08-05-1987 - Joint GEPB/PPB CITY OF EDGEWATER JOINT MEETING POLICE RETIREMENT PLAN BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND GENERAL RETIREMENT PLAN BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1987 COMMUNITY CENTER Mayor Earl Baugh called to order a joint meeting of the Police Retirement Plan Board of Trustees and the General Retirement Plan Board of Trustees, Wednesday, August 5, 1987, 2:20 P.M., in the Community Center. ROLL CALL: Police Retirement Plan Board of Trustees General Retirement Plan Board of Trustees Dan Grisell Present Connie Martinez Present James Inman Present Mayor Earl Baugh Present Larry Jarkovsky Absent Susan Wadsworth Present Wallace Trickey Present David Pettit Present Nancy Shoemaker - Swiney Excused Rev. Harvey Hardin Present Melvin Copeland Absent Also present were Jack Ascherl, Karen Rickelman, Finance Officer and Beverly Kinney, Secretary. Mr. Ascherl stated it was discovered some employees in the Police Plan belonged in the General Plan because they are not officers with arresting powers. The error is being corrected. The exact number of deposits for the year is not available at this time and the annual valuation is delayed. Mr. Ascherl discussed the General Retirement Plan first with the Board and reported the following: Beginning Balance $378,847.00 Deposited 45,122.00 Reinvested 70,147.61 (Rollover) Average Annual Rate of Return 12.55% Total Balance in General Investment Fund $465,191.83 Mr. Ascherl discussed the Police Retirement Plan and reported the following: Beginning Balance $190,728.00 Deposited 21,712.00 Reinvested 35,357.00(Rollover) Average Annual Rate of Return 12.46% Total Balance in General Investment Fund $232,427.00 Mr. Ascherl stated the plans were doing fine and money from the State was continuing to come in as it relates to the Police Retirement Plan. He added there were some potential changes which could be discussed at the next meeting. Mr. Ascherl discussed ways of investing the plans' money such as general investment funds, money markets, bond accounts, common stocks and real estate. Mr. Ascherl asked if there was any further business. Mrs. Martinez asked if there was any information about reducing retirement age. Mr. Ascherl was not prepared to discuss it at this meeting, but would look into years of service versus the employees age. Mr. Inman reminded the Board members to file a financial disclosure form if they had not done so already. Mayor Baugh asked Mrs. Wadsworth to check into the matter and contact those who still needed to file a financial disclosure form. There being no further business to come before the two (2) Boards, Mayor Baugh adjourned the meeting at approximately 3:00 P.M. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Beverly Kinney