92-R-30 'W' """ RESOLUTION NO. 92-R-30 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO SIGN STREET LIGHTING AGREEMENTS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL; REPEALING RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, has made the following determinations: 1. The City has established a policy whereby the City Engineer is responsible for decisions regarding the placement of street lights after a consideration of safety issues, traffic patterns, and a cost/benefit analysis. 2. After a determination is made by the City Engineer regarding the placement of a street light, it is necessary for the City to enter into an agreement with Florida Power and Light Company to implement such a decision. 3. Florida Power and Light Company utilizes a standard form Street Lighting Agreement which has been reviewed by the Ci ty Attorney and approved as to form and correctness. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edgewater: Section 1. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the City Council any Street Lighting Agreement appearing in substantially the same form as attached Exhibit A after funding verification by the Finance Director. Section 2. The City Engineer is directed to furnish one fully executed original of each Street Lighting Agreement to the City Clerk and one fully executed original to the City Attorney. A copy of each fully executed Agreement shall be furnished to the Finance Director. Section 3. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. 92-R-30 1 After Motion by Councilman Mitchum and Second by Councilman Hays, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Mayor Jack H. Hayman, Sr. Aye Councilman Kirk Jones Aye Councilwoman Louise A. Martin Aye Councilman Mike Hays Aye Councilman David L. Mitchum Aye PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 21st day of December, 1992. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA APPROVED FOR FORM & CORRECTNESS: Kr ' to A. Storey City Attorney 92-R-30 2 , ..... .......- '". . ._...........~ ._-,' -.-.- ..... ..... ............+.- """ ~l ^ccounl Numtler: STRUT UGllnNG AGRtF.IU~NT In .ceor"ance wllh Ihe rOllowfn, lerms Ind condllfons, (hereln:!rle,r C1l1ed Ihe Cuslomer), requests on Ihls _ d:Iy 0( . 19--, rrom nORID^ POWER a L101 IT , COMPt\NY (herelnlner allied FPL), I corflO!lllon oraanlzed Ind exislin, under the Ia~~ 0( Ihe S..le 0( AOridl, Ihe rOllaMn. Inslallallon or modiOcat!9n or Slreelllahlln, racllllles It (aeneral boundaries): Iocaled In . Floridl. . (clty,wunty) (I) instillation Ind/or removal of FPL-owned fttcflllles described IS rollows: Ulhll Inslllled Fbture 1)pe \Rhts ~ .. ure Fbture R.llnl (In Lumens) f1 Ins..lled I"lX\we IUlln, (In Lumens) . Kemovea Poles Inslllled Pole Type f1 Ins..ned Poles Removed Pole Type # RemC7ied Conductors Inslllled Conductors Removed _Feel not Under Pavln, _Feel not Unde! Pavlna _Feet Under PlWi, _Feel Under Plvln, (b) ModlllCltlon 10 e."n, rlcUltles other Ihln described abeNe (explain rully): Thll, ror Ind In consldenuJoa or tb. CIO'Yenlnll set I'ortb herein, Ibe plnles bereto CIO'Yenlnt Ind Ivee u rollows: FPL AGREESt I. To instill or mod~ lhe IIr..III,hlln, rlcllllles described Ind ldenlllled lbaYe (hereinafter called the SIreet Ulhlln, SYSlem), rurnish 10 Ihe Customer the electric enerlY nec:7. ror Ih. operation or Ihe Streel U,hlln. System. Ind furnish such olher sel"1Q!S IS Ire spectneclln IhIs Alreement, III In I noe wltb tbe terms or FPL's currently elr<<tlYe streetlllhllnc nile schedule on liIe al Ihe fTorlda Public SerYloe Commission (FPSC) or Iny successfve street IIlhtln, rite schedule Ipproved by the FPSC. TIlE CUSTOMER AGREESI Z. 3. To flIY I conlributlon In Ihe amount or S prior 10 FPL's Inltlalln, lhe requesled Installallon or mocllnallon. To purchase from FPL IU of lbe electric enerl)' used ror Ihe operlllon 0( Ihe Street Ughlln, System. To be responslbfe ror pe)'tn" when due, III bills rendered by FPt pursuant 10 FPl's currenlly elTectlve slreel lIahlln. rite schedule on file II Ihe FPSC or any successive Slreel "lhlln, rale schedule approved by Ihe FPSC, for racllltles Ind semce provided in accordance wllh Ihis alreement. To provlde lceess, nnll pin, Ind, when requested, ,oad Ind sufficlenleasemenlS, sultlble conslrucllon drawlnls shC7Nlnllhe 1000lian or exlslln, Ind proooSed slructures, ldentlftaltlon or III non.FPt underaround rlcllltles .,,;Ihln or near pole or trench localions. and approprllte pl8l1 necessary ror plannln. the deslln and c:ompletlnltlie construction or FPL racllltles issocIated whh the Sueet L1lhlinl Syslem. To perrorm Iny dearln., compactln., relllOY8l of stumps or other Obslructlons Ihlt conOlct wilh ronslructlon, and dralnale of rllhlJ..ol.WlY or easemenll required II)' FPt 10 Iccomrriodlle Ihe Slreel lI,blln, racllltles. 4. 5. 6. IT IS MUTlIALLY AGREED 11IATa 7. ModlllClllons 10 Ihe rlcllltles provided by FPt under Ihls aareemenl, other tMn ror maintenance, may only be mlde IhrOUlh the ellecullon 0( In Iddltlonll slreellllhlln,lareemenl dellnealln,the modifications 10 be Iccompllshed. Modification or FPl Slreel IIlhlinl racllllles Is defined IS the foJloWlnl: I. Ihe Iddlllon 0( slreel II,hlln, recllllles; b. the remCMII 0( slreel lIahlln. facilities: Ind c. tbe removal of street IIlhlln, rlcllltles Ind the replacemenl or such racllltles with new racllitles Indlor additional racilllles, Modmcatlons will be subject 10 Ihe CCSLS Idenllned In FPL's currenlly effective slreet lilhllnl rile schedule on lIIe II Ihe FPSC. or Iny successive schedule approved by the FPSC. . '. ..... ..........', . o. ,t. ) ., '. :: 't' . ......'. .....,' ....... .' :: :' . ,,~::,:, :.::.: " ::: ':.;: . .:: . . ,', 10" '. ,......,. ..... ......: '<', , . ...... ',to',', .... ..".', '.' " ". . '0 'f . ........ .. ....,. ....'...... , '. Exhibit A Page 1 . '" . 8. ~ ~ Fl'L will, Illhe request of the Customer, relocale the streetllghling facilltl~ covered by Ihls Igreemenl, if provided sufficlenl righl. of.WlYS or easemenls 10 do SO. The Cuslomer shall be responsiNe for Ihe paymenl of III COSIS WOclaled wUh Iny such CUSlomer. requesled relocation of FPL streelllahlin, facililles. Paymenl shall be made by Ihe Cuslomer in advance of any reloc::Jlion. FPL may, Itlny lime, substllute ror any lununalre"amp Installed hereunder anolher lumlnalre,bmp which shall be of alleasl equal IIIumlnalln, capaetl)' Ind efficiency. " 9. 10. This ^greemenl shall be for a lerm 0(' lea (10) years from lhe dale of Inltlallon of service, Ind, except IS provided below. shall extend Ihereaner for furl her successive periods of ftve (5) years &om Ihe explrallon 0(' Ihe Inlllal len (10) year lerm or from Ihe explralioa 0(' any extension thereof'. The dale 0(' Inltlallon 0(' seMoe shIll be denned IS Ihe dale Ihe firsl "ghlS are ener,lzed :md billln, begins, aot Ihe dale 0(' Ihis AareemenL This AJreemeDI shaD be enended aUlomalically beyond Ihe Inillll len (10) year term or any extension thereof', unless either plrty shall have Jlven written aotlce 10 the otber of lIS desire 10 lerminate Ihis AareemeDt. The wrinea nollce shaD be by cenilled man and sba.II be Jivea not less tban nloefy (90) days before Ihe expiration 0(' Ihe Initial ten (10) year lerm, or any enensloo ther~ II, 10 the event street lIahUn. l'aetllttes COYeredby this lareemenl are removed, either II the request of the Customer or through termlnallon or breach 0(' this aareement, the Customer shall be responsible for payin, to FPL an Imount equal to Ihe original Installed cost 0(' the factlltles provided by FPL under this agreement less Iny salvtlae value and any depreeialion (based on curren I depreciation rates as approved by the FPSC) plus removal cost. 12. Should the Cuslomer fall to pay any bills due and rendered pursuant to Ihls agreement or olhe,.,.lse fail to perform Ihe obligalions contained In Ihls Agreement, said obll,alloos beln, material and IOlng 10 the essence 0(' this Agreemenl, FPL mlY cesue to supply electric energy or selvice until the Cuslomer has paid Ihe bills due and rendered or has fully cured such olher breach of Ihis Agreement. Any failure of FPL to exercise lIS rlghlS hereunder shall not be a waiver 0(' lIS rlghlS. It Is underslood, however, lhal such dlsc:onllnuance of Ihe supplying 01 electric energy or service shall nOI constilule a brelch oIlhis Agreemenl by FPL, nor shall II relieve the Cuslomer 0(' Ihe obllgallon 10 perform any 0(' the lerms and condlllons 0(' Ihls AJreement. ' 13.. The obllglllon to furnish or purclwe service shall be excused It any lime that ell her party Is prevenled from complyln, wllb Ihis Agreement by Slrlkes, IoekoUIS, IIres, rfots, lets 0(' God, the public enemy, or by cause or causes Dot under Ibe conlrol of tbe party Ihus prevenled from complllnce, Ind FPl shall not have the obllralloD 10 furnish service Ie It Is prevenled from complyln, with this A.reemenl by reason 0(' Iny panlal, lemporlly or enllre shut-dowu of service whlcb, In tbe IOIe opinion of FPL. Is reasonably necessary for the purpose 0(' repalrtn, or mating more emdent aU or Iny part 0(' lIS generalln. or other electrical equipment. 14. 11111 AfrMmlnl aupened.. all prevbaI AJl'eemenu or repres.eDl!uIoDl, ellher Mlnen, oral or othelWlse between Ihe Customer Ind FPL. with respect 10 Ihe l'aetlltles referenced bereln Ind constJlutes Ihe entire AJreemenl bel'll'een the parties. This Atreement does Dot create any righlS or provfde any remedies 10 tblrd panles or create any additional dul)', obllgallon or undertalt.lngs by FPL to Iblrd panles. 15. lbll Aareement 'MII Inur. to lhe benenl of, Ind be blndln. upoa the successors and asslJnS 0(' the Customer Ind FPL 16. This ^areemenl Is subject to FPL's Eleeuic: Tariff, including, but Dot limited to, the (knerll Rules and Re,ulaUons for Eleclric Service and Ihe Rules 0(' lhe FPSC, IS Ibey Ire now written, or IS Ihey may be bereafter revised, Imended or supplemenled, In the eveDI 0(' any conflict between Ibe terms 0(' Ihls Agreement and tbe provisions 0(' tbe FPL Electrle Tariff or the FPSC Rules, the provlslona 0( the Electric TarUr and FPSC Rules shIll conlrol, IS they are now written, or IS Ihey mly be hereafter revised, Imended or supplemenled. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lhe perlles bereby caused this Agreement to be executed In triplicate by thelt duly luthorized represenlallves 10 be effective IS of Ihe day Ind yelr nrst written abc70't. Charles Ind Terms Aec:epted: Cuslomer (Prlnl or type name 0(' Or,lnizallon) FLORJDA POWER a trOUT COMPANY By: Slanature (Authorized Representative) By: (SI.nlture) (Print or type naml) (Print or type name) 11l1e: 11l1e: APPROVED BY: ;', ... Finance .... ....... Diretj~~ .. ..... ..'.... ", .. ....-. ", . t. o .. ... . ..... ., ,': .. .. .................. ':: ':.' "'"; ....... ',',: . ." . . '," ...... " ..... ......... ..... '0 Exhibit A Page 2 .. ,,,", ".. .