04-18-2012 - Special CITY OF EDGEWATER—SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP COMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING April 18 2012 *sr 5:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Kennedy called the School Scholarship Committee meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. 2. ROLL CALL Councilman Justin Kennedy Present Vance Smith Present Mike Kelly Present Also present was City Clerk Bonnie Wenzel. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting—July 6, 2011 MOTION by Mr. Kelly, second by Mr. Smith to approve the minutes of July 6, 2011. MOTION CARRIED 3-0 b. Special Meeting—August 3, 2011 loos,os MOTION by Mr. Kelly, second by Mr. Smith to approve the minutes of August 3, 2011. MOTION CARRIED 3-0 c. Regular Meeting—October 5, 2011 MOTION by Mr. Kelly, second by Mr. Smith to approve the minutes of October 5, 2011. MOTION CARRIED 3-0 d. Special Meeting—November 30,2011 MOTION by Mr. Kelly, second by Mr. Smith to approve the minutes of November 30, 2012. MOTION CARRIED 3-0 e. Regular Meeting—January 11, 2012 MOTION by Mr. Kelly, second by Mr. Smith to approve the minutes of January 11, 2012. MOTION CARRIED 3-0 4. OLD BUSINESS -NONE AT THIS TIME 5. NEW BUSINESS 1 School Scholarship Committee April 18, 2012 a. Board Term Expiration—Mike Kelly(Resident)whose term expired on March 7, 2012 and is seeking reappointment. `'fie MOTION by Mr. Smith, second by Mr. Kelly to recommend City Council reappoint Mike Kelly for a three year term. MOTION CARRIED 3-0 b. Board Term Expiration—Joe Rawlings (Educator) whose term expired on March 7, 2012 and is not seeking reappointment. Chairman Kennedy suggested making changes to the by-laws regarding membership requirements. He asked for a motion to amend the by-laws to read three (3) residents or business owners and two (2) educators. City Clerk Wenzel stated this item would need to be on the agenda prior to making any recommendation to City Council. She stated she would place this item on the next agenda and provide proposed changes for the committee to review. MOTION by Mr. Kelly to appoint Rebecca Porter to a three year term, second by Mr. Smith. MOTION CARRIED 3-0 Mr. Kelly asked if anyone has spoken with the scholarship recipient. Chairman Kennedy stated he met him at the Expo. He added that Diquan approached him and thanked him for the scholarship. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss,the meeting adjourned at 5:12 p.m. Minutes submitted by: tibe Bonnie Wenzel, CMC City Clerk low 2 School Scholarship Committee April 18, 2012