01-13-1925 - Regular d
JaillWerd 13 ,1925 •
Meeting called to order by Mayor H.W.Mitchell ,with the following
councilmen present; C.6.Ashcraft
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
A bill from fine Dew S,ayrn.a News for supplies ,amounting to twelve
dollars and fifty cents412.501 ,waas presented,approved,and ordered
On a motion duly made ,seconded.and carried the following was adopted
as the order of business dfir all regular meetings of the council.
1 Reading and approval of minutes proceeding regular
meeting and all intervening 'special meetings.
2 Reports of standing committies.
3 Reports of special committies.
4 Communications to the board from the Mayor aaa d others
5 Presentttton of bills ,accoun,ts ,petitions ,etc.
6 Action upon ordinances.
7 Unfinished business.
8 Misceilanious business .
The committ&e on ordinances presented the following which by unanimous
voteof all members present was passed and ordered published for thir/y
days in the New Smyrna News.
Ordinance numbers :
1 Defining the powers and duties of the mayor . _. of
Defining the powers and duties of the council of
3 Declaring the intention of the council of the town
of Edgewater,Pla. to annex a certain unincorporated tract
of land,containing less than ten qualified voters and lying
adjacent to the present territorial limits of the said town
of Edgewater,Fla.
Meeting adjourned.
• �, Clerk