01-04-1927 - Regular MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF TOWN 3OU TC BL OF EDGE'?ATER, HELD JANUARY 4TH 1927 Roll Call: H. E. Zinnerer, Mayor, Present 3. R. Fee, Prest. Absent A. B. Wilkinson, Present 3•H. Lohman, Present T. R. Warren, Present A. R. Patch, Present Called to order at 7:45 pm by H. E. Zipperer, Mayor, in absence of President Fee. Mingtes of previoas meeting were approved as read. COMMUNICATIONS: 3. R. Fee, tendering resignation as President of the council, and as councilman. Mr. E. H. Lohman moved that the communication and resignation be accented. Seconded by Mr. T. R. Warren, and carried. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS; Follo.ring bills were approved by Finance Committee: P. H. 3imnson, $35.90 Warrant #159 M. L. Fuller, 1.45 130 Bond Howell Lbr. Co. 16.54 161 On motion by Mr. A. B. Wilkinson, seconded by , Mr. E. H. Lohman, the bills were ordered paid. REPORTSOF CO MITTEES: There were no committee reports. ORDINANCES: Ordinance number 13 was submitted by Attorney Bass, in --,oniuction with ordinance Committee. Yr. A. R. Patch moved that the ordinance be declared an emergency measure, rules suspended, and passed to it's third and final reading. Seconded by Yr1 E. H. Loiman. Chairman instructed ro :.l call, which was as follows: Mr. A. B. Wilkinson, Yes M^. E. H. Loh-:an, Yes Mr. T. R. Warren, Yes Mr. A. R. Patch, Yes Mr. S. R. Fee, Absent Ordinance *1:3 was therefore passed, and declared in full effect thenceforth. Report or revision of ordinance 012, nroviding for occupational license taxes, was made by ordinance committee. The revision was referred to Attorney Bass, who was instructed to orenare an ordinance in line with the revision, submitting same to next council meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (Records, Tax Collector and Clerk's office ) Clerk reported at length on establishing system of accounts and records for all officers, exhibiting samnles of proposed system; also on equipment for office in VIA Hall. After discussion, Mr. A. B. �jTW� . Wilkinson moved that clerk be authorized to crocure agmipment for office, including desk, cash books, etc. , as outlined, in amount nit to exceed .4;85.00. Seconded by :::r. E. H. Lohman, and carried. ::"r. A. R. Patch moved that special meeting be held Friday, January 7th, at 7:30 pm, in clerk's office, for purpose of aaditing accounts of all officers, and installing system of accounting. Seconded by Mr. T. R. Warren, ani carried. 7771 BTJS IN 33: R. Patch moved t' at .:°r. A. B. Wilkinson be appointed President pro-tem of the Jouncil. Seconded by 7r. E. H. Lohman, and carried. ADJOUR i ` T There appearing no farther business to come before the house, on motion by Mr. A. ,i. Wilkinson, seconded by 71r. A. R. Patch, the body —as adjourned. Clerk. / 64