-''.' will ha.ve the abilit
to expand or contract depending on the circumstances.
Chairman Green said that they need to keep us properly informed with the right
information and discuss the governance board and how its to be applied and
make sure we have all the facts. The employees need to have input on this
transition. But we need to make sure that we do this right.
Director Bubb addressed the Board saying that RCC does not transfer calls, as
has been previously stated by the County. Mr. Bubb stated that they have a
great opportunity in front of us, but are they willing to look at how to consolidate,
as there are many models out there that are even better than RCC and the
Sheriff's Office. Is the County, in the leadership role, willing to take a look at the
current structure of the County?
Mr. Dinneen said that they are going to use the Sheriff's organization to run the
dispatch center.
Mr. Cooper said again, that everything has got to be on the table so that
%ow everyone has the information needed to make any decisions.
Mr. Dinneen said that if the Council believes that's what the communities neeri in
the long run, he's sure they will look at that
Chairman Green had to leave at this time.
Mr. Bubb said that before Mr. Green leaves, was it determined that the October
1st deadline has been waived and that the 9-1-1 lines to RCC would not be shut
off? Mr. Cooper said that he was under the understanding that it was, but to
address Mr. Dinneen. Mr. Dinneen said that he would address that with the
Council and that the budget process was what was driving that date. Mr. Cooper
also stated that the length of time it took to build a building, he thought that in the
eT d it !II 11 take U) to two years to complete the new center. Mr. Cooper
wanted to wait until the center . v:ias complete and then make a seamless
transition and that gives the County Council a little leeway on time, because that
building cannot be completed in six months and there is no sense in upsetting
the operational aspect of the current FCC, if they can't make the move.
The Sheriff said that if you wait the eighteen rnonths to do everything, now you're
jumping into a brand new building, with brand new people and systems. We're
better off transitioning now to make it easier.
The County Manager said that they would look at it, and see what they could do.
Mr. Cooper said that he can't do what he needs to do with his own people in that
time frame, even if the County can.. The County Manager again said that he'll get
back !V the Board.
Board Council Roberts said that she would like to give more direction to Director
Bubb because he's got to know when and how to move forward. Ms. Roberts
said that she heard two things come out this session. One is there needs to be a
designation of someone to serve on a formal committee, which you could choose
today, understanding that the committee is proposed to be formulated by the
County Council. The other thing is the direction to Mr. Bubb, he needs to know
whether to prepare to transition on October 1. Ms. Roberts understands that the
Board wants to study this and needs more information, but the Director needs to
know how to conduct his operation in the next six months. He needs guidance
and permission to proceed as usual until the Board gives him direction on the
transition plan and the timing.
Mr. Cooper said that until Mr. Dinneen gets back with the County Council, we
don't know if we can be that flexible, but we have to have the answers from the
Council. Mr. Cooper thought that all should stay status quo until we get an
answer from the County Council, then we can plan accordingly.
�.. Mr. Parker stated that the Executive Committee of the RCC has met and has
instructed the Director to continue to prepare a budget for the next fiscal year,
because this has to be submitted to this Board in the mon th of May. In reality
we have to move forward regardless of all the other discussions, because of all
the reasons Mr. Dinneen stated. Mr, Parker said that we still have to prepare as
if October 1 RCC going to be fully operational.
Board Council Roberts asked if the Director should schedule special meetings so
that you can be responsive to this matter,
Mr. Cooper said that once he gets direction from the County Council then they
will make an appointment from this Board and at that time they need to start
scheduling the meetings accordingly. Mr. Cooper said to Mr. Parker that though
he is under the same budget constraints as he, he believes that consolidation
cannot be done in six months. Was Mr. Parke! operl to putting uurlsuliclation Into
the next fi r b
n�„� year budget?
Mr. Parker said that when the cities began RCC, from the day that planning
began and the day that it was implemented was one year. Operations n ave not
been discussed with Mr, Dinneen at this time, but there are operational
transitional issues where the County would step in and take over the operational
aspects and transition the software side of the house and all of the dispatcher
�"' operations. There are transitional plans, and these are some of the questions
that many of us would have, is what is that plan. That plan is difficult for the
County and the Sheriff until they determine what levels of service or the scope of
service they're willing to provide. There are a whole variety of transitional items
that can be handled, but the Executive Committee said today, RCC has to run as
if you're going to adopt a budget and going to still be in place.
New Business item number 2 is the renewal of the Director's contract through
September 30, 2010. The current contract expired in February, and the Director
did bring the renewal to the Executive Committee. Typically the contract has
been a three year contract. It was the recommendation of the Executive Board to
extend the contract though 9/30/2010.
Board Council Roberts addressed the Governing Board and said that in light of
the discussion, she would recommend a condition that provides your right to
terminate if your dispatch services are transferred to the County within this year
upon a reasonable notice to the Director and determine what the appropriate
notice would be. Director Bubb stated that the current contract calls for 30 days.
Ms. Roberts said that that was not very much time. Mr. Cooper said that we
need to protect people that are doing a great job. Ms. Roberts asked what notice
do you believe is appropriate in light of the fact that RCC may transfer to the
County. Mr. Cooper said that if this transition happens as outlined here today, he
believes Mr. Bubb expertise and services will be needed to go forward with this
transition to make it happen, and he doesn't believe it could be done in 30 days,
�' so he would ask the Director his thoughts. Ms. Roberts said that is a question
that no one can answer. Mr. Cooper suggested 90 days and Mr. Grasty agreed.
The Director said that it is his understanding that his employment contract would
be extended through September 30, 2011 but with a 90 day notice of termination,
and that everything else would remain the same, including severance.
Mr. Cooper made a motion to approve the contract with changes, and Mr Grasty
seconded it.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m.