02-03-2010 CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING Minutes February 3, 2010 8:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robert Lott called to order the regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 8:06 a.m., Wednesday, February 3, 2010, in the City Hall conference room. ROLL CALL: Chairman Robert Lott Present Oscar Zeller Present Tim Howard Absent Marcia Barnett Present Bliss Jamison Present Bob Williams Absent Jennifer Butera Absent Chris Balmer Absent Bill Wetherell Present Also present were City Manager Tracey Barlow,City Councilman Ted Cooper,Planning and Zoning Board liaison Pat Card, CEDS Committee Chairman Robert McIntosh, Tom Alcorn, Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Steve Dennis and board coordinator Pat Drosten. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the Regular Meeting of January 6, 2010 were presented for approval. MOTION by Ms.Barnett,SECOND by Mr. Wetherell to approve the Regular Meeting of January 6,2010 minutes as presented: MOTION PASSED 5-0 CITY AND OTHER REPORTS: City Manager Update City Manager Barlow updated the board on the Restoration DRI. He also handed out a list of the Cities 2010 project goals and asked for the boards assistance in achieving several of these goals, including creating a design overlay or Ridgewood Ave and Park Ave., establishment of CRA district(s), establishment of brownfield districts, identification of future truck routes and roadway networks, and developing marketing material and presentations to attract new business. Planning and Zoning Board Update Mr. Card reported that there will be no February Planning and Zoning Board meeting. He also announced that the Volusia County MPO will be holding several Ribbons and Strings workshops and encouraged board members to attend. Much discussion ensued regarding this item. SEVCC Update G:\EDB\minutes\2010\minute2-3-10.reg..doc 1 Mr. Dennis updated the board on many upcoming activities, including a lunch and learn program on February 12 and a ribbon cutting for the Edgewater City Hall complex on February 24. The ParkTowne Business expo to be held on May 15th was also announced. Chairman Lott stated that the City in partnership with the Rotary will be holding a Spring Fling event on March 27-28. This event will be similar to Port Orange Family Days. Mr. Lott then introduced Tom Alcorn who informed the board that he had three (3) clients who had expressed interest in donating/dedicating property along Cow Creek Rd. to the City in an effort to create a right-of-way in conjunction with the Rails to Trails project. At this time Mr. Lott asked Mr. McIntosh to give the board a summary of the Volusia County League of Cities Advisory Board workshop he attended. Handouts from this workshop were previously supplied to the board members via email from the board coordinator. Mr. McIntosh also updated the board on the activities and schedule for the CEDS committee. City Manager Barlow passed around a brochure that was developed by the City of Deltona for marketing purposes. He stated that Ms. Jamison was already working on creating a marketing tool for Edgewater. Ms. Jamison gave a brief summary of her efforts to date. Mrs. Barnett demonstrated the website that has been developed for ParkTowne Industrial Center. Councilman Cooper further discussed the Council goals previously handed out by City Manager Barlow. He went on to speak to the importance of Edgewater being well represented at the MPO Ribbon and Strings workshops. CONTINUED BUSINESS: Business Visitation Program Ms. Jamison visited 3 local businesses and discussed strengths, weaknesses and desires. The responses were similar to previous business input regarding the need for better infrastructure and the desire to move forward without losing the small town charm of the city. Overall,business felt that the city was responsive to their needs,but that more emphasis could be placed on assisting existing small business owners. NEW BUSINESS: None at this time CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Strategic Committee Member—Marcia Barnett—This item was addressed earlier by Mr.McIntosh ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Pat Drosten G:\EDB\minutes\2010\minute2-3-10.reg..doc 2