99-R-11 ...... .... RESOLUTION NO. 99-R-l1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEW ATER, FLORIDA, DECLARING A PRIMARY ELECTION TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 5, 1999, FROM 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M., AND THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999, FROM 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M.; DECLARING SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 AS THE CLOSING OF VOTERS REGISTRATION BOOKS FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION AND OCTOBER 4, 1999 AS THE CLOSING OF VOTERS REGISTRATION BOOKS FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION; DECLARING AUGUST 23,1999 AT 9:00 A.M. AS THE BEGINNING OF QUALIFYING FOR MAYOR, DISTRICT I, DISTRICT 2, DISTRICT 3 AND DISTRICT 4, WITH QUALIFYING TO END AT NOON ON SEPTEMBER 2,1999; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION WORKERS FOR THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTION BY THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OF VOLUSIA COUNTY; APPROVING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES AND MATERIALS FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS; AND DESIGNATING THE CITY CLERK AND CITY ATTORNEY OR THEIR DESIGNEE TO CANVAS THE ABSENTEE BALLOTS FOR PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS; REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Edgewater desires to maintain the highest standards of adherence to pertinent State election laws and to maintain the highest integrity regarding the administration of local municipal elections; and WHEREAS, in 1995 the Legislature applied the election code to municipalities; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to comply with all requirements stipulated for primary and general elections; and WHEREAS, it behooves the City Council of the City of Edgewater to establish security procedures regulating the issuance, maintenance and completion of absentee ballots in municipal 99-R-ll 1 ~ ~ elections. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida: Section 1. The City of Edgewater declares a primary election to be held on October 5, 1999, from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.; with the general election to beheld on November 2, 1999, from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.. Section 2. The City of Edge water declares September 7, 1999, as the closing of voters registration books for the primary election and October 4, 1999, as the closing of voters registration books for the general election. Section 3. The City of Edgewater declares August 23, 1999 at 9:00 am. as the beginning of qualifying for Mayor, District 1, District 2, District 3, and District 4. Qualifying shall end at noon on September 2, 1999. Section 4. The City of Edgewater hereby provides that the election workers for the October 5, 1999 general election and the November 2, 1999 primary election shall be appointed by the Supervisor of Elections for V olusia County, Florida. Section 5. The City of Edgewater hereby approves execution of the Agreement for Services and Materials for Municipal Elections, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". Section 6. The City ofEdgewater hereby designates the City Clerk and the City Attorney or their designee to canvas the absentee ballots for the primary election to be held on October 4, 1999, and the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. Section 7. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of the established procedures are 2 99-R-ll '-' ...., held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portion of said procedures. Section 8. A copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections by the City Clerk. Section 9. hereby repealed. Section 10. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are After Motion by Councilwoman Lichter and Second by Councihnan Hammond, the vote on this resolution is as follows: Mayor Randy G. Alhnan Councihnan Jim Gornto Councilman Myron F. Hammond Councilman Gary W. Roberts Councilwoman Judy Lichter AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE 99-R-ll 3 O C PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 191h day of July, 1999. 99-R-11 CITY COUNCH, OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, ORIDA By tCQti�, Ran . Allman Mayor APPROVED FOR FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Nikki Cl�n City Attorney ....- ...", AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES AND MATERIALS FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTION Election Name: EDGEWATER PRIMARY Election Date: OCTOBER 5, 1999 Book Closing Date: SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 Qualifying Period: AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 2, 1999 Logic & Accuracy Test: Date: SEPTEMBER 25 Time: 9 : 00 a. m. Poll Worker Training: Date: SEPTEMBER 22 Time: 10: 00 a. m. & 1: 00 p. m. Location: Edqewater Commnn:it:y Center Parties to Agreement: V olusia County Department of Elections (Department) EDGEWATER !CiM 1. Candidate qualifying is responsibility of: (Name) Susan J. Wadsworth Method of qualifying is: application filed (Notice of intention to become a dAnd~date) Verification of signatures on qualifying petitions will be performed by Department at no charge. City to remind qualifiers to get petitions in early or run risk of not having enough signatures by deadline. 2. Department will provide to City one set each of recommended materials for candidate and political committee packets, at no charge. City to notify candidates and political committees of date and time for Logic & Accuracy test. 3. Department will design ballot for City approval and place order for printing. Charge will be $20 per ballot style. 20.00 4. Date ballot information to be provided to Department: SEPTEMBER 2, 1999 5. Date anticipated for proof to be submitted for approval: SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 Page 1 6. Number of bkllots to be o~red: Absentee Ballots: City-wide: 500 Zone 1: Zone 2: Zone 3: Zone 4: Zone 5: Zone 6: ..."., Poll Ballots: City-wide: 9 . 0 0 0 Zone 1: Zone 2: Zone 3: Zone 4: Zone 5: Zone 6: 7. Dates anticipated for ballot deliveries: Absentee Ballots: September 15 Poll Ballots: October 4 8. City responsible for paying for ballot printing and delivery, directly to printer. 9. Department to provide to City a list of eligible voters at no charge. Date for delivery of list: September 15, 1999 10. C'011nty to mail advance notice to overseas electors. Charge of 35 cents per elector if Department mails notices - amount to be added to deposit when notified. ,35.00 11. Ci ty to process requests for absentee ballots. If done by Department, Department's policy for third party pickup will be followed and City will be charged $2.50 per ballot, plus postage, for each ballot processed. Anticipated number of ballots Anticipated postage x 2.50 = x .78 = If City handles Absentees, charge of 21 cents per set of secrecy sleeve/envelopes. No charge for use of Signature Retrieval System for verifying signatures; call in advance to schedule time. Anticipated sets: 500 x .21 = 105:00 12. City Clerk to be issued absentee ballots for in-person voting at City Hall: Yes -2L No Number: City-wide: 500 Zone 1: Zone 2: Zone 3: Zone 4: Zone 5: Zone 6: (5 ) 13. The City to schedule use of polling places. No charge if done by Department from list of county polling places; but, city is responsible for drawing up contracts, having them signed and paying owners of facilities for their use. Page 2 16. 14. Department r~onsible for mailing notices to affecto.Noters if change of polling location becomes necessary. Charge of 25 cents each if done by Department - amount to be added to deposit when notified. 15. Department responsible for scheduling poll workers for training classes and election day assignments. Charge of $1.00 per worker, if Department schedules. City Charter requires list in advance for approval: Yes_ NoL Date: City charter requires Poll Workers to live in precinct where they work: Yes No ----1L Number of Poll Workers (including Deputies) to be assigned: 25 Note: One standby poll worker must be assigned for each precinct. City is responsible for paying salaries and instruction class pay for Poll Workers. 25.00 Department responsible for training poll workers at charge of $20 per precinct. 100.00 17. City is responsible for submitting to Department the names of proposed poll watchers at least two weeks prior to election date for Department to certify and include a list of such with precinct supplies. Deadline date: September 24 18. Department responsible for arranging for transport of equipment to and from polling places, estimated charge to be based on $85 per first precinct at a location, $55 for each additional precinct at same location. If a City winds up running alone, the charges are $105 and $85. 425.00 19. City desires to take part in group advertisement of logic and accuracy test, Canvassing Board meetings and sample ballotnist of polling places, with Department providing ad layout and contracting for advertising. Yes -.K. No _ No charge for Department service; City to deposit pro rata share of advertising cost when notified of amount. Note: Any additional advertising required by .em::.. Charter or state statutes will be responsibility of City. If City prefers to do all advertising, instead of taking part in group ad, Department will provide City with sample ballot at no charge. 20. Canvassing Board members will be: r.ity r.lprk nr npr qesignep- City Attorney or her designee Canvassing Board or its representative will be present for the Logic & Accuracy Test and will convene at 4: OOpIron October 5, 1999 to canvass the absentee ballots. City will certify the election results and file necessary documentation with the proper authorities. Page 3 22. City responsible for payillr"for Department personnel needed fo.tonducting election, estimated charge to be based on $22 per precinct. 110.00 23. City responsible for paying for Department personnel to update voter records after election, charge to be based on $10 per 1,000 registered voters. 24. Temporary branch office charge: 100.00 25. Election Connection charge: 50.00 26. City to deposit by July ~ 30, 1999 a total of $ 970..00 NOTE: AMOUNT OF DEPOSIT IS BASED ON ESTIMATED COSTS. DEP ARTMENT WILL DO EVERYTHING IN ITS POWER TO KEEP COSTS AS LOW AS POSSIBLE AND WILL REFUND TO CITY ANY DEPOSIT MONIES NOT ACTUALLY NEEDED FOR ELECTION PURPOSES. SHOULD UNEXPECTED CIRCUMSTANCES CAUSE COSTS TO RUN HIGHER THAN THE AMOUNT DEPOSITED, CITY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING THE OVERAGE. 27. Special Notes: Signed: Date (for Department) ~~ ^- K nneth R. Beeper City Manager Date ?c)/ ~for City)